What if NJW used his Mimic ability, and Imp just misunderstood her night results?
Why do you think this could happen, and what might my results look like if it did?
And yeah, I would have taken the No Lynch over the obvious bandwagon on a new player. If they were still alive today I would have 3 townreads. That's nearly a majority.
Tric seems sideways. Not the same sideways as last game. Something's weird and wrong with
Tric's reasoning.
Why do you townread Max, Hyper, and why did you townread Starver? You sure didn't say you townread him D1 or call him towny in any way - why not?
IF I am telling the truth that Verm did NOT do the kill
You could be telling the truth about your result and were redirected, would you even know your actual target if that happened?
It's also possible that NJW redirected someone to himself, though. I don't think the assumption that NJW would have redirected someone to Imp is necessarily true.
I don't get why NJW'd, based on D1 and his flip, do something else but I sure didn't get to see his target, either of them (since redirect has 2).
Max is hardly playing, total null for me.
Verm still looks like town Verm, I'm about 80% sure he is town.
Jack claims this weird limitation, it's super limited. If we presume nobody's lying, the only people he can inherit from are Starver, me, and any of our 4 unclaimed folks who could have an investigative ability. That's not so limited if all or most of the unclaimed are investigative, only Tric, Verm, and NJW are for sure 'couldn't get a 1-shot from' for him. 10 of us, game likely goes 3+ days, maybe that makes sense, but seems really limited/niche/situational and feels wrong to me. Maybe FoU made a weird-compared-to-others role.
Tric's sideways weird/wrong.
CrystalizedMire is only discussing mech from last night (couldn't target Tric, so modified jail there) and focused on vote pattern from D1 on Starver.
NQT points out that what he said wouldn't happen has happened, focuses on vote patterns on Starver, says will do and say more later today.
Hyper hasn't posted yet today.