So it goes something like this. The circling crows bicker and snarl, fairly jovial in comparison to some other dark days.
Eventually, they come to a conclusion - the one crow who hasn't bothered to screech is silent, and the silent are well known to be liars, traitors, and scum.
Off with their head.No such option is available, so the angry flock settle for the next best thing - the pecking sharpness of their bitter beaks.
"Stay still, and it'll be quick", is the promise, sometimes explicit, sometimes implicit. But it is very hard to stay still when you face the end of your life.
Some scream. Some shout. Some try to fight, in futile rage. Others cry.
Starver does none of these.
The sight of all you screeching crows has sent them into a heart attack!
How merciful, if unintentionally.
Imp (2): TricMagic, NJW2000
Maximum Spin (0):
TricMagic (1): Hyper
NJW2000 (0):
Crystalizedmire (0):
EuchreJack (0):
Starver (4): Maximum Spin, Imp, VermillionSkies, Crystalizedmire
notquitethere (0):
VermillionSkies (2): notquitethere, EuchreJack
Hyper (0):
No Execution (0):
Not Voting (1): Starver
6 to hammer.
Starver has been executed....
The crows peck and flock around their belongings, and discover the harsh, painful truth.
Starver was Town.The spell is broken. The crows remember they are people. They are not a murder, but they have committed one.
Starver was a Frail Detective.Frail Detective (Town)
The burden of knowledge is bone-breaking.
(Auto) Frail: Your body is weak and vulnerable. You cannot be protected from kills.
(Night) Investigate [target]: You piece together clues from your target's surroundings. You learn whether your target attempted to use a kill action this Night.
This tragedy is over, and the people disperse into the night, to catch some rest in their tents, or conduct further plots.
Night 1 has started. Night 1 will end 24 hours from now, at 6:30 PM Central time, Monday, December 23rd.Night 1 may end sooner if all actions are received swiftly.
If you do not wish to act, or cannot act, please send in
No Action. It'll help with my bookkeeping.
As a special note, since it looks like Day 2 will cover the 24th and end on the 25th, several rather notable days, I'll be quite happy to extend Day 2 if it's called for.