First, apologies. I promised a morning revisit, but I was busy (OOC: also, away from the machine where I wanted to grapple with the Discord side-channel, so I might get to accept how it works before I ever needed any dead channel... looks like I also won't bother with an avatar).
Ok, so, I think there were a couple of things asked to respond to, maybe more I might do. But in reverse order:
Starver: apart from Tric, there haven't been any real pressure votes yet. How useful do you find vote pressure in your analyses D1?
Tricky. I know how I feel about PVs against me, but tend to be more stoic. i.e. a causeless vote is just as disputable (whether I'm Town or faking Town. Or even faking-faking Town, if I'm in that kind of position!) so until I get more inkling (perhaps any private knowledge, should I be in a position to get it) I treat a flinging around of these only as future landmines (or petards, for the flinger to be hoist upon), especially not a D1 casus beli upon anyone. Also, if D1 is ever set up as LYLO, the players (all sides) have bigger problems.
That's how treat it as Town, myself. Obviously I would treat it the same (outwardly) if I'm not town, too. Or, in other words, I'm perfectly capable of looking just as scummy whatever my role.
Also, why did you say this:
[1] Which is a bit more than Log(10) and only slightly less than √10.
Yeah, slight error. If I was being analytical, I should be considering Log(9) and √10, with only
one of those now being irrational! (By which I mean, in studying interactions, the absence of (at that time) three whole players from the discussion leaves a big hole in the nominal matrix of information.) And obviously I'm already 'known', so... Or maybe I
should still include me? So I know what to think someone should think that I'm thinking!

In short, was just me being me.
Crystal notice to actually post this game. I know that if you don't post today you won't post tomorrow, and that's terrible.
Agree, at the very least out of general concern. I remember falling out of a game (the last one I played here?) due to hardware failure, and it never really got noted for the longest time.
(Of course, there's bastard roles where this is a requirement, at least at times. I trust it's not that in this case, but always a chance. A "D1 Mute (+Lynchproof?)" balance to a late-game uber-power
might stretch "mostly vanilla", however.)
Anyway, waiting. But still don't expect a 'full house' to lead to any great prognostication.
is 15 hours too long? or still within reasonable doubt of them at least posting first day?
Knowing my own situation (tried to respond from 01:30ish to 02:30ish, this morning, every ten minutes got 504ed, really wanted to finish my response and power down), maybe grant some leeway. Also weekend commitments (planned or otherwise). 24 hours as a baseline, then additional allowances. But not forever, obviously. MercyKill always an option. (Beware the Mute Hammerkiller, though!) ModKill might or might not be (usually not, for balance, or because it
is a Mute role), or call for another replacement. Hopefully it won't get that far. Unless it needs to.
Starver, reasonable enough to wait and see. How about asking someone a question? Like CrystallizedMire, perhaps?
I actually quite like the questions that others are asking. Passive radar, which gives a twofer effect for building up a picture of both parties! Though I'll also waffle on, gladly, for whatever motive. That's just my (mildly contradictive) way. Let's see where it leads us. :p
(group of 
*(group of 8 )
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