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Author Topic: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Game Over: Outplayed  (Read 7165 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #75 on: December 21, 2024, 05:19:21 pm »

What's the most important lesson you've learned for scumhunting?
Finding town is easier and often more directly useful than finding scum: if you manage to get a core of town players who trust one another, then it massively narrows the pool from which you have to pick eliminations.

You've played enough games with TricMagic to see now. Does he have a towntell?

I've played one game where Tric wasn't town.

Lack of aggression may be Tric's scumtell, it sure was why I called him sideways last game.  As town he's often been hecka aggressive, regardless of right or wrong, making sense or not.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #76 on: December 21, 2024, 05:28:22 pm »

Tric's town-tell is being aggressive, yeah.
If he isn't trying to go out in a blaze of glory, he's probably scum.

Imp seems to be... mostly within standard? I haven't played a game with scum-imp, though, so I'm not certain.

So far, I think Starver and Hyper are... okay. Same with Max and NQT, but maybe a little less so for Max.

NJW scumhunts violently, but that might just be how they play.

CM is present! They seem fairly low-energy, even in games where they are here, regardless of alignment.

EJ is in the same place as Max for me, but I think that's just how those two are, for the most part.

also, woops, this turned into a readslist.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2024, 06:15:10 pm »

How likely do you think it is that there's mafia in Tric and Imp?
I don't currently feel like I should have any particular reason to think there is.


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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #78 on: December 21, 2024, 07:51:05 pm »

Thus far, only a few tentative fingers have been pointed. Most everyone else has been occupied breaking open ration packs and setting up tents.

Slowly, the sun turns, and eventually, night will fall. Will you come to a decision before then?

Quote from: Votecount
Imp (1): notquitethere
Maximum Spin (0):
TricMagic (0):
NJW2000 (0):
Crystalizedmire (0):
EuchreJack (0):
Starver (0):
notquitethere (0):
VermillionSkies (0):
Hyper (1): EuchreJack

No Execution (0):

Not Voting (8): Imp, Maximum Spin, TricMagic, NJW2000, Crystalizedmire, Starver, VermillionSkies, Hyper

6 to hammer.

Day 1 will end at Sunday, 6 PM Central time (approximately 23 hours from now), or upon a hammer.
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #79 on: December 21, 2024, 09:52:30 pm »

Not much to read, but got done with moving prep, finished crying, and approached reads as therapy.

Pro-town leans:

Verm:  A little odd for Verm, but this looks like probably town Verm.  Reads look/feel honest, feels close to previous town Verm.  Would like to see move movement towards wincon.

Jack:  Made a claim to be town that inherits from dead town, keep around as backup.  Defends Tric as town-telling.  Hrm, most of the pushing with Max is on Max's side.  I was wrong about this last game, but this could be town Jack.

Hyper:  Exploratory newbie play, comfortable talking about self, no clear wincon movement, this could be town.


Max:  Interesting flavor of Max; stated self as town and asked for time.  Often Max seems to want to be hard to read as any alignment and not careful, this is true as pro-town and anti-town, so probably just Max-flavor-of-moment.  Jokey, some pushing with Jack, some poking at the mod.  No clear wincon movement.

Tric:  Claims miller, 'pretty sure Max is town'.  Poking and playing, fairly low level pokes.  Claims tired; no strong drives.  If scum Tric isn't aggressive, this could be scum Tric, but I want to see more and I'm not sure that aggressiveness is a genuine town-tell of Tric's.

Anti-town leans:

CrystalizedMire:  One post, very focused on Tric's miller claim/ joking about being a miller is townie, thinks Tric's joking about miller claim, and disputes Jack about Tric attacking first person who thinks Tric's town.  Da what.  Need to hear more from Crystalizedmire.

NQT:  Opened with fairly classic play and direct scumhunting, which is not typical NQT, I've seen RVS and some pushing from NQT in past town games, but rarely much driving - but NQT didn't play for almost a year and has had a bunch of life changes since his last played game.  D1 (Vanilla town) and D2 (assigned town role) play in Max's Supernormal, D1 town play in FBYOR 6.  This game looks townie, maybe projected/trying too hard townie compared to last town games where he was more speculative and interacted less, have never played with when anti-town.  Definitely want to see more.

Starver:  Unusual playstyle and new to me - but was in the first Mostly Vanilla Mafia as town and lived to end, that's maybe the last game Starver actually played in here.  Playstyle this game is extremely different, but that last game here was 5 years ago, so playstyle can drift; purereading.  Kinda defensive, quite redirective, does not give clear answers to any question about mafia, but suggests how to use settings for easier posting to Hyper (helpful unrelated to gameplay).  Appears to resist even asking others questions.  No clear wincon movement other than evasiveness.  Anti-town lean.

NJW: Feels careful, which is interesting considering the topic between NQT and NJW about how NJQ thinks it's a towntell to play poorly/scummy.  Is playing now similarly to in Mafia: Net Police, where he was partnered mafia.  NJW was also solo maf in Max's Soviet Mafia (and won), but played pretty townie there, more than this game (partnered affects how NJW plays?  Needs more samples).  Was town in Mafia Heist, opened more probe than chase.  Was town in the first CYOS, definitely probing and talking there, rather mech focused, quite different than this game.  Anti-town lean.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2024, 10:41:52 pm »

Right don't think this is Imp.

As a reminder my role was game was DOMS. Which is related to overworking muscles at the gym. Which I try and do Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It's cold and I worked hard to make up for missing some days last week.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2024, 03:13:09 am »

I'm willing to buy into the NJW wagon, see where it leads.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2024, 06:04:08 am »

CrystallizedMire: what do you think Starver is doing in this post? What do you think of their play so far?

Right don't think this is Imp.
Voting the first person to suggest they might not be town? That at least feels more like town!Imp. Though I guess they did it in Soviet Mafia too as 3p... I'll take a look at some older games.

Paragraphs below are interesting:

This game's totally stress relief even more than normal.  I'm going to give this game all I have, for however long I have.  Someone is D1 elim, I'll be disappointed if I hurt town by being a waste of our D1 elim, but that does sometimes happen.  I'm going to hunt and use my role for however long I have, and if I don't feel like me - I haven't been in this life situation before.

So, I recommend use today as best you can, I will too.  There's the same number of anti-town to find if I'm the elim, and I'll do what I can today to try and help find them, no matter what else happens; will for all the game time I have.

The "If I am today's elim" talk feels a bit more like something scum would say - I think mafia are more often able to imagine themselves as the elim without being indignant. Most town players don't show any level of resignation after being poked, though that varies from player to player.

Yeah, I want to see where this leads.

One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #83 on: December 22, 2024, 10:00:58 am »

((1 of 2: Contribution written just slightly before the 23-hours-to-go mark, but just couldn't get it up here then.))

I realised I missed two(+) questions asked of me
Why do you like the exact questions being asked this game?  Are enough being asked?
I don't dislike them, but it that way. Some of you guys I haven't played with before, and for the rest it's been a long while, and I've not even been spectating. Expecting laser-guided questions from me would be futile, but there's enough *pew pew*ing going on between everyone else to get a good idea. (That includes any inkling I might have that there's playful subversion, naturally.)

We have about 30 hours of play left, baring mod adjustment which is possible but 'a drag on players and mod' per the mod.  Are you/why are you comfortable that the needed info is being asked/answered?
I've always found D1 a bit of a bind, regardless (and N1-starting would just make the day-that-follows only mildly better), so any dissatisfaction I have with it all can be dismissed as minor.

On the other hand, I'm aware that the reads on me are going to be frustrated. Sorry. But I think that's par for me, at this point, with rare exception. When I need to get better information (or disinformation?) out, you'll know. What can I say yet? That I've already decided on whatever I plan to do (assuming I can do anything) on N1?

I'm quite interested in your reads before end of day, and seeing how that intertwines with your contentment of the questions asked/answered.  That's true of everyone, but maybe a little more focused in your case, perhaps because I think waffles are delicious but maybe not a typical addition to a mostly-vanilla-syrup mafia games and I wonder how they help or harm us.
You'll get something well prior to EOD ((n.b. now less well prior, but there's still time)), but it'll be low confidence by me (not that anyone can themselves trust it). So pretty much useless, probably. ;)

Also...  waffles and syrup? Course they go together. (Though I'm probably more used to Bird's Eye Potato Waffles ("...they're wafally versatile..."), being a Brit of a certain age, not a Canadadadian...)

Starver: how do you feel about D1 no eliminations? Are they preferable to a panicked rush in the last few hours?
I take the point that no D1 elimination is no information, but am uncomfortable that aligned groupings can edge the engineering of an elimination of their choice, tactically (even if just as blindly), and then go on to deal with N1 anyway. Town just collectively strikes out blindly, giving the initiative to the other faction(s), and have to out-guess what coordination (or anti-coordination) they were unwitting party to. To this end, I roll with suggested D1 lynches, but you can't expect me to be openly overjoyed (up until the reveal, at least). And either my vote/input won't matter, or it does matter but that's potentially not good for me/my side. D2's usually greener pastures, for me, so long as I'm not more confused (or dead) than before.

'Twould of course be Tragedy Of The Commons if everyone felt that way... But rarely is it so, with so many Lynch First, Puzzle It Out Later types around. ;) So take me that way or don't.

((End semi-paste of first post, intended as of last night. Follow-up for the day so far will be shortly.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2024, 10:37:20 am »

Starver:  Unusual playstyle and new to me - [...] Playstyle this game is extremely different, but that last game here was 5 years ago, so playstyle can drift; purereading.
Rusty, out of practice, perhaps less refined. But I wouldn't argue too much. My read of me isn't flattering. If I didn't know what I know, I'd be unsure. But maybe better than being sure (but probably wrong)...  8)

Ok, anyway, up-to-date and we've got essentially old-bod vs. new-bod on the way to the lynch, as far as i'm concerned. (Ironically, feeling that I'm both types at once, myself!) Like I say, not ecstatic about these things.

Not yet time for a 'definitive' readlist, but what if I said that I'm getting two or three possible groupings on my radar? Mutually exclusive, unfortunately, and vague enough to be entirely illusiary. (Also, two or three is probably an over-estimate.) And it's new-bod plus old-bod (no, not suggesting the same as above), at least as far as my lack of recent experience goes. I think some of this will resolve nicer when we're into D2, though, game-willing. Further comments on D1 may usefully happen.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2024, 11:48:27 am »

Hm. So my options are Imp or NJW?
... I'm going to pick Starver.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2024, 01:18:29 pm »

with around 6 hours left in d1, i’ll offer my thoughts. based on what i’ve read here and observed from other games, a tentative Tric immediately strikes me as contributing less than others, though they are still participating — just a thought
NJW, his focus on pursuing Imp feels overly aggressive to me. perhaps he’s justified and im missing something, but it seems almost disproportionate(?) to the people he could be spreading his attention across.
this is the best colour


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #87 on: December 22, 2024, 01:55:31 pm »

Unofficial Vote Count

Imp (3): notquitethere, TricMagic, NJW2000
Maximum Spin (0):
TricMagic (0):
NJW2000 (2): Imp, Euchrejack
Crystalizedmire (0):
EuchreJack (0):
Starver (1): Maximum Spin
notquitethere (0):
VermillionSkies (0):
Hyper (1): EuchreJack

Don't want to use their vote: VermillionSkies, Crystalizedmire, Hyper

I'm willing to extend Hyper benefit of the doubt here.

Crystalizedmire, on current trajectory, I don't trust at LYLO, let's put pressure on now and see what happens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2024, 02:06:40 pm »

I'm willing to extend Hyper benefit of the doubt here.
this is the best colour


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mostly Vanilla Mafia 4 / Day 1: An Abundance of Suspicion (10 / 10)
« Reply #89 on: December 22, 2024, 02:19:28 pm »

NJW, his focus on pursuing Imp feels overly aggressive to me. perhaps he’s justified and im missing something, but it seems almost disproportionate(?) to the people he could be spreading his attention across.
I mean, I'd like it on the record that this has been a very quiet D1, and I'm not particularly happy with the state of play. I'm gambling on a very slight edge from a small shift in vibes from Imp, because most people haven't given us pressure, content or even many posts, possibly due to forum issues. I do usually complain about long D1 threads... but that's because they've been like 50 pages in some recent games. There's not much to read from here, and I specialise in picking up on small details.

That said, who is it that I could be proportionately spreading my attention towards, regarding scumhunting? Because I've seen one read on Tric from you. If other people have put content out there to merit reads or questions, it'd be worth hearing who.

Crystalizedmire, on current trajectory, I don't trust at LYLO, let's put pressure on now and see what happens.
Honestly, I'd consider an elim if we only get one D1 post out of them.

Hmm... is this the patented NQT "fade into the shadows" D1?

I don't think so. It's not content-heavy, but he's asked some fun questions, risked picking a fight with Imp, and started a late wagon on a lurker. Good NQT.
One wheel short of a wagon
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