"Really shouldn't have trusted me." Hyper fires his gun.
Imp proves to be more cheerful. "No hard feelings!" Imp fires her gun.
Game Over. Imp and Hyper have won!
that’s how i imagined our flairs to be, ha.
aaaaannnnddd…. hooray!
i say this jokingly: ass for making me mafia first game here.GUH
yeah, pretty much.
After, that Max might be mally through end of game.
Hyper, you're awesome. Thank you for making this possible.
i thought there was arsonist.
thanks for the outstanding carry.
Some setup commentary:
-Tric nearly killed Imp! If Hyper hadn't chosen to kidnap Tric, we would have seen scum death on Night 1.
-Tric being a miller has interesting interplay with Hyper's Informed knowledge. Hyper could counter Tric's miller claim by claiming the setup knowledge, or in another scenario, if Tric didn't claim miller, and Hyper fake claimed Cop, and claimed a town result on Tric, he would be caught out.
not sure if tric accidentally tipped their hand there and i subconsciously latched onto it, or i just got lucky. either way, PHEW. tric was almost the goat this game. i actually did discuss claiming cop, but we decided that people would catch onto it quickly if i made a mistake, or people would just see it as scummy to be avoiding as i would have to.
So Imp wins on having a loquacious meta.
Moral: always trust your gut?
word choice is amazing. no, never push the advantage. stay passive and under the radar. only get sussed late game when it doesn’t matter, and you have a teammate who has also flew completely under the radar. best, most reliable win method. just don’t die.
last thoughts unless i think more:
thank you all for this game. very fun, very engaging, nice change of pace. not sure how much of mafia chat you lot are going to read, so i’ll reiterate some important ideas. i generally tend to hop around communities a lot, but im definitely in for the long haul in this here mafia if i have any say about it. i also hope to insert myself into the community and find my niche meta, while getting to know you all, if not in mafia, then in conversations. i know y’all’ve been here for a while, but i genuinely hope i could become one of the people who becomes a person that’s as welcoming and knowledgeable as imp has been to me.
thank you fallacy for the game, very fun setup, albeit different from how i play ‘vanilla’.
thanks to imp, once again, for carry.
and a message to gwg or anyone who knew him, who i once knew years ago. he accidentally introduced me to this forum through his worm dnd game. i stopped knowing him before he started it, but i found a link to it in a chat i was reading through, and got curious. i knew him before he became as he did toward his end.
lastly, i want to experience a bastard game. i know one might not be opened any time in future recent, but does anyone know of a generally short one, like this game? thanks.