This is a hard decision.
NQT picked me to chat with. He started it yesterday (D3, but like 24ish hour ago)
This is not the strategically best decision, I think. If we no-elim D3 and we have a death N3 then NQT could then take his best town pick and report D4 (which would surely happen? We'd have 5 alive? If there's 2 maf they need to equal or exceed other players to win; if we have 3 maf then they're hunting SK to end it, I see no evidence of that).
And Max discussed that with the no-elim idea. We could get NQT's help D4. Except then NQT opened the chat with me. I don't think he's closely reading our thread, he's not even really closely discussing with me. I am showing him screenshots and sure he can read the thread, I just don't think he was.
But I think we SHOULD elim today. Who matters a lot.
Everything is paraphrase of course, quotes are strictly forbidden.
NQT thinks Crystal is probably town, and he thinks Jack should be our elim today. He told me he almost picked Crystal to open the chat with, but he also thinks I'm town and I talk more.
We debated if I should share the chat, he actually showed some concern I might be the elim and he suggested he would, if I reported honestly, show where he hid a message to confirm he was talking to me.
I was concerned the chance he could use his chat D4 might help us pin maf better, since whoever dies if anyone has a story to tell that he could bring to us, but that matters most if we don't elim. I also wanted to see if maf might counter claim the chat, I'm sure no town would lie - town please don't because this could be bad. I swear I have the chat with NQT. And I'm sure I could convince past a counterclaim, and wanted to explore if that would happen. But we're like an hour to EoD and with no likely plan; if honest Hyper currently has to jail Max and Verm already says he plans to block me and right now we're set to kill the protect claim. So there's no value in 'catching someone out' with the chance NQT reveals from deadchat what happened to the N3 dead if any, especially since he can't

N1 NJW redirected Max to Imp.
N2 Tric confirms he was blocked.
That's all the news from deadchat NQT brings.
He wants us to consolidate on Jack, or whatever else we do but JACK is his top scum pick.
NQT was also confused about Jack's claims. I'm not and screenshot to share why I'm not confused about Jack's claims- and NQT said that cleared up what he wanted me to ask Jack about, but he still suspects Jack the most. I asked for more clear reasons and NQT still hasn't explained them. This absolutely sucks because I think this is more likely town Jack than anti-town Jack - but I've
never seen Jack have an anti-town partner past D1. Some of you have.
I actually sus CrystalizedMire the most. I think the odds of 1 or both of CrystalizedMire and Jack being anti-town and able to kill is very high. My next highest sus is Hyper, I really, really, really think Verm is town from his posts and play and I think Max cannot kill if he is anti-town and we must kill maf today. If Max is something like mally we must elim him after getting maf out, and he can't be maf - I'd be dead. But I think those who can kill are extremely likely to be between Jack, CrystalizedMire, and Hyper, 2/3 or 3/3 antitown there and those are our 2/3 or 3/3 able to kill.
But we also can't elim an SK today if there is an SK, because then if maf lands a kill tonight maf wins. We literally elim maf OR catch maf's kill tonight, or maf wins - if we elim non-maf and maf lands a kill, the only way the game continues is if there's an SK (and why does that SK never kill? Dousing? SK are promised more powerful roles because they are alone, it's in the OP. They can hide it, but seriously, if SK where are the deaths?).
So it is vital that both happen, and if we no-elim today and maf land a kill tonight (more targets, more chances to miss the actual kill target, and maf are as glad to kill an SK as they are a mally as they are town - they just need to equal non-maf numbers, that's their bleeping wincon) then we must elim maf D4. And NQT can't help us know the report from any N3 kill.
NQT suspects Verm and Jack are the maf. I am not good with partners but really think Verm is town because this looks and feels like town Verm.
Verm, if you are town, whomever you block tonight is the game deciding factor. If you manage to pick the maf that does the kill, we get more time to solve this.
If Crystal flips maf, we can survive missing a kill. If crystal flips anything else, 100% we need you to do that block, because Crystal won't be there to protect and if Hyper's honest he can only jail Max. So you block that maf that does the kill, or it's game over I think.
You can block me. I tell you right now, I am town and if I was maf I'd just know to have my partner do the kill, if that isn't Crystal who we see flip maf if that happens. I swear to you, being predictable is going to cost us the game. Think. And be as sure you can be that you block the correct person, **especially** if the elim does not flip maf. If we see a maf flip it's not urgent.
If we see a non-maf flip, you are the last chance we have to win. And I'd bet town on you being town.
NQT wouldn't, he thinks you and Jack are teamed. I just want you to pick the best target to block.
Seriously, if I'm maf and we don't flip maf with elim today, my partner can do the kill. I don't need to tell you that as maf. I do desperately need you to know it as town. I can't kill, I haven't killed. And you can block me. If we don't flip maf today, your blocking me ensures town cannot win, because I am not the maf killer. I'm also not SK, I am town. But please for the sake of town, think well. Especially if we elim Crystal and Crystal is not maf. That means there's 2 maf and one is attempting a kill. Even if you're sure I'm maf, then my partner does the kill. If I'm not maf, one of the surviving maf does the kill.
You block that person, if Crystal flips anything but maf, and there is a D4.
Otherwise, if there's a D4, it's because there is for sure an SK. Why no kills yet? Who the flip knows. Douser? Did the SK target the maf kill N1 and N2? Did something weirder happen? I don't think we have an SK.
But omg, VermillionSkies. You are the last hope of town if you are not maf and if we don't flip maf today. Be a genius and find the one person to block that is gonna do the kill, and if not, you're still awesome and precious and I am so glad to play beside you.
Shall we consolidate on Jack? NQT thinks so. I lean weakly towny on Jack but I don't know how he plays with a partner, just that this is a poor match to his solo anti-town lower stress play and a good match for his town high-stress play. I can accept a Jack elim, it's probably the best call. Max thinks so, NQT thinks so.
Shall we elim CrystalizedMire? I don't want to see a not-maf flip there, but she actually is my top scum pick. And all my other top scum picks were town. Which absolutely sucks. I think we should elim between those two, and if Jack would heavily bus under stress, they could be our maf team.
But here we are, less than an hour to go - and NQT still hasn't told me why he thinks it's most likely Jack so I can paraphrase why.