Appeals: Mofu-Mofu Miku: This card is in my opinion overly tuned; this card can give haste to any Summon you immediately play, and can also apparently give any Summon already in play two attacks in the same turn. The main problem is the burst, as if you don’t immediately remove the threat of any Summon (Which is hard since it has 6 health), this is not fun because must-remove threats make the game less fun to play. Another problem is its ability is not worth “4” value points, a 2-cost colored Summon based on what the GM wrote should have about 11 points of stat or value in its card, it already has 7 points. This card is much scarier than a 5/6 statblock Summon because it now makes other Summons get favorable combats and surviving. I think being able to give cards haste/double attacks should be carefully balanced, otherwise aggressive cardplay can happen and imo it’s not fun to play against. I would either increase its cost by 1 or make the buff a +1/+2 or something
Azathoth the Destroyer: This card imo for its mana cost should have a significant effect on gameplay but this Unique is not really that scary, you have to wait for a grueling 10 mana to play this behemoth just to get a single Banish and the Cosmic Portal. Considering this card is balanced by it not being able to block for a long time and the tokens it spawns also not being able to block, it should really be able to banish at least a Second Summon on its ability. It should also be able to ignore Apathy since it’s it supposed to the height of power on what an Eldritch summon should be
Drone Ball: Maybe it's me but for a 0-cost Summon this card scales insanely well, sure on one hand you have to sacrifice your precious 1/1 drones to get your absurd stat ball of a card, but I think this card just scales too much too quickly for too little sacrifice, I think changing it to a +1/+2 Buff per Drone, this will allow the card to still become threatening as a body but it's attack won't scale as rapidly so you aren't taking 10 damage hits (Combine with the fact it can get Haste from Mofu-Mofu Miku...)