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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Alignment - N0  (Read 1863 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Alignment - N0
« Reply #135 on: Today at 11:34:14 am »

Like how Fal misinterprets things in the worst light.

As noted, my win condition needs me to target and/or be targeted by everyone. So today I need to lynch the person who used the Bite action on me. Said action gave me a Wound status, no others. None I know of anyway.

... Not sure the Vampire action would change our win condition. Do want to murder said Vampire before we end up Vampires.

Based on info I have, you become [vampire] modifier start of N1, presuming that is a vampire bite and what I know about [vampire] modifier applies to who bit you and about to apply to you too.

based on my info, there's no change to your wincon.  Based on CM's claims, you are cult-converted to a new wincon; she hasn't said what it is (and I don't know anything about it except what CM has claimed and that our mod told me if my ability that gives [vampire] modifier also changed alignment, that would be bastard and could only happen because of someone else's role making it happen).  So no idea there.  I have no way to prevent your change to [vampire] if that's what's coming, though I could fix the wound in case that's something else (it is likely I presume you are about to go [vampire] and that I have a better night action if I am alive to act N1).  If you were already undead status, no [Vampire] for you from that bite, and you probably do need me to treat the wound.  Given CM in play, not sure how you want to handle that, if you even do.

Tric, you haven't targeted Verm yet, right?  Why are you voting Verm?  Are you that sure someone brings him back to life, or why don't you expect to lose if he is elim today?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Alignment - N0
« Reply #136 on: Today at 11:42:38 am »

Mostly just not bothering to take it off this early given Crystal can't even vote today. Unvote.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Alignment - N0
« Reply #137 on: Today at 12:03:54 pm »

You should know, who runs this town~ It's the dragon~~ who wears the crown~~~ Learn this Imp Kid better run and hide~ Tried to keep Skies alive now go and now you're gonna die. Take the train, next day no actions made. Stick a hand in a jar and you're gonna get fried~ I'm switching tracks, going on the attack~ gonna take what's mine and ride down the line~~ I'm the dragon~ And I know what's mine~ I sing to thee~ those who can't escape~ those already caught in~ diamonds in my wake so learn this Imp Kid~ You're gonna die~

Oh, hey, Tric.

Sorry, didn't process this in my zeal over stuff that matters for my wincon.

Yes, I stated I was open to Verm being able to act last night.  Didn't think he'd die if he could act, if that's what you're implying, though sure, he could, maybe anyone could (well, I had protection).

If you need me dead, K.  I explicitly lose if I'm the last alive, and I can win while dead.  While I live, I will help as many players as I can, though some wincons are harder for me to work with (CM might be the hardest?  If someone needs me to lose, that would be the hardest).  If I'm alive, I'm probably open to bringing someone back from the dead.  It's a 1-shot night action for me; gives them the undead status and nothing else other than they're alive again.  From what I know, that doesn't convert their alignment or give them any of the cool powers that CM seems to claim all undead status folks get; maybe there's some other player that would uplift them in that way, I have no idea)

I'm currently wounded and I can try to fix that, but my energy's probably better spent on working on more monster status gains; since that's what I need for my wincon and even if I save myself from another wound (second is usually fatal) I still might be the next-day elim.  Hard call; waste time and resource on prolonging my life (I already delayed last night out of respect and genuine cooperation towards 'who wins' between CM and her claimed cult; if CM had, say, killed or cured her cultist in a way that prevented conversion of anyone else, so CM won last night - then I don't want to make a new undead last night because then CM isn't resolved and all these struggles continue - and I'm happy to ally with the undead, most or all of them probably have monster status, big win for me if they do and spread it, or I can work to win around CM's needs).

But if you want me dead I'm probably an easy kill, and I'm probably not gonna fight death too hard, because I have reasons to try to do other things.  Being active in play is cool.  I can't bring myself back from the dead and I'm cool with coming back from the dead if someone makes that happen.

Do you still want me dead, dude?  And have a way to make it happen?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Alignment - N0
« Reply #138 on: Today at 12:30:59 pm »

Yeah I don't care about this.

Tric chose not to target me in the night, I guess. You guys can give him another chance if you want but I'm good with exiting the game now, personally.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bring Your Own Alignment - N0
« Reply #139 on: Today at 01:30:13 pm »

Yeah I don't care about this.

Tric chose not to target me in the night, I guess. You guys can give him another chance if you want but I'm good with exiting the game now, personally.

Cool.  Presuming voting 'yes' means Max wins.

Max's win D1 would force Verm to lose D1.

Even if Tric targeted Max N0, Verm losing D1 forces Tric to lose, because unless Tric can target Verm during the day and has before Verm loses, or Tric lied about his wincon, this would make Tric lose, I think.

Someone bit Tric, it's certainly not Verm (nothing I know about [vampire] modifier would allow a player with it to act through being unable to act; Verm said he can't eat candy and I didn't give Verm candy to allow to act when prevented from acting... it has to be eaten at night to work... he couldn't act to eat it N0.... I don't think Verm has an ability that let him act despite being impossible to act or act upon.... though my candy arguably might let someone work through that block if they had a way to eat it before night, but they'd get it end of day.... if Verm started play with that ability that my candy gives, he maybe could have acted last night - otherwise that dude has targeted nobody at all).

If Max is our vamp who bit Tric, he probably doesn't win on 'yes' vote.  If we lose Max to a win and both Tric and Verm to loss, we probably keep CM and whomever the undead/vampire is (still not me, but I'll die to keep monster(s) in play, sure.  Be confused and go for me while those I need to live do their thing that appears likely to help my win too - you had your chance to find the right target presuming you could kill them.  I don't know who it is.  I cheer them on but I support the winner, not the loser.  I think the undead is winning).

So, I think CM+ stays in play if Max wins and Tric+Verm loses, I don't think all undead are between Max/Tric/Verm (but they could be).  So I don't think I can possibly instalose when I vote 'yes' with Max, even if nobody else does and if 2 votes is enough to 'elim yes'.

If only Max and I vote 'yes', Tric and Verm can easily tie the vote to prevent their loss; it's a no-elim if we just tie at 2 votes each.  Anyone else can vote anything they please I think; I did agree to vote 'yes' with Max and I'd like to do that, but I am partial to that being unable to empower Max to win just yet, without breaking my choice to vote to help him.  This is all in others' hands, to me - I support the winner.  If Max would win the yes vote today, I give it to him.  But I think others should stop that from working today (but let's help Max win soon, unless that would ruin your wincon).

Can we please, if we don't Yes vote Max today, start to convert Verm so he doesn't as certainly have to lose (if the vamp thing does convert alignment, I presume since CM claims it does, save Verm from loss, vamp(s)/whatever(s) culty?)  I think there's a few ways to help prevent CM from protecting anyone from that conversion.  No idea how trusting or informative anyone wants to be, and I'm just not sure if my N1 action ideally attempts to:

1) preserve my own life or
2) attempts to give [vampire] to CM (but she might be immune) or
3) attempts to give [vampire] to Verm.  My way to give that takes effect start of D2, but I'd prevent poor Verm from acting again if I give it to him - and maybe CM can interfere if she's allowed to act.  Sadly, I didn't have enough candy to offer one to CM, so she can be prevented from acting by anyone who took a candy I offered, if anyone happened to (unless she has some other powers/defenses I don't know about to get around how she can otherwise be stopped).

But CM maybe can kill/wound and maybe can prevent undead conversions, so maybe CM shouldn't be free to act on a night when so many players are at risk.

But if [vampire] modifier means alignment conversion thanks to someone other than me - that would save Verm start of D2 if I use my 1-shot on him N1.  So we can then vote 'yes' for Max' Tric went [vamp] and maybe alignment conversion N1, Verm changes D2 if what everyone said is true and if CM can't prevent it (someone who can stop CM please do so?).

If I'm alive D2, I still commit to voting 'yes' with Max, if he's still here and wants that.  If I'm already dead I ask someone else help him if you're willing and it won't ruin your wincon to do so.  I haven't done anything to give him a monster status; if he wins I can ignore that entirely.  If anyone else needs help to be able to win.... speak up?

CM, I'm just not sure how to help you.  I hope you discuss your ideas.  You're free to murderize me if you can.  I swear:

1) As of right now, I don't have the [vampire] modifier or the undead status.
2) I don't want you to lose, but converting you might be the only chance you have to win if you can be converted.
3) I'm pretty sure killing me does NOTHING to stop the cult.  I could not have died N0.  I could not have been elim D0.  I willingly didn't create any undead status N0.  You can kill me (if you can) N1 or maybe get me elim D1 (by persuading other voters, I suppose), but that leaves your actual target(s) this cult or just the status/modifier folks free in play to do whatever.

And important to me:

4) I can't win until you (like everyone else alive in play) has the monster status or is out of play while others with that status are still in play (regardless of whatever happens to me).  Since I couldn't or didn't give you candy (which you might have refused to eat, useless for me if you don't) I need you wounded while I'm alive to fix it, or I need you to win/lose/die, or I need you to gain [vampire] with all the other changes and benefits (one is monster status).  There's other ways could work too, but those are the likely paths.

All those options are equally good to me, except 'you win' seems out of reach, so I think that direction has flown.  I don't want you dead today (would force others to lose; it's hopefully not needed).  So, if you wanna talk about how we can ensure you win without unlikely or impossible things happening, I'm eager to hear.
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