TURNTURNTURNTurn 2You're really starting to get the hang of this whole collecting supplies thing. Nets a swinging, Binoculars a-peering, you notice a critter has approached Crystalizedmire, curious about what they're doing with those butterflies.
Hello there little
Earth Slime!Brewer bob finds some supplies: Butterfly Net, Binoculars, Flute!
RoseHeart pets a random Cat Godling! Pets: VermillionSkies this turn. It's so satisfying VermillionSkies receives 1x Strawberry!
VermillionSkies finds some supplies: Butterfly Net, Binoculars, Binoculars!
Imp finds some supplies: Butterfly Net, Flute, Flute!
Crystalizedmire finds some supplies: Butterfly Net, Binoculars, Flute!
Brewer bob brings down their Butterfly Net on a Red Butterfly! Yipee! They also find a Yellow Butterfly and a Blue Butterfly!
VermillionSkies swings their Butterfly Net around in a wide arc in their brand new space. You catch a Red Butterfly, a Blue Butterfly, and a Yellow Butterfly! The trifecta!
Imp uses their Butterfly Net. You catch 3x Yellow Butterflies, because you are filled with sunshine probably!
Crystalizedmire looks through the Binoculars. Aha! A brand new space waiting for a cat to claim it. You also see a Yellow Butterfly!
Crystalizedmire combines a Yellow and Blue butterfly to make a brand new Green Butterfly! The world remembers.
4 / 25 Space Claimed
0 Critters
1 Wild Earth Slime is visiting
ActionsYou can always do this thing at the start of every turn:[] Collect Supplies
You can use one tool per turn:[] Use Butterfly Net
[] Use Binoculars (Specify North/South/East/West]
Uh oh! Can't use a flute this turn until you have
5 Butterflies in your inventory.
You can do this infinitely, but it uses up your inventory. Do multiple combinations on a new line:
Collect Supplies!
Use Butterfly Net!
Combine Red and Blue Butterfly
Combine Yellow and Blue Butterfly
[] Combine Butterflies [COLOR and COLOR]
You can do this infinitely with other players:
[] Trade