The local village girl Tim starts a Fire. Die Rats!
(4) Never again will Old Man John complain of rats skittering around in the attic! Or having an attic. Or having a house.
Firestarting Lv. 1!]
Study poetry
(2) To study poetry, Crystal would first have to acquire a book of it; alas, this is well beyond a mere peasant's budget.
Craft a hula hoop.
(5) The design comes to Bridges in a flash of inspiration! Entertaining, healthy, sporty: a multifunctional ring for all ages! The work is finished in an afternoon. He takes it for a spin, blacks out, and wakes up the next morning, exhausted but very fit.
Woodworking Lv. 1!]
Athletics Lv. 1!]
Learn to play the lute.
(1) What follows soon comes to be known as the Ballad Incident. Nobody speaks of what happened, but C.C. is never allowed to hold an instrument again.
Music Lv. -1!]
Enter a fey mood taking over a random workshop and demand random items.
(4) Out of a mix of pity and desire to get him out of his makeshift barricade as soon as possible, the Mason's Guild passes Mario several tons of unworked stone and some of its less attractive sculptures.
Begging Lv. 1!]
Study ancient books of magic most foul within the local library
(5) Mega isn't sure why the Lesser Necronomicon is just hanging out on the shelves of this podunk village, but it sure is.
Dark Magic Lv. 2!]
Vamp: Drain a living being of their vital force.]
Curse: Until the curse is lifted, nothing good can happen to the victim.]
Go find some trees to punch!
(6) Zultan's fists of fury reduce the first tree TO DUST! Wait, you can't make anything out of dust; let's try again. Zultan's fists of gentility reduce a second tree to SLIGHTLY COARSER DUST! Hold on, maybe he's got something better than crafting going on...
Iron Fist Lv. 2!]
Become a brewer's apprentice. We can fix the beer issue at least!
(3) The brewer isn't taking apprentices at the moment but he might change his mind if an applicant brings him some kind of inspiring and original concoction.
A_Curious_Cat: Music Lv. -1 [0/-2]
Crystalizedmire: Zilch
Imp: Nada
King Zultan: Iron Fist Lv. 2 [0/3]
Megam0nkey: Dark Magic Lv. 2 [0/3] | Vamp, Curse
MonkeyMarkMario: Begging Lv. 1 [0/2] | Assorted Rocks
Tim: Firestarting Lv. 1 [0/2]
ZBridges: Athletics Lv. 1 [0/2], Woodworking Lv. 1 [0/2] | Hula Hoop