This is interesting.
So, 4maskwolf and FoU claim nearly identical roles, in terms of locked until deaths happen. (PPE, and Vermilion shares info about something death-locked he also has).
I was unable to perform any action on either of those nights due to the mechanics of my role.
I will also probably be unable to perform an action on Night 3 due to the mechanics of my role.
I wonder why FoU claims likely inability to act N3 as well, and if that also likely affects 4mask - PPE --- Oh! FoU needs 2+ deaths to function. Wow, FoU must be very powerful to be that locked.
Re 4mask claiming the tracking;
Track is one of the possible things my 1-shot can give. I wanted you to state it because I have a mafia inspect on you and figure if you're not solo maf and not a miller, then your team knows that I can give whatever you got; why not share with the class; if you claimed something I cannot give that helps give me more info that maybe I didn't inspect YOU and gotta find someone else, or maybe you're trying to go around and hide what you got - your answer seems honest and I'm not hunting someone else I think I actually inspected, I think I did inspect you.
Are those colors indicative of your wolf and town reads? Because your wolf reads being entirely AFKs and Mater is NAGL.
No, I'm quite verbose about my reads, and quite unclear about who I may inspect next. The orange are folks possible at that point to have actually been who I inspected because they hadn't said enough to say if they'd gotten the action from me (While 4mask was my target redirects are possible, as are duplicates and other weirder things; AP was 'among the counted' as of N2 but the red inspect is N1, if I inspected AP N1 he wasn't 'counted' yet and I can't confirm that/get the extra info) and as of D3 there probably isn't enough info for a baddie to wanna say they didn't get my 1-shot even if they did. Since I have a mafia inspect result, I want to be very sure of who I actually inspected. I presume wherever the 1-shot ends up is also where my inspect very probably ended up, and want to be very sure (randomizers if you exist please leave me alone

). Also, if there's no need for me to claim my ability, let's not. I tried to give you and the whole thread loads of time; if I can understand my result in a way that makes it clear I probably don't have a real mafia hit for any reason, it's not time to claim for me.
At the time I claimed, I was very afraid of the thread just moving on and hammering/getting bored and hammering/actions used that might end day early/stuff I can't even imagine, and waited a loooooong-feeling time with you having just made 1 post and my making the equivalent of hints that I knew the alignment of the other person who got a 1-shot from me. So it seemed time because of everything going on.
First of all, why are you not voting me if this is the case.
But I actually believe you because I know my role, and I'm kicking myself for not claiming the absolutely bizarre alignment fuckery that is my role, I assumed it wouldn't be relevant until I had a chance to act at which point it would be more useful to the town. Because now my claim is going to, at best, cause chaos.
I start the game as a miller and what alignment I peek as changes based on who I target with my day action or any night actions I gain with it. My day action only works on dead players so I have not gotten a chance to use it, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't work with outside gifted actions so unfortunately I can't be inspected right now to determine juicebox's alignment.
I am not voting at this time because I'm not ready for the day to end. I am concerned about hammers and concerned that there's other evil folks even if you are evil, maybe multiples, all of whom might be VERY happy for their own independent or not reasons to hammer someone with a reasonably towny reason to be hammered. I'm also aware despite my inspect result, you COULD be something other than mafia, and I want that info, along with loads more info. Even with the red on you, I'm scared AP could be an arsonist, there could be other problems to solve especially if we can potentially pin you with a roleblock or something, should we decide to. All that requires more time to talk.
But if you live and are able to target me with anything non-lethal (while I'm alive, I can't act after death of my own abilities), I specifically invite you to target me should you choose, I'd be interested in inspecting you again and seeing how that result compares once you're 'among the counted'. That said, that's pretty low priority for me, I want to find anti-town and if we're letting you live and not pinning you, apparently we think you're not a problem and I need to find anti-town more than I need to check out interesting puzzles.And that by no means reduces Max's own scumminess. There's enough redirects floating around that it could easily be a result of someone else, plastered over 4mask's face.
FoU, that's why I paired giving the 1-shot to my inspect target. Redirect 1, redirect both. Whoever got the fruit, very likely I got their inspect result as well. I targeted 4maskwolf for both actions; 4maskwolf claimed getting the 1-shot, nobody else claimed a 1-shot gain N1 that could match (Max's is claimed by TricMagic and from details they've mentioned, doesn't sound like it could be what I can give; I think I have 4mask's inspect result)
I submitted an incredibly SK-themed role, for your information. So naturally I got Town as my alignment. My luck is apparently willing to make exceptions to me being always scum whenever it's ironic enough.
As per Beginner BYOR 2.
Once Lidku flipped I guess none of us considered he would have been bold enough to crane his scumbuddy first, huh?
Fallacy should've known, he's been scum with me before. 
You assume I know how to play town.
This was my first town game in forever. I doubt I'll be town again unless I submit a similarly ironic role next time, unfortunately.
Which isn't how probability is supposed to work, but you know, this is the first time I've been town in a webadict game in years, so I think I'm allowed to say that probability is biased against me being town.
Hey, for what it's worth, remember you said yes when I asked if I might try to do something about that, right?
grins Then I went off and was maf a bit more than 50% of the time in my first 13 turbos at MU, practiced ensuring I could find normal probability again (yes) then was maf 4/5 games in a row, the not-maf game being here and a very deadly survivor; almost maf

I "made friends with your 'friend'", I want to keep it with me, you should be 'free' now, and I know how to request probability manipulation or not from it.
Since we're playing a make-believe game, I can talk about stuff like that, freely inside of make believe, right?

It's all lies or pretend, and people in disguise can speak freely, yeah?
But I think you get to enjoy normal probability from here on out, and I get to negotiate before I rand (which I now know how to do, and won't cheat because I'm done verifying so now it would be cheating), or I can enjoy being scum a lot. I like stuff like this, it's cool, I asked you for your consent to get involved knowing what might result

It has other advantages for me, totally not game-related. And of course I'm totally lying about all of this, because stuff like this can't be real (my rand record since you said yes is viewable by anyone, but coincidence can explain it for you and me both) but hey, it's worth talking about sometimes, like any other make believe.
Alright mostly caught up now.
I'm utterly baffled by the way Imp played that reveal.
Why would you assume I was "hiding saying shit shit shit", how was I supposed to know I was peeked. The only information I got given was that I received a one-shot track. Which you should know, it's your role.
Why, the moment I claimed I received the one-shot on N1, did you not just claim your peek. I've already given the mechanical confirmation that was needed, there's no need to slow role the reveal, it doesn't really benefit anyone.
Like the bizarre timing and accusations around the claim feel like a wolf rolepeeked me, saw I was a miller N1, and wasn't sure if they should go for the kill until I was afk for several days.
You have an interesting interpretation of my behavior.
So, I expected (and still expect) you to play. You could be busy; we went into weekend.
Your 1st post today seemed pretty different from the other posts you made D1. I asked and asked and checked and hoped. You think I wanna claim inspect if you're even maybe not actually maf? Why are you seeing/claiming 'Imp must be evil intentioned' instead of seeing a player that wants to find evil and if you're not it doesn't want to reveal what they are and how they've been hunting for evil?
If I'm evil intentioned, why would I set it up this way, why do you think I think you and exactly you need to die? I clearly have a VERY intricate and multifaceted set of role abilities if my wincon's 'elim 4maskwolf' But if I'm evil, any town would do, and it's not best for me to claim cop there, there's other ways to do it, and clearly NONE of the suspected folk are acceptable to me, PLUS from D3 I'm ready to have my supposed 'red' flips all flip green, or I'm cool with you flippin' whatever you do then I just call everyone else green, I guess?
Not sure what you think I'm doin', you're thinking weird to even think that early in, to my thoughts. So I wonder if you are indeed scum going 'umm, so!', maybe totally honest about your out-of-game situation, sorry for that, I have kinda similar and this game just lucked out to get me cosy with wanting to focus on it.
I took days to get to that 'Okay, so, 4mask is hiding scum?' because that does match the pattern. I'm not used to you not posting for multiple real life days of game time, for all this is a VERY long D3 in terms of real life hours. Could the fact you fear a red inspect on you, paired to getting the ability, and my statements about Vermilion who also got an ability probably from me being a problem to you? I thought maybe so. It's a maybe; I only know mech.
I struggle to see how non-evil you could think my reveal seems scummy. I don't look like a cop hoping to only reveal if I really had a good reason to, and really needed to, to you why?
If I understand the mech correctly exactly one of Vermillion or Oliverz is a wolf.
According to my understanding Imp's ability revealed to three people that they had all targeted Imp N1. One claimed a fruit vendor ability that was confirmed by Imp, one claimed bulletproof bodyguard who knows when they get hit, and one vagueposted an investigative claim.
So it's Oliverz or Vermillion who's a wolf, and it all comes down to whether your trust the claim of bulletproof aware bodyguard.
If Oliverz is a wolf AP is never paired with him off that as well I'm pretty sure. You don't fruit vend the NK target.
Adding to this, Vermilion is a green town inspect to me, and he's 'among the counted' so there's extra mech going on. It's possible I could be fooled, but I got extra info I am not discussing. He got my 1-shot, I got extra info too, and I'm quite sure I inspected him, not anyone else. It's 100% certain I inspected 1 of the 'counted' for sure, and it's a reasonable match to his claims/not a match to the other 'counted'/cannot be someone 'uncounted' and if it matches one of the 'counted not-him' they need to talk a lot more/I will find out as I continue to investigate among the 'counted', whenever that is.
4mask, I'm scared AP's joke could be part of something like being doused. What do you think about my concern there, should I be aware that could be going on, why or why not?
Also, why does one of them have to be a wolf, what's your understanding of the mech there?
who also can read the night results of dead players
Uh, did you mean to claim that part? Nobody's died yet.
Reading comprehension bestie.
Reading comprehension.
I note we have other people making claims of a similar-ish ability, definitely we have 2 folks claiming they are dead-player-locked and 1 who gets info specifically about the dead. Maybe he intentionally pointed it out now, though I have no idea. But that's what I thought when I saw it. Increases the odds that I did indeed investigate Vermilion and not a different 'counted', this continues to be consistent with the extra info I got.
Of course, if I were designing a role like yours, and it was a mafia role, I would have added caveats to make sure it couldn't be used to break LYLO.
Any such caveats, of course, would be revealed once Magma eats your role.
I'm not especially willing to wait for that, though. Unless you're willing to execute juicebox?
Whaaaaa uhh. Dang, my mind was telling me either someone says yes to the extort, and Magma GETS 1 ability and can continue to extort (I presume, the free extort once 2 abilities gained doesn't make much sense if it poofs once accepted) OR that the person refuses and when someone accepts, Magma gets the 1 ability and the previous refusers LOSE all abilities, but they don't go to Magma (So how could anything be confirmed/revealed once Magma eats the role?)
Magma, would you explain how it would work?