Turn 9
It has been a long day, and everyone sits down to eat (-7 food).
Only one brick is made, as the mud pile reaches ever closer to the sky. One Gnome finds a piece of flint while digging. From what the Wise Man said, you think this can be used to make tools, and tools supposedly... make you more efficient? Honestly, he was standing to ramble on a bit and the Gnomes started to pay attention to a very interesting cloud instead.
The first tree is felled, and everyone is flabbergasted. Who knew such small creatures were filled with such ferocity? A lone Gnome ripped the tree down with their bare and bloody hands. After a brief period of stunned silence, followed by confusion, followed by debate about What Exactly Trees are For Anyway, someone strips the branches off to get some nice beat 'em sticks. The Wise Man is still ranting about tools somewhere in the clearing, but nobody cares.
For the time being, the rest of the tree just... sits there in the clearing. Some gnomes remember the vague sense that such things could be turned into planks, which were useful for reasons, but all this remembering is mostly giving everyone a headache.
Other Big Thinkers have been hard at work, sitting around and chewing slowly on edible bugs. They declare they have discovered the secret Healing Arts! Now, all they need is somewhere to perform their ancient rites of healing, and some mushy green leaves to make the Gross Stuff that they plan to force
unsuspecting victims I mean, poor sick Gnomes to drink.
Not much thought is given to the lost villager, with the exception of one Gnome who goes looking for them. They find them in the shadow of the mud pile. The wide-eyed, sans-sunglasses gatherer was found scratching strange symbols into the ground, which might look pretty if they weren't so horrifying.
The gatherer has gone mute.
In way more important news, the food gatherers have craftily planned the situation perfectly so no food rots this turn! Given that so much has been achieved for once, they hold a small parade, complete with mud sashes.
It soon turns out that mud sashes are neither comfortable nor fashionable.
Resources: 7 / 25 Food [-4 total]
13 / 15 Mud [+3, +0 from worker, sick?]
1 / 10 Flint [+1]
2 / 10 Sticks [+2]
1 / 10 Mud Bricks [+1]
1 / 10 Putrefying Food [0 change, inedible]
1 / 3 Felled Tree [+1]
1 / 1 Workers
0x Layabout Laborer
1 x Gatherer - Mud (Sick?, Cannot Work)
0x Forager - Food
0x Crafter - Bricks
1 / 1 Wise Man
Buildings: 1 x Mud Hut
1 x Gatherer's Hut - Food (10 x Food protected from Rot)
1 x Wise Man's Hut (Access to Research)
ResearchedCrude Tools (100%)
Big Mud Pile (100%)
Healing Arts (100%)
Do one thing:>[] Forage for Food (chance to gain herbs)
>[] Gather Mud (chance to get flint)
>[] Fell Tree
>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)
>[] Craft: Flimsy Shovel (requires: 1 Stick, 1 Flint)
>[] Craft: Flimsy Palette Knife (requires: 1 Stick, 1 Flint)
>[] Craft: Flimsy Axe (requires: 1 Stick, 1 Flint)
>[]Use Tool: Flimsy Shovel to Gather Mud (can be used twice, even in the same turn by multiple players, before breaking)
>[]Use Tool: Flimsy Palette Knife to Craft Mud Brick (can be used twice, even in the same turn by multiple players, before breaking)
>[]Use Tool: Flimsy Axe to Fell Tree (can be used twice, even in the same turn by multiple players, before breaking)
>[] Research: Crude Weapons [0/10]
>[] Research: Woodworking [0/12]
>[] Research: Think Tank [0/4]
>[] Research: Distillation [0/15]
>[] Build Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks, homes 1 Worker)
>[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Healer's Hut (requires: 7 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Bigger Mud Pile (requires: 15 Mud)
>[] Build Wise Man's Hut - Research Skill trees, i.e., what researches unlocks what other immediate research (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)
>[] Assign Gatherer's Hut (Food / Mud / Bricks)
>[] Re-assign Gatherer's Hut (Food / Mud / Bricks)
>[]Assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
>[]Re-assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick - cannot re-assign sick worker