Turn 18
The clearing erupts in a flurry of activity!
Some Gnomes immediately hide in the mud, while others obstinately continue their daily activities in the understanding that Mud consumes all.
There is a flurry of re-assigning the workers - despite 2 workers having no jobs - which has never happened before. The foraging worker becomes a mud worker, one worker is encouraged to find strange symbols but they outright refuse and one of the unemployed workers is set to brick making. The last layabout gives a toothy grin as his mate is sent off to build hexagonal bricks, feeling nice and cozy inside his fancy house as the clearing erupts into chaos around him.
Mercifully, a bunch of level-headed Gnomes knuckle down and attempt to seek out the strange symbols littering the clearing. It seems the Afflicted worker had been making them, or smearing them with mud to hide them from prying eyes. He sits gibbering to himself in the Healer's Hut, totally unaffected by the herbs hanging around his head.
3 Sets of Strange Symbols are removed and another is found before nightfall, but not destroyed. It is unclear if this is all of them or if more are around the clearing...
Mercifully, one Gnome does manage to bring food back from the forest intact, totally oblivious to the raging vortexes that swirl in the forests and clearings.
Everybody eats (5 + 7) leaving some to go hungry.
A worker has gotten sick from lack of food!
A worker has gotten sick from lack of food!
Without food to rot, the spirits instead descend on the Herb piles!
Spirits are attacking!
EffectsThere are angry spirits attacking the clearing!
They are causing food to rot and disrupting your work.
Foraging for food has become more dangerous with a 50% chance to fail and get caught in the vortex.
In order to stop the spirits, the strange symbols must be discovered and removed post haste! Otherwise this is your life now.
Resources: ?? / 35 Food [-11]
?? / 15 Mud [+2, +0 from sick Workers]
?? / 20 Herbs [+1, -2 rot this turn]
?? / 10 Flint [ 0 ]
?? / 10 Sticks [ 0 ]
?? / 10 Planks [ 0 ]
?? / 10 Mud Bricks [0, +3 from Workers, +0 from afflicted worker]
?? / 10 Crushed Brick [+2]
?? / 10 Putrefied Gunk [+2, inedible]
?? / 6 Felled Tree [ 0 ]
1 / ? Strange Symbols
1 / 3 Flimsy Shovel [1 Use(s) Remaining]
0 / 3 Flimsy Axe
3 / 6 Workers
1 x Layabout Laborer
2 x Gatherer - Mud (2x Sick)
0 x Forager - Food
3 x Crafter - Bricks (1x Afflicted, Cannot Work)
1 / 1 Wise Man
Buildings: 4 x Mud Hut, Workers
1 x Workshop
2 x Gatherer's Hut - Food (20 x Food protected from Rot, increased Food capacity)
1 x Healer's Hut (10 x Herbs protected from Rot, increased Herbs capacity)
1 x Wise Man's Hut (Access to Research)
ResearchedCrude Tools (100%)
Big Mud Pile (100%)
Healing Arts (100%)
Think Tank (100%)
Woodworking (100%)
Brick Crushing (100%)
Do one thing:>[] Forage for Food (chance to gain herbs)
>[] Gather Mud (chance to get flint)
>[] Fell Tree
>[] Find Strange Symbols
>[] Remove Strange Symbols
>[] Heal the Sick (requires: 2 Herbs)
>[] Crush Brick (requires: 1 Brick)
>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires: 1 Mud)
>[] Craft: Planks (requires: 1 Felled Tree)
>[] Craft: Flimsy Shovel (requires: 1 Stick, 1 Flint)
>[] Craft: Flimsy Palette Knife (requires: 1 Stick, 1 Flint)
>[] Craft: Flimsy Axe (requires: 1 Stick, 1 Flint)
>[]Use Tool: Flimsy Shovel to Gather Mud (can be used twice, by two different players, before breaking. The creator can use it in the same turn it is crafted)
>[]Use Tool: Flimsy Palette Knife to Craft Mud Brick (can be used twice, by two different players, before breaking. The creator can use it in the same turn it is crafted)
>[]Use Tool: Flimsy Axe to Fell Tree (can be used twice, by two different players, before breaking. The creator can use it in the same turn it is crafted)
>[] Research: Crude Weapons [3/10]
>[] Research: Distillation [8/15]
>[] Research: Trapmaking [0/18]
>[] Research: Kiln [0/12]
>[] Research: Punishment [0/10]
>[] Build Hut, Hire Worker/Thinker - please specify (requires: 5 Mud Bricks, homes 1 Worker or 1 Thinker)
>[] Build Cruck House for a Worker/Thinker - please specify (requires: 6 Planks, homes 2 Workers or 2 Thinkers, or 1 of each)
>[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Healer's Hut (requires: 7 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Bigger Mud Pile (requires: 15 Mud)
>[] Build Wise Man's Hut - Research Skill trees, i.e., what researches unlocks what other immediate research (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build: Workshop (requires: 3 felled trees, 3 bricks)
>[] Build: Lumberyard (requires 2 felled trees, 4 planks)
>[] Assign Gatherer's Hut (Food / Mud / Bricks / Flint / Sticks)
>[] Re-assign Gatherer's Hut (Food / Mud / Bricks / Flint / Sticks)
>[]Assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
>[]Re-assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick - cannot re-assign sick/afflicted worker[/hider]