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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX  (Read 13819 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #90 on: July 04, 2024, 07:23:38 am »

Name: Avon Gagglemaster

Creature: Goose man! (Swan man +245)

Steel crossbow -96
Copper helmet -15
Sheep wool cloak
Sheep wool skirt
Sheep wool socks
Sheep wool shoes

Adequate Archer -6
Skilled Crossbowman -30
Adequate Maceman -9
Skilled dodger -50

Remaining points: 39

Avon Gagglemaster lifted his flying goggles and rubbed them clear of ice. He had made this flight with his squadran a dozen times, but never before had his goggles iced up, not this far North.
But how far North was this?
He squinted at the mountain ranges to his left and right. They were unfamiliar masses. Their icy peaks looked far closer than he would like, and hostile. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head. Off course. Somewhere in that last fog bank he must have turned wrong. He let out a defeated honk and shook his head again, trying to clear the fog that lay dense around the valley below through sheer stress. His squadron commander was always yelling at him to keep up, stop dawdling, keep an eye on the terrain. And now he was lost!
Avon's big goosey heart sank. He sat down and placed his steel crossbow on the rocky ground and, with no idea he where was and no way to find out, tucked his head into his wing to cry.
Avon sat like that for a long time.

Eventually the sun rose higher, and the fog burned away. Every now and again Avon would lift his head and look about, but the land was just as foreign as when it as brimmed with cloud. A small creek trickled through a green valley, surrounded on both sides by bleak mountains with bitter summits. All around was silent.

Or... or was it?
Avon cocked his head and listened intently.
Yes... Yes! The sound of shouting -- and sparring! Faint, very faint -- but the hearing of a Gooseman is better than they are often given credit for. Avon picked up his cossbow and leapt into the sky with heavy, hopeful wing beats. His heart already soared ahead. Someone there would know which direction home lay!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 12:12:26 am by Russell.s »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #91 on: July 04, 2024, 09:42:27 am »


Name: Arragern sel Morristlai.
Manager: Black Griffin
Race: Polar Bear Woman (125 points)
- Iron Mail Shirt: 48 p.
- Iron Helm: 20 p.
- Iron High Boots: 20 p.
- Iron Gauntlets: 16 p.

Total: 104 p.

- Novice Wrestler: 4 p.
- Competent Armour User: 12 p.

Total: 16 p.

Leftover points: 5

Backstory: Far to the north of the vast, powerful Scarlet Empire, connected to it only by the great tunnels once carved into the Sapphire Mountains by its dwarves, lies a great wasteland of ice and snow, called the Star-struck Plains. Once upon a time, it is said, the cold lands were bombarded by the deity of war for disrespecting them, leaving it inhospitable; the remnants of the divine wrath still linger in the form of giant boulders of purest iron that are strewn across the land.

 Within that wasteland exist few living beings, and even fewer sapient ones. The proud Urrelli are, perhaps, the greatest of creatures that inhabit the Plains. With forms of great bears of the north and strength rivalling them, they reign among the frozen plains and old ruins, making use of the few resources they have to thrive and prosper.

 Arragern was born under a falling star - a sign of great fate assigned to the creature beneath it. In but a few moments after her birth, the Sages of the Cold started discerning her destiny, as is tradition amongst those who are born in such a dramatic circumstance. What they saw was a vision of death. Fires from the south, lacking any of the gentleness of the forge flames, were coming into the realm of snow, melting, scorching and destroying all it came across - and yet, one bear woman stood against it, covering the last few settlements with her heart and muscle - eventually stopping it.

 So, Arragern was born with the burden of a saviour. She was practically worshipped throughout her childhood and into adulthood. She was even honoured with the rarest honour: a set of Star armour, to defend her from whatever foes could come from the tunnels into the forgehomes of the Urrelli.

 And yet, despite all the praise, she always felt inadequate. She knew her sparring partners held back on her, too afraid to hurt their supposed saviour. The crafts of the Urrelli eluded her, her hammer and knife always too unsteady to truly shine. And in her hunts, she rarely brought back anything more than any other Urrell. So, then, what was it that marked her as a messiah? Was she even worthy of such a title?

 Years passed, and when she finallycame into adulthood, the scouts reported terrible news: there were drums of war beating in the tunnels to the south. The day would soon arrive when Arragern had to save them all. But she was not ready.

Her only option, as far as she was concerned, to come to a tournament held in a distant land; the tournament of blood and hatred, where only one could survive. Were she to emerge victorious against the greatest warriors from the world, then she would have the experience to defeat the forces of the annihilating flame. If not, then the Urrelli would find their own strength, without her burdening them.

And so, she abandoned her people, to sign up for this trip, from which there would, perhaps, be no return.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 11:19:55 am by BlackGriffin23 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #92 on: July 04, 2024, 03:18:44 pm »

Name: Avon Gagglemaster

Creature: Goose man! (Swan man +245)

A steel crossbow is 96 points, adequate archer is 6 points, and skilled crossbowman is 30 points. The correct point values leaves you with 39 points remaining. Would you like to bank them, or adjust the build?


Name: Arragern sel Morristlai.
Manager: Black Griffin
Race: Polar Bear Woman (125 points)

An iron helm is 24 points. This leaves you with 1 point remaining. Is this acceptable?

Submissions are also now closed


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #93 on: July 04, 2024, 03:52:57 pm »

Submissions are also now closed

Thanks to all those who are hosting and facilitating this awesome tournament! may the sliciest and diciest pawn win.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #94 on: July 04, 2024, 09:07:36 pm »

A steel crossbow is 96 points, adequate archer is 6 points, and skilled crossbowman is 30 points. The correct point values leaves you with 39 points remaining. Would you like to bank them, or adjust the build?

Hmmm... Let's bank them. Thank you!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #95 on: July 05, 2024, 01:31:13 am »


Name: Arragern sel Morristlai.
Manager: Black Griffin
Race: Polar Bear Woman (125 points)

An iron helm is 24 points. This leaves you with 1 point remaining. Is this acceptable?

Oh, right, of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Battle Royales, Bracket, and Betting
« Reply #96 on: July 05, 2024, 01:46:12 pm »

Light Battle Royale

Our 6 contestants enter into the arena for the first battle royale to determine who will get the 31st spot, and the violence starts immediately! Avon Gagglemaster snaps a shot off at the Eensy Weensy Eviscerator who bats it out of the air with a coper pick! Nadash Raizza and Steelblood Death Edge exchange blows with their axe and sword, while Crackle joins in on the fight against the Eensy Weensy Eviscerator, seemingly forming an alliance with his fellow bird! Mr Fun Guy trundles forward as well, not as quick as his fellows, but with the ironclad determination one would expect from a dwarf!

35: Mr. Fun Guy hacks off Nadash Raizza’s head.

148: The Eensy Weensy Eviscerator’s upper body is pulped by Crackle’s iron whip, dropping the Jumping Spider Man immediately.

156: Steelblood Deathedge decapitates Mr Fun Guy. The crowd gasps as instead of blood, a thin white goo seeps from the cut into his neck, and chunks of mycelium fly when his head hits the ground. It appears that Mr Fun Guy was actually a Plump Helmet Man all along!

256: Crackling Ice bleeds to death after losing his right leg below the knee and having several gashes carved into him by Steelblood Deathedge, but not before he knocks out the wolf man’s teeth.

261: Avon Gagglemaster drops to the ground dead after having his left hand chopped off and losing his right arm to Steelblood Deathedge’s sword.

Congratulations to Steelblood Deathedge on his victory and advancement to the main tournament! Don’t worry about all those teeth either, we have an excellent dentistry plan here.

Kill Count:

1 kill: Crackling Ice, Mr. Fun Guy

3 kills: Steelblood Deathedge

Heavy Battle Royale

The competition for the 32nd spot in the tournament is just as fierce! Koko the Crazy capybara woman lunges at Canon the human, who deftly steps aside and impales her right hand with his spear. Meanwhile Biddie the Sloth Bear woman gets Rosenbonk Stabfriendly the Blizzard man’s attention by smacking him in the chest with her battle axe, startling the glacial being into motion! OxNgosnud the sasquatch and Armok the dwarf both move in on the distracted sloth bear women, as OxNgosnud punches her in the left thigh and Armok picks her right foot, bringing her to the ground. But on fights the tenacious bear woman fights!

90: Barbara “Biddie” Vicious decapitates OxNgosnud. Quite an impressive way to reach to get up there

146: Armok bleeds to death after losing his left leg and right arm to Rosenbonk’s knife. Very ironic!

180: Barbra “Biddie” Vicious knocks off Rosenbonk Stabfriendly’s block, killing him.

212: Canon chokes out Koko the Crazy, who went unconscious from the shock of the wounds she suffered at his hands.

238: Canon impales Biddie’s head after she is knocked unconscious by pain as well.

Congratulations to Canon for securing the last spot in this year’s tournament! Your spear arm has served you well, but how far will it take you?

Kill Count:

1 kill: Rosenbonk Stabfriendly

2 kills: Barbara “Biddie” Vicious, Canon



  • Betting is open both to the managers and the spectators of the tournament.
  • Every bettor starts out with 100 gold to be spent on the betting. You can't at any given moment put any more gold into a bet than you already have.
  • Every bettor can only put money on one gladiator per round.
  • Bets made after the official deadline for each round are not counted.
  • The system works in a way that allows those who bet on the underdogs (those who have less bet on them) to receive more gold than those who bet on the favorites, so go wild with your predictions!

Betting will be open, until Friday, July 12th, at 2000 GMT


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #97 on: July 05, 2024, 03:11:56 pm »

Greased Lightning, you should know Mr. Tusk is Great Axe -proof. Prepare to to be skewered.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #98 on: July 05, 2024, 03:19:52 pm »

30 gold on Snaggle the Sadist.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #99 on: July 05, 2024, 03:48:31 pm »

All-in on G'Remy for 100 gold!

He's butchered more kittens than he cares to remember. This alley-found fleebag can consider itself filleted.

Doren I

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #100 on: July 05, 2024, 04:07:04 pm »

Bravo!  A glorious start to a glorious tournament!

Ah, but pour one out for the good ol’ mayor.  My skills as his election manager must not’ve translated so well into managing his tournament odds.  Ah well, he still put up one hell of a fight.  He might’ve been a mushroom man in the end, but he died as he lived—a dwarf!

Speaking of, if he could fool everyone so bad, imagine what a goblin—or worse, an elf—spy could do.  Yeesh!  I’ll be placing 5 gold on Urist McDwarf.  She seems like an honest dwarf, and all this has made me yearn for some real honesty.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Royales, Bracket, and Betting
« Reply #101 on: July 05, 2024, 04:09:00 pm »

Light Battle Royale

There is a problem.
"Rosenbonk Stabfriendly slashes Armok in the upper body with its iron carving knife, tearing apart the muscle and tearing apart the heart!"

This is supposed to be a carving fork.

Its okay I suppose if I'm still dead here.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2024, 12:23:02 am by dikbutdagrate »

Sir Dorfleburg

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #102 on: July 05, 2024, 04:32:15 pm »

Fabulous start to Gladiator this year!

My condolences to those who have lost a family member, but gosh— they must be proud!
Our entire fortress, and Mikey, I think— are excited for the fight with Steelblood. Most of the dwarves in the fortress are excited for this, even some betting on gladiators. But they don’t matter. It’s the manager’s opinion who matters. I have taken 100 gold from these betters in the fortress, and am now betting for those people. I am going all in on Howard— 100 gold is deserving of this legendary iguana!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle Royales, Bracket, and Betting
« Reply #103 on: July 05, 2024, 08:33:18 pm »

Light Battle Royale

[snip] Crackling Ice bleeds to death after losing his right leg below the knee and having several gashes carved into him by Steelblood Deathedge, but not before he knocks out the wolf man’s teeth.

I'm not terribly surprised that Crackle got got. I did forget to give her pants. But I'm glad her whip proficiency got her one kill under her posthumous belt! If she'd lived she would have made a wolf-tooth amulet.

Also Crackle was supposed to be a female Raven Man. Raven Woman I guess. Oh well, not like it matters now.

I'd like to bet 50g on Gug and 50 on Steelblood Deathedge.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 08:37:17 pm by MaiseNow »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #104 on: July 05, 2024, 09:50:32 pm »

10 gold to rugard
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