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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX  (Read 13796 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Round 2
« Reply #165 on: July 20, 2024, 08:51:03 am »

Round 2

Fight 2A: Rudolf Lundgren the Deer Man vs Steelblood Deathedge the Wolf Man

Rudolf Lundgren (managed by Eris235) strides into the arena, hoisting a strangely shaped steel longsword over his head ( He disappeared instead of training, claiming that no amount of fisticuffs can beat the prophesies that back Steelblood Deathedge. Instead, he seeks to use the sword and its POWER to defeat his foe. Let’s see if its magic actually exists or not!

Steelblood Deathedge (managed by Matius) proudly enters into the arena, showing off his fancy new iron mask covering his face. His transformation of Mikey the Gorlak into a meatball has only deepened his devotion to bloodshed, as supervised by our expert trainers. May he continue the track record that he started in the battle royale!

The dull iron of Steelblood’s sword clashes with the bright steel of Rudolf’s several times as predator and prey meet in the middle of the arena. Steelblood swiftly proves that it’s the mettle of a fighter that determines the outcome of this bind though, and not the metal of their swords. Kicking out with one leg, he squarely strikes Rudolf in the chest, and follows up by slashing the hoof off one of his legs as he stumbles backwards! The deer man collapses to the ground, followed by the point of Steelblood’s sword, as it stabs into the meat of his left upper arm, tearing muscle and cracking bone.

As Rudolf attempts to scramble away, some old predatory instinct activates in Steelblood’s mind, and his jaws bite into Rudolf’s head, carving deep bloody gashes into it. Rudolf backs away, trying to fend Steelblood away with the tip of his sword, but the wolf man bats it aside, taking off a finger and carves a deep cut into Rudolf’s chest. The deer man doesn’t take it lying down though, and slashes off Steelblood’s left hand in return!

Unfortunately, that was only his off hand, and Steelblood, snarling in pain, whirls his sword in a bloody arc, tearing through his right arm, left leg, and finally, ending with his blade in Rudolf’s neck. The decapitated deer man falls back to the ground one last time, as Steelblood presses the stump of his hand to his chest to staunch the bleeding, and bites his lip as he tries not to ruin his victory by whimpering in pain.

Don’t worry Steelblood, we’ll get the hand fixed up good as new for you next opponent! Let’s find out who it is in the next of match up of…

Fight 2B: Sir Capybarrian the Wise Capybara Man vs Snaggle the Mad Sadist Hyena Woman

Sir Capybarrian the Wise Capybara Man (managed by Lord Capybara) strides forward from his gate. A few humble iron items have been added to his attire, notably a helm to cover his head and gauntlets for his hands. The rest of his time has been spent training and honing the already formidable skills which we saw deployed against Monarque!

Facing him is Snaggle the Mad Sadist (managed by Eric Blank) strides in, proudly flicking her new silk cape aside to show her impressive new weapon. The dwarves in the crowd ooh and ah at the shining steel battle axe  that the hyena woman hoists high in the air and the helm that adorns her head. Snaggle showed admirable ferocity in taking down the savage sasquatch Gug, but how will she fare against a more measured opponent?

At the ring of the bell, an almost instantaneous scream from the hyena woman answers that question immediately. Snaggle clutches her mangled left arm to her chest and growls in anger, while the crowd groans as her hand clutching the new steel battle axe falls to the ground. Sir Capybara calmly draws back his bloodstained iron spear, and advances on the unarmed Hyena Woman.

To her credit, Snaggle leaps at her mutilator, but her claws and teeth find only empty air as the Capybara man dances around her. Waiting for his opening, the wise knight lands a solid blow to Snaggle’s chest, and red blood begins to stain both sides of her ornate silk outfit as the spear tip pokes out the other side. Snaggle lunges again, but the Sir Capybarrian’s spear catches her in the paw, causing her lunge to go awry as she finds herself impacting the ground instead of her rodent prey.

Sir Capybarrian now falls on his downed opponent with predatory ferocity, as his spear sinks again and again into the flailing body of Snaggle. As a stab pins Snaggle’s shield arm to the ground, the hyena woman attempts one last bite at Sir Capybarrian’s throat, but can’t quite connect, as she collapses one final time into a pool of her spent life-blood. Congratulations Sir Capybarrian the Wise, you have removed one fiendishly violent creature from this realm!

Fight 2C: Uvash the Dwarf vs Archelaus the Cunning Fox Man

   Uvash (managed by Abkhaz) can be heard before being seen as he enters into the arena. As he appears, the crowd sees the reason for this, as he has completely encased himself in a suit of copper armor, covered head to toe by plates and chain links of the orangish metal. Some of it appears to have been worn by his opponent last round Rolly Polly the Pangolin Woman. Hopefully he doesn’t rely too much on it for protection like she did!

   On the opposite side of the arena, out strides out Archelaus the Cunning (managed by Abkhaz)! Strutting out with a puffed up chest and elaborate high kicks, the fox man shows off his shining new steel breastplate and high boots. Both Archeaus (by his dismemberment of an so-called elven noble) and Uvash (by way of his inherent dwarfiness) have earned the favor of the dwarven section of the crowd. But which one will walk away today with their united support?

   Archelaus darts towards Uvash just as the more heavily armored dwarf begins to pick up speed, but finds the iron warhammer swinging towards his face to greet him! Blocking hastily with his buckler, Archelaus swings in retribution, causing Uvash to quickly step back. The dwarf advances while swinging, hut his blow is parried by Archelaus’ copper mace, before it falls on his left forearm. Fortunately, Uvash’s gauntlet absorbs the worst of the blow, leaving him free to retaliate with a solid blow to Archelaus head!

Archelaus collapses to the ground with a visibly dented helm, as his buckler and mace fall from his limp grasp. Archelaus’s helm appears to have kept him alive, but may have preserved him for an even worse fate than death, as he snaps around viciously with his head at Uvash, his body apparently limp and unresponsive after the glow to the head. Uvash merely strides around to the end of Archelaus lacking teeth, and begins to smash him again and again with his iron warhammer. Archelaus growls and whines in horror and frustration as his bones are broken one by one, and begin to protrude from his skin, tearing open his insides in the process and causing a puddle of blood to grow beneath him. Uvash merely growls in response, seemingly frustrated at the slow pace of his hammer in finishing off the fox man, and chomps down on Archelaus’ neck, as he did to Rolly Polly, and viciously shakes the smaller creature around.

Holding him in a strange imitation of a mother fox holding a kit, Uvash continues to swing his hammer at the dangling fox man, battering him back and forth with his blows as blood spatters across his armor and the arena floor. Finally, Archelaus’ misery ends as his head droops down, and the bell rings to signal his death. Uvash spits out the fox man’s neck, and turns his gory form to the crowd, basking in their (somewhat terrified) adulation.

Congratulations on your victory Uvash! And Armok help us all if you ever become a vampire with that mouth of yours…

Fight 2D: Grovewarden Gaia the Elk Woman vs Kraken the Minotaur

Grovewarden Gaia (managed by kosmonautti) enters, pumping her arms into the air to the cheers of the crowd. Her stifling of Canon’s advance in the tournament (and his airways) has earned her much admiration, and her demonstration of a couple quick dodges and feints show off the improved dodging she’s learned in her time in our danger rooms. Still remaining weaponless, she’ll be taking on…

Kraken! Managed by Asheeer, this Minotaur tore apart Tree Dweller the Gorilla, leaving him a gutted ball of meat in a pool of his own blood. The more devoted servants of Armok in the crowd cheer loudest at his arrival, hoisting goblets in the air in imitation of their lord. Will he be able to satisfy their bloodthirst again this round?

The two beastly creatures charge at one another, but instead of locking horns, they instead enter into a careful testing and trying of one another’s defenses. Gaia’s armored gauntlets fail to land purchase on Kraken, while his enormous axe hums through the air, but doesn’t quite yet manage to strike home. The balance is broken when Gaia goes all in on a punch against Kraken, but the minotaur shrugs it off and strikes his great axe against her left hoof! The blow deflects off her iron high boot with a loud *CLANG*, but that doesn’t seem to deter him.

As Gaia’s strikes hit mostly air, Kraken shows the fierce cunning that his kind is known for, as his blows fall again and again on the (relatively) soft target of Gaia’s upper arms, battering them through the mail shirt. The repeated blows merely bruise skin, but they also strike Gaia’s pride. Lowering her antlers and charging, Gaia storms towards the minotaur, but instead of connecting with flesh, she collides with the head of Kraken’s greataxe.

The proud Elk Woman’s head twists sickeningly, and she drops to the ground immediately. The crowd begins to let out a little cheer, but as the bell does not sound to announce the death of a gladiator, it dies off quickly. Kraken advances on the fallen Gaia, who can only watch as her insensate body is battered and beaten by the minotaur’s blows. Finally, one great swing of his great axe into her chest causes it to collapse, securing his advancement to the next round. Congratulations Kraken!

Fight 2E: Howard the Leopard Gecko Person vs Ine the Undead Impaler Impala Man

Howard (managed by RustyBruncher) skitters into the arena to the cheers of the crowd, and begins hurriedly pacing around while practicing feints and dodges with his steel dagger. I can’t blame his nerves, after all, he’s spent the last week inside one of our patented Danger Rooms™ to hone his reflexes. He barely used his dagger last round against Ana Pastor, but against the undead fortitude of his opponent this week, it’s probably a good idea if he does.

Speaking of his opponent, here’s Ine the Undead Impaler (managed by dr00)! He’s switched out his spear and mail shirt for more solid pieces of steel, likely hoping to blunt the cutting edge of Howard’s knife. He fought a long and brutal match against Arragern the Polar Bear Woman last week, but I think this fight will be a faster one, whichever way it goes!

The two fighters charge at one another, Ine remaining in a straight line with his spear and buckler raised, while Howard jukes back and forth along his path of travel. Howard lands the first blow, as his dagger smashes against Ine’s high boot, but Ine draws first blood, scratching Howard’s foot in return with his spear! Howard attempts several quick dagger strikes in return, but they bounce off Ine’s buckler and mail shirt, while the impala man lands a solid blow to Howard’s left shin, causing him to topple to the ground.

Howard’s not out yet though, as on his way down his steel dagger flicks into the seam between Ine’s copper gauntlet and his mail shirt, causing both it and the steel spear it holds to fall to the ground as impala man blood squirts over both the fighters! Ine begins to ferociously kick at Howard, who rolls and dodges out of the way, eventually positioning himself next to the Impala Man’s shins, where he repays the wound done to him, dropping Ine to the ground as well. The two begins to tussle on the ground, with Ine desperately doing everything he can to slow the lethal blade of Howard’s steel dagger, while Howard kicks and flails at Ine to distract him. Several more ferocious clangs sound from the arena floor as the dagger skitters off of Ine’s armor, but Howard finally manages to extricate himself, and winding up, slams the point of his dagger into the side of Ine’s neck. The undead impala man goes completely still as Howard violently saws his dagger out of Ine’s neck, causing his helmed head to fall on the arena floor next to his body.

Congratulations Howard, you’ve shown your tenacity yet again! We excitedly await to see what you can do in the next round!

Fight 2F: Melon Tusk the Troll vs Captain Drekkar the Human

Barely recognizable under his new iron armor and silk garbs, the towering troll Melon Tusk (managed by stimraug) marches into the arena with murderous intent. Tired of skewering fruity melons, his passions have now extended to skewering melons of flesh and bone, as demonstrated to great effect in round 1 against Greased Lightning. We've heard whispers of his long odds and die hard fans down in the betting booth; conversations which seem to have no effect on the troll. He only has skewering on his mind...

How fortunate for him that his opponent doesn't have a helm then! Sing a shanty for the dastardly Captain Drekkar (managed by Quantum Drop), the human pirate! Unlike his foe, Drekkar hasn't spent his doubloons on gear, instead merely washing the vomit stains from his duel with Urist McDwarf off his cloak. He does seem more steady on his feet, however. The results of intensive training? More likely it's simply the grog wearing off, and our captain finally getting used to moving on land again. Will the fatal skewering come from Melon Tusks' fangs, or Drekkar's iron sword? Let's find out!

Drekkar's cutlass clangs ineffectually off Tusk's armor, while the troll fails to land a hit on the nimble pirate captain for a few seconds, until the cutlass cleaves the troll's right eye with a lucky slash! First blood has been drawn, but Tusk is unphased as he pursues the captain. A tense drawn-out dance ensues, with Drekkar's superior skill enabling him to dodge and weave out of the slower troll's attacks, but his counterstrikes are merely absorbed by Tusk's thick armor in return. Frustrated by the stalemate, Tusk bodyslams the captain to the floor, but the captain is quite adept at regaining his footing after a lifetime at sea. In a flash, Drekkar springs back to his feet and stabs Tusk in the leg!

The armor blunts the cutting power of the blade, but the pirate's powerful thrust is enough to pull the knee, sending the towering troll clattering to the ground! As Drekkar begins to rain down inelegant bludgeoning blows of his cutlass, Melon Tusk surges forward, finally catching that slippery swashbuckler with a bizarre leglock targeting the human's left hand. With a sickening pop, Tusk's thighs crunch together, and Drekkar's left wrist collapses entirely! He then contorts himself in such a way as to send the Captain sailing through the air, thrown into the wall with a thud, not once but twice in quick succession! Bellowing an impressive string of curses, Drekkar zeroes in on his foes' treasure, his tusks, and stabs the left one clean off! Now it’s personal, the pair lashing out with renewed vigor, but where Drekkar is able to dodge, Tusk cannot. The troll is subject to a series of torn joints, bruises, and bone fractures, none enough to tip the scales yet, but the damage is beginning to pile on...

Like a shark circling a drowning sailor, Captain Drekkar slowly grinds Melon Tusk down, until he sees an opening, and slashes the troll's right tusk clean off! Drekkar gloats, knowing full well that without his skewering tusks, poor Melon will surely flounder. A sword slap sees Melon's ear crushed, a further punch knocks out his lower front teeth, and still Melon fights on. A strike to the gut turns Melon a peculiar shade of green, and Drekkar braces himself for another vomit bath, but it does not come. Instead Melon Tusk flops to the floor in exhaustion. Realizing his sword will take too long to do the job, weary Drekkar clumsily fumbles around for a few moments. Placing his sleeping foe in a variety of awkward choke holds, at long last he chokes poor Melon Tusk to death.

Congratulations Captain Drekkar! It was a long duel, but despite Melon Tusk's incredible tenacity, you wore him down and- Oh! It appears as though Drekkar himself has now collapsed due to exhaustion. So be it, get some sleep, Captain Drekkar. You'll need it as you sail into round 3!       

Fight 2G: Leppo the Leopard Seal Man vs That One Cat We Found (a Bobcat Woman)

Pouncing into the ring is That One Cat We Found (managed by BecauseISaid), the murderous cat! This is one mean kitty folks, who's lethal reputation was proven true after pulverizing G'Remy Le Festing with her maul last round. Now that she's cemented herself as a slayer of rodents, and rodent sized persons, lets see how she fares against a much bigger opponent shall we?

Unlike his feline opponent, lardy Leppo (managed by Salmeuk) the leopard seal man waddles in with much less grace. But don't let that blubbery hide fool you folks, this arctic predator has shown his speed and icy fury against Myth-O-Man in round one, barely letting his foe land any hits before demolishing him with his fists. In this showdown between the hunter of rodents, and the hunter of the north, neither has upgraded their gear, both appearing to have spent their downtime training instead. Who will prove to be the better hunter? Ring the bell, and let the battle begin!

With astonishing speed, Leppo begins the match by grabbing That One Cat, and throwing her across the ring! No sooner does the cat skid to a halt, than the tower of lard and cold fury that is Leppo grabs her again. Using that hunter's precision, he swiftly bites the cat in the eye! As the seal man pulls away, That One Cat's eye is painfully torn out by the motion, ripped into a gory tapestry of carnage! Doubling down like the crazy alleycat she is, That One Cat tries to strike at her huge opponent, but her ruined vision makes this a tall order. Before she can even blink her good eye or land a hit, Leppo grabs her by the neck, mangles her right hand with a bite, throws her, and punches her in the leg! That whopping combo slams That One Cat We Found into the floor; the impact of the hard landing sending her weapon tumbling out of her grasp. 

As if to rub her whiskered face into the fact she's just lost her weapon, Leppon bites his foe's left hand clean off with a vicious chomp, following up with a precise punch to That One Cat's remaining eye! While the force of the blow is enough to damage her spine, That One Cat's right eye survives the strike largely intact. Oh lord, I may have spoken too soon folks! As the cat begins to panic and hiss, Leppo calmly grabs her by the head, and like the ice cold killer he is, proceeds to gouge out her right eye! The pain is too much for That One Cat, who mercifully faints, as a bemused looking Leppo continues to wriggle his chubby digits in the eye socket; shattering the cat's skull to smithereens in the process! His foe now blind and thoroughly crippled, Leppo winds up for another knockout blow, sending That One Cat We Found into the afterlife with a punch so mighty, her head collapses entirely!

What a show, Leppo! You got through that fight without taking a hit; an impressive feat given your immense size. Congratulations, and get ready for round 3!

Fight 2H: Rugard the Lion Man vs Verden ‘Crabcakes’ Oceanblade the Crab Man

Scuttling to the jaunty tune of a marketing jingle as only a devoted mascot can, Verden 'Crabcakes' Oceanblade (managed by NJW2000) arrives to the cheers of many. Truly, Verden embodies the standards of excellence of the Granitewaves Crabcake corporation; excellence he displayed by quickly eliminating his competitor, the hero Don Kevin in round 1. Just as I hunger for delicious Granitewave Crabcakes, shareholders in Granitewaves are anxious for another victory, so you'd best get those snipping pincers of yours to work, and earn your keep, little crab!

Moving much more stiffly due to the weight of years burdening him, Rugard the elderly lion man (managed by MugwumptheGrand) sizes up his foe with a calculating gaze. This maul wielder's dreams of a warrior's death were delayed by his own hand in round 1, as he crushed who else, but Hu De Phuc. Neither fighter has upgraded their gear, only their combat training, so who will win? The zealousness of brand loyalty, or that of a man who yearns for a glorious death? It's our last fight of the day folks, so strap in, and may the best animal man win!

Casting his feeble elderly slowness aside, Rugard pounces on the diminutive crab with several crippling blows right out the gate! Perhaps Verden's surprised that a foe so old can be so nimble, but he has taken an intense battering, while his own claw jabs grasp nothing but empty air in return. Verden's right foot, right leg, and left pincer are all pulped within seconds by crushing maul swings, but astoundingly, Crabcakes clings on and cheekily snips the lion man's tail! Gritting his mandibles through the pain, Verden is determined to sear this act of defiance in his foe's memory, squeezing his pincer with all his strength. This boldness may cost him, as his stubborn grip leaves him open to a counter attack.

As Verden's good claw grips the lion's tail, Rugard hefts his maul high, and brings it down in a mighty blow on the crab man’s left leg, causing Verden to crash to the floor, unconscious, in a shower of gore. The struggle now won, Rugard ends the fight with a merciful crack of the maul to Verden's skull. As gourmands and company shareholders at Granitewaves Crabcakes howl their frustrations, some (but not me I assure you!) wonder if crabman is as delicious as crabcakes... This ain’t a buffet, get the corpse haulers here immediately! We don't want a feeding frenzy here, folks!

Congratulations Rugard! Though your foe was a scrappy and spirited competitor, you showed that with age, comes experience. May it continue to serve you well in round 3!

Fights 2A-2E: Written by Mhkos
Fight 2F-2H: Written by SlitherPapi


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Round 3 Upgrades
« Reply #166 on: July 20, 2024, 08:55:02 am »

All managers who were victorious in Round 2 will see their available amount of upgrade points to the far right of their gladiator in the spreadsheet.

Note about the algorithm: if you look at the numbers a bit closer, you can see that whenever the simple multiplication by 1.5 created a number that had something other than .5 in its decimal part, we rounded it up to the closest .5; so, .25 becomes .5 and .75 becomes 1. This was done to avoid infinite splintering of the points.

The Arena Personnel asks you to provide your upgrades as soon as possible. The deadline is the 26th of July, 12 GMT. We ask for your understanding on these matters; we need time to run and process the fights.

Please remember that your upgrades should be sent to The upgrades will later be revealed via a separate post.

Good luck and go with Armok!

Sir Dorfleburg

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #167 on: July 20, 2024, 09:02:28 am »

Congrats! I’m sorry to see some of our fan favorites fell, like snaggle and that one cat we found, but on the other hand, Steelblood won, and I bet 173 gold on him. I really believe in that guy, but Rudolf was also a great fighter. All in all, sad to see everyone dying, but good job to the winners. See you next round! P.S. all the money I got this round will probably be betted on Steelblood.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #168 on: July 20, 2024, 09:25:14 am »

Leppo is a vicious fighter


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #169 on: July 20, 2024, 10:11:51 am »

Bets for Round 3 are now open!

Please get your bets in by July 26th, 12 GMT.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #170 on: July 20, 2024, 10:52:19 am »

Rip Tusk. You lived and died as expected.

Sir Dorfleburg

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #171 on: July 20, 2024, 01:38:18 pm »

Steelblood, Matius, I’m sorry this round I won’t be betting as much as I have previously. Infact, I won’t even bet anything in the hundreds on you at all. Because, that’s right, I’m betting 200! 245 gold on Steelblood Deathedge! All but one go to this wolf, and I haven’t even looked at who Steelblood is fighting. So I believe in you, don’t let me down!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #172 on: July 20, 2024, 04:19:35 pm »

Please place my remaining 37 gold on Captain Drekkar. 

As if to rub her whiskered face into the fact she's just lost her weapon, Leppon bites his foe's left hand clean off with a vicious chomp, following up with a precise punch to That One Cat's remaining eye! While the force of the blow is enough to damage her spine, That One Cat's right eye survives the strike largely intact. Oh lord, I may have spoken too soon folks! As the cat begins to panic and hiss, Leppo calmly grabs her by the head, and like the ice cold killer he is, proceeds to gouge out her right eye! The pain is too much for That One Cat, who mercifully faints, as a bemused looking Leppo continues to wriggle his chubby digits in the eye socket; shattering the cat's skull to smithereens in the process! His foe now blind and thoroughly crippled, Leppo winds up for another knockout blow, sending That One Cat We Found into the afterlife with a punch so mighty, her head collapses entirely!

jfc what have I created..

RIP Ine, and my gold. Howard is an impressive fighter, indeed.

btw all these writeups are sooo soo good. love these character fights

Finished up a pixel art rendition of all the round 1 combatants, battle royale included.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

THESE ARE  SO AMAZING THANK YOU!!! such great depictions


Eric Blank

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #173 on: July 20, 2024, 06:09:17 pm »

Huge disappointment, can't believe she lost her axe literally first move.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.

Enemy post

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #174 on: July 20, 2024, 09:41:04 pm »

Some great fights this time! Melon Tusk put up a great effort.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #175 on: July 21, 2024, 05:15:37 am »

Stats time!

In Round 2, bettors placed 12 bets, totalling exactly 999☼.
The largest bet was 190☼, while the median bet was 83☼!

The gladiators that garnered the most bets in Round 2 were:
  • Captain Drekkar, with 220☼ across 2 bets,
  • Steelblood Deathedge, with 193☼ across 2 bets, and
  • Melon Tusk, with a single bet of 190☼.

The matchup with the highest stakes, by a long shot, was Melon Tusk vs. Captain Drekkar!
Three bets were placed on it, totaling 410☼.

As we're entering the quarter-finals, Sir Dorfleburg (247☼) has pulled ahead of Enemy Post as the current most successful bettor, followed closely by Quantum Drop (233☼) and Eric Blank (227☼).

Of 30 bettors so far, four have struck out! Fortunes can fall in a moment, and a lot can change in the last three rounds - if you haven't joined in yet, feel free to!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #176 on: July 21, 2024, 06:15:35 am »

Finished up a pixel art rendition of all the round 1 combatants, battle royale included.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This art is truly fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

Betting my last remaining 50 gold on Howard.


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #177 on: July 21, 2024, 11:57:39 am »

Thanks Eris for the great pixel art :)


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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #178 on: July 21, 2024, 01:24:15 pm »

Finished up a pixel art rendition of all the round 1 combatants, battle royale included.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Awesome! Its too bad copper and bronze armors aren't as good in later rounds, because they look very beautiful


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament IX
« Reply #179 on: July 21, 2024, 03:53:38 pm »

I've drilled this to death on the server, but damn, what a fight! Subtly convinced that opening kick is what killed Rudolf, and that he and Steelblood were otherwise evenly matched. I'll admit that the guy had me sweating. A comparably impressive performance from Sir Capybarrian this round, can't wait for our fight :D

If you don't mind, will tactically hold out on the betting until we start seeing clear underdogs, otherwise I'll never make back my money with returns like that  :'(
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