Welcome, one and all, to the 9th Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament!
We are happy to put it on for you all, for both new contestants and old. So, without further ado, let’s get onto the meat.
Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament is an annual activity in honor of Armok. The users, also known as managers, create gladiators using all of their creative capacity (as well as a specially designed point system) to compete against other gladiators in a single-elimination tournament in order to claim the final prize: the title of the Champion of the Arena.
To make a gladiator, simply follow the instructions here in this spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S6jKNp2X42nM1czrO7IKKGCdae5BnxbkD-KcnTXcoto/edit?usp=sharingIt has all the points amount for most available races (if you have a question about one that isn’t there, ask us), as well as the points costs of weapons and equipment. Once you have a gladiator built, post them with a name and some backstory to the below thread, and an organizer (this year we have NekkoWe, Tekkud, SlitherPapi, and myself) will either approve, or suggest modifications to make your gladiator legal.
There are 64 spots in the bracket, with 62 being determined randomly and 2 others being determined by Battle Royales between those who didn’t make it in. Each round will be posted in the most deliciously gruesome detail, complete with the combat logs and the videos; after each round, the managers will get the opportunity to upgrade their gladiators with new skills and equipment, before letting them be thrown into the next round. Before the finale, another Battle Royale will be held between those 62 who died in the previous rounds; and after the Finale, the Champion will compete with the current title holder to determine who will gain the final title.
If your gladiator survives to the next round, the amount of points available to your gladiator will be posted. Upgrades from Round 2 onwards are private, and should be sent via email to
The soul of the tournament is, ultimately, its community, and so you can expect a lot of art and stories on the gladiators made by our wonderful managers and audience. Never forget: your contribution into the tournament will be welcome as well, no matter what you think of it. So cut yourself loose and create!
Signups are open until July 4th, 15:00 GMT.
May Armok be with you all!