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Author Topic: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Eight (new players still welcome)  (Read 5482 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Three (new players still welcome)
« Reply #60 on: June 06, 2024, 03:08:36 pm »

Quote from: Heliados, 5 Commoner Popularity
The People's Democracy
CREATED BY: Commoners
DESCRIPTION: The People's Chancellors exert the will of the people. Paranoia is high and executions are common.
OFFICES: People’s Chancellor: Position granted every turn to any player with 5 or more popularity with Commoners. If a Chancellor falls below 5 popularity, they lose this position.
OFFICE ACTIONS: People’s Chancellors can: Enact Proposal, Vote on Proposal, Denounce Citizen (-1 popularity with Commoners). They gain 500d and 2 points per turn.
Outsiders can: Vote on Proposal.
POLIS ACTIONS: The People’s Democracy has 2 bureaucratic capacity. It can enact Basic Campaigns, Execute Outsider. It does not run at a deficit.
CLASS MODIFIERS:  Commoners gain 1 power and 1 mood per turn, Nobles lose 1 power and 1 mood per turn.
SPECIAL RULES: The People’s Democracy cannot enact proposals hated by the Commoners. Commoners lose 1 mood if a turn passes without an Execute Outsider action being performed.

Powder Miner

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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Two (new players still welcome)
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2024, 03:34:28 pm »

Status in the moments before my beautiful, glorious commoner speedrun revolution:
Spoiler: Konios the Poorer (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis
« Reply #62 on: June 07, 2024, 04:26:50 am »

Quote from: Pythodoros, 4 Commoner Popularity
-council of equals
-no vetos
-if there is a leader position, it must have a term limit
Spoiler: Pythodoros (click to show/hide)


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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Three (new players still welcome)
« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2024, 12:12:22 pm »

I have enough suggestions to proceed (and have in fact put together a tentative government based on them), but there are still players with positive Commoner Popularity who haven't submitted anything. It isn't mandatory to do so, though if you let me know you're abstaining, I can put up the next (phase of this) turn quicker.

Otherwise, the deadline is 23 hours.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Three (new players still welcome)
« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2024, 12:47:05 pm »

Quote from: Dexamene, 4 Commoner Popularity
(formatted in a list because I can't be bothered)
  • Elections are held every 3 turns.
  • Nobles passively lose Power and Mood every turn.
  • There are two offices. The high office can both propose and vote on actions. The lower office can only vote. Resolutions pass at a simple majority of voters.
  • All players who reach the Commoner popularity threshold are elected into government. Three of them are randomly chosen every election to be holders of the higher office.

Spend 1 Priest popularity to get 250d, send 750d to Rexeme as agreed.

Spoiler: Dexamene (click to show/hide)
Quote from: AseaHeru (on Discord), Monday, June 20, 2022 10:41 PM
I still want the D. The D is love, the D is life. The D is bully.
Rewind, can't keep going
My mind keeps replaying
That night when we dove in
But now I'm sinking


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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2024, 01:42:31 pm »

Spoiler: Leo Empiricus (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2024, 07:19:16 pm »

Spoiler: Tyranos (click to show/hide)
My Forum game(s):
Hahaha, ya right

Any future games will be simpler in nature, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew. Also hoping for more players in them.

I have Discord for my games now(not necessary to play, tho might be easier to contact me):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Three (new players still welcome)
« Reply #67 on: June 08, 2024, 09:19:02 am »


The Oligarchy is dead. Long live the People's Council!
Obviously the People are too busy with their own lives to
personally rule the Polis. Fortunately, the Champions of the People (those who selflessly stood by their cause despite all the sabotage unrelated parties inexplicably threw at it) have stepped up. They have been empowered as People's Councillors, and have sworn to uphold the will of the People, and not to abuse their positions for personal gain. Since these Champions are so trustworthy, there's no need for complicated and expensive oversight- the People can rest assured that the government is working in their best interests, no matter what happens.
Much of the apparatus of the Oligarchic Council remains in place, as it would be disruptive to totally rebuild the administration from scratch. The only major change on the admin side is a raft of new tax legislation (mainly closing some glaring loopholes benefiting nobles) that should leave the entirely opaque budget of the Polis in a good state (no need for the People to concern themselves with the exact numbers). On the political side, the dangerous Veto powers of Councillors have been removed, only Champions may bring proposals to the floor, and there are requirements for new Councillors: they must be approved of by the People.
As for the Enemies of the People... well, let's just say the Styx is going to see some extra traffic.

Any player with 5 or more Commoner Popularity is immediately granted the Offices of Councillor and Champion. ((This happens before anything else, so if you're currently at 4 ComPop you can't quickly gain a fifth and become a Champion))
Any player with negative Commoner Popularity is immediately granted the Office of Executed.

Quote from: Corrupt People's Council
CREATED BY: Commoners

DESCRIPTION: The People's Council is a more functional version of the Oligarchic Council, lacking Veto powers, only open to those the People approve of, and overseen by the People's Champions. It is also hilariously corrupt, and occasionally beheads people.

OFFICES: Councillor: Anyone with 5 or more Popularity with the Commoners may pay 1000d to become a Councillor. A Councillor cannot be fired, but will lose the position if Executed.
   Champion: Every three turns, the 3 Councillors with the highest Commoner Popularity become the Champions (in addition to the Office of Councillor).
   Executed: Any player with negative Commoner Popularity is Executed at the start of the turn. 

OFFICE ACTIONS: Councillors can: Vote Yes, Vote No, Take Bribes. They earn 500 Drachmae and 2 Points per turn.
      -Vote Yes, Vote No: Tag with ACTx3. Affects Popularity. 
      -Take Bribes: Instead of voting on a Proposal, receive 500d per Class who cares (Love/Hate) about the issue, losing 1 Popularity with those Classes. Increases Visible Corruption by 1. Tag with ACTx3

   Champions can: Propose, Be Revered, Denounce Citizen. They earn an additional 500 Drachmae and 1 Point per turn (on top of what they earn as a Councillor).
      -Propose: Counts as Voting Yes. Affects Popularity. Tag with ACTx3.
      -Be Revered: Once per turn, gain 1 Commoner Popularity. This REPLACES the default passive Popularity gain. (Or to put it another way, you are locked in to always picking Commoners)
      -Denounce Citizen: Once per turn, reduce another (living) player's Commoner Popularity by 1. Make sure the target player is aware of this. A player may only be Denounced once per turn.

   Outsiders can: Slander Rivals, Investigate Corruption, Participate In Corruption. (Only Outsiders can do these things; once in government you can no longer Slander Rivals, for instance (at least, not directly))
      -Slander Rivals: Once per turn, reduce another (living) player's Popularity with a chosen Class by 1. Make sure the target player is aware of this. A player may only be Slandered twice per turn.
      -Investigate Corruption: Once per turn, pay 500d to gain 1 Popularity with a Class of choice. Increase Visible Corruption by 1. This method can only increase VC by 2 per turn across all Outsiders (but may be done more often, without further increasing VC). Tag with ACTx3.
      -Participate In Corruption: Once per turn, receive 500d. Reduce your Popularity with a chosen Class by 1 (can go negative).

   Executed can: Be Dead, Revive. They can do nothing else (do not gain 1 Popularity of your choice each turn). They cannot be the target of Slander Rivals or Denounce Citizen.
      -Be Dead: Once per turn, gain 1 Popularity with all Classes with which you have negative Popularity.
      -Revive: If your Commoner Popularity is 0 or higher, you become an Outsider at the start of the next turn.
POLIS ACTIONS: The Corrupt People's Council has 1 Bureaucratic Capacity. It can enact Basic Campaigns, Enrich Councillors. It receives 1000d in tax profit per turn.
      -Enrich Councillors: Does not cost Bureaucratic Capacity. Each Councillor receives 500d from the Treasury. Increases Visible Corruption by 2.

CLASS MODIFIERS: Priests & Soldiers lose 1 Mood each turn. Merchants gain 1 Power each turn.

SPECIAL RULES: The Corrupt People's Council tracks Visible Corruption. This has the following effects per threshold:
   0-4: The Commoners gain 1 Mood each turn.
   5-9: Each turn, a random Class loses 1 Mood, then the Commoners gain 1 Mood.
   10-14: Each turn, a random Class loses 1 Mood. This happens twice.
   15-19: Each turn, a random Class loses 1 Mood. This happens thrice.
   20-99: The Class closest to launching a Revolution immediately does so.

MECHANICAL CHANGE: To mitigate questions of timing, all Popularity changes now happen at the end of turn. Example: If you have 0 Merchant Popularity, then Vote Yes on a Proposal the Merchants Love, you cannot in the same turn sell that Merchant Popularity for 250d. Conversely, if you have 1 Soldier Popularity, and someone Slanders you to Soldiers, you can still sell Soldier Popularity for 250d (if you don't mind starting next turn at -1).
REQUEST: Please don't try to engage in 'sniping'; if I spot an action taken very close to the turn deadline that other players might want to respond to, I will automatically grant an extension.

In the past, great heroes went on legendary adventures. They fought monsters, spoke to gods, and discovered far-flung lands of mystery.
A particularly ambitious citizen of the Polis wants to emulate those heroes of old (it's definitely not the case that they just want to escape the current regime). They've got their own ship, gathered a band of followers (mainly fellow veterans), stocked up on supplies, and acquired maps from foreign merchants.
What this has to do with us is that they are asking us to finance their expedition. With funds from the Treasury, they could acquire more ships, more followers, more supplies, more maps. In exchange, they will give the Polis the majority of the treasures and glory they earn on their voyage.
...if they make it back, that is.

-Finance the voyage! (Costs 500d from Treasury)
-EXECUTE THESE TRAITORS!! (Requires first option fail)

((It is, again, an event. What the Classes think about the options is, again, somewhat opaque. The effects, again, are likewise opaque. Although I will give a slight spoiler: neither option is similar to a Basic Campaign. (Note, a Champion needs to Propose an option before it can be voted on)(You can Take Bribes for event options, but you won't get the money until the next turn)
In this case, the options are not independent, and Classes won't care how you vote for the second option unless the first option fails or is Ignored.))

Treasury: 5000d
Prestige: 1.0
Next Champion Election: Turn 6
Visible Corruption: 0 (=each turn Commoners gain 1 Mood)

Class| Mood| Power| Loved Campaign| Hated Campaign
Commoners|   7   |   2   | Sponsor| War
Merchants|   7   |   2   | Temples| Temples
Soldiers|   7   |   2   | Sponsor| Agriculture
Priests|   7   |   2   | Agriculture| Sponsor
Nobles|   7   |   2   | Sponsor| Temples

Spoiler: Quickref (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2024, 09:46:56 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!

Powder Miner

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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis | Turn Two (new players still welcome)
« Reply #68 on: June 08, 2024, 09:43:14 am »

ACTACTACT: Propose Enrich Councillors

Be Revered as the champion of the people that I am
« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 09:54:30 am by Powder Miner »


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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis
« Reply #69 on: June 08, 2024, 10:16:44 am »

ActActAct: The false Champion Konios "the Poorer" wears his moniker sarcastically, for the esteemed council has barely taken its first breath and he already steals from the Commoners! (Slander Powder Miner, targeting Commoner Pop, and Investigate Corruption)

Quote from: Turn 3
   - Participate in Corruption (-No, +500d)
   - Investigate Corruption (-500d, +Pr, +1 VC)
   - Slander PM against Commoners
   - Get Denounced by PM
Free bonus to Priests
Spoiler: Kasho the Elder (click to show/hide)

Edited to match Investigate Corruption change below.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 10:49:23 am by Kashyyk »


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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2024, 10:21:40 am »

Note: I'll denounce anyone who slanders me, but other than that I won't use my denounce action. The more Councillors, the merrier.

Propose Agricultural Expansion (+Pr, -So)
Propose Sponsor Arts (+Co, +So, +No, -Pr)

Spoiler: Heliados (click to show/hide)


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Changing Investigate Corruption, since Outsiders are too weak as it stands. Will now be:
Investigate Corruption: Once per turn, pay 500d to gain 1 Popularity with a Class of choice. Increase Visible Corruption by 1. This method can only increase VC by 2 per turn across all Outsiders (but may be done more often, without further increasing VC). Tag with ACTx3.
Long Live United Forenia!

Powder Miner

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Non-Vote Actions:
Denounce Kashio the Elder, for being a no-good slanderer who would dare to speak vicious lies against the esteemed champion of the people who selflessly brought down the oligarchy in which he had no part whatsoever for no reason other than the good of the people

Vote Actions:
ACTACTACT: Vote Yes on Sponsor Arts
ACTACTACT: Take Bribes on Agricultural Expansion
ACTACTACT: Propose Temple Renovations



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Re: Venturecracy: Rule the Polis
« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2024, 10:48:34 am »

Tyranos investigates the growing corruption, the commoners like this. He then participates in it which upset the commoners.
He then slanders the current champion Konios. The merchants love this.

Spoiler: Tyranos (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 11:02:18 am by MonkeyMarkMario »
My Forum game(s):
Hahaha, ya right

Any future games will be simpler in nature, I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew. Also hoping for more players in them.

I have Discord for my games now(not necessary to play, tho might be easier to contact me):

Powder Miner

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