Leader: King/Queen this or that here (player name here)
Color: Something easy on the eyes
Nation: One of the 46 available on the
Map of the Iliac BayExtra Traits: Pick 2 from "Races and Traits" list
Game starts at Turn 0, where Players can spend their starting Gold (default 25) on Development of Resources and Creation of Armies and Navies, as well as inter-Player Diplomacy.
Each subsequent Turn has their Players post their Actions - and have them resolved - in the order of Playerlist.
Everything is paid with Gold; Gold is predominantly achieved via Tax Income.
Each Land Area owned provides +2 Tax Income. Each Developed Resource provides Tax Income according to "Resources" list.
No Tax Income is generated in Land Areas currently Occupied by Enemy Armies, though!
Your starting Land Area is your Capital. Capital generates extra 2 Tax Income per Turn, and grants +1 to Defense Rolls of Armies within.
You can move your Capital to another Land Area you own if you're not at War with anyone. This requires you to spend 50 Gold, and the Target Land Area to be of the same Population as your Nation.
You can Develop Resources according to their Terrain/Region dependencies. This costs Gold.
Each Land Area can have maximum of 2 Resources Developed in it.
You can re-Develop one Resource into another by paying the usual Development Cost.
You can resettle more of your Race into another Land Area with different population, displacing the previous settlers.
The base Cost of this is 30 Gold and requires 2 Turns.
Resettling a Favorite Terrain lowers the Cost by 10 Gold.
Resettling across Sea Region raises the Cost by 20 Gold and extends the time by 2 Turns.
War: States can move Armies into each other's Land Areas for Combat and Occupation.
Peace (default): States cannot move Armies into each other's Land Areas. "Truce" enforced by Negotiations is also this.
Noble Marriage: States roll 1d10 each Turn to Inherit; if first State rolls a 8 or higher, and other State rolls a 3 or lower, the other State is instantly absorbed by the first State. NPCs get -1 to roll. Requires Peace. Going to War nulls Noble Marriage. You can have maximum of 3 Noble Marriages.
Trade Treaty: +2 Trade Income to both States, and +2 Trade Income per Developed Resource-type NOT shared by both States. Requires Peace. Requires Land adjacency or Coastal access. Going to War nulls Trade Treaty. You can have maximum of 3 Trade Treaties.
Military Pact: States can move Armies into each other's Land Areas for further Movement, and Navies for Anchoring. Prevents War. When nulled, all Armies in Land Areas not owned by Army controller are moved to closest owned Land Area if possible; else they are Disbanded.
Gift: Sends Gold to another Player. Requires Peace. Maximum amount of Gold gifted cannot exceed your Tax Income.
After game starts, all non-Player States develop 1 random Resource and get 1 Army.
Players can do Diplomacy (except Gifts) with them. NPC States will accept if adjacent, or Coin Toss (Heads for acceptance) if non-adjacent or across Sea Areas.
NPC States receive Population, Race and Terrain bonuses in the same way as Players.
NPC States never wage War, create Navies or develop Resources on their own. They will build up Armies if Max Army Limit allows them to.
When at War, defeating NPC State's Army/armies and occupying the NPC State's Land Area instantly ends the War and annexes NPC State to the Player's State.
Two States at War accumulate War Score.
Each Destroyed (but not Retreated) enemy Army or Navy raises your War Score by 2.
Each Destroyed or Retreated owned Army or Navy lowers your War Score by 1.
Each Occupied Land Area nets you War Score equal to base Tax Income of Resources Developed in said Province.
Not owning any Armies: +10 War Score to the Enemy (temporary modifier).
Not controling your Capital: +10 War Score to the Enemy (temporary modifier).
The first State to achieve 10 War Score can offer Negotiations.
You can also begin Peace Negotiations if at least 5 Turns have passed since the start of the War.
Peace Negotiations also automatically begin the moment one Player destroys all Armies and occupies all Land Areas of the other Player.
During Negotiations, you can spend your War Score on certain demands. If War Score difference is 20 or more in your favor, your demands cannot be refused!
White Peace = 0 War Score (prevents any other Negotiation terms!)
10 Gold of Tribute = 1 War Score per each 10 Gold requested, cannot ask more than the other Player has.
Truce Length = Minimum Truce is 2 Turns, plus 1 War Score per 1 Turn of Truce, to maximum of 10 Turns (8 War Score).
Disbanding of Armies/Navies = 2 War Score per each Army/Navy requested.
Renouncing Trade Treaties and Military Pacts = 2 War Score per each Trade Treaty/Military Pact requested.
Occupied Land Area that is your Racial favorite = 5 War Score.
Occupied Land Area that is NOT your Racial favorite = 6 War Score.
Each Land Area can create 1 Army per Turn; Creating an Army costs 6 Gold. You cannot create Armies in Land Areas currently Occupied by Enemy (when at War).
Maximum amount of Armies a Player can have at any given moment is equal to Max Army Limit (base of 1), raised by Developed Crops and Spices they own.
If you have more Armies than your Max Army Limit, they gain -1 to all Land Combat rolls until you solve the issue.
Each Army owned requires 2 Gold of upkeep per Turn.
If you cannot pay all your Armies at start of your Turn, you first must disband enough Armies to be able to pay Upkeep before you can do any other Actions.
Each Land Area belonging to Iliac Bay Coast Region can create 1 Navy per Turn; Creating a Navy costs 12 Gold. You cannot create Navies in Land Areas currently Occupied by Enemy (when at War).
Maximum amount of Navies a Player can have at any given moment is equal to Max Navy Limit (base of 1), raised by Developed Timber they own or by being Shipwrights.
If you have more Navies than your Max Navy Limit, they gain -1 to all Sea Combat rolls until you solve the issue.
Each Navy owned requires 4 Gold of upkeep per Turn.
If you cannot pay all your Navies at start of your Turn, you first must disband enough Navies to be able to pay Upkeep before you can do any other Actions.
Armies can move to adjacent Areas if Owned, or other State's during War or Military Pact.
Navies can perform 2 Actions per Turn; Dispatch (from Land Area to Sea Area), Sail (from Sea Area to Sea Area), Anchor (from Sea Area to Land Area). Anchored Navies can Load up Armies (1 Army per Navy) to carry them across Sea Areas.
Land Areas that border two Sea Areas effectively have two Anchor points; Player must choose in this situation which Land Area they wish to Anchor their Navy at.
Armies can Attack a Land Area directly from Navies they're embarked on; this grants a penalty of -1 to Attack Rolls of the Armies involved.
Navies can share the same Sea Area no matter the Diplomacy (War will force Combat, though).
All four Iliac Bay Sea Areas are considered adjacent to each other for purposes of Movement (indicated by white arrows).
Combat is resolved using 1d10 die. +1 to Rolls if Favorite Terrain. -1 to Attack if Army attacks while carried by Navy.
If Attacking Armies roll higher than Defender, the Defender is destroyed.
If Attacking Armies roll equal to Defender, they Retreat to the Land Area they started from.
If Attacking Armies roll lower than Defender, the Attacker is destroyed.
Combat continues until all Armies involved are destroyed or retreat.
Combat is resolved using 1d10 die. If Attacker has spent only 1 Move to get to the Sea Area where Combat occurs, they gain +1 to their Attack rolls.
If Attacking Navies roll higher than Defender, the Defender is destroyed.
If Attacking Navies roll equal to Defender, they Retreat to the Sea Area or Land Shore they started from.
If Attacking Navies roll lower than Defender, the Attacker is destroyed.
Combat continues until all Navies involved are destroyed or retreat. If any Navies carried Armies, these Armies are destroyed (Navies without Armies are destroyed first).
At the end of any given Turn:
Be at Peace with every other Player or NPC State.
Own 25 Land Areas, including at least 5 in both Hammerfell and High Rock.
Once you fulfill these conditions, congratulations! You're the new Sovereign of the Iliac Bay!