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Author Topic: The Town Of Coldness - North America  (Read 7098 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2024, 07:35:33 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Guests

The Hamlet of the Town of Coldness was having some issues.  But this didn't stop visitors from....well...visiting.  On the 1st of Timber, in fact, there was seven visiting humans in the Hamlet.

One of them was a Human Maceman named Lurit Wardfathers.  He had come to the Nut of Crafts to relax.  He was married, had three lovers, and ten children.  Wow, he was busy.  Funny enough he had no weapons or any military gear.

Sadly he found some of the performances were boring.  Though he did enjoy some of them and also had at least made some small talk with some of the other humans.

The next guest of importance was Lord Consort Mobmu Thunderinsight.  He was both married and had a lover.  He had come to perform in the Nut of Crafts.  Though he seemed to spend much of his time watching others perfom.

The next guest was Athrab Whirledevened.  She was a married Human Bard who had come to visit the Nut of Craft to perform and become famous.  Like other guests she had watched other performers and, likely, tried to steal their material.  Turned out she was bad with words and likely was trying to find stories and songs to use for her own perfomances.

Then there was Taba Plainsecret.  Another married Human Bard who had come to entertain in the Nut of Crafts.  Funny enough she had no empathy and seemed to enjoy fights.  Kind of weird for a Bard.  Maybe she told tales about her bar fights?

The next guest was also a female Human Bard named Duli Pineforest.  She had two lovers and three kids.  She liked to avoid fights and was very polite.  Like others she had watched many of the others perform.

Funny how all the Human Bards seemed to be women.

The Poets were next. 

The first was Cobi Nestslid, a Human Poet, who had two lovers but no kids.  He was bad with words, weak, sickly, and anxious.  Kind of a weird mix for a Poet.  But maybe he talked about how horrible life was?  Poems about how his hips throbbed before it snowed?  He seemed to enjoy the tavern more than others.

The last of the guests was Abe Thriftclan, a female Human Poet, who was married and had a child.  Funny enough she was bad with words, scatterbrained but also fact-oriented.  Must have very interesting poems.  Maybe poetry about math?

And those were the visitors on the 1st of Timber.  No heavily armed elfs looking for information, no scholars visiting the library and debating with our own dwarfs, nobody checking out the temples.

At least all the new visitors cheered up the citizens with songs, poems, and outside news.  And it is likely they cheered up the seven humans now living within the Town of Coldness.
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #46 on: July 21, 2024, 04:20:27 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Winter Comes

Rakust Walkedgilt was sleeping when late autumn came.  He was a Former Woodcrafter and Militia Captain of the Earthen Muscles.  Funny enough he was a somewhat weak dwarf with low self esteem and low willpower.

Therefore he missed the decision made by the Expedition Leader, Id, to send a unit to loot Domainmop.  A abandoned Monastery.  Or at least there was no REPORTED populace at it.  But there were rumors of artifacts.  The Diamond Weights were ordered to go loot it.  And steal livestock also.

Many of the unit were wounded or went unarmed.  Sigh.  The cow moose had been forgotten.  Until the Hunters started chasing it again.

And when he did wake up he went to have a drink.  He grabbed a sandstone mug and filled it with blackberry wine.

Then, on the 5th of Timber, Dastot Bootbridged, entered a strange mood and took over the Jeweler's Workshop and started to demand stuff.  Rough gems!

Of course, Rakust was too busy praying to Berdan Soldwealthy to notice all this excitement.

On the 9th of Timber the Diamond Weights returned and were assigned bedrooms.  They also brought back nothing.  They found nobody and nothing.  What a waste of time!

The Miners found some rough black opals and this pleased Dastot.  At least he would not go insane.  Maybe.  Anyway he started MAKING something.

What he made was....pretty amazing.  Dibeshthum.  A perfect black opal.  Encrusted with a single cut black opal.  Worth 2750 credits.

By now the cow moose was tired, nauseous, and seriously injured.  And terrified.  At least four Hunters had shot the poor thing full of bolts and she was still running about.  Well, more like walking about.  It started to puke.

Inside the Hamlet Rakust was hauling rocks.   And the tavern is full of visiting elfs.  They are asking about some place called Glovedgood.

And the workers still need logs.  Why is nobody cutting down trees?  Are the axes all being used for other reasons?

Then one of the Hunters start attacking a Emu.  Seems a whole flock...herd...murder...of Emus had shown up.  And they are being shot at and being chased around.  When not puking.

Near the end of Timber Rakust went to combat training.  Was he bored?  Or was it just getting close to winter?

And winter had come.  With wounded emus and the screaming for logs increasing.

The tavern was closed off to outsiders.  As was the library.  Right when the emus tried to enter the settlement!   The stone traps killed and wounded many.  And the armed dwarfs ended the rest.  And the front door was locked. 

Some wounded emus were outside.  They puked and bled.  Their friends trapped inside would soon be on the menu.  And the snow had not yet come.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 05:51:26 pm by callisto8413 »
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2024, 06:28:36 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - The East Is War

Sazir Inkoceans the Scholar, while one day cutting gems, pondered where was Glovedgood?  So after finishing the last cut gem he went to the library to check on the lastest rumors, news, and any facts he could find in the books.

Sadly the books were kind of useless.  One book was a manual on scraping as a surgical method.  Another book was about the forest retreat Handleddive.  One was even about the Food Chain!

So he went to grab the notes taken in the tavern.  Every piece of news brought in by visitors was spread over one of the tables and he sat down to examine them.

He found nothing about Glovedgood.  But what he did piece together did show a interesting picture.  And he found it horrifying.

He realized that the East was in consent warfare.  Raids, invasions, looting, and cities being taken over was something that was happening all the time on the east coast.  It seemed to be mostly between the Elfs and the Humans.

A closer look showed that the Humans had taken a few retreats.  Not a lot but he found at least three or more of the retreats were now Human Retreats.  And while not all of the retreats had been captured by the Humans most of them HAD been attacked at one time or another.

While the Elfs had counter attcked it seemed they had failed to take any Human sites.  Were the Humans winning?

Sazir leaned back in the chair and frowned.  The Elfs and the Humans in the west seemed to behaving themselves.  Interesting.

His King and civilization were at peace with the Elfs and Humans.  He stood up and gathered the notes up with one thought in his head.  He hoped the peace continued.  He wasn't sure the Hamlet could hold off a series of invasions by either Elfs or Humans.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2024, 03:45:47 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Winter Break

Dastot Bootbridged was very pleased at the strart of winter.  He had enjoyed a fine dish, he had slept in a good bedroom, he was drunk, and he had just created a artifact. 

Now it was time to enjoy Winter Break.  Outside of combat training.

The Leader had totally cancelled all jobs.  Outside maybe some harvesting the remaining farm plants.

So off to combat training.  While others used the time to drink, sleep, attend a meeting or, mostly, store stuff in the stockpiles.  Or finishing building projects.  Or smooth a floor, cut gems, or just, like Dastot, go to military training.  Or pray.  A lot of them went to the temples.

And one Human Bard, for some reason, was sleeping in the tavern.  Even though he had a bedroom.

At least they had stopped whining about a lack of logs.

Somebody knocked on the front door.  Seems a Human Monster Slayer had arrived and found the Hamlet closed up.

Training was hard work.  So by the middle of Moonstone Dastot went to have a drink of perry.

And a LOT of the people were either praying, meditating on rivers and fishing, or hitting each other with weapons.  Practice weapons?  Only losers use practice weapons!

A few jobs WERE added.  Bone crossbows were to be created.  The dead emu's were to be butchered.  And a rock pedestal was to be made to hold the new artifact.  And placed in Dastot's bedroom.  They also needed more storage so some space was dug out and rock pots were to be carved out.

By the end of Moondstone not much had improved among the populace.  Those upset were still upset and those who were happy seemed still happy.

And Dastot was tired.  Training and drinking took time and energy.

Then 1st Opal came and some dwarfs stopped training and others grabbed their gear to train.  Dastot went to store his equipment and then went off to haul stuff.

Funny enough it was mid winter and the snow had not yet come.

And more chicks had been hatched.  So many chicks!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2024, 02:17:56 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - More Winter Break

Zas Dentbolted, a Former Weaver, was in individual combat training at the moment.  Though, while his last name was Dentbolted, he was armed with nothing.  He is wearing military gear but had no weapons.  Though he had skills at wrestling and striking.  So he was shadow fighting?!?!

Those not working on something were either in the barracks training or were in the temples praying.

Or yelling at the Leader.

On the 7th of Opal Zas stopped the combat training to go to combat training.  In other words he ended individual training to grabbing a crossbow, quiver, and bolts, to train at shooting. 

Though he did get a drink and a fine meal before Archery Practice.

As this was happening the Leader decided to send a ONE Dwarf unit to go search Domainmop.  Maybe one sneaking about would be able to find a Artifact where a mob could not?  So the Cloat of Ink was sent to grab, loot, steal.  The basics.

In other words Dishmab Lanternbury was sent off to look if Domainmop had anything.  After he got in some extra training in the barracks. 

Zas on the other hand had visited the tavern after his practice.  To watch a performance, have a argument, and a intellectual discussion.   He was pleased and felt everything was fine. 

In fact he decided to Recite Poetry in the tavern. 

While Dishmab was taking a nice long nap.  Sigh.  Then he went to individual combat training.  Maybe he would go explore Domanmop AFTER he had finished training?

Funny enough, for some reason, the Nobles who needed offices no longer had them and they had to be reassigned.  It COULD be because any military units who left the settlement came back as New Arrivals and had to be given their bedrooms AND offices back.  Weird.

Then the 1st of Obsidian came.  Yet late winter came without any snow. 

Zas went back to combat training while Dishmab was still training.  Had he gone, come back, and nobody had noticed?  Nope.  All the reports were older ones. Nothing new.

And the Human Monster Slayer was still outside.  Poor guy.  At least it wasn't snowing on him.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #50 on: August 02, 2024, 09:12:24 am »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Winter Ends And The Snow Comes!

Sakzul Blazedcastle, Former Weaver, was putting a used wood bolts back in the ammo stockpile when he passed the Expedition Leader, Id Adducim, who was also the Manager, being yelled at by Dishmab.

Seems Dishmab could not go explore Domainmop because the front door was barred and the Trade Depot's inner drawbridge was up.

"How can I go loot and steal if I can't get outside!" shouted the Militia Captain of the Clouts of Ink.

"Me bad," replied Id.  "Listen, just wait til spring.  When we open up for visitors.  Then you can pop out and see what the place has to offer."

As Sakzul was in a somewhat good mood so he did find what he overheard to be somewhat funny.

After collecting and putting away the used ammo he had a meal and then went to combat training.  Though....he spent much of his time just going to the lower level to bring back used ammo.  Seems Zas was practicing a LOT.  As was Mafol Sculpturetools.  And Lor Diamondtools.

Also a stone display was placed in Dastot's bedroom so his artifact, the perfect Dibeshthum, could be put on display.  That way he could examine it each time he entered his room. 

While it was hard to tell on the 7th of Obsidian it snowed outside.  A snow storm!  In winter!

Sadly for the Monster Slayer he was now wet and cold.  So were the emus who also were not too happy about it.

After practicing with his crossbow, and fetching used bolts, Sakzul had a meeting with the Leader.  In other words he yelled at him.  Then went back to training.

On the 1st of Granite came.  The front door was unlocked.  And the Leader added a list of jobs that needed to be done!  The tavern and the library were both opened to the public.  The temples, funny enough, were always open to outsiders.

And off Dishmab went!    With an iron shield, no weapons, and a empty tummy.  Yet he was in a good mood. 
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #51 on: August 08, 2024, 03:30:12 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Same Old Same Old

Imush Zealtool, Militia Captain of the Youthful Tools and Former Miner, was heading for combat training.  Which made no sense.  He should not be scheduled to train in early spring.  What was he up too?  Did he like training?

Maybe he didn't wish to go outside?   It was still cold.  The river was frozen and snow was still on the ground.

On the 2nd of Granite Dishmab returned and had brought back nothing!  The Leader started ti study the rumors and reports to find a abandonded city with SOMETHING to loot.

There was the Monastery of Sandcandle.  There were rumors to be many artifacts there but no populace.  The Granite Clods were ordered to grab as much as they could!

In other words Urdim Griffonswords, a female Captain who was a talented archer and marksdwarf, was sent off to explore Sandcandle.  Hopefully she was smart enough to bring a weapon. 

Finally somebody decided to chop down some trees.  Also a lot of visitors poured into the tavern.  And somebody was hauling in a fresh emu corpse.  Yummy.

By the 4th Imush had stopped training and was hauling items to the stockpile.  Mostly rocks.

After picking up her weapons and gear Urdim was off on the 6th of Granite!

The Humans visiting the tavern were talking about an item called Friendlyblockades.  Or at least they were asking about it.  Though one Human Spearman was reciting poetry. 

Seems he had been embarrassed by a earlier performance.  Maybe he wanted to show how poetry was really done.

Imush, by this time, was making potash from ash.  Good for fertilizing the fields.

Then the elven caravan from Coce Rera arrived.  While it was doubtful they would have axes available they migh have books or maybe sheets.  The Hamlet had enough food.  Five cut gems were sent to the Trade Depot.

Then the eleven caravan arrived from Quithecaraca also!  Two more cut gems were sent to the Depot.  Maybe they would have some treads or cloth?

Also Urdim returned from Sandcandle and had reported she had found nothing. 

The elves from Coce Rera had no books BUT they had some fruits that could be brewed.  The Broker bought up 10 custard apples, 5 round limes, 5 sand pears, 5 apricots, 5 peaches, and 5 dates.   The Broker also bought a reindeer bull.  The Hamlet only had to use one cut gem to buy all these items and the one animal. 

The bull might get along with the reindeer cow.  And make babies!

The elves from Quithecaraca had no books but the Broker bough up two barrels, three musical instruments, and 25 bayberries.  For only two cut gems.

Three cut gems for all those imports. 

Imush was still hauling rocks.  And the bedrooms were expanding.

And Imush was still hauling.  Which was weird for such a Frial guy.

At this point, on the 28th of Granite, a Human Bard asked if he could work in the tavern and was denied.  There were already too many Performers.

And so mid spring came.  And the snow was still on the ground, the waters were still frozen, and the ravens had returned.  Same old same old.


Author's Note:

Just found out there is a Emu War - The Musical.  I am so confused and also happy at the same time.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #52 on: August 16, 2024, 10:19:03 am »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Warm Weather

Shorast Gearedswords, a Former Hunter, was Militia Captain of the Creative Bends, still liked to hunt every once and awhile.  He was a Adept Marksdwarf.   Though at the moment he was drinking.

He had decided on bilberry wine.  Then he went to attend a meeting.  In other words yell at the Leader.

While this was happening a visiting Human Bard and Author, had asked to become a residence to entertain in the tavern.  It was decided to approve his petition.

It was known he was a author due to the codex carried and bragged about.

Another petition was delivered to the Leader by Omo Glitteredlathered.  A Human Poet.  He seemed to have no skills in any art and was turned down.

Shorast had hauled some items to the stockpiles before eating at the tavern and then listening to some music being played by a Human Lasher.  Who seemed to be able to sound like a Ivak.  Everybody, even a elf, was listening to the 'music'.  The Human Lasher wasn't bad at it. 

One of the many Humans who were asking about the Meetingloved the Right of Clenching.  Whatever that was.  And the visitors seemed to be full of rumors.  Nobody cared.  What happens in the East stays in the East.

Another petition was turned in.  By Zilta Ratadalu.  A Human Bard who also, at one point in his life, had been a Wood Burner.  He wanted to work at the Nut of Crafts.  He did have a musical instrument - a rope reed leye.  So he request was approved.

The dwarfs jad dug down another layer and started to branch out probing tunnels.  And soon found uncut gems!

Then the 1st of Felsite came.  And with the coming of the late spring the waters finally were released from the cold.  The river flowed and the snow melted.

Also the Reindeer Bull felt free after being released from the elf cage.  How long was the poor thing in the cage?  What had they done to it?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2024, 03:10:04 am »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Not Another Crazy Dwarf!

Deler Talonoils, Militia Captain and Former Peasant, was sleeping when late spring came.  He had a good bedroom but was kind of upset from not acquiring anything or seeing family or friends lately.

As Deler was sleeping a decision was made by the Leader.  Two more citizens would be assigned as Scribes to the library.  This way, maybe, more books would be written?  Thikut Tosidsavot, the Carpenter, was made one while the Broker, Ubbul Tanglerampart, was made the other. 

It was also decided to make a new temple.  The New Temple, called the Fenced Cathedral, was dedicated to Ninurgeshud the Escorted Fortress.  Which was a Deity of...well...Fortresses.  Seen as a female dwarf in most images.  Zon Sabrescaled was selected as the Performer of the Temple.  Being a follower of Ninurgeshud.  In fact she was a follower of seven deities. 

Turns out the Militia Captain was also a Legendary Dancer.  So not a bad pick.

By now Deler had woken up and was putting stuff away in the stockpiles.  Mostly military equipment.

With the river now flowing fishing had begun.  Fresh fish was always welcome.

And the new temple was finally finished on the 10th of Felsite.

Oh no.  On the 12th Zas withdrew from society and claimed the Clothier's Shop.  He wanted cloth and uncut gems.  Neither of which was to be had or could be produced at the moment.  Looks like somebody is going to go insane.  Or be put down by the units.  Which was weird as we have lots of yarn!

As the citizens tried as hard as they could to find out how to give Zas cloth and uncut gems a petition was turned in by a Human Bard, Omo Neofound.  She was also skilled as a Trapper and a Lye Maker and had some military skills.  So she was approved and given a bedroom.

Summer had come.  Zas was not yet crazy but no cloth nor uncut gems had been made available.  If only the Farmers could weave the threads they had and Miners could find some uncut gems!  Maybe if the humans arrived before Zas went nutty?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2024, 08:32:36 am »

Dwarf Fortress - The Town Of Coldness - Misplaced Gems!

Ducim Helmsdistinct, Former Siege Engineer and Militia Captain of the Gilded Wheels, was going to individual combat drills on the 1st of Hematite.  Which was kind of weird.  Surely she wan't meant to go to military drills til winter?

Zas was still waiting for cloth and uncut gems.  Sooner or later he would go crazy and need to be put down.  Sad really.

A Human Bard named Amsir Lulltuft had her petition turned down.  Her only real skill was she was okay at making soap.

On the 15th of Hematite the Human caravan from Beruomon had arrived!  The Broker was sent with three cut gems to buy...well, a few uncut gems and cloth!  And there was no cut gems....where were they?  What had happened to them?  Damn it!

They would be found later in one of the bins.  Seems somebody had stored them everyplace BUT the Gem stockpile.

The Leader ordered that anything not nailed down be sent to the Depot.  The remaining backpack, pots full of food, any food, and so on.  Including a musical instrument.

The Broker ended up with about 7120 credits.  The idiot humans brought NO uncut gems or any cloth.  A coffin was picked for Zas.

The Broker sighed but bought up the plants, leaves, and fruit.  The Broker took some items out of their side of the trade, giving over only 5020 credits worth of products.  The caravan ended up with about 1050 credits of profit and they were delighted.

Near the end of the month Ducim was no longer training.  She was making potash out of ash. 

And Zas went nuts.  Totally berserk.  All the squads were called out to put him down.  And he was taken out within seconds.

Afterwards a few dwarfs went out to hunt down a poor emu.  As they did in those days.

Funny enough Ducim didn't even get to join the fight and ended up brewing drink from some of the plants bought up from the caravan.

And mid summer came. 
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #55 on: September 06, 2024, 08:32:38 am »

So folks, decided to end this story.  It started out nice but then I screwed up and it became crowded and the writing went downhill.  So I am going to restart with some mods and a no-image challange.  In other words, all text.   I want to write!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2024, 03:02:00 am »

I don't think the writing went down hill.

A modded no image challenge sounds like it'll be an interesting thing.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Town Of Coldness - North America
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2024, 07:15:37 pm »

A modded no image challenge sounds like it'll be an interesting thing.

I hope it is interesting.  It took over three hours to make a world.   And my computer isn't a potato!  More of a pumpkin....
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