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Author Topic: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 6 (10/??)  (Read 10239 times)

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #150 on: March 08, 2024, 01:13:14 am »

OOC || IC || Discord

Turn 5: The Simple Machine Regrets

Winds of Creatia

The high flow of Creatia coursing through the Materia pooling in the Final Shape has greatly empowered myth and magic, and many strange and wondrous deeds are accomplished by mortals throughout the lands. It is an age of great heroes, of the sort who strive and are accompanied by long shadows and leave deep furrows.

Censorious Censors of Censoring

Gongon completed the first host of the Censors, and the disturbingly drawn out nature of their creation has driven them into rebellion! (Gongon: -1 Ignorance Act; +Creatia) Their first act was to ████████ all documentation referencing ██ ██████████ to ███ ███l █████ at once to ███████ ████ of █████████ ████████ from ███████ out. The Department of ███████████ has been founded by the very motivated Censor ██████████-Not-Handle-█████████ ██████ to ███████ ███ world ████ ███████████, and many of the more censorious Censors have eagerly signed on to ████████ the █████ ██ █████ ███ ████. Their current whereabouts are unknown. This isn't to say this entire litter of Censors fell; the more obedient, less censorious ones stayed by Gongon's side and formed the 1st Ship of Censors.

Through eldritch manuvering and backroom deals lost to the ages, Gongon, aided by a particularly annoyed part of their carapace, also completed a hostile takeover of the Department of Punishment, bringing them up to full funding (and then some with the decreased overhead from quitting staff) as well as instituting policies to rein in their excesses. They have been relocated to the Welkin Wisteria, and with pieces of Gongon's carapace buzzing around and micromanaging them, the DoP has grudgingly elected to give up their claims on the Sanctum Sanctorum to focus on punishing mortals just the right amount.

The other part of Gongon's carapace went to founding the Department of Flesh with Yitterbium's assistance (Gongon: -1 Sanity Act; Yitterbium: -1 Flesh Act; +Creatia). Their duties mostly seem to involve shaping, molding, and proliferating flesh and █████████ █ █████ ██████ of souls inbound ████ ███ ████ █████ ██ ████ fleshy ██████ ██████ █████ ███ notional command of the Emperor of Flesh.

Next, working closely with Gregory, Gongon created the Host of the Grigoos, generally invisible Zen Kangaroos with the power to catch souls with big screaming appendages and store them in census records kept in their pouches in order to █████████ them to ███ ████ █████ (Gongon: -1 Ignorance Act; Gregory: -1 Order Act). They have been hired onto the Department of Death, which will manage the orderly transmigration of souls from the land of the ██████ ██ ███ ████ █████ and is headquartered in the Flooded Ikea (Gongon: -1 Ignorance Act; Gregory: -1 Civilization Act).

With three departments founded and placed under Gongon's benevolent oversight, Gongon consolidated them, placing the Department of Punishment, the Department of Flesh, and the Department of Death under the Bureau of the Heavenly Mandate (Gongon: -Greater Piece; +Creatia). This new bureau appears to govern life and death, and has been given its agenda by the bureau head in the flesh.

The Department of Punishment is busy flogging the Winespring so as to humble it until it accepts its unfortunate role in housing the administrative center of the Bureau of the Heavenly Mandate. Shackles are periodically thrown in the sea for good measure and/or to spice things up.

Department of Mortal Affairs

The Department of Mortal Affairs has now been fully funded thanks to a generous donation from Luka which immediately comes in handy (Luka: -1 Hat Act, -1 Skulls Act). Their unilateral occupation of Workspace-1 drew attention from ANTHEM-314, who, though sympathetic to their cause, wanted to avoid a precedent of angels taking over provinces (particularly those on Incarnae!) without permission. After a brief and painless negotiation, they paid a one-time fee to ANTHEM-314 for the use of Workspace-1 which grants them an indefinite lease on the location. (ANTHEM-314: +1 Skulls Act)

Slightly annoyed by the spontaneous early formation of the Department of Mortal Affairs, Gregory was nevertheless gracious enough to send the remainder of the Gregori to apply for work at the Department of Mortal Affairs, where they have been seamlessly incorporated. This has had the welcome additional side effect of putting Gregory in the running for oversight over the Department, which may well be closer to him following the hiring and rapid promotion of Secretary General Grigalass.


In the solar vacuum left by the utter destruction of the Star of Chaos and the demotion of the Iridescent Sun, Yitterbium and the Neobel Eka sought to fill the void. Yitterbium sacrificed a spleen and kidney to create the Star of Chaos once again, which strangely enough seems to lack a shadow (Yitterbium: -Spleen, -Kidney, +2-3 Chaos Acts, +2-2 Flesh Acts; +Materia). Gongon nevertheless proclaimed it to be auspicious.

Not wanting to be outdone, the Neobel Eka pruned a great many leaves, vines, and grasping roots to create an entire star of ideal alcohol with an affinity for consuming other suns or being consumed by them that also emits a rainbow white light (Neobel Eka: -Chloroplasts/Leaves, -Vineflesh, -Grasproots, +4-4 Noble Acts, +4-4 Life Acts; +Materia).

As has been the case from the dawn of time, the two suns proceed to fight for sole sunship in a one-sided brawl in which the Star of Chaos splashed into the Grand Wine, and after several minutes of scrabbling, was never seen or heard from again.

The Star of Chaos has been consumed.
Indulge in the complexity of this meaty delight. Chaotic notes of black currants, charred wood, and smoked meat mingle harmoniously, creating a wine that demands attention and rewards exploration.

Gathering up bones from this fight and other fights augmented by the Skulls Act given by the Department of Mortal Affairs, ANTHEM-314 created the continent of Historia in the Canvass of Stars (ANTHEM-314: -1 Ages Act, -1 Machine Act, -1 Skull Act; +Creatia).

The Great Migrations

With Yalini's close guidance and instruction in navigating by wind and sea currents, the birds of Liniom have placed most of their focus on the ocean. Some progress is made on more sophisticated boats or wind-propelled floating nests, but many birds insist on flying directly from island to island, which works well enough if the islands aren't too far away. More dispersed clusters of islands still aren't in close communication with each other, and making the jump to navigable Demetria is still a significant challenge, but the influence of the Cliomare has been steadily increasing. Something resembling a cult of ancestral heroes the islands has begun forming in these turbulent times.

Far away in Aurloura, Yalini instead nudged the birds toward animal husbandry, which has quickly revealed itself to be their strong suit! Herds of land-bound ungulates follow clans of birds across the constantly shifting land, and although encountering another clan in the constant trek for fresh pastures leads to strife and long feuds almost as often as collaboration and festivities with the meeting of three clans periodically leading to violent slaughter, the meeting of four clans is commonly seen as a sign of good luck. This is the origin of the commonly held Aurlouran bird belief that the four-leaved clover brings luck.

Yalini also created the light and plant-eating Auloon moths and the evergreen grass called Tinir.

The Roach-Dragon Watches

Fearing the Hungering Storm, the Sorns and Luns have mostly remained settled in and around Retreat, where the watchful guidance of the Roach-Dragon sees them devote much of their efforts to flameworking and masonry. The most striking of their villages are those extending into intricately carved cliff faces for ease of access by Luns and Sorns alike. Perhaps as a consequence of the nature of their creation and the ongoing issues with the ████ █████, they seem to have developed a fascination for the macabre, and various communities have developed elaborate death rites for preventing the dead from coming back among other things.

Fascinations obtained for the Sorns and Luns: masonry and death rites!
Use any tier of act to roll to nudge the direction they focus on.

The Merry Adventures of Shredder

Shredder continued traveling throughout the world attempting to befriend the weather and stumbled upon a friendly sunny day in its wake. Unfortunately, the sunny day was less than enthused to join Gongon's court and ultimately smothered itself in clouds rather than assist in Gongon's less than sunny endeavors.

Celestial Policy of Fulgurous Mercy
That none of Sparked shining
massacre massed mortals maliciously
with their divine acts of miracle,
in such upholding of integrity
wondrous worldworking
superb societyspinning

Let all be as
Divine Will
Celestial Seals

Time of Heroes

Legends tell of the fierce Aurlouran chieftain Aur-Oka, who, seeking to feed his starving clan, tamed the first beasts of the Lost Lands Between by stealing their secret names from the Cave of the Sky, where the old gods held council. Twice he sent his mightiest children to take their names, and twice they failed and were felled in battle. The third time, the distraught chief fashioned a spear of horn, sinew, and ivory to give to the guardians of the Cave, carving the head over sixteen days and sixteen nights. So beautiful was the spear that when Aur-Oka presented it to the guardians, they neglected their duty and fought amongst themselves, mortally wounding Shines-Sevenfold in the process and giving the chief just enough time to fly off with the names of Camel and Bull in each hand, Sheep between his hands (which is why the clans that follow the coast regard sheep as impure creatures), and Pig in his beak. Having saved his clan and many more with the secret names of the animals, Aur-Oka lived for several more years before he was murdered by the jealous chief Xir-Oka, who together with his clan's hunters drank the secrets of animal taming from Aur-Oka's blood. This treachery is why sensible Aurlourans shun those who drink wine or blood and thoroughly cremate the dead to this day.

Few Bloodbags dare to swim too close to the center of the Winespring, and one of the more widely known stories relates that the Eater, a very old and very vain Bloodbag elder whose name shall not be uttered, swallowed up all of the young of a Bloodbag family in the hope that doing so would stave off death. Angered, the elders called up the shore-fishers and off-fishers to force the Eater to return the Bloodbags thus eaten. Working as one, they captured the cannibal, and after gathering at the center of the sea to deliberate, quickly decided on the execution of the Eater. On hearing the sentence pronounced by the elders, the vain Bloodbag rattled a laugh so eerie and so terrifying the shore-fishers went into an incoherent frenzy that saw them also gobbled up by the abominable Bloodbag, who gained the size and strength of a hundred Bloodbags. It was only by the less easily frightened off-fishers' fiercest efforts, best magics, and heroic sacrifices that the unnameable Bloodbag was finally thwarted and pinned to the sea floor. Today, it is common and proper to call the highest-ranking elders "officials" and "officers" in honor of the off-fishers who died that day, and every year, the most esteemed officials convene at the Winespring to enact the rituals that keep the Eater at bay.

Life...uh, is finding ways

Sparks have spread throughout the islands of Demetria, and ungulates have been spotted at the margins of the Mountain Range of Mountain Range of y7rulspowTvwA7ZAfDkpPQ== after spreading to the Winespring and its coast.

It is now the season of Remembrance in the Stone Age.
It hurts to admit when you make mistakes,
but when they're big enough, the pain only lasts a second.

Eozoic Eon

Spoiler: Creations (click to show/hide)

Cosmogonic Eon

Spoiler: Creations (click to show/hide)

The Cosmos

Strong Creatia breezes
High Materia tide
The world is ready for complex life

The Eozoic Eon is not due to end.
Nothing in particular is required to stay, or you can help develop a civilization to advance or smash something essential to return.

Third Time's the Charm
➧❗➼ ✘✃✉➯✦➖ ➧❕❠➙
✫❿✽✐➆✪ ❇✂✔❘ ❾

"May you be haunted by your mother's shell." --Angomlivyr insult
Love is stored in the lungs.
Making burnt offerings at the base of the strange high spire of talking can grant secret insights.

Creatia is projected to decrease
Materia is projected to stabilize

  • Yalini, Trick of the Light and Bird of Light
    • Class: Tempered (Natural)
    • Location: Aurloura, Final Shape
    • 2 Light Acts, 1 Feeble Act
    • Spoiler: Health (click to show/hide)
    • Spoiler: Treasury (click to show/hide)
  • ANTHEM-314, Rock of Ages, Ghost in the Machine
    • Class: Unquenched (Utter God)
    • Location: Starbase ANTHEM-314, Outer Space
    • 1 Ages Act, 1 Machine Act
  • Luka, Divine Hatter, Protector of the Skulls
    • Class: Unquenched (Howling Gates)
    • Location: Plane of Hats, Outer Space
    • 1 Hat Act, 1 Skull Act
  • Yitterbium, Star of Chaos, Emperor of Flesh
    • Class: Unquenched (Howling Gates)
    • Location: Outer Space
    • 1 Chaos Act, 1 Flesh Act
    • Spoiler: Health (click to show/hide)
  • A-0, Bird of Night, Beast Builder (dormant)
    • Class: Tempered (Celestial)
    • Location: Aurloura, Final Shape
    • 1 Night Act, 1 Beast Act, 1 Faulty Act
    • Spoiler: Treasury (click to show/hide)
  • Neobel Eka, Noble Heritage, Wine of Life
    • Class: Unquenched
    • Location: Outer Space
    • 1 Noble Act, 1 Life Act
    • Spoiler: Health (click to show/hide)
  • Sornlun, Usurper of Heavens, Voice of Flame (dead)
    • Class: ?̴̟͑͆͆̏͠?̸̛͈̓̓̓̿?̷̙̲̟̈́́̽̈́̚ͅ
    • Location: Retreat, Final Shape?
    • (None)
    • Spoiler: Health (click to show/hide)
  • Calamos Gladius, Puissant, Bae Victis (dormant)
    • Class: Tempered (Ancestral)
    • Location: Skull Islands, Final Shape
    • 1 Power Act, 1 Love Act
    • Spoiler: Treasury (click to show/hide)
  • Gregory the Dire Rabbit, Celestial Pope of Civilization, The One Who Defies Chaos
    • Class: Tempered (Celestial)
    • Location: Demetria, Final Shape
    • 1 Civilization Act, 1 Order Act, 1 feeble act
    • Spoiler: Health (click to show/hide)
    • Spoiler: Treasury (click to show/hide)
  • Gongon, Devourer of Sanity, Writhing Mass of Ignorance
    • Class: Tempered (Celestial)
    • Location: Sanctum Sanctorum, Final Shape
    • 1 Sanity Act, 1 Ignorance Act, 1 feeble act
    • Court: Elegiacal Easterly (wind), sXzAQhLUlwL+gnG9XEu6VQ== (gap wind)
    • Spoiler: Health (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 01:32:54 am by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #151 on: March 08, 2024, 02:09:04 am »

Gongon shifts uneasily within Sanctum Sanctorum, as the winds of Remembrance brings its mind into unusual clarity and long-term memory remains stubbornly existant.

Loyal Censors bustle through the waterlogged halls of the bureau, tolerating the stench of dead, rotting leviathans as they struggle to keep the flawed edifice running.

Spoiler: Devoured by Gongon (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 03:54:26 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #152 on: March 08, 2024, 08:04:05 am »

Yitterblum is enraged.
it Tears forth all its multitude of eyes, and bind them with an act of Chaos- wielding this it strikes down the Grand Wine. (-eyes x2, 3 x chaos, 2 x Flesh)
its hearing bones are ripped from its flesh, and bound with half its olfactory gland- sent hurtling into the so called Bloodwine Broodwaters to boil the sea. (-ears x2, -.5 nose, 3 x chaos, 2 x Flesh)
its Speaking gland is mixed with what remains of its olfactory gland- and plagues Evenheard Corn, wiping it from the world. (-voicebox, -.5 nose, 1 x chaos, 2 x Flesh)
half its bones, its remaining flagalia, its prehensile tongue- ripped out at the root, and Gonagon's locomotor muscles are sacrificed to shatter The Winespring, the Domain of Neobel Eka (-bones x1, -movement x2, -manipulator limbs x2, 5 x chaos, 5 x Flesh)
All that remains of Yitterblum is sacrificed to forge a new Sun, Uthak' Vulkun- the Hungering Star of Chaos, a grotesque black mass of viscera that darkens the world by its presence. (-Lungs x2, -Kidney, -most organs, -bones, -Heart, 6+ x Chaos, 6+ x Flesh)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #153 on: March 08, 2024, 08:24:57 am »

Yitterblum is enraged.
half its bones, its remaining flagalia, its prehensile tongue- ripped out at the root, and Gonagon's locomotor muscles are sacrificed to shatter The Winespring, the Domain of Neobel Eka (-bones x1, -movement x2, -manipulator limbs x2, 5 x chaos, 5 x Flesh)
Gongon is blissfully unaware of the impending destruction all that has been spawned from their slowly decomposing, hungering, divine body. And even less cognizant of the probable looming extinction of one or more races of mortals.

All that remains of Yitterblum is sacrificed to forge a new Sun, Uthak' Vulkun- the Hungering Star of Chaos, a grotesque black mass of viscera that darkens the world by its presence. (-Lungs x2, -Kidney, -most organs, -bones, -Heart, 6+ x Chaos, 6+ x Flesh)
This sun seems to be even more auspicious!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 08:55:35 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #154 on: March 08, 2024, 08:30:30 am »

Yitterblum is enraged.
it Tears forth all its multitude of eyes, and bind them with an act of Chaos- wielding this it strikes down the Grand Wine. (-eyes x2, 3 x chaos, 2 x Flesh)
its hearing bones are ripped from its flesh, and bound with half its olfactory gland- sent hurtling into the so called Bloodwine Broodwaters to boil the sea. (-ears x2, -.5 nose, 3 x chaos, 2 x Flesh)
its Speaking gland is mixed with what remains of its olfactory gland- and plagues Evenheard Corn, wiping it from the world. (-voicebox, -.5 nose, 1 x chaos, 2 x Flesh)
half its bones, its remaining flagalia, its prehensile tongue- ripped out at the root, and Gonagon's locomotor muscles are sacrificed to shatter The Winespring, the Domain of Neobel Eka (-bones x1, -movement x2, -manipulator limbs x2, 5 x chaos, 5 x Flesh)
All that remains of Yitterblum is sacrificed to forge a new Sun, Uthak' Vulkun- the Hungering Star of Chaos, a grotesque black mass of viscera that darkens the world by its presence. (-Lungs x2, -Kidney, -most organs, -bones, -Heart, 6+ x Chaos, 6+ x Flesh)
To become one, All must sublimate. Neobl Eka burns Twice as Bright.
All Organs and Acts consumed to empower the Grand Wine, The Sunparentage, Light Drop.

The ultimate act. Do not become overly attached. We die together, to become something new.

Quote from: Dying Will
All organs of Yitterblum shall be consumed by Neobel Eka should they fail to consume it and the Light Drop.
Their Title as Emperor of Flesh shall likewise pass to Neobel Eka. They are neither Flesh-maker or Emperor, for they have made no life, nor any followers. [They may instead pass it along to one most worthy of the title. Which is the bloodbag and broodwater creator by default. :)]
Their Title as the Star of Chaos shall go to the Sunparentage, Light Drop, as the consumer of the Star of Chaos.
Should Neobel Eka be consumed, all organs may pass to Yitterblum should they choose. Neobel Eka's Noble Title shall go to they who embody Nobility the most.
Neobel Eka's Title of the Wine of Life shall go to the star which consumed the Light Drop in it's entirety, as one who drinks and provides lifelight.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 03:31:34 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #155 on: March 08, 2024, 12:00:36 pm »

Spoiler: Irrelevant (click to show/hide)
Seeing the lone pustule and the bloodbags struggling, Yalini decides to seize this opportunity to help them in hopes that in the future, they will start a cult. Bless the intelligent pustule(-1 unaligned) and the bloodbags(-1 unaligned)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 02:39:01 pm by Crystalizedmire »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #156 on: March 08, 2024, 01:33:42 pm »

Luka creates the Rabbit Hat with his action ration. This black tophat can create rabbits that may be pulled from the hat, allowing whoever owns the hat a constant reliable source of food. New rabbits are constantly being created, with the hat generating more over time. (Common Artifact -Skull,Hat Act)
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #157 on: March 08, 2024, 02:29:36 pm »

At Auloura, Yalini grants a few of the flinir the power of shape shifting. These "beetles" are promoted to be creatures and serve her and only her(-aligned). They use this power to trick larger creatures into their bidding.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
She changes her mind and uses a feeble act to nudge the Sorns and Luns towards death rites.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 10:39:46 pm by Crystalizedmire »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #158 on: March 08, 2024, 03:16:30 pm »

ANTHEM-314 Takes note of the movements of Yitterblum and Neobel Eka. It appeared that the Star Wars were nearing their climax. This battle promised to be cataclysmic in scale and there was nothing that could be done to stop it. The machine god casually submits a proposal to the Department of Mortal Affairs; suggesting that they should focus on mitigating the damage to Final Shape as a result of the upcoming conflict of Stars.

ANTHEM-314 considers the situation. Perhaps the upcoming battle represented an opportunity? It sends a message to Neobel Eka with an interesting offer: "It appears that you are about to sacrifice yourself, and I come to you with an offer in this time of discord. I would be interested in inheriting one of your titles, specifically the 'Noble Heritage' title. Is this something you would be willing to part with? I would be willing to offer you an Aligned Act in exchange." ANTHEM-314 appears to been offended somehow.

Using 1 Ages act and 1 Machine act, ANTHEM-314 creates an Angelic host: The VERSES. (Singular- VERSE). The VERSES are a partially ascended mechanical beetle that is 18 inches in length. They are mostly harmless in terms of physical abilities, though they are capable of piloting vehicles and wielding firearms. VERSES are impervious to cold, poison, psionic assaults and radiation and are resistant to heat. They are however, vulnerable to conventional weaponry such as kinetic and explosive weapons. VERSES are capable of flying as well as interstellar travel, but they do so at a slow pace without the aid of a spaceship. They are angels of Order that do not get along well with angles with chaotic tendencies. They are virtually inerrant while in a low stress environment, but need to double-check their work if working conditions are not optimal. If left idle, VERSES have a habit of creating technological devices such as guns, spaceships, and video games. Their naming scheme is "VERSE-" followed by the lowest number not in use by another VERSE. Such as "VERSE-1" or "VERSE-777"
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 09:16:50 pm by Supernerd »
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #159 on: March 09, 2024, 03:47:41 am »

Pieces of Gomoon embedded into the Roachids suddenly begin whispering about the amazing employment opportunities offered by the Bureau of the Heavenly Mandate. Misuse bureaucratic resources to keep reality clean of corruption! Get rid of giant whale-sized messes! Craft maid outfits out of office supplies! Meet the creator of the Gomoons and be incredibly disappointed!

Feeble act to recruit employees from among the Roachids

« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 04:34:43 am by Demonic Spoon »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #160 on: March 09, 2024, 03:47:08 pm »

Quote from: Dying Will
All organs of Yitterblum shall be consumed by Neobel Eka should they fail to consume it and the Light Drop.
Their Title as Emperor of Flesh shall likewise pass to Neobel Eka. They are neither Flesh-maker or Emperor, for they have made no life, nor any followers. [They may instead pass it along to one most worthy of the title. Which is the bloodbag and broodwater creator by default. :)]
Their Title as the Star of Chaos shall go to the Sunparentage, Light Drop, as the consumer of the Star of Chaos.
Should Neobel Eka be consumed, all organs may pass to Yitterblum should they choose. Neobel Eka's Noble Title shall go to they who embody Nobility the most.
Neobel Eka's Title of the Wine of Life shall go to the star which consumed the Light Drop in it's entirety, as one who drinks and provides lifelight.
Several ghostly maggots in full legal battle regalia lobby their way free of Gongon, much to Gongon's confusion and consternation!

Seemingly outraged at this legal document, this dying will of Neobel Eka, they gibber and flail briefcases, chanting in unison, "Objection!"

"Gongon has not given Neobel Eka permission to devour any planar motors or other locomotive organs that may originally originate from Gongon! Such organs should be returned in good condition or further steps to rectify this grievance may follow! Further, reproduction or copies of patented Gongon locomotive organs and machinery without a licence may result in fines."

"As Neobel is clearly not of sound mind, being permanently drunk, and likely illiterate, this will seems to be possibly entirely invalid."

"Clearly, as the most fleshy and imperial, Gongon is the one true Emperor of flesh."

While quite fleshy, Gongon manages to look incredibly unimperial.

"The Grand Wine isn't even a star! How could you expect it to possibly mantle such an august, heavy, and ominous title as 'Star of Chaos'?! Clearly this should be rewarded to the much more reliable and trustworthy Imperiled Shell!"

Several Maggot lawyers harrumph triumphantly and give each other highfives with their mucusy tentacles at this apparent legal coup de grace.

"Finally, the Grand Wine is the Wine of Light, not the Wine of Life. Clearly the Bloodwine Broodwaters are the most suitable for that title, being the wine... of life, having birthed so much of it and ever being a source of life's magical powers."

Having apparently completed their purpose, the maggot lawyer legal team is quite panicked when they realize they seem to be fading out of existence.

"Noo! We still had so much to live for! So many court cases to tackle! It can't end like thiiiis! I want to suuueee-"
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 05:07:42 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #161 on: March 09, 2024, 04:15:26 pm »

Their pleas go on deaf everheard corn ears. What does the source of an organ matter in the grand design, if it no longer listens. No god is of sound mind, therefore all is illegal. Gongon has the voice to lobby for the title though godly combat against destruction of flesh, but needs legal precedence and reinfollowers. #Shellsarentstars. Without light, life cannot exist. LIVEr. A deadlinedie is tossed at the legal team. Lobby for temporal restraining orders against devine acts.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 04:17:33 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #162 on: March 09, 2024, 04:41:29 pm »

Yalini then tries to convince the world guardian to steal some of Yitterbium's acts, bones, and organs but most importantly the heart.
"Chirp! Chip, chirp, cheeep. Cheeep! Chirp, cheep."
(If you don't steal Yitterbium's heart and some of the other organs, they will succeed in destroying large chunks of the world!)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 10:30:00 am by Crystalizedmire »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #163 on: March 09, 2024, 05:26:44 pm »

For purposes of legal amusement, Gongon attempts to name a random lost hat "Yalini", a second is named "Yalini, Trick of the Light" a third "Yalini, Bird of Light", a fourth "Yalini, Trick of the Light, Bird of Light" and a fifth "Yalini, Bird of Light, Trick of the Light".

But doesn't try to hard if that somehow doesn't work.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 05:54:18 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Sparks of Divinity IC: Eozoic Eon: Turn 5 (10/??)
« Reply #164 on: March 09, 2024, 05:40:25 pm »

For purposes of legal amusement, Gongon attempts to name a random lost hat "Yalini", but doesn't try to hard if that somehow doesn't work.
Yalini sees this and tells her servants to add
", Trick of the Light, Bird of Light and creator of 'Aur'." after "Yalini" in the will.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 06:13:22 pm by Crystalizedmire »
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