There are two parts to that method... You showed the detailed description will not help differentiate, but the second part is if the dwarfs regard the caps as items they can wear as clothing.
Right, good point, I read past that bit in your previous message. Well, I tried this, and dwarves will wear adamantine
hoods, but seem to ignore adamantine
caps, so here they're treated as armor after all? It still proves nothing, because I already know the game is inconsistent on this (otherwise they'd require wafers to forge). I guess I'll need direct arena tests.
The reason I got this question to begin with is my getting an artifact adamantine cap from a clothier mood in my previous fort -- the mood used candy cloth, so I got curious and it turned out non-artifact candy caps are also weird. It might become relevant again, since my new fort has an immigrant with GCS silk preference and no moodable skills, who I wouldn't mind making into my clothier if RNG allows.
BTW, all adamantine clothing is made in the forge by an armorsmith. Wafers vs. cloth rolls is their only observable difference from armor, WRT crafting at least.
Greaves and leggings do have different Armor Levels.
I forgot about that. But, I heard armor levels don't actually influence combat since v0.31, being a 40d remnant.
As suggested in that armor thread, greaves probably have a less flexible surface that allows for better deflection of impact (any angle of deflection means impacts transfer less momentum to the target and more momentum remains in the weapon as it deflects away.
That's what the chain tag does. I just suspect it doesn't apply to bone.