Superwelcome, EuchreJack. Looking forward to more games with you, whatever comes. Wish we could have explored what we were apparently intended to discover in play

Maybe some other way will exist later.
Hey, Fal, question here.
Scum team seems convinced they don't know if there is a second scum team or not, or at least this member of it seems to not know, or know there is one.
CrystalizedMire — 12/28/2023 10:40 AM
I'm also completely convinced that Imp is second mafia team memeber so maybe I shoulc double infest them?
However, mason team seems convinced:
Elephant Parade — 01/02/2024 3:41 PM
I'm going to bring up the mafia-would-be-informed-of-a-second-team thing
Elephant Parade — 01/01/2024 6:28 PM
OK, so if Fallacy wasn't lying when they said they'd tell both teams if there was a second scumteam, and the dead scum in scumchat aren't lying when they imply they weren't told at the start that there was a second scumteam, then there's no second scumteam.
And the only source of this maybe is:
Jim Groovester — 12/30/2023 3:26 PM
The rules about a second mafia team aren't completely well thought through, since the second mafia would have a unique name and therefore know there are two mafia teams, which would be an advantage the first mafia team would not have.
Sooooo I don't really think there are two mafia teams.
Fallacy — 12/30/2023 3:26 PM
If there were multiple scumteams, I'd supply Info statements ensuring that the teams know of the existence of the other, for fairness.
Soo.... my question is... Fallacy, beyond the raw facts of 'fallacy', umm... can you (or anyone else?) help me understand why and how we ended up with such complete confusion about this? Walk us through the 'mess' and why/how so many different people/groups believed so much that conflicted, and seemed to think sure you'd clarified?