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Author Topic: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.  (Read 13987 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #105 on: January 10, 2024, 06:27:57 pm »

"Okay, if it's going to stop then this should be far enough."
I jump up and after I reach a good height flare my tails out to maximize air resistance, floating to look over the wall at the robot again, preparing to dodge in the air if a second barrage comes at me, bearing in mind the way the missles had airburst before and likely would do so again.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nope~
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2024, 08:11:59 pm »

Ride the robot! It'll probably go somewhere interesting.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #107 on: January 11, 2024, 05:49:16 pm »

Charge into the robot. Nowhere is safe, it is better to try to get rid of it now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #108 on: January 12, 2024, 12:11:39 am »

Continue with plan described in previous reply.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #110 on: January 22, 2024, 09:02:46 am »

Ride the robot! It'll probably go somewhere interesting.
Charge into the robot. Nowhere is safe, it is better to try to get rid of it now.
Continue with plan described in previous reply.
Continue hiding in cover.  Be prepared to grab head and jump out to rush the bot if these missiles are more lethal than expected, but don't do so yet.

The second rack of missiles arc into the sky.  Noodles, literally riding the robot, gets hit by a relatively small amount of backblast.  It's still backblast from half a dozen missiles, knocking the squid-creature off the robot and onto the dirt.  Noodles is knocked about, but it's hard to hurt the extra-large squid.

(1d12-4)(10-4 = 6)

As for those on the receiving end, the missiles go up, go back down, and fly towards Xin and Gnwbimbir, who are still and around the crate.

Once again, they airburst.  This time they're packed with something other than a shockwave, though, as the air is filled with.. stuff.

(1d12+2-8)(10-8 =2)(3 vs 21)

Xin feels sandblasted, as his body is hit by extremely high-speed objects.  When he gets up again, he's surrounded by dense cotton-like plugs, scattered about the place.  He's not badly hurt, but that was a much more serious hit.  He then turns to the gnome, who..

(10 vs 15)

Is mostly okay, although he's upside down this time, presumably to protect his hat.  Still, he gets up and shakes it off.

Ahrian is unaffected, having moved further away from the target crate.

Terinas, however, is right up close and ready.  The bear was safe from the backblast, and uses the pause to get up and charges at the robot.  It does nothing.  No dodging, no shifting around, it doesn't even try to move with the blow in any way.  The bear just charges in, spear at the front, and aims at a seam between two metal plates.  There's a smash, and the robot is now dented, but as of yet it doesn't seem hindered.  Terinas than follows that up by inserting a paw into the dent and trying to literally tear the plate off.  This is partially successful, opening about a one-inch gap between plates, as the motors whirr inside the robot, keeping it in balance.  Still, it does nothing to attack the bear or dodge the blow.

(Automatic hit.) (12+4) (4 vs 5+12, 17) (7 vs 3+10, 13)

What it does do is light up the next rack of missiles.  The red-tips this time.

Spoiler: Ahrian (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Terinas (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Gnwbimbir (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Xin (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Noodles (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Party Inventory (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #111 on: January 22, 2024, 09:27:09 am »

Thought so.
"Just get off the box so it'll stop shooting you!"
Light travels down the lengths of my tails while I remain drifting through the air, forming into condensed points of flame at the tips that soon shoot out in response to the red-tip missiles as I attempt to use flame magic to intercept the missiles being fired at my teammates.
We don't need to fight this.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #112 on: January 22, 2024, 07:54:36 pm »

Gnwbimbar quickly tosses the unfinished mess of wood and nails onto one of the missile launching ports before jumping to the ground and hiding next to a crate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #113 on: January 23, 2024, 07:36:57 pm »

"Right then, I expected it to prioritize the crate's safety.  Time to be brave, gnome."

Obtain head, seat it properly.  Obtain gnome, huck it at the robot as hard as possible.  Obtain greatsword, charge the robot with greatsword (and try to dodge missiles).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #114 on: January 23, 2024, 08:08:26 pm »

Terinas jams her spear into the gap in an attempt to off balance it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #115 on: January 24, 2024, 12:56:24 am »

Obtain gnome, huck it at the robot as hard as possible.

If this interrupts Gnwbimbars planned action, he shall use his tinkering skill to find flaws in the robot's design instead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #116 on: January 24, 2024, 06:03:17 am »

If this interrupts Gnwbimbars planned action, he shall use his tinkering skill to find flaws in the robot's design instead.

You can't really throw anything at the robot from this distance.  It's short range for a multi-missile launching robot.  I will see if the throw puts you close enough to act.

But yes, your current orders are fine.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nope~
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #117 on: February 01, 2024, 08:38:23 pm »

Steal a missile. Pluck it right out of the firing tube. It'll be fine.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #118 on: February 02, 2024, 09:58:57 pm »

Obtain head, seat it properly.  Obtain gnome, huck it at the robot as hard as possible.  Obtain greatsword, charge the robot with greatsword (and try to dodge missiles).

(6)(5+4) (6-2)

Sticking your head back on, fine.  Picking up yon gnome, fine.  But as you throw the gnome, you realize that the ability to throw booming spirals with footballs doesn't equate to being able to throw people properly.

Never mind.  The gnome is a clown, right?  Clowns know how to tumble.  You hurtle Gnwbimbar towards the robot, and then get on your metaphorical horse yourself, chugging away.  Xin is still long distant from the robot when the rest happens.

If this interrupts Gnwbimbars planned action, he shall use his tinkering skill to find flaws in the robot's design instead.

Gnwbimbar manages to stick the landing and fall unharmed, bouncing twice before stopping, feet on the ground, hexapedal robot not far away.  He then examines it closely, pulling out a monocle from nowhere and muttering under his breath.


It's a big metal box.  No style to it.  No beauty.  Just lumps of metal slapped together into a utilitarian form.  And it's way too big for proper gnome work.

Unfortunately, such utterances take up time, and Gnwbimbar is too affected by the utter depravity of this metallic creation to properly find the weak spots.  The legs, maybe?

Terinas jams her spear into the gap in an attempt to off balance it.

(Automatic hit) (10+4) (6 vs 1d12+8, 19) (10 vs 1d12+6, 7)

The spear goes in easily enough, but scatters against something inside the rent, doing little damage.  Immediate damage.  It didn't destroy the leg, but it did hit something, and it did widen the gap.  The application of more brute force works the second time, tearing the rent further and revealing some kind of rotating ball-thing deeper inside.  Slamming the spear in again causes a nasty screeching sound, something tears loose, and one of the six legs is disabled.  Metal continues to screech as the ball thing tries to rotate in a stuck manner, and blackish oily blood begins streaming out from the hole.

Steal a missile. Pluck it right out of the firing tube. It'll be fine.


Nope.  The missle won't come out, not even when Noodles sticks a tentacle deep into the hole.  It can be touched, and it can be shifted.. a little, twisted a bit, but there is no leverage for removing a multi-hundred pound missile from the slot from this angle.  One tentacle isn't enough to do it, clearly, and Noodles isn't quite suicidal enough to stick most of his body in front of the business end of the missile launcher.

Instead of firing again, the small ready lights illuminating the missile tubes go out, and the open racks close back into the metal.  Noodles, fortunately, withdraws his exploring tentacle before it gets caught in the edge, as the missile racks close back into the unblemished topside of the hexa-bot.  It then, with one useless leg, begins turning around and walking slowly towards the concrete square and elevator, metal continuing to screech from the disabled joint.  It is still paying no attention at all to Noodles, who is riding it, and Terinas, who caused significant harm with those last strikes.

Spoiler: Ahrian (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Terinas (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Gnwbimbir (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Xin (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Noodles (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Party Inventory (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Roll to Quest: Land of the Crate.
« Reply #119 on: February 02, 2024, 11:39:40 pm »

Well, that worked.

I walk close to the box but make sure to not touch it, and renew my gravity reduction. If (and only if) it worked, then I'll try to jump over the box without touching it. If I do end up touching it I immediately get off it and away from it as fast as I can, but if possible I'd like to regroup with my teammates.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))
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