NAME*: Balance The Scales
COLOUR*: White/Green
EFFECT: Every time you gain a Rad, your opponent looses a Rad.
RARITY: Common
This is A) a powerful effect; B) a no-fun effect; C) a white-hybrid card with a powerful effect which lacks a downside.
If you insisted on pushing this through, I would probably make it symmetrical (C/A), limit the number of activations per turn (B/A), and give it a fairly high cost (A).
I feel like there are better ways of implementing a rad-drain card, though.
Name: Heart Power Plant
Color: Yellow/Pink
Cost: 2
Effect: At the end of turn gain a Rad. At the start of turn, add a Heart Counter to this card. You may expend Heart Counters equal to 2*Rad cost of an opposing sticky to perform a friendship merger, in which you take control of a enemy sticky and place it on your side of the board.
Rarity: Rare
So, stealing enemy cards is kinda Red, though an argument can be made for Pink, I suppose. I'd change the wording to "You may pay 2X+1 Heart Counters to take control of a Sticky with cost X." so you couldn't steal 0-cost Stickys for free. And since I assume you'd throw a fit if it added a Rebellion Threshold, I'd probably add "This card can only take control of one Sticky at a time. You may return the controlled Sticky at any time during your turn."
Name: Plague of Death
Color: Yellow
Cost: ?
Effect: Remove the card effect text on all critters and stickys on the board (this ignores immutable and shielded), then destroy all critters and stickys
Rarity: Rare
Why are people so eager to just ignore Immutable? Also, this wouldn't
need to ignore Shielded, since it doesn't target. Anyway, this would cost in the realm of 4-5 Rads, I think.
Name: Game Playtesting Waifu
Color: White
Cost: 1
TYPE - SUBTYPE: Critter - Waifu
Effect: When this enters play, set a critter stats to 30/30, this ignores shielded.
Rarity: Rare
This is probably better suited as a Pink effect. It's also an effect that is definitely worth a lot more than 5 potential, especially with the "Ignore Shielded" thing. Cost no lower than 3 Rads, I'd say. Probably higher, really, since it can be a substantial buff to a friendly Critter or a major nerf to an enemy one depending on the situation, and that flexibility comes at a cost.