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Author Topic: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)  (Read 28195 times)


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #600 on: March 24, 2024, 06:28:50 pm »

Chapter 2: Shocking Debut

It has been two weeks since Hikari, Tsubasa, Seitaro and Misaki were signed onto the Fire Soul as entertainment talents. The news, however, has focused on the high-profile and sudden change of the Superdimension Diva, Setsuna Kamisato, joining Fire Soul. Much talk has focused on what unit Setsuna will perform as part of, if any, and the reasons for the sudden change.

However, in secret, the four new talents have been training, both for stage debuts and as Miragers. Javier has already put out an announcement proclaiming the debut of a new idol unit, and already, the industry is buzzing; what will this new unit be like? What will they even be called?

[Now Playing: ~~GIRITIC♡BEGINNER~~]
"Come on, ladies! You can dance better than that!"

All of the talents of Fire Soul and EUFON were standing in the same dance studio, a large mirrored room, thankfully big enough for all of their talents to perform. EUFON had just finished their dance training for now, leaving Fire Soul.

Or rather, Azusa training the newbies. She insisted on training them harder than the experienced ones.
"Come on, Blue! You can do better than that! You were a dancer before, weren't you?"
"Yeah, but they never pushed me...this hard....back in BARON!"
"Tokidoki dokidoki dokudoku-tte konna watashi wa shiranai..."

Tsubasa was moving with practiced ease, smooth motions, as if he'd been doing this his whole life. Hikari, on the other hand, while enthusiastic, was somewhat clumsy; her movements, while not uncoordinated, were clearly amateurish.
"Peach! Focus on the dance, not the singing!"
"Y-yes ma'am!"
"A few more minutes of this, then Javi wants to talk to you newbies, and then we can all go to lunch!"

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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #601 on: March 24, 2024, 07:26:26 pm »

Misaki was hardly a girl who lacked stamina - she was part of a sport club, if primarily as an outlet for aggression. But this... well this made Kendo practice look like a relaxing jog.

Focus, focus! This might be a more cutesy song than you'd aimed at, but you said you were going to do this damnit, and Mukawa Misaki doesn't half-ass things! So she continued with Hikari.

"Kokoro korokoro chikutaku furiko ga tomaranai..." She'd spent basically all the last week focusing on just getting the lyrics down; for now just focus on the next step, next word, next step... try not to think about Miyuki watching her do this...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 08:52:14 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #602 on: March 25, 2024, 01:04:01 am »

Momiji watched the new unit of Fire Soul practice as she drank a water and munched on a granola bar.

"Not the worse I've seen from newbies." she mused to herself as she watched them.


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #603 on: March 25, 2024, 07:07:57 am »

Briar had finished his practice with the other EUFON people already, and was mostly hanging around to fiddle with Fire Soul's audio equipment in their training room. He was impressed, a lot of it was as good or better quality in his eyes than the stuff he had back at the previous base. He was at most examining, however. He knew this wasn't his house, and he also knew how damned annoying it is when someone toys with his gear without warning. So for now he was just looking it over like a classier man might look at an art exhibit or a museum display: respect, fascination, and absolutely no touching without permission.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #604 on: March 26, 2024, 06:34:03 am »

"Jirjiri jirijin hirihiri hirihin shiteru dake..."
As the new blood finishes practice, Tsubasa lets out a big sigh, wiping the sweat that had gathered on his brow. True, he wasn't WINDED, but, well, dance practice with Azusa Kumon had a reputation for being somewhere between training for the Olympics and scaling Mount Everest in terms of hellishness.

"Blue, good job. Your voice needs some work, but yer movement was smooth like butter! Blondie," she uttered, pointing at Misaki. "Don't hold back! You got heart, now show me some! Peach!"
"You're not in the small leagues anymore! You're all over the place. You're gonna need to practice more. Ya sing like an angel, but you dance like you have two left feet! Though, you got potential..."
Hikari clenches her fists.
"Yes, Kumon-senpai! I'll nail it next time! For certain!"
"Mhm, ya better, Minase! Right, we'll call it for now! Just wait here for Javi, and then we'll all go off for lunch! My treat!"

As Azusa strolled over to turn off the music and take a swig of the water bottle she'd had next to the phone dock playing the song, Hikari leaned next to a pillar, breathing heavily.
"Man...I thought I had that down...."
"You're telling me...I could sing that night, but...I don't know where my voice went..."
"How about you, Mukawa? How are you holding up?"


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #605 on: March 26, 2024, 07:07:22 am »

Misaki lets herself flop down to a sitting position, leaning back into the same pillar as Hikari and trying to catch her breath.

"Singing, sure. Dancing, sure. I think I'm doing okay at both, but both at once?" she shivers a little for dramatic effect. "It feels like I'm spending half my brainpower not saying 'step left and spin' instead of the next lyric."
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #606 on: March 26, 2024, 03:59:53 pm »

Seitaro pats the sweat away on his forehead and chest with a towel before letting it casually drop to the floor and taking a big gulp from a bottle of water.

"Man... I'm a natural at dancing on a club floor, but sticking to a script AND singing along? Now that's brutal."
"Getting to a point where I wish I could just go out, transform and fly over the city to feel some excitement again. Not that I can fly that high anyway..."
"Ah well, at least there's lunch to look forward to, right?"


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #607 on: March 26, 2024, 04:22:09 pm »

Abigail tries her best to give an uninterested glance towards the new team as she gently shook her cup of coffee. Dancing was never the easy part of the job - coordinating one's body in unison with others was a nightmare, let alone coordinate her own with what she wanted to do. It felt... too refined. At least singing came more naturally from her.

"Then I'm scared to know what were the 'worst' newbies have you seen." Abigail muttered, slowly turning her gaze towards Momiji. After letting the thought of her own words echo on her head, Abigail took a long sip of coffee.

"Tch. Too sweet."Slowly standing up, Abigail stretched her arms, feeling the subtle, invigorating cracks of bone against bone. "At least they managed to keep the eyes of most of the public. Most."


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #608 on: March 26, 2024, 05:00:03 pm »

"Means the media was focused elsewhere. Besides, they don't got the look of an idol group yet. Gonna take them a lot more stepping up before they break free of that fresh faced feel." Briar speaks up from his spot, letting out a laugh as he looks at the group. "Keep up that hustle and you'll get there, even if you don't practice 24/7. Though if you want my advice, that's your best bet to keep pace."


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #609 on: March 26, 2024, 11:52:59 pm »

Momiji tilts her head over at Abigail as se took a bite.

"Well they aren't stepping on each others feet and falling all over much" Momiji said flatly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #610 on: March 27, 2024, 10:34:41 am »

"Of course they're out of the public eye, they haven't debuted yet. Not officially."
Haruka joins the other EUFON singers.
"I think that's what Javier's going to talk to them about, anyway. If you've paid any attention to the newspapers, there's already rumours. After all, with someone like her on the roster, it's only a matter of time."
Haruka nods over towards Setsuna, who seems to be in her own little world, quietly hunched over examining something.

Hikari groans at both Misaki and Tsubasa.
"You didn't even look like you guys were having all that difficult a time dancing..."
"You're telling me! How were you even singing that good dancing?"
"I keep pretty fit. I grew up on a farm, ya know!"

Then Seitaro interjects.
"Mhm! I could go for some nice cool noodles right about now."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #611 on: March 27, 2024, 11:02:07 am »

Abigail nods in response to Momiji's comment. The group is clearly above passing grades in terms of coordinations - if that is not directly boycotting each other inadvertently and causing them to roll over. Haruka then joined, causing Abigail to give her a look in acknowledgement. "Mhm. I guess that big of a name has that kind of effect."

"Ring-Ring-Ring. And that's a winner." Abigail mutters, perking up at the mention of noodles. "So, any of you hungry enough to grab something to eat?"
« Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 12:49:52 pm by LyfeldLesk »


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #612 on: March 28, 2024, 09:38:40 am »

"And here I thought I was in pretty good shape from kendo..."

At the mention of food, Misaki perks up from her slumped position.

"I would kill for just about anything that would make my body feel less on fire right now."
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #613 on: March 28, 2024, 10:05:39 am »

"A bite a'int bad. Where we rolling to? One of the local shops yah know, or are we going on feeling?"


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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)
« Reply #614 on: March 28, 2024, 10:42:12 am »

"There's a place downtown that I like," Miyuki suggests. "One of the girls there always makes sure I get a discount on my noodles."
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