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Author Topic: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 2: Shocking Debut (IC Thread)  (Read 28238 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mage Lord in a Lonely Storm
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Re: FEF: MegaMirager IC Thread Chapter 1: The Song that Connects... (IC Thread)
« Reply #585 on: February 22, 2024, 01:08:07 pm »

"Oh, Kamisato-san. I definitely didn't expect you, at least this early."

And then that glance of hers. Those damn eyes.

"Yeah... It will definitely be an eyebrow-raiser if someone of your caliber is part of this little new unit. Like, an official endorsement of our talents, or something like that."
"Can't help but feel that's cheating however, so now I'm hella motivated to surpass you to prove we're the real deal ☆"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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"Now now, you won't be competing. Not necessarily."
"...starting tomorrow, Fire Soul will have two units. Kamisato, you are okay if I....assign you to work with Azusa, Nagisa and Hagane?"
"Working with Galactic☆Fairy? I'll be sure to follow Kumon's lead, then. If she can keep up."

Azusa snorts.
"Me, not keep up? Bet."
"As for our inexperienced four will be comprising your own unit. Azusa will oversee your training, as will I. So...your first order of to come up with a name. A catchy one. Something we can advertise you by."
"Huh? A name....hum...."


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Putting his best sports commentator voice, Araki got next to Nagisa.

: I don't know about this, fellas. Can the newbie really stand up to the oyabun? She's not called the oyabun for nothing! What do you think? He put an imaginary microphone to Nagisa.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mage Lord in a Lonely Storm
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"A name..."
"Well, I thought that our group's angle could be something along the line of playful deception, two of us being straight-faced idols while the other two are tricksters. So something in that direction."
"... Wild Cards... Wonderland Stage... Love Labyrinth... Folly's Flush... Black-Red Jokers... A-maze-ment?"

His head jolts up in a dramatic fashion after he was done audibly pondering.
"Man, names are hard!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Momiji wanders off from the group not really caring if anyone was actually following her as she searched Fire Soul's building for any sort of cafeteria, cafe or any place she could actually get something to eat aside from a vending machine.

"Lala...luirla I know I'll never tire of the sight..." she started to sing under her breath as she walked through the building.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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Nagisa simply wasn't where Araki thought he was. Between everyone shuffling around, moving between rooms and the rooftop and the outdoors, he'd slipped away in the confusion. It was anyone's guess where he actually was but it seemed like he'd left to find something else to do with his time than take up space.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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"Gonna need to grab Banjo to do the honors.  Anyway, sure, Kamisato. You're on. Let Red here be my witness. I ain't getting outshone by anyone on stage. And you, Peach. Better pay attention."
She snaps her fingers, pointing at Hikari.
"You rookies better have your eyes on me. I'll teach ya how to shine like a star."
"Like the princess. You're one of us now, kiddo. You get a nickname."
"Are you always so animated, Kumon?"
"Only when I got someone I gotta impress."


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Well, aside from a certain convenience, there wasn't much else that either needed her time or seemed worth her time so she may as well grant herself some free time.

"Seems about time. I may as well head for my usual booking at 'l'Oignon'. Toodle-loo~!", she called out loud, loud enough that anyone else looking for a place to eat could easily hear her.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 07:26:43 am by ctsun »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wandering Mercenary
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The hurried steps of Abigail came down to a halt upon reaching the end of the staircase. Air was hardly making its way towards her lungs, and she let herself sit back onto the floor.

"... Agh..." She wheezed, shaking her head as she attempted to quell her heartbeat.

But while trying to do so, she heard a painfully familiar yell."... Oh." Abigail coughed, trying to bring Siren's attention to herself, shoving herself off the stairs and walking towards EUFON's group.

"D-do they have good coffee? Abigail gently nudged her neck trying to calm down. "I wouldn't mind getting some more - hell, something to eat doesn't sound half-wrong either."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 07:59:47 am by LyfeldLesk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Arisu looked enormously offended at the thought of using somewhere so fancy for so trite a thing as 'coffee'.

"Why, yes. I am fairly certain you can find some 'caramel macchiato', if it serves your tastes. More importantly, if you are seeking a bite to eat, I, in all my magnanimous generosity, am more than willing to offer you a seat at my table. You may praise my generosity now. Indeed!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wandering Mercenary
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"Uh, sure." Abigail absentmindedly replied, taking a moment to breathe some air. "A seat on her table? Tch. Unless she's offering to pay, I don't see what the big deal is."

"Now hold on a moment though - how come you all are here?"
« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 10:55:46 am by LyfeldLesk »


  • Bay Watcher
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: Bummer. Disappointed at the lack of partner, Araki's voice was noticeably quieter when talking to Seitaro.

: What'd I tell ya about KISS? Go with something like Night and Day and call it a... day I guess.


  • Bay Watcher
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"We got told we work here now. Home base got trashed, so we're crashing here instead. You'll be seein' a lot of us I guess, on and off the stage." Briar says, hoping to at least ease some of Abbie's headache with a straightforward answer this time.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wandering Mercenary
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"Ah, right, that message. How could I forget?" Abigail shakes her head.

"Not sure if you've been told anything more about our base, but they say everyone made it out A-OK. Everyone and all of our stuff."

"Damn it, why did I speed down the stairs for now? What was it?" Abigail sighed. "Thanks, Beat."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Shipper God and Freyjapiller
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Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city....

"Interesting. Very interesting."

On one wall, multiple camera angles of the previous night played out of Galactic☆Fairy, KNIGHTMARES and Afternoon fighting the Amanojaku. Next to each Mirager, a visualisation of their waveforms can be seen, Biorhythm levels fluctuating with their fights.

"Biorhythm levels are....higher than expected."

A masked man in a dark blue coat stood in a small, cramped laboratory, a young woman lying on a chair resembling a dentist's chair before him. He spoke quietly into a small microphone clipped to the collar of his coat, the wire leading down to a recorder somewhere on him.

"Mirages display heightened activity according to sensors. Biorhythm levels rising due to unknown stimulus. Presence of False Biofold Waves did not significantly reduce Biorhythm levels unlike previous tests."

The camera began focusing on three people. Setsuna, Hikari and Misaki.

"Waveform patterns BRS and MLT are of interest. BRS was activated during the attack and acted as a force multiplier. Exposure to the wielder of waveform pattern BRS increased waveform output significantly; current hypothesis is that the BRS waveform has amplifying effects upon the waveform output of other Miragers. More testing will be required to understand if this was as a result of the wielder or the Mirage. Waveform pattern MLT matches onto waveform pattern ISH, last detected seven years ago."

The masked man gazes at Setsuna briefly, pausing the footage on when the Amanojaku ceased attacking her, roughly around the same time she started singing.

"Unknown waveform pattern was detected last night emanating from Kamisato Setsuna. More testing will be required. Waveform pattern resonates with False Biofold Waves, causing unexpected behaviour in Amanojaku."

He pauses.

"Waveform patterns NGH and KQN of interest. Waveform patterns match missing Phase One prototypes."

The masked man strides over to the young woman in the chair. Her only clothing was a sleek black bodysuit, black metal leggings and gloves, framed with light brown, almost dity blonde hair, her face hidden behind a violet visor.

"Waveform pattern MRD remains stable. Waveform pattern MRD was not attacked by Amanojaku, as per the hypothesis. With proper modulation of output, it is possible to alter Mirage waveforms such that they can work with Amanojaku and output False Biofold Waves. However, False Biofold Waves still prove to be weaker than Biorhythm output as a result of audio output, which defies expectations. Waveform patterns BRS and AYM of high interest, as is the unknown waveform. Wielder of waveform MLT to be investigated for connections to the potential wielder of ISH. Phase One testing will continue to determine the source of strength of Biorhythm output."

He pulls out the recording device from the folds of his cloak and clicks it closed.

" were unable to execute the plan. Why?"

"Other Miragers appeared. I determined their threat level was too high to engage directly. I was able to remove Luna from battle for the foreseeable future, but termination was unsuccessful."

" is what it is. You will need further testing and further modifications."

"I have something to report. I...crossed swords with Shirokawa's Mirage. It was an unusual feeling. I could name the Mirage being wielded by her. Dyrwyn. That should not be possible."

The masked man rubbed his chin.
"...that is interesting. Thank you."

"Will this affect my performance?"

"It won't. I will...make sure."

He clicked the device in his hand again.

"Waveform pattern MRD performed synchronisation with waveform pattern DYN. False Biofold override may not be complete. More research necessary."

Suddenly, he heard a loud vibrating, before pulling out a phone. With a light sigh, he stopped recording, putting the phone up to his ear.

"...Nago. I was expecting your call after the events of last night. Yes....Hm. Well....the EUFON High Command have some requests."
"We will need you and Shirokawa to investigate Fire Soul. Yes. We suspect Professor Ormrsdottir had-"
"Need me yet, boss?"

The masked man was interrupted by a young woman leaning in the doorway, clad in a red-and-black hoodie, short blond hair tied back with pink ribbons, and lavender eyes. Her long pale legs were clad only in denim shorts and a pair of worn black sneakers. Around her neck, a necklace held what was out of sight, but what the man knew was a Mirage.

"Not yet. But....hold on. Next time, you may need to accompany her. Our opponents are proving rather difficult to combat and I need more combat data. Stand by for further orders, Mina."
"Heh. No problem."
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