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Author Topic: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]  (Read 8448 times)


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Re: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]
« Reply #60 on: September 25, 2024, 01:05:41 am »

That more than 60% of the fort's labor force has legendary in masonry, but that only roughly half of them have only the default peasant labors enabled.

*looks around nervously* whaaa who would overproduce stone blocks?? who would do that

Also, I discovered how to occasionally let in migrants who manage to actually make it to one of the fortress bunker entrances, and then somehow survive, against all odds, for at least a week, before I happen to casually notice that they've been shouting and slamming on the door to let them in since they arrived, and all of their fellow migrants were devoured by whatever currently inhabits the nearby "tree of death", which is the name I've given to this particular tree that now houses a very large concentration of corpses of both varieties of death, including a megabeast now, which was killed by this tree dwelling undead horse.

amazing. simply amazing. even the undead are on the climbing gym trend

Ah, I left this thread hanging last time, my apologies.. I may have time to return to this after dikbutdagrate and spookyfort whenever that turn happens :]

King Zultan

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Re: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]
« Reply #61 on: September 25, 2024, 02:43:21 am »

Spooky times are the best times!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]
« Reply #62 on: September 26, 2024, 10:16:48 am »

Here is the link to the save:

I'll work on the write up and keep posting bits of it throughout the day.

If whoever is next boots up the fort and has no idea what's going on. That's fine.
I still don't know what in the fuck is going on. And I was the overseer for the last several years!

When I showed up, the dwarves were all congregated in the middle of the fort, in this very tiny inn. And they were all... just... eating plants... raw plants. And there were thousands and thousands of plants.
And the only automated work order job was this bulk process plants order, that just continued non-stop.

I guess the stoneworkers would tend to this plant processing routine when they weren't busy watching their masonry demonstrations. Oh right, the masonry demonstrations. This is evidently what half of the dwarves in this fort do "fun", so be sure not to shit talk it within ear shot of any of them. Years of living out in this place and made them all a little screwy.

If they don't get to watch their "shows", which consist entirely of a dwarf slowly chiseling away at a rock, lets see here carry the 12400 (some number of ticks in a day?), for uh... maybe like 62 hours? Then they're liable to go crazy. Like in the case of "Sal", the manager. Who got fed up having their show being interrupted, and went on a crime spree. They just finished knocking over a building when I ended the turn. So yeah, have fun with that.

Oh my, sounds like there's been lots of stuff happening.
So, is that glass walls or windows surrounding the zombie Seer? Haha, brilliant!

I'll leave it to you to decide if your solution is enough. Maybe on the next turn we'll roll for a new Seer or you can roll for one yourself, if you decide your solution isn't enough

"Clear glass windows. Also, did I say something was wrong with the seer? No, no. Nothings wrong, haha.
The seer is having a great time. See? Look at em'. Now, how could a dead seer possibly look that hungry?

See? Watch what happens when I feed a chicken to him. Actually, no, please avert your eyes! You don't wanna see this. Hehe, hoooo boy, that's one healthy appetite, must mean he's still healthy (and alive), ha ha ha! Must be all of that fine seeing work he's been up to! Real quality top notch stuff. Keep up the good work seer!"

"What's that? Oh, why do we NEED the box of windows? Erm... Well, you see... Uhh... HE REQUESTED IT! (Yes, that'll do...) The seer has stated, very explicitly, that they require seclusion, yes seclusion, to uh... peer into foggy, misty, whatever it is that seers peer into. Now, if you'll kindly follow me, we need to visit the rest of the fort, and complete your mandatory inspection of things before we pass things off to the next overseer."

As Brewer Bob proceeded out the door to continue the inspection, Dikbut turned back to cast one final wild eyed stare at the abomination in the display cage, shaking his head, and steeling himself in order to commit fully to the insane official posing cannibal monster ruse, and then quietly left the room.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 12:43:30 pm by dikbutdagrate »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]
« Reply #63 on: September 26, 2024, 01:40:12 pm »

The rest of this write up is just going to be recaps and screenshots, mainly. This also skips the stuff I've already posted above, and in the post previous to that one.

Still no idea what the room situation was at any point. Ultimately made some ad-hoc rooms later on, so they'd stop going crazy. I also never managed to find the mason's guild, which I was supposed to upgrade to a grand hall. Several dwarves took a morale hit because of that, I imagine.
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Just some of the things I was immediately greeted to starting my shift as overseer. Reanimated rotten cave fish person heads included.
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I didn't take any screenshots of this, I don't think, but the military situation I walked into was on crack possibly less than ideal. So I changed that up a bit.

I ordered a bunch of wooden things to be made, only to realize we didn't have a single dwarf with the carpentry labor skill enabled. so I decided to start shifting some labors around (Because otherwise nothing would get done here.)
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I still have no idea what the situation was for disposing of corpses prior to my arrival. So like with most of the decisions I made. I waited far too long before acting, assuming I would figure out later, before ultimately making a half-assed and very strange ad-hoc decision that would ultimately have recurring long term repercussions for the health of the fort. I decided to make a faux upside down corpse-chimney closet. In hindsight, an actual chimney would have worked MUCH BETTER. Instead, we have what is essentially a dark broom closet, with a hole in the corner of it, which drops down two z levels to on top of the trade depot.

Look. Things happened, okay? Let's not point fingers, and judge each other. Let's be adult about this. Decisions were made. And there's not exactly a lot I can do about it now. AND THERE IS CERTAINLY NOTHING I CAN DO NOW FOR ALL OF THE DWARVES WHO FELL DOWN THE SHIT HOLE WHILEST VALIANTLY TRYING TO TIDY UP THE FORT. Who UNFORTUNETLY TRIPPED OVER SOME OTHER DUMB DWARF, BECAUSE THIS WHOLE PLAN WAS DEMENTED.
You'll see how this gets a little out of hand further down.
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The dumping closet depot gave us our fair share of problems. Our best weapon smith happened to fall down the hole at one point, and we were able to successfully rescue them in time, before the corpse pieces got em'. One of the only tales of competent bravery to emerge during my tenure, and I am proud of it. All of the other stone mason dwarves who fell down were essentially locked in the zombie shack, and later used for tax write-offs. A bunch of people died, I think? Wasn't really counting. The first artifact I got was a floodgate, and we set that up to hold off the dank denizens of the deep depot, we don't have a screenshot here of it, buts located on the z level above the ramp.
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In attempting to fulfil the prophecy we began venturing down into the Earth, whereupon we greeted by a peculiar sight. Green lights, flittering in the dark unrevealed cave tiles. Not sure how the dwarves were able to spot them.
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Before I could begin exploring the caverns, I started getting noticed about our seer abusing the privileges of office. Typical.
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Cavern breached. Exploration starts out slow and methodical.
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There was a bit of a scandal involving the mayor and a gorlak we captured, that I won't go into. But there is still a gorlak chained up in their mayor's bedroom. It doesn't bother them in the slightest.
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Here's a bit of our attempts to study the strange glow worms inhabiting the cavern.
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*Sigh* In the entire fort, we had exactly one dwarf who was willing to walk away from the masonry demonstrations to help tame some of the creatures we caught. We tame some of the captured vermin, but are unable tame glow worms. OH well. Ultimately I had animal traps containing the glowworms brought out to decorate the hall outside my character's office I made later. I don't think I took any actual screenshots of it, but its just under the mayor's office. And you'll know it when you see it. As it is very green. I enabled stone usage for the metal ore garnierite. Theres a z level somewhere that has stockpiles of cinnabar and garnierite next to each other, with linked stoneworker's workshops next to them. Figured these are some cool colors to have on hand for any sort of color coordinated architecture that a player might decide to come up with.
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Megabeast attack: Basilisk If the hordes of undead, and innocent merchant bystanders haven't been able to get down here, what chance in hell do you think this thing has? I'll tell you. None. I don't even know how to open the doors. Last time I tried, we ended up digging a tunnel straight out.
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The thing died in less than a week. An undead modded horse creature killed it.
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And here is why I was calling this thing, "the tree of death". Like each z layer on this tree is littered with corpses, and undead. And one point, a normal goblin swordsmen left by an invading army.
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Speaking of which,
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We pick up the pace on exploring the newly exposed cavern layer, which has yet to produce any real dangers to the fort. And in 02-21-280, we find adamantine.
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Way further down is this mess, but nothing down there ends up being a threat.
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Not long after the discovery, the dwarves, likely due to being kept away too long from their masonry demonstrations, started going berserk.
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And another one tossed into the pit.
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Even the gorlak went nuts, sort of. Well, they punched out a window. Although, it may have just been an accident. They apologized, paid for the damages, and were well behaved following the incident. So we decided not to bring it up anymore.
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Finally the siege ends. Here's the screencap of the goblin who managed to survived atop the tree of death for almost a year. Having lost only a tooth.
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Oh FUCK. I forgot about this. Yeah, we uhh... maybe almost loved our mayor in another freak dumping accident. Rescue mission was immediately deployed.
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Several of our named dwarves current status
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More screenshots of the tree of death.
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By the end of my turn, the number of artifacts in the fort has doubled. And some of them are pretty pricey. Two of the artifacts are made from raw adamantine. Decided to put the statue in the middle of the eye.
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Another berserking incident. This time its a kid. At the time of incident they were playing with another child of similar age in the mayor's office. Miraculously, the non-berserk strength infused child defending itself, not only survived, but took down their assailant and former playmate. Consequently, I have named the dwarf in veneration of the bravery and marshal prowess they displayed as an 8 year old. (psst psst psst) What? They're six? five? seven? Whatever, the kids less than 9 years old. And you know, I think this kid is going places! They might not like which specific places they'll be physically going to, and the sinister motives for their being sent there. But the point stands! And they have an exciting life ahead of them, I think.
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Oh boy. Another dwarf fell down the zombie hole. Haha, classic. Never gets old. Well, for me that is. The dwarves don't like it at all.
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Screenshot of dwarf pop at near close to end of turn. Since the labor reassignments, 90% of the dwarves are no longer constantly watching masonry demonstrations. Now, its just a good portion of them.
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On a final note, we had like 1100 something pond turtle shells lying around at the start of my turn, which has not increased, due to the fort's evident exhaustion of the local mini fauna. I decided to put the shells to use, without totally exhausting the supply. After the jobs I created, I think we're down to 84 shells now? Anyway, you'll probably notice that a significant amount of the fort's furniture items, armor, and crafts now features dikbut swag merch logos. No idea on what the actual numbers are on decorated items. So you'll probably see those decorations around.

On a finaler note to the next overseer: I fucking hate making clothing, so I don't do it. Consequently, this has left a lot of the dwarves who aren't in the military, in a state where they are probably not wearing the latest in dwarven fashion, exactly. So you'll probably want to address the clothing situation in relative short order to help boost morale around the place, before this ticking time bomb of a fort tantrum spirals itself into oblivion. The masonry demonstrations can only numb their minds so much. 
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 02:19:46 pm by dikbutdagrate »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]
« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2024, 08:46:13 am »

... that update... I was dying. Such a great read hahaha . 'The Tree of Death' is worthy of a short story. 

In attempting to fulfil the prophecy we began venturing down into the Earth, whereupon we greeted by a peculiar sight. Green lights, flittering in the dark unrevealed cave tiles. Not sure how the dwarves were able to spot them.

how curious!

I'm glad to see some of the modded creatures arrive and play a role in the story. like that basilisk.

character's office I made later. I don't think I took any actual screenshots of it, but its just under the mayor's office. And you'll know it when you see it. As it is very green. I enabled stone usage for the metal ore garnierite. Theres a z level somewhere that has stockpiles of cinnabar and garnierite next to each other, with linked stoneworker's workshops next to them. Figured these are some cool colors to have on hand for any sort of color coordinated architecture that a player might decide to come up with.

woah, intriguing. gotta say, after playing premium for a while I'm absolutely missing the clean, high-contrast aesthetic of ascii.

brewer bob

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Re: Seerspire - The Trial of Spirits [Overseers Welcome! DF0.47.05]
« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2024, 08:55:14 am »

Excellent stuff! Loving the Tree of Death.

I was sort of expecting that we'll start seeing dwarves flipping out. Ghosts are a sure way to stress out dwarves super fast in 0.47.05.

@Salmeuk, you interested in taking the next turn?

King Zultan

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The Tree of Death is a beautiful thing and I think every fort needs one.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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