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Author Topic: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Ponder Phase 3  (Read 2301 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Ponder Phase 3
« on: September 22, 2023, 05:27:50 pm »


Disclaimer: Since the subject matter of this game involves mental illness, I feel it's fair to both put a warning up beforehand, and to explain that the purpose isn't to degrade or glorify schizophrenia, nor try to present any sort of narrative that may attempt to paint the nature of the illness in a certain light. I'm neither a psychologist nor a victim of the disease, but I thought of an interesting idea for a game and figured it would be a good set-dressing for the scope of the game. I make this with full empathy of those affected and hope that eventually some sort of cure can be found. This is just a game and is meant purely for the sake of entertainment. If I get something wrong or falsely portray an aspect of the disease, keep in mind it's purely for the sake of the game.

Welcome to Schizophrenoida, a hybrid mafia-SG type game that involves the players making (or attempting to make) educated choices based on a set of information provided to them, while a smaller group of players attempts to undermine them by providing false information for varying reasons. I didn't put it on the mafia sub-board, because while it includes mafia-esque social deception elements, it's not the core of the game.


The game follows the adventures of the (yet-to-be-named) protagonist throughout a normal day of his/her life. The players will be divided into three "teams" of players that will work towards separate goals. It will last from the moment the protagonist wakes up until midnight at the end of the day. Each turn will last at most 5 days and will be divided into two phases. Both the teams and the types of phases will be described in following sections.

The basic overview of gameplay is that the players are presented with three scenes to choose from, at which point they vote on which scene is the "real" one, and submit actions to be voted on accordingly. Once an action is selected, the Phrenoids and Schizoids both plot to create their own version of the scene, separate from the "real" scene, that will be mixed in with the real scene that the players will vote on and base their actions in the following turn. This continues until the protagonist either dies, or the game ends (and then scoring is done).

There are three main roles a player can be assigned once the game starts. They are as follows:


Normal, uncorrupted elements of mental clarity and thought. Their goal is to steer the mind towards its higher aims, its most coveted desires and aspirations.

The "default" role in the game, akin to the town in mafia. Noids work together to see through the deception and clouded mind and steer the protagonist towards a successful day. They win with two of the three victory conditions, and are the most numerous of the three roles.


Vivid fascinations wreck the ever-longing mine for the world-that-turns, conjuring imaginations of the world-that-was intermixed with the world-that-could-be. Luminary echoes cast their shadow across eons of reality and the fanciful tapestry of the real world, longing that fascinates the waking mind and wreaks havok among the individual who would otherwise be more concerned with world affairs.

A "neutral" role in mafia-speak, the Phrenoids work together to create scenes that would otherwise seem favorable to the players. They don't get to see the real scene like the Schizoids do (although they do get a word count), but they do have access to memory, which the Schizoids don't usually have access to. The Phrenoids have an independent win condition. It doesn't matter if the protagonist lives, dies, or fails at everything they do. Regardless of who wins the game, the Phrenoids are considered successful if their scenes are chosen more often than or at least as often (40%) as the real scenes (schizoid scenes are counted as neutral for this purpose).


Dark creatures of doubt and despair, spiders crawling about the cobwebs of the subconscious mind, feeding off of the destruction of goals, aspirations, and dreams. Corrupted servants of the greater mind, who either through fomented malice or a misguided sense of self-preservation, shield the self from it's self-realization and perpetuate a cycle of misery and self-loathing.

Schizoids are the "mafia" of the game, and are directly working to undermine the success of the players. The exact win conditions will be detailed in a later section, but they are also able to submit a scene for consideration of the players. Unlike Phrenoids, they have a copy of the "real" event to judge, but don't have access to memory, unless they spend one of their limited subversion tokens.

All roles can vote and propose actions like normal during the action phase.

Roles will be allocated randomly and secretly when the game starts. The ideal ratio I'm going for is 1:2 for Schizoids and 1:3 for Phrenoids, although these aren't perfect and may be adjusted to suit the intended balance based on how the math works out. One hard rule, however, is that Phrenoids will never outnumber Schizoids, they can only have at least as many members as the Schizoids do, so if the math divies up the players in such a way that there would be more Phrenoids, that slot will be given to the Schizoids instead. Apportionment is hard. When the game starts, however, there will be a post detailing the number of players in each role.

In regards to voting, consensus among Phrenoid and Schizoid players is required to use tokens or post scenes. This can be a simple majority, but is ideally unanimous. Since there will probably at most be two players per Phrenoid or Schizoid team, this means you either agree or a course of action is picked randomly. For single player teams, well, hopefully you can agree with yourself :)


The game operates on turns, each turn divided into two phases.

Ponder Phase

The ponder phase is where the players discuss the three scenes presented to them and decide which one is real and act accordingly. During this phase a player will submit both a vote for the real scene, and a course of action (or vote on an existing course of action). This phase will last 3 days, or until all players have submitted their vote. Alternatively, if a majority of players has voted for a certain course of action (such that it would succeed regardless of other players), the turn will end after 24 hours from that last vote (to allow for further argumentation and debate).

During the ponder phase, an additional tidbit of information will be presented in the form of memory. Memory can usually be trusted to be accurate, and represents the relevant knowledge of the protagonist as it pertains to the matter at hand. This can be things like, the arrangement of the room, the name of a coworker, what you ate for dinner last night, etc. Keep in mind that memory is not perfect even when not subverted, and can be incomplete or lacking details entirely. Memory will never, however, directly mislead the players. It won't make things up that don't exist, or remember events that never happened. It can only be deceptive via omission. That is, unless...


During the action phase, where the Schizoids and Phrenoids plot their next scene, Schizoid players can opt to spend a subversion token to get a glimpse at, or even alter memory. There are two main ways to spend a subversion token:

Recall: Recall is simply that, you recall the memory that will be displayed in the next ponder phase, and get to see it before the rest of the players do and get to plan your scene accordingly.

Subversion: Subversion is much more dramatic, and allows Schizoid players to alter the memory that will be displayed in the next ponder phase. Sometimes even memory, that vague and listless warden of thought and mind can be subjugated by dark forces.

The Schizoids will start with three tokens, although there may be very rare opportunities to get new ones. When a token is spent on recall, it will be used up only if the Schizoids' scene isn't selected by the players. When spent on subversion, it will always be used up, regardless. There is a bit of a gamble here to spice things up.

An important element of subversion, is, of course, that the players won't know that memory was subverted. However, this can also persist into later turns if players wonder whether that memory was real or not, so there is an additional rule regarding subversion. If the players choose the correct scene while subverted memory is present, they will learn that the subverted memory was false.

Action Phase

The action phase is more akin to the "night" phase of mafia, in that only the Schizoids and Phrenoids have a part here. It is during this phase that they get to discuss and plan out the scene they want to submit for the next ponder phase. The action phase will last at max 2 days, although if both teams submit an action beforehand, then it will end at that point.


The game will start at 6:00 am and last until midnight, and time flow will be decided by the narrative. Throughout the game, players will need to accumulate success points in order to ensure the protagonist succeeds at their goals and continues to maintain their normal life after the day ends.

There are three types of tasks, from which successful completion can earn success points:

Foundational Tasks: 5 points
Major Tasks: 3 points
Minor Tasks: 1 point

The task list will be updated at the beginning of each ponder turn as tasks get completed, added, or failed. In order to "succeed", success points must be higher than failure points. Failure points are earned by failing a task, where the points are added to the failure tally instead of the success tally.

Additionally, each task will have "upgrade" and "subvert" conditions, which can detail ways in which a task can be upgraded to a higher tally (9 points for foundational), or subverted (one tier lower, or 0 for minor). These can apply to either success or failure. For instance, failing a task but fulfilling the upgrading conditions will lower the tally, so that the failure is less severe. Succeeding a task but while fulfilling the subverting conditions will make the success less beneficial. Of course, you can also succeed or fail while upgrading, which will make the upgrade or success that much more detrimental or beneficial. Both upgrading conditions and subverting conditions will be detailed appropriately (although not precisely, it is still very much a narrative game, creativity is welcomed) for both failure and success.

Additionally, there is a physical health tally, which starts at 0 points and can be increased by physical harm to the protagonist. There are three types of harm present in the game:

Critical Harm: Things which would typically kill or critically injure someone (e.g., getting shot).
Major Harm: Things which would typically seriously injure, but possible kill someone (getting hit by a car).
Minor Harm: Things that would minorly injure someone, but in a substantial way, and rarely actually cause death. (tripping and falling).

When harm is suffered, a 3d6 is rolled to determine total harm. For critical harm, it is rerolled twice, with the highest result being used. For major harm once, and for minor harm none at all. Additionally for critical harm, there is a second (not rerolled) roll that gets added to harm, which doesn't count against the instant death rules below.

If a natural 17 or 18 is rolled (a critical), then there is an additional instant death chance. For critical harm, this will immediately kill the protagonist. For major harm, this will kill the player if an incidental reroll also scores a critical (this reroll won't be added to the harm tally, just is used to determine the chance of death). For minor harm, you have to get truly unlucky with two rerolls succeeding.

Regardless, preventing physical harm is paramount to player success, not only because death immediately results in a Schizoid victory, but because going over 50 harm results in serious injury, which can still cause a minor Schizoid victory if the game ends with greater than 50 harm.

That means, of course, that harm can be reduced. There will be various ways to do this, but the most common being of course, medical attention. Unfortunately medical attention also takes time, so either way avoiding harm is the best course of action. For the sake of gameplay, the game takes place in a near-future setting for the purposes of medical care only, where even grievous harm can be attended to in a matter of hours, provided that the protagonist can actually make it to medical care...

Ending up in a serious injury state will immediately start adding "medical care" tasks to the tasklist, which can result in reduced harm if succeeded (or with persistent harm and failure points if failed).


There are four main types of victory in the game. FAILURE results in a Schizoid win, while VICTORY results in a noid win.

MAJOR VICTORY: Ending the game with more success points than failure points, and no serious injury.

MINOR VICTORY: Ending the game with more success points than failure points, and no serious injury, but one of the two foundational tasks was failed.

MINOR FAILURE: Ending the game with more success points than failure points, but with serious injury.

MAJOR FAILURE: Ending the game with less success points than failure points, or with death.


To join the game, simply make a post with your noid's name and a vote for the gender of the protagonist. The name of the protagonist, well, will be "determined" on the first turn :)

While I don't particularly care what names you use, the base suggested scheme is a combination of greek letters. Or maybe you can spice it up with human names, or names of famous people, or whatever persona you want the voices in the head to take on.

Well, those are all the rules. Trying my hand at a simple game this time so that I can get into it without being overwhelmed. But, I probably will get out of hand with the writing if my past games are any indication of my ability to not get carried away with the narrative.

Also, for the sake of discussion among the player teams there will be a discord.

Oh, also some ground rules. I don't like rules, but these are mainly aimed at discussion:

1. No metagaming. This mostly pertains to DMs and such. The only discussion should be either in the designated channels (for Schizoids and Phrenoids) or out in the open (prefer on the forum, but discord can be used too). Mainly I just don't want Schizoids and Phrenoids coordinating, since that would be a bit OP.

2. Be nice?

I'm bad at making and following rules, so here you go. Simple honor system ya'll.

Oh and also this game is obviously gonna need some tuning and balance, so we'll see how this first game goes and we can tweak it from there. Suggestions for mechanics, balance, etc. are always welcome, although I probably won't be making any chances during the game unless some grievous flaw is pointed out.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2023, 05:36:12 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid]
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2023, 05:28:46 pm »


1. Crystalizedmire (In)

2. The Canadian Kitten (That random intrusive thought)

3. VermilionSkies (Ori)

4. Fluffe9911 (Out)

5. LovecraftianFairyTale (Rho)

6. Glass (Mythopoeia)

« Last Edit: October 03, 2023, 12:36:36 am by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid]
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2023, 06:07:53 pm »

Name: In
Gender: female
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 06:13:07 pm by Crystalizedmire »

The Canadian kitten

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid]
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2023, 06:53:57 pm »

name: That random intrusive thought
Gender vote: Female


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid]
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2023, 01:23:09 pm »

Name: Ori
Gender: Female


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid]
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2023, 01:28:36 pm »

Name: Out
Gender: Female


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid]
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2023, 04:39:56 pm »

Name: Rho
Gender: Female


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] (Recruiting!)
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2023, 06:55:33 am »

Everything looks good, granted it's basically impossible to mess up the process. Leaving this up a tad bit longer to see if anyone else is interested.
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] (Recruiting!)
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2023, 11:53:13 am »

Name: Mythopoeia
Gender: abstaining
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] (Recruiting!)
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2023, 03:33:21 am »

I'll most likely be starting this sometime today, so last call for anyone interested. Excited to begin :)
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Action Phase 0
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2023, 12:19:16 am »


I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain—and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.

I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,

But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.

-Robert Frost ("Acquainted with the Night")

You awake with a start. A dream of a faint moon in the sky, the sounds of distant howling wolves. Although, they sound peculiar. Human somehow. Distant voices, distant memories, fleeting thoughts...

But then you hear them...

The sounds of your interlopers, tearing into your mind. A faint sweat breaks out on your brow, an electric panic in the back of your mind. That tell-tale buzzing in the brain that heralds the coming of your derealization.

Instinctively your hand reaches over to your nightstand, and it knocks over a smooth plastic cylinder. But to your dismay, it's empty.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

That's right, you recall forgetting to refill your prescription yesterday. But it was just so late and you were just so tired.

I'm probably gonna regret this.

You probably are. But the question now, is, just how much?

You are drawn to the realization that the room is starting to enter your senses, first blurred by the haze of a groggy night's rest. At least you had a good sleep. You sit up and look around.


And, uh, what was your name again?

How could I forget my own name?

Probably the hum-drum of life, or the drum-hum of your most bestest of friends, that unholy choir of your own making.
You know that you are a female, however. That and that you work a menial office job. The rest are meaningless details, best saved for a later time when you're not struggling to stay rooted in reality. Oh, and you also have a date tonight, and that the pharmacy is closed today. Good luck!

First turn is up. You're in the Action Phase which normally comes after the Ponder Phase, but the Schizoids and Phrenoids get to set the first scene. You can still discuss amongst yourselves though.

The time is 6:00 AM.

This turn will end in 48 hours, starting from this post.

Minor Edit: The current distribution of roles is 3 Noids, 2 Schizoids, and 1 Phrenoid. One Phrenoid got converted from Schizoid as outlined in the rules. We'll see how this feels, technically Noids outnumber Schizoids, but are 1:1 with non-"Town" roles, but alas.


Keep your Job (Foundational): 0 / 5
The total of all success points from work related tasks has to be greater than failure points. And you also have to get to work. And not get outright fired.

Success Points: 0
Upgrading: Get a promotion!
Subverting: Be late.

Failure Points: 0
Upgrading: Do something really silly on top of getting fired.
Subverting: At least you're rehireable?

Dating With a Twist (Foundational): 0 / 5
The total of all success points from date related tasks has to be greater than failure points. And you also have to get to the date. And not outright scare your date away.

Success Points: 0
Upgrading: Really hit it off, like, second date is no problem.
Subverting: Be late.

Failure Points: 0
Upgrading: He's friends with another cute guy from the office. Why'd you had to screw that up, too?
Subverting: At least he didn't run away screaming?

Remember Your Name (Minor): 0 / 1
Gosh, it would really suck if you forgot what your name was. This isn't a huge deal, but, uh, it may have unintended consequences later?


Upgrading: You didn't even get the first letter right?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2023, 12:30:47 am by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Action Phase 0
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2023, 07:53:46 pm »


You look around the room. It's kinda dark, so you can't see much, but you can make out all the usual furniture. And nothing seems too out of place. The faint outline of a poster is on the wall to your right, some dark curtains on the left, and a desk with a computer at the foot of the bed near the wall next to your closet. You see a faint shadow moving near the closet, and it fills you with an amount of unease. Oh, and your name is Mia.

Your name is Makenna an OUTSTANDING name. You wake up from bed REFRESHED and ready to face the world. You should brush your teeth, take a shower, get dressed all that ROUTINE stuff you NORMALLY do. Once complete head back to your room to ADMIRE your cat poster and check your POPULAR social media pages on your computer before heading OUT to work at... where do you work again?

The morning light is still dim, but you can still see the layout of your room. Everything seems to be where you remember it. There's a wan line of light through the gap in the curtains on the wall opposite of you; to the left, your computer desk sits below a poster, though you can't make out the artwork. Something about it makes you remember, though: your name is Mary.
On your right, you see your closet, and catch a brief movement in the shadows.

Memory: Your name starts with an M. Also, the walls of your room are a nice neutral color. The furniture isn't too crazy. The basics. You have a poster of a cat on the wall to the left of the head of the bed, and some space-themed curtains over the window to the right of the bed. There's also a desk at the foot of the bed with your PC, next to the closet.

Alright, Ponder Phase 1 is now active, players can vote for a course of action and vote on the correct scene. Apologies for the delay on that one, the submissions got in on time and I was a bit busy. Gonna try to hold myself to the schedule now. Next phase begins in 72 hours, or otherwise as indicated by the conditions in the OP.

"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Ponder Phase 1
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2023, 08:08:55 pm »

Quiet down with all the caps, phrenoid.

Given that scenes 1 and 3 share a general format/style while 2 wildly diverges, it's pretty obvious that 2 is the phrenoid scene. From there, it's decently easy to see that scene 3 fails the memory test - it puts the pieces of the room in the wrong places. 1 has to be the real scene.

Now the question from there is, what do we do about it?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Ponder Phase 1
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2023, 08:49:53 pm »

Agreed, Scene 1 seems the most likely to be real.

As for our next action, I think we should just get out of bed and open the curtains. We should probably check what that moving shadow is, and we don’t know where our phone or a light switch is, so opening the curtain is our best chance of lighting up the room and getting a better look at it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schizophrenoida: A Dark Narrative [SG/Mafia hybrid] Ponder Phase 1
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2023, 08:41:57 am »

Scene 1 is definitely real.
Seeing how much the memory gives you, I'm a little concerned about what the phrenoid scenes will look like once they get the hang of this.

Getting a look at the room is probably a good idea. We should probably get dressed while we're at it.
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