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Author Topic: God-Kings! -Turn 12-  (Read 13582 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 1- (12/???)
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2023, 03:53:54 pm »



[ACTION].[WILL].[EON] (3/0/2)
m: [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] pushes an urgent bulletin across the satellite network to all surviving Antenna-Unlen: having survived the Great Trial, the chosen few were to wander the world as nomadic prophets in order to spread the correct faith in [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] to all peoples. He first commands unto them to be fruitful and multiply so that the Antenna-Unlen race may grow.

THESUN (3/1/0)
V: THESUN incarnates into a Blood Vessel among the Fire Unlen of the Cult of the Eternal Day.
m: THESUN creates a printing press for use by the Cult of the Eternal Day so that his word may be spread on paper format.
b: THESUN blesses five wise faithful of the Cult of Eternal Day with great charisma and persuasiveness
b: THESUN blesses five dedicated faithful of the Cult of Eternal Day with the ability to shoot solar rays that can vaporize people.
misc: THESUN stays hidden in the comfort of a home, benefitting from the Major Blessing of Neetocris.

Kesem (1/2/2)
m: Kesem creates a location called the Librarian Tower near an oasis of the Vast Dust, where he beckons the seekers of knowledge to come and gather unlock the secrets of the world.
b: Kesem then blesses a select few of his worshippers with his remaining power.

Tim (3/1/1)
V: Tim reincarnates as prophesized into a Blood Vessel among a Fire Unlen of royal blood, master of Spirit Beast Summoning.
m: Tim immediately attempts to strike down the Blood Vessel of THESUN! But THESUN is protected by the Major Blessing of Neetocris, thwarting Tim in their attempt.
b: Tim self-blesses.
c: Tim curses a few prominent members of the Cult of the Eternal Day.

Revolution (1/4/0)
m: Revolution alters a few worshippers of Storm and Sword with the ability to see beyond the concealing darkness.
B: Revolution blesses the ruin exploring Unlen of Scaple, beckoning them to draw him out of the stone.

Rut-Var (3/1/1)
m: Rut-Var carves an altar to her glory in the shadow of one of her great breasts.  The Alter of Rut-Var is a large circle of a silvery white metal set into the ground, at the center of which is a sacrificial pit in which the sacrifices may be tossed. In the script of the Sratii, it is written: TOSS IT DOWN RUT-VAR.
B: Rut-Var creates the Major Blessing of the Chosen, stipulating that when one sacrifices a great amount of wealth or lives to the pit, the favor of Rut-Var grants them power, increasing the strength and size of their bodies and souls. The larger their sacrifice the more power they receive in the form of simple but powerful magic based on the will. Whether they become kings and/or warlord in the process, Rut-Var cares not.* (1/3/1)
A new God-King appears, cast down here to this world for unleashing forbidden infernal powers upon countless peaceful worlds by facilitating contact across dimensions.
m:* starts a grand project of network projection to all major settlements, creating a small terminal in each major capital.
b:* blesses a few prospective geniuses among the Shade-Unlen with the knowledge to use said terminals.

Ferina (1/1/2)
m: Ferina creates a species of winged snakes from a group of of snakes.
b: Ferina then blesses said winged snakes.

Taki (1/0/3)
M: Filled with the faith of her people, Taki rewards them by bestowing upon them the gift of Familybarges™, personally visiting each family to deliver them their very own Familybarges™. A Familybarge is descrined in her words as a flying shelter from the wind and dust and darkness lit with paper lanterns each filled with bright words of fire and warmth and comfort, and at the center of each barge is one great poem of fire and heat which rises the sails and keeps the barge afloat, free to journey the great Dust Sky.
b: Taki blesses the lightbringers.

Omnipotence (1/0/4)
misc: Omnipotence floats towar brilliant Gempria in the hopes of losing the Envoy.
m: Omnipotence shields itself with a sphere of red plasma that no mortal mean could possibly break.
b: Omnipotence blesses a group of Sandfolks from Gempria and command them to build shrines and pyramids to His glory.

Gratis (2/1/2)
m: Gratis creates a few golems of stone to help the inhabitants of the empire.
B: Gratis blesses the unearthed empire of Gavrasratii with eternal law and order so that it may never fall again.

Neetocris (3/1/0)
M: Neetocris splits its Major Intervention into 3 Minor Interventions.
m: Neetocris selects a group of Spirit Beasts, transforming them into the Grand Spirit Beasts. Powerful and hard to control, they unlike most Beasts are able to choose their host to their fancy.
m: Neetocris creates in his wondrous palace a magnificent garden holding all plants to exist in the world, regardless of their origin so that he may gaze upon them from the comfort of his home.
m: Neetocris creates in his ever wondrous palace a grand zoo where all the creatures of the world can be found in exquisite cages, so that he may be entertained by them from the comfort of his home.

Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread (1/1/3)
M: Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread casts the Greater Spell of Realm That Jungled once more, this time over ever forsaken Esulom. Spore and mush revitalize the reborn land, allowing new life to settle once more upon its back.

Envoy of the Interlopers (0/3/3)
m: The Envoy chases after Omnipotence, leaving a trail of death in its wake. Assessing the situation and realizing their current vessel far surpasses its capabilities, the Envoy readjusts its mission to reduce Omnipotence power by eliminating its followers.
The Envoy effortlessly kills all blessed followers of Omnipotence, leading them away from the God-King.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 04:49:37 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 1- (12/???)
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2023, 03:54:15 pm »


Dasala: Darkapple plague and the conquest of the Dust Sky

As proof of her greatness, Taki the Dust God-Queen Wanderer-King of Dasala granted to each Dasalan family a marvel of True Names and engineering, the Familybarge which any could use to ride and live through the Dusty Sky while remaining sheltered from the elements. Using this incredible gift, the Dasalan spread across the Vast Dust, ever expanding the reach of Dasala and the influence of their God-Queen.

In another location of the Vast Dust, a few knowledge seeking Wanderers gathered to the Librarians Tower erected by Kesem the God-King of the Dark, Wanderer of the Night Sky. They formed a secluded order of knowledge seekers called the Librarians of the Dark, dedicated to uncovering the secrets of True Names.

Similarly in Dasala, the blessed order of the Lightbringers built a small tower called the Lighthouse. There, they researched the True Names of the light.

At some point in time, a terrible plague ravaged the Darkapple Trees of the Vast Dust, threatening Dasala with a future famine.

Gempria the Ever-Bright: Union of the God-King bloodlines and the Great Barbarian Invasion

Two great events would shake the twin kingdoms of Gempria in the 2nd Turn of the Long Dark. First was the alliance of the two God-Kings of Fire and Shade Unlen, Tim the Reborn Burning God-Queen and Neetocris the Untouchable Shaded God-King. As sign of this alliance, the Fire and Shade royal bloodlines intermingled, greatly strengthening the links between the two kingdoms. In the wake of all this, Tim declared war on THESUN and its followers, cursing them such that they fled the Kingdom of Fire Season, sowing the seeds of great coming changes.

With half their leaders cursed, the faithful of the Eternal Day went on an exodus toward the Scaple where other Unlen had once fled the two God-Kings. Their rage and hate toward Fire consumed them until their deaths, and were passed on to the blessed faithful of the Eternal Day. The Cult of the Sun came to the Unlen Barbarians of the Scaple who sought the Light of Gempria, converting them to the Sun and rousing their hearts to claim back Gempria from Fire and Shade. And so did the Night Horde form, on a crusade to take back the Light from Gempria.

They came in seemingly endless waves, only barely slowed by the Beast Users of the Kingdoms of Seasons. As they lost more and more of their territory to the Horde, the Fire and Shade Unlen made a pact with the Grand Spirit Beasts in the hopes of annihilating their enemies. But even with the might of the Grand Beasts, the twin Kingdoms couldn't push back the barbarians of the Scaple. Wounded and spent, the Grand Spirit Beasts then entered a long slumber.

The Empire of Eternal Day formed on the conquered lands of the Kingdoms of Seasons, and an uneasy peace was signed between the Empire and the Kingdoms of Gempria.

With the war came many occasion, especially for the printing press invention and the communication terminals. Studying and reverse-engineering the two marvels of the God-Kings, the Unlen of Gempria managed to replicate pale but effective copies, thus creating a vast information network across Gempria and a boon in the diffusion of knowledge and ideology through books.

While this all happened, sightings of a fractal abomination were reported in Gempria, hunting mercilessly those who worshipped Omnipotence. As a consequence, faith in Omnipotence sharply fell among the Sandfolks who had managed to make their lives in Gempria.

Shaman Kingdoms of the Tropical Scaple: the Shamanic Corruption of the Mycus

In ever moist Scaple, the Shaman Kingdoms continued to rise and fall undisturbed, with some slowly uncovering the secrets of the ancient ruins thanks to heroic explorers blessed by Revolution the God-King of Unfound Ruins. One such adventurer drew the blade which housed the God-King, and founded the Adventurer Kingdom, where explorers and ruin seekers from the entire world gathered in order to feed their lust for adventure.

At the same time the Shaman Kings found a way to manipulate the spores of the Scaple, and in a great ritual gone wrong, the Scaple mycellium network known as the Mycus became corrupted by the evils of thought and the power of the shamans. As a dire consequence, the central lands of the Scaple withered into a strange rot that didn't belong to the cycle of Decay, its sure spread threatening to destroy the tropical Scaple.

Many of the venomous snakes were consumed in the decay, the central lands being where they once thrived. Although fortunately, the winged snakes escaped the decay, blessed by Ferina the Serpentine God-Queen. They thrived and multiplied in the ruined Scaple, their descendants inheriting a form of resistance to the shamanic corruption.

Gavrasratii: First Emperor and Golemworks

The Empire of the Sratii continued to persist thanks to the blessing of Gratis the God-King of Ancient Mysteries, fulfilling the hopes and dreams of its inhabitants and shutting down for good the pessimists. It is said the first Emperor of Gavrasratii, the Sratiitra, was the first to climb Rut-Gar the God-Queen of Mountain and offer onto her altar a hundred servants and a thousand treasures. To reward his sacrifice, he was given the power to rule over his kin and made himself warlord, then king, then Emperor. And to prevent any would be pretenders from gaining the favor of the Mountain and challenging his rule, the Emperor had a great sealed temple built around the altar, where only those allowed by the Emperor could enter.

The Golems created by Gratis to help them fascinated the Sratii, and using ancient blueprints they developed the art of Golemworking. Although unable to match the divine precision of Gratis, they still succeeded in creating golems of their own.

Tropical Esulom: A Land Reborn

Given new life by the Greater Spell of Realm That Jungled, the dying Esulom turned into a mossy and fungal land where once barren wastelands and ruins laid. Still deep were the ancient wounds of Esulom, and much time would be needed to fully heal them. And with the departure of Omnipotence the God-King of Sand from Esulom, the remaining Sandfolks turned their worship to [the Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread, God-King of Decay, Storm and Rebirth] who purged the land of the drain disease.

To make the best of their new lives, the Sandfolks gathered once more but never did form a country as a leader never really arose among them.

Other things

Following the commandments of [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] God-King of Satellites and Propaganda, the Antenna-Unlen spread and multiplied, forming a small insignificant country at the shaded edge of Gempria.

Wanderers of Dasala: [2] [3]
Taki blessed Lightbringers: [3]
Kesem blessed worshippers: [6] [3]
Darkapple Trees: [1]

M-Blessed Homebound people of Gempria: [2] [3]
Blessed followers of the Eternal Day: [6] [4]
Cursed followers of the Eternal Day: [6]
Blessed Shade-Unlen of the terminal: [2] [2] [5]
Blessed Sandfolks of Gempria: [5] -Envoy interference-
Grand Spirit Beasts: [6]
Invading Unlen Barbarians of Scaple: [5]

M-Blessed Unlen Barbarians of Scaple: [3]
Darkseeing Unlen of Scaple: [3]
Ruin-exploring Unlen of Scaple: [4]
Unlen Shamans of Scaple: [6] [6] [4]

Antenna-Unlen: [3]

M-Blessed Gavrasratii: [1] [2] [3]
M-Blessed chosen of Rut-Var: [2] [2] [4]
Golems of Gavrasratii: [4]

Sandfolks: [4]

Tropical Scaple: [6]
>Venomous Snakes: [6]
>Blessed Winged Snakes: [4]

Tropical Esulom: [3]

Printing Press: [4]
Terminals: [5]


The enigmatic Interlopers acted.

Another Envoy (0/3/3) has been sent on the world, this time with the aim of destroying the vessel of Kesem the God-King of the Dark, Wanderer of the Night Sky. This one is an abomination of faces screaming at Kesem for the madness of his gifts of forbidden secrets.

The Interlopers have sent an Envoy to Hunt Kesem and destroy their Vessel.

To feel better after discovering the pain of sickness, an Interloper has cursed the entire world with a coming plague that will inevitably affect all mortal civilisations the next turn.


Bolded for strong impact
Italics for minor impact

The Wanderers of Dasala worship the Blood Vessel of Taki and the Construct Vessels of Kesem. None takes precedence.
The Lightbringers worship Taki
The Librarians worship Kesem

The Cult of the Burning Queen worships the Blood Vessel of Tim.
The Cult of the Sedentary King worships the Blood Vessel of Neetocris.
The Cult of Seasons worships the Blood Vessel of Tim and Neetocris.
The Cult of the Eternal Day worships the World Vessel of THESUN.
Gemria worships the World Vessel of THESUN.
The Sandfolks of Gempria worship the Construct Vessels of Omnipotence.

The Sratii of Gavrasratii worship the World Vessel of Rut-Var and the Construct Vessels of Gratis. Rut-Var takes precedence  (3 vs 2)
The mangled earth of the northern region worship the Construct Vessels of Gratis.
Golems and Golemworkers worship the Construct Vessels of Gratis.

The Unlen of the Shaman Kingdom of Scaple worship the Construct Vessels of Revolution and the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread. None of them take precedence.

The Sandfolks of Esulom worship the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread.

The Antenna-Unlen worship the World Vessel of [ACTION].[WILL].[EON].

The bookbinders and print pressers worship THESUN.
The terminal users worship*.

All Darkapple Trees worship the Blood Vessel of Taki.
All Snakes worship the Blood Vessel of Ferina.
Winged Snakes worship the Blood Vessel of Ferina.
The Hills and Mountains worship the World Vessel of Rut-Var.
The Scaple worships the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread.
Esulom worships the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread.
The Clouds worship the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread.
The Satellites worship the World Vessel of [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] and THESUN.

Coalescing Worship:
Worship has coalesced into 1 Major Intervention for the following God-Kings:
- Taki
- Kesem
- Tim
- Revolution
- Ferina
- Neetocris
- Kesem
- Rut-Var
- Gratis
- Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread

Worship failed to coalesce into 1 Major Intervention for the following God-Kings:
- Omnipotence*
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 02:49:11 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 1- (12/???)
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2023, 03:54:44 pm »


Spoiler: Taki (Egan_BW) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tim (TricMagic) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Revolution (Glass) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kesem (Megam0nkey) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Neetocris (Stirk) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rut-Var (chubby2man) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: THESUN (Demonic Spoon) (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 04:53:00 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 1- (12/???)
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2023, 03:55:14 pm »

Bolded for importance
Italics for insignificance

Spoiler: People (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notable Things (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 02:08:24 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (12/???)
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2023, 03:56:43 pm »

The JANITOR has spared creation, for now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2023, 04:18:46 pm »

(Does my snakes count as a kingdom and thus not spared from the coming plague?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #96 on: September 22, 2023, 04:20:57 pm »

(Does my snakes count as a kingdom and thus not spared from the coming plague?)
(Your snakes do not currently count as a kingdom. If they somehow become mortals next turn and form some kingdom, they will be affected.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #97 on: September 22, 2023, 04:30:36 pm »

With the changing of Seasons, Tim lets the curse of the Eternal Sun fall free. They have endured the fire, and come out stronger for it.

"Oh THESUN, Do you wish to spread the light across the land? Oh the Shaded Neetocris, do you wish to offer blessing to those who live in the dark?"

"Bring an end and link the fires of our vessels into one diurnal light?"

Code: (Proposal: The SUN Phoenix of Night Flame) [Select]
Cost: 3 Major Interventions
Type: World Construct
Race: Divine Spirit Beast
Inhabitance: THESUN, Neetocris, Tim
Description: A spirit greater than any other, it flies around space. It's fire shines upon the land, creating the long nights and days wherever it's light touches.
A phoenix born from divine might, who revives time and again, it's purple plumage burning with the might of the lost Sun.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 04:47:12 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #98 on: September 22, 2023, 04:43:52 pm »

Major Intervention: Make a large variety of songbirds in Esulom.

Minor Intervention: Guide a couple of venomous snakes to Esulom.There is no place for you here, there are better things elsewhere. Follow me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #99 on: September 22, 2023, 04:46:19 pm »

Major Intervention: Make a large variety of songbirds in Esulom.

Minor Intervention: Guide a couple of venomous snakes to Esulom.There is no place for you here, there are better things elsewhere. Follow me.
(You cannot do more than 1 Intervention per turn)

edit: talking and interacting without using powers of some sort is free so long as it remains reasonable though.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Normalcy is constructed, not absolute.
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #100 on: September 22, 2023, 04:48:34 pm »

« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 01:48:43 am by Egan_BW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #101 on: September 22, 2023, 04:48:46 pm »

Yes, how wonderful. The users will surely only get smarter by disseminating information amongst themselves.

Minor Intervention: Give divine inspiration to a specific user of the network, causing him to design a standard language for every living being to speak.

Major Blessing: This blessing will cause every piece of information sent through the pipe network to be absorbed faster than other information.

Also yes. I will deliver books and other forms of the written word. Perhaps even images.
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
Richard Stallman's Kind Communication Guidelines


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #102 on: September 22, 2023, 04:49:06 pm »

Major Intervention: Make a large variety of songbirds in Esulom.

Minor Intervention: Guide a couple of venomous snakes to Esulom.There is no place for you here, there are better things elsewhere. Follow me.
(You cannot do more than 1 Intervention per turn)

edit: talking and interacting without using powers of some sort is free so long as it remains reasonable though.
Major Intervention: Make a large variety of songbirds in Esulom.
Sing my children!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #103 on: September 22, 2023, 04:53:32 pm »

Yes, how wonderful. The users will surely only get smarter by disseminating information amongst themselves.

Minor Intervention: Give divine inspiration to a specific user of the network, causing him to design a standard language for every living being to speak.

Major Blessing: This blessing will cause every piece of information sent through the pipe network to be absorbed faster than other information.

Also yes. I will deliver books and other forms of the written word. Perhaps even images.
Wah sorry! I messed the accounting, you shouldn't have a Major Intervention available :(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 2- (13/???)
« Reply #104 on: September 22, 2023, 05:00:22 pm »

[Minor Intervention]
The Astral Kingmaker, Crown of Arcane Wisdom guides it's descent as it's banished from the Infinite. Aiming to fall amongst the most worthy of the Sandfolk of Esolum

[Minor Blessings]
1: The Astral Kingmaker blesses itself to be irresistible to the one most worthy of sharing it's wisdom and power to amongst the Sandfolk it lands next to.
2: The Astral Kingmaker blesses itself to grant a portion of it's eons of wisdom and knowledge to it's wearer, careful not to share anything that would rouse the Warden.
3: The Astral Kingmaker blesses itself to grant some of it's power as vitality and strength to it's wearer, insuring they would resist disease and maintain a superb amount of strength for a mortal
4: The Astral Kingmaker blesses the area directly around where it landed, to be fruitful and nurturing

[Here's hoping I understood the Bless Limit of 3 Law correctly.]
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.
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