"Behold, my people, my children, the night has come. For the one who cast light upon us in their folly overspent, and, not thinking of their future or ours, exploded violently. Truly, observe the foolishness of one who would hang over you and rule! And the foolishness of relying on such a high person, who the whole world relies on. But my children, dear children of Dasala, do not despair. For light is not only passed down from above, it is given and accepted between friends and neighbors. As my cousin the star-cloaked has given those among you the light of Words, do not spurn their followers, and give light of your own, so that when you need light, you may accept it."
Major Intervention: Taki the dustqueen travels between the scattered families of Dasala on bright wings and for each, she builds for them a great sailing Familybarge, a flying shelter from the wind and dust and darkness lit with paper lanterns each filled with bright words of fire and warmth and comfort, and at the center of each barge is one great poem of fire and heat which rises the sails and keeps the barge afloat, free to journey the great Dust Sky.
Minor (re)Blessing: And blessed are the lightbringers, for those who hold in their hearts the desire to give light to others shall weave bright and wonderful Words of light to share among their neighbors, to banish the dark and despair of all people of Dasala.