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Author Topic: God-Kings! -Turn 12-  (Read 13550 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (10/???)
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2023, 09:26:13 pm »

Minor Intervention: Send a herald to show the Sand People a portrait of my awesome physique, converting them to my servants. It is always useful to have a servile sand person around, probably.

"Laws are what got us here, and are literally what binds us. Are you sure you don't want to give chaos a shot?"

“What could possible by more chaotic then the law?”
(I think you already intervened?)

Demonic Spoon

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Re: God-Kings! (10/???)
« Reply #46 on: September 20, 2023, 10:41:26 pm »

Minor Intervention: Send a herald to show the Sand People a portrait of my awesome physique, converting them to my servants. It is always useful to have a servile sand person around, probably.

"Laws are what got us here, and are literally what binds us. Are you sure you don't want to give chaos a shot?"

“What could possible by more chaotic then the law?”
(I think you already intervened?)
(No, they blessed)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2023, 03:15:04 am »



Twelve God-Kings awaken from slumber and impose their will upon the world! Among them are THESUN the God-King who incarnated into the fiery orb of fire and light orbiting above the world, as well as Ferina the Serpentine God-Queen who incarnated into the last member of a species of half-humanoid half-snake creatures.

THESUN (4/1/0)
M!: THESUN blesses Gempria the Land of Two Seasons, with eternal day... and suddenly explodes in an deluge of light and fire powerful enough to bring light to the entire world for a moment, its worldly vessel collapsing under its own divinity! Gempria is fundamentally changed by the essence of the Eternal Day, chasing all shade and darkness away from the surface.
b: THESUN blesses the five best THESUN worshippers... but lacking a Vessel it is unable to do so!
c: THESUN curses the five people who most disrespect THESUN... but lacking a Vessel it is unable to do so!

Tim (3/0/1)
M!: Tim empowers both Fire- and Shade- Unlen with the ability to call forth Spirit Beasts to aid them... but suddenly turns into a fiery inferno as unquenchable divine flames erupt from the vessel!
c: Tim curses [ACTION].[WILL].[EON]... but lacking a Vessel it is unable to do so!

Kesem (1/2/2)
B: Kesem blesses the Wanderers with the esoteric magic of True Names, giving them only a few starting indications before leaving them to discover the rest.

Neetocris (3/1/0)
m: Neetocris sends a herald to the Sandfolks in order to spread his name.
B: Neetocris declares itself God-king of Houses and Homes and bless all the homes in the Gempria region as proof of its claim.

Revolution (1/4/0)
m: Revolution subtly alters his resting rock into a beacon-altar where timeless and pristine images of the local ruins are projected to would-be onlookers.
B: Revolution blesses all mortals who reside within Scaple.

Taki (1/0/3)
M: Sensing the incoming fiery doom of a certain Sun, Taki plants seeds of Darkapple Trees all throughout the Kingdom of Dasala.
b: Taki blesses the cheesemakers, number very few indeed.

Rut-Var (3/1/1)
m: Rut-Var digs a few tunnels under itself, but overestimate its abilities a bit. While this is no massive network, the few tunnels are created strategically thanks to Rut-Var grand design, creating very critical passages.
B: Rut-Var blesses those who live on or under the Mountain, granting them health, and success in raising their herds and crops.
c: Rut-Var curses the first unlucky few who would curse against the Mountain with withering.

Ferina (1/1/2)
M: Ferina creates a large variety of venomous snakes on the most appropriate land, which would be the newly tropical Scaple.

Omnipotence (1/0/4)
M: Omnipotence creates humanoid elemental beings of sand called the Sandfolk in the Esulom.
b: Omnipotence blesses a group of Sandfolks.

[ACTION].[WILL].[EON] (3/0/2)
M: [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] alters the Unlen of Scaple, causing them to grow propaganda-catching antennas.
b: [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] self-blesses.

Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread (1/1/3)
M: Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread alters Scaple into a fertile and moist tropical land with the Greater Spell of Realm That Jungled. This new Scaple becomes suffused with ever bountiful mushy goodness, and fungus, and fungus again.
b: Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread blesses a group of shamans from Scaple's Unlen.

Gratis (2/1/2)
M: Gratis conjures a massive earthquake on itself, unearthing an entire forgotten Sratii empire.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2023, 03:15:39 am »


The Day When the Sun Fell on Gempria

The awakening of the God-Kings came with tremendous changes for the inhabitants of the world. As if to announce their presence and very real hold over the world, the God-King THESUN took over and destroyed the Sun in a fiery explosion, stealing the blessings of Light from all other corners of the world and granting them to Gempria alone for reason only THESUN knew. For all places beyond Gempria, this day would herald the start of the Long Dark.

The Wanderers of Dasala: Of Dust and Night

When the Sun embers fell south, the Vast Dust turned dark and the winds shuddered. But in its great wisdom, Taki the Dust God-Queen Wanderer-King of Dasala had imparted a prophecy to the Wanderers and planted the seeds of Darkapple Trees which would feed the Wanderers even during the coming Long Dark.

But despite Taki's intervention, the Wanderers still struggled heavily under the reign of the Night, their eyes unadapted to such darkness. Fortunately the protection of a God-King of the Dark itself guided them in the darkness, telling them to use not their eyes but their words. With the powers of True Names the Wanderers found again the light, thus managing to save the Kingdom of Dasala from a slow decay. A new cult thus appeared within Dasala, dedicated to Kesem the God-King of the Dark, Wanderer of the Night Sky.

Gempria of Two Seasons, Land of the Eternal Day

On the day the Sun fell on Gempria, it is said by the Fire-Unlen that Tim the Burning God-Queen used all her power in a grand sacrifice to save Gempria from certain doom. Whether it is the truth or not, it is what the Fire-Unlen myths recount, and it is a fact the Fire and Shade Unlen obtained that day the power to summon mighty Spirit Beasts to aid them. Inside the Shade-Unlen myths however, it is instead told Neetocris the Shaded God-King in his great wisdom warned the faithful to remain in their homes that day, like any other day that is. But he did say to remain home, and did also declare all homes blessed whether they were from the faithful or the faithless. And so in Shade-Unlen tradition, it is the action of Neecrotis which protected Gempria, for after all isn't Gempria the home of the Fire and Shade Unlen?

Four cults appeared in the twin kingdoms following these events. First is the Cult of the Immolated Queen whose followers worship Tim and her sacrifice, and who foretell Her return and victory over death. Next is the Cult of the Sedentary King whose followers worship Neetocris and the comforting shade of home. The third is the Cult of Seasons, worshipping equally both God-Kings according to the interpretation that they worked together to protect and save Gempria from the Sun fall. Finally is the fringe Cult of the Eternal Day, dedicated to the Fallen Sun.

Overcome with light, Gempria became the envy of people from beyond who sought to take refuge from the Long Dark in Gempria. Great migrations occured from the Unlen barbarian tribes of the Scaple, to the mysterious Sandfolks who crossed the Liquid Expanse in search for the light. The two Kingdoms joined forces to repel the unending invaders, although doing so exhausted the two countries.

Gavrasratii the Reborn Sratii Empire

For the Sratii who had toiled meager lives in the mountain-children of Rut-Gar, the coming of the Long-Dark heralded a new golden age. It would seem Rut-Gar the God-Queen of Mountain took pity upon these pitiful creatures, and blessed them with the bounties of her own treasury and generous face. Already used to the dark, the disappearance of Light only mildly disturbed their lives, and with the newfound blessings of the mountain, their settlements grew at a rapid pace. Woe to those who would curse the Mountain however, for they would crumble into salt.

The blessings of Rut-Gar alone did not explain their golden age: reborn with new life from the bellies of the land, the Ruby Judge now inhabited by Gratis the God-King of Ancient Mysteries ordered the very earth to part and release sealed Gavrasratii, the legendary Sratii Empire of yore. Rediscovering their ruins and preserved archives, the Sratii managed to rebuild part of their past, propelling them through leaps of development. Although called Empire, this new country was for now some sort of great confederation of major Sratii tribes united in their dual cults of the Mother of All Mountain and the Keeper of Secrets.

Scaple the Moist Bountiful Land and its Shaman Kings

When the Sun fell, the divine breath of [the Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread, God-King of Decay, Storm and Rebirth] blew on Scaple, spreading spores of life to give a new chance to the abandoned land. As if adapting to the Long Dark, great fungal jungles and prairies of moss all bioluminescent sprouted in vast quantities all over Scaple, rising and dying, their humid rot feeding new sprouts and spores. Further renforcing its diversity were many venomous snakes brought by Ferina the Serpentine God-Queen, whose many deaths fueled the cycle of rot and rebirth even more. As nature is well-made, the surviving species of snakes were the top predators of Scaple, their venom distilling the essence of decay to dreadful effect.

The Unlen who remained on Scaple rather than flee for Gempria adapted quickly to these new boons, guided by the group of Shamans blessed by the Storm and taught by the Sword. Having found the lost altar of Revolution the God-King, they came to understand the blessing he cast over Scaple and made themselves Shaman-Kings of the Unlen. Now the Unlen of Scaple worship the two God-Kings to whom they owe their prosperity, calling them the Great Storm-Spirit and the Great Sword-Spirit.

The Madness of the Antenna-Unlen

[ACTION].[WILL].[EON] God-King of Satellites visited the faithless Unlen when the Sun fell, and changed them so that they could hear the voices of the orbiting powers of the Night Sky. With the Voices as guide, they found their ways into the Dark and could survive and even thrive where others had failed. As days of dark passed, the more they relied on the voices until their minds would go mad from elliptical revelations. Soon the voices of the Antenna-Unlen were silenced, with only scarce individuals surviving the maddening call of the satellites: these few survivors had surpassed their past selves, becoming diviners capable of listening to the signs of the Night Sky.

The Sandfolks of Esulom

To the West and beyond the Liquid Expanse, the Sandfolks were created by Omnipotence the God-King of Sand on Esulom. Alone and undisturbed, they started multiplicating even in Esulom where magic was sparse and limited, having been drained by a distant cataclysm. Misfortune then struck as a few Sandfolks contracted an ancient magical plague draining them of their magic until they died. As the plague spread by close proximity, the Sandfolks became hermit creatures who rarely interacted with one another out of fear of catching the draining plague. Only the blessed Sandfolks seemed immune to it, but their immunity didn't seem to pass to their descendants.

A herald came to them from a faraway land, speaking of home and cosiness. Some Sandfolks started following Neetocris.

Wanderers of Dasala: [2] [3]
Fire-Unlen and Shade-Unlen: [3]
Homeloving Fire-Unlen and Shade-Unlen: [3]
Unlen Barbarians of Scaple: [1]
Blessed Unlen Barbarians of Scaple: [1] [6] [5]
Unlen Shamans of Scaple: [4]
Antenna-Unlen: [6]
Sratii: [2] [2] [2] [5]
Cursed Sratii: [2]
Sandfolks: [2]
Blessed Sandfolks: [3]
Venomous Snakes: [6]
Tropical Scaple: [5]
Unearthed Empire: [3]


From beyond the reach of the God-Kings, an Interloper sent an envoy after one of the 12 criminals. Landing on Esulom, a living fractal-mechanism sterilized the land in its wake as it headed toward Omnipotence the God-King of Sand, who committed a crime of divine hubris by attempting to become the One above All thus challenging beings greater than himself.

The Interlopers have sent an Envoy to Hunt Omnipotence and destroy their Vessel.


THESUN may reincarnate into a new World Vessel or a new Blood Vessel.
The World Vessel is a satellite which once was a powerful sun challenger. THESUN would have 4 points to redistribute (max 3 allocated per attribute).
The Blood Vessel is among one of the most faithful of the Cult of the Eternal Day. THESUN would have 3 points to redistribute (max 3 allocated per attribute) and gain a +1 Law bonus due to its mastery of Spirit Summoning.

Tim may reincarnate the most powerful of her descendants, whose mastery of Spirit Summoning is unparalleled. Tim would have 4 points to redistribute (max 3 allocated per attribute) and gain a +1 bonus to Law.

Current Worship:
The Wanderers of Dasala worship the Blood Vessel of Taki and the Construct Vessel of Kesem.
The Darkapple Trees worship the Blood Vessel of Taki.
The Fire-Unlen and Shade-Unlen of Gempria:
> The Cult of the Burning Queen worship the Blood Vessel of Tim.
> The Cult of the Sedentary King worship the Blood Vessel of Neetocris.
> The Cult of Seasons worship the Blood Vessel of Tim and Neetocris. Neetocris takes precedence (3 vs 0).
> The Cult of the Eternal Day worship the World Vessel of THESUN.
Gemria worship the World Vessel of THESUN.
The Sratii of Gavrasratii worship the World Vessel of Rut-Var and the Construct Vessel of Gratis. Rut-Var takes precedence  (3 vs 2)
The mangled earth of the northern region worship the Construct Vessel of Gratis.
The Unlen of the Shaman Kingdom of Scaple worship the Construct Vessel of Revolution and the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread. None of them take precedence.
The Antenna-Unlen worship the World Vessel of [ACTION].[WILL].[EON].
The Sandfolks worship the Construct Vessel of Omnipotence, and a very few worship the Blood Vessel of Neetocris.
All Snakes worship the Blood Vessel of Ferina.
The Hills and Mountains worship the World Vessel of Rut-Var.
The Scaple worship the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread.
The Clouds worship the World Vessel of Storm Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread.
The Satellites worship the World Vessel of [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] and THESUN. [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] takes precedence (3 vs 0)

Coalescing Worship:
Worship has coalesced into 1 Major Intervention for the following God-Kings:
- Taki
- Neetocris
- Rut-Var
- Gratis
- Shuddering Winds Embraced By Chitinous Thread

Worship failed to coalesce into 1 Major Intervention for the following God-Kings:
- Kesem
- Tim
- Revolution
- Ferina
- Omnipotence
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 12:26:00 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2023, 03:16:09 am »


Spoiler: Taki (Egan_BW) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tim (TricMagic) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Revolution (Glass) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Kesem (Megam0nkey) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Neetocris (Stirk) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rut-Var (chubby2man) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: THESUN (Demonic Spoon) (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 11:54:59 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #50 on: September 21, 2023, 03:16:42 am »

Bolded for importance

Spoiler: People (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notable Things (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 10:19:22 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #51 on: September 21, 2023, 03:38:43 am »


The Janitor has drained the Liquid Expanse, connecting Esulom to the Vast Dust

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #52 on: September 21, 2023, 03:51:17 am »

Minor intervention: Push an urgent bulletin across the satellite network to all the Antenna-Unlen: Having survived the Great Trial, they are now chosen to wander the world as nomadic prophets spreading the correct faith in [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] to all peoples. The first commandment unto them is to be fruitful and multiply, but try to discourage anyone else from doing so, at least until I've got some kind of hybridization process worked out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #53 on: September 21, 2023, 04:09:36 am »

it became quite apparent that the sun would not return to the philosipher god. His fellow lord had mastered it, and held full sway over his command. Keseem however, trickster that he was, took to his cloak and plucked beads from the stars within, each star of the constellation that formed his cape with a hole amist it. And with the beads, he rolled them like dough into one large enough to provide light to the people of the desert, and dug a great hole within its center, placing it upon it. The star would rise from its hole in the day, and provide light and warmth to the people, not as much as the sun once did, but close enough to counterract the difference. As those who onlooked it would not be blinded like one looking at the sun, and it was a sight to behold, Keseem named his creation the Desert Jewel.

As he noticed a cult form in his midst, however, Keseem decided that his goals must better be understood by his in that he imparted a major blessing. That those who worship the starcloaked god, should they stop and spend the effort to understand and listen, may hear the voices of the earth and sky and learn their true names. For knowledge is his greatest virtue, and the power it can bring.

Use my Major Invocation and one of my Major blessings for it

((Also I notice Kesem has both succsessfully and unsuccsessfully gained a major Invocation this turn. If that was intentional or he was only supposed to succseed I do the first thing. If I dont have any invocations this turn I only do the second thing))
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 04:26:28 am by Megam0nkey »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #54 on: September 21, 2023, 04:21:47 am »

Oops... that was a mistake, you unfortunately don't have a Major Intervention this turn.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 11:42:55 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #55 on: September 21, 2023, 04:24:51 am »

alright, Kesem still blesses the Wanderers, but does not create the Desert Jewl, as he lacks the reasources

Demonic Spoon

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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #56 on: September 21, 2023, 04:26:30 am »

THESUN may reincarnate into a new World Vessel or a new Blood Vessel.
The Blood Vessel is among one of the most faithful of the Cult of the Eternal Day. THESUN would have 3 points to redistribute (max 3 allocated per attribute) and gain a +1 Law bonus due to its mastery of Spirit Summoning.

Crime: Being an eyesore
Vessel Type: Blood
Vessel Appearance: A tall, statuesque Fire Unlen with eyes of shining white, their tongue fire, their voice a ringing cymbal, their hair cascading crystal wire, their skin soot-black, their footsteps shining gold.
Vessel Attributes:
Awe - 3
Law - 1
Might - 0

THESUN walked among the People of Endless Day, clothed in flesh that poorly masked their infinite glory. THESUN opened their eyes, and the People of Endless Day gasped in amazement. THESUN opened their mouth, and the People of Endless Day fell to their knees in worship as wisdom flew from THESUN's roiling tongue.

THESUN waved their hand, ripped out their hair, and stamped their feet, and a great machine fell from the sky in a stream of fire and light, landing with a great bang! With this machine of printing and pressing could the People of Endless Day transcribe the timeless wisdom of THESUN and replicate it infinitely, and study this machine itself to replicate it, so that all might hear the words of THESUN, and that the people of the could grew wealthy and literate and influential by copying all books, both for themselves and for others.

Then THESUN plunged their hand into the hearts of five of the true faithful among the People of Eternal Day, and turned their hearts into miniature suns, setting their chests aglow. They could shoot beams of light capable of vaporizing those who would oppose the spread of the word of THESUN. And five more faithful, THESUN ripped out their hair, so that their inner enlightenment could shine out in golden coils, and make their oratory on the glories of THESUN and its Eternal Day supremely convincing to all who listen as they attempt to spread the wisdom of THESUN.

Minor Intervention: Create the First Printing Press for use by the Cult of the Eternal Day, mainly to print books praising THESUN, but other books are fine too, hoping that they will learn how to replicate the printing press itself eventually.
Minor Blessing: Bless five wise faithful of the Cult of Eternal Day with great charisma and persuasiveness
Minor Blessing: Bless five dedicated faithful of the Cult of Eternal Day with the ability to shoot solar rays that can vaporize people.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 04:37:02 am by Demonic Spoon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #57 on: September 21, 2023, 04:39:15 am »

Seeing as I have no major interventions ill still do the blessing, but also

To those who put the worship of Keseem over the one of flesh who leads them, Keseem offers them another life...created near a oasis, a tower rises, bits of star contained in glistening glass as sandstone morphs into a wonder to behold, inside found are shelves stocked with books, many empty but some with knowledge. A stronghold for scholars, that perhaps the Wanderers who wish to take pause can stop by, and form a city around if they so choose. Perhaps record the knowledge of true names, and of their culture and aspirations.

As he noticed a cult form in his midst, however, Keseem decided that his goals must better be understood by his in that he imparted a major blessing. That those who worship the starcloaked god, should they stop and spend the effort to understand and listen, may hear the voices of the earth and sky and learn their true names. For knowledge is his greatest virtue, and the power it can bring.

Use one Minor Intervention to create the librarians tower near a oasis, and have it be a point for the potential startup for a new civilization of those who wish to learn the secrets of the world. Perhaps in the best interest of both gods in the desert so we can both get interventions. And use a minor blessing on my current worshipers for the second action, unless that would fall into the category of another minor intervention, in which case do that
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 05:21:24 am by Megam0nkey »

Demonic Spoon

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #58 on: September 21, 2023, 05:05:00 am »

alright, Kesem still blesses the Wanderers, but does not create the Desert Jewl, as he lacks the reasources
(I could be wrong but I don't think you have a new major blessing available? You have the major blessing you did last turn and are maintaining, taking up one blessing slot, and can only do a minor intervention and minor blessings right now.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! (12/???)
« Reply #59 on: September 21, 2023, 05:17:48 am »

ah your right, but seeing as its only effecting a minor group of people within the wanderers, those who worship Kesem, perhaps I can change it to a minor blessing too? Regardless ill edit my second post and add it in as a minor blessing I think...
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