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Author Topic: God-Kings! -Turn 12-  (Read 13525 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #360 on: September 11, 2024, 05:02:53 pm »

TURN 11:


THESUN (1/4/4)

Blessing management: 2nd blessing slot cleared.
Minor Intervention: THESUN devours the North-Sky, transmuting its parts and integrating its properties into the Sky-Veil. The North-Sky encroachment on the Sky-Veil is diminished, but still remains.
Major Blessing: THESUN blesses THETHIRDSUN with the blessed title of Essence Blaze, granting it the ability to draw in the existence left behind after living beings die. Out of this alchemical processing will eventually be born lesser celestial creatures, the Star-Snakes.
The soul-essence is drawn to THETHIRDSUN mostly according to principles of solar admiration, proximity, and solar beholding. Funeral rituals of all variety also make it easier for the spiritual residues to be drawn into THETHIRDSUN.
Deal: THESUN is the only God-King to accept the deal of the Slayer Interloper... but asks that the knowledge of Moon-Slaying Arrows not be divulged to mortals or God-Kings. The Slayer Interloper accepts, and lets loose the Lago-Moon into the Sky-Veil.
Minor Blessing: THESUN blesses the Lago-Moon with improved ability to eat and digest fire, drawing flames to itself, hoping surely to quell the beast's hunger. THESUN worriedly notices that the Lago-Moon seems rather resistant to effects that would temper its ravenous nature.

Taki (1/0/4)

Minor Intervention: The forgotten Taki reappears in one of the northernmost parts of the northern Ocean of Mana. There it crafts liquid unknown into unknown people.

Esugomot (4/0/2)

Major Intervention: Esugomot conjures the Sacred Domain of Mana, a holy ward to shield the entirety of Esulom along with the wider North.

Ferina (1/1/2)

Major Intervention: Ferina creates intelligent snakes with feathered wings.
Talk (Awe 1): Ferina tells the newly created creatures to build a kingdom. Good luck!

Omnipotence (0/1/2)

Reincarnation: Omnipotence returns as a Blood Vessel, incarnating into the eldest Cotton Shrub known as the Cotton Shrub Sage (0/1/2).
Major Intervention: In a fit of maddened rage, Omnipotence summons a Black Hole on top of the Dragon Empire of the Fork. The Black Hole is a ravenous device of gravitational make, which attracts and consumes, and grows.
Minor Blessing: Omnipotence blesses the Great Sentry in its task to protect the Kingdom of Cotton, repairing it in the process.
Minor Blessing: Omnipotence blesses the Black Hole.

Gratis (0/1/0)

Minor Intervention: Gratis awakens, remembering only its name. It creates a tree in the Ocean of Mana where to nest and roost. Chirp. The birb might choose to drop its blessings or not.

[ACTION].[WILL].[EON] (0/0/1)

Minor Intervention: [ACTION].[WILL].[EON] lands in the Empire of the Fork.

Tim (4/0/2)

Tim receives a Major Intervention from the torch wielding Interloper.
Major Intervention: Tim grants Sentience, Sapience, and Mobility to the land of Blessed Gempria.
Talk (Awe 4): Tim utters words heard by the entirety of the world. Its words are so powerful that seeds of fear or worship have been sowed in the souls of every entities of the World.
"Let all here my words, that worship of the gods is only worth to those that protect you from harm.
Worship Tim and be safe, or pray that your gods listen."

Major Blessing: Tim blesses Blessed Gempria.
Misc: Tim then tours the Kingdom of the Fork. Kingdom? Surely this is not foreshadowing.

Neetocris (1/0/0)

Minor Intervention: Neetocris protects himself and as many blessed homes as possible from the rain of fire.

Keseem (1/3/2)

Minor Intervention: Keseem helps evacuate the immediate area of the Black Hole. He also secures the Crystal Tear and the safety of the Dragon Emperor.
Minor Blessing: Keseem blesses those who would survive the Black Hole.
Reincarnation: Keseem reincarnates into a descendant of the Mannered Dragon. He has 3 points to distribute, max 2 points allocated in a given attribute.

Monarch (2/0/2)

Major Intervention: Monarch descends upon Raktor, implanting their leaders with a Shadow of Control. Then a black rain falls over the country, turning them into the Shadowfolks.

The JANITOR has cleared the status from some forgotten God-King names. They might return anytime should they declare themselves anew.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 05:24:32 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #361 on: September 11, 2024, 05:04:03 pm »


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Great disasters struck the world in the era that would follow the Age of the Dragons. Some speculate it was divine punishment, others think it was the result of a forgotten prophecy, while others have linked it all to an astral congruence. Everyone asked can agree those were tough times to live in for those not of the North.

Gempria and the Black Hole: How the Vast Fault came to be

Unprecedented changes would come to Gempria.

Awakening of Gempria
Driven by a mad purpose, Omnipotence invoked a disaster of its own creation to devour and destroy and sow fear: the Black Hole. In retaliation or pure coincidence, Tim invested the ever blessed land of Gempria with an awakening of the soul, granting her an understanding of her self and breaking the worldly chains that bound her to her station.

The land rose and assumed a new shape of her own to honour one of her oldest benefactors. A great and beautiful Dragon-Queen who uttered a majestic roar for all of its inhabitants to hear:


The first order of business of the Dragon-Queen was to flee from the Black Hole devouring at her back like a voracious glutton. She made a nest of her own South, but lost many of her dorsal plates in the process.

Where once was Gempria now remained only the Black Hole, which grew slowly but surely. It was the Vast Fault, which separated North from South decisively. A few very bold explorers would later attempt to cross it in the Northcrafts.

Lago-Moon: Awakening of the Moon-Beast

Soon after the Slayer Interloper left, the Lago-Moon awakened. The lustrious white fur of the celestial beast turned red as it woke up from its long slumber. The newborn hungered, gorging itself upon rivers of fire as they descended upon the world below. Amused, the Torch Interloper just sent even more fire to compensate for what the beast devoured, knowing the creature would tire of this sole food. Soon enough the monster tired, but even after snacking at enough fire to submerge the world, the beast hungered still and looked for something with more consistence.

Devouring of Gempria
It saw a perfect meal in a gigantic moving prey fattened with time and blessings, the mouth wathering dragon-land rich in everything that life needed. The hunter instinct of the Lago-Moon roused, and it descended on the world to attack and eat Gempria. Already weakened by the escape from the Black Hole, Gempria could only muster a futile resistance as a sky-beast came to gorge on its shell, its flesh, and its innards. The great and horrendous scream of the land eaten alive inspired a primal terror in all mortals, who came to fear the Hungering Moon.

When it was satisfied the predator returned to the skies to hunt the tasty looking Star-Snakes, leaving Gempria dying and unconscious.

Changes in Gempria

Annihilation of the Kingdom of Cotton
At first the Kingdom of Cotton rejoiced over the Black Hole which appeared in the Empire of the Fork to punish them as foretold by the Elder Shrubs. Using the occasion sent by their God-King, the Kingdom of Cotton broke away from the Empire and celebrated with a great national holiday. Having lost their blessing, the Council of Sand didn't see the signs of ill omen traced in the skies.

Suddenly however, the skies turned red and a great maw came upon them. In an instant the entirety of the Kingdom of Cotton was devoured whole by the Lago-Moon. The Great Sentry could do nothing as the beast seemed undisturbed by its mightiest beams which could carve mountains. It despaired, and raged, but didn't even bother the Lago-Moon which swatted the gnat away with a whisker. Right as it attempted to recover, a great punishment of fire came from the skies and melted its immortal shell.

Errors in the Great Sentry
Left broken and alone again, the disfigured Great Sentry pondered the meaning of its existence, adrift in the Vast Fault. It gazed upon the Black Hole as it orbited it. Why was it born? Why did it fail? Why did it exist still?


The Great Sentry sent this question repeatedly for anyone to hear. This signal would be picked up by Northern Explorers, urging them to seek the source of this mysterious yet ominous signal.

Decline of the Draconic Empire
First there was the Black Hole, a first disaster of unprecedented severity that none could have predicted. The Empire was in mere moments humbled before a power they could not comprehend nor oppose, and it was only thanks to the miraculous awakening of Gempria that they escaped certain eradication. The lands were upturned in horrific ways, as if someone massacred it with the savagery of a hungry beast. The Empire mustered all its ressources to help the survivors and reconnect the provinces, managing to control most of the damage inflicted by the Black Hole.

Then came the deluge of flames, which melted all those unlucky enough to step foot outside. Had the homes not been blessed by an ancient deity, the dragons would have perished. Not all blessed houses withstood the fires, however, and a great many lives were still lost. When the months of deluge came to an end, the Dragons would not know respite yet. When the flames ended, all was left was ashes and cinders, obscuring the skies. But behind, they saw a red shadow for a moment.

And the next all of the land next to the Kingdom of Cotton vanished. And more, but again they were somehow spared thanks to the insight of a few blessed Dragons who were chosen of Ferina. They saw the last disaster and led an evacuation of the lands that would be chosen. A reorganization of the political structure of the empire led the Mirrored Glories to hold even more influence than before.

Short-lived rise of the Winged Snakes
A new small nation appeared in Gempria, a confederation of the Winged Snake Tribes. Then fire came upon them, wiping them off the face of Gempria.

Skyward Migrations
To escape the Black Hole, and the Fires, and the Lago-Moon, many creatures native from Gempria developed means to escape to the skies. The savage dragons and the remaining Mana Cores simply flew away, while the Giant Snakes developed a mean to produce a lighter than air gas that allowed them to grow voluminous and float. The Reed-Spiders wove cotton-silk contraptions to ride the worldly and celestial winds, and then made great nests in the skies.

Nearly every creatures of the surface were annihilated by flames.

North Ocean: Golden Age, and then War

Far from all the tragedies of the South, the Northern countries thrived thanks to the Sacred Domain of Mana. The mighty ward effortlessly repelled the fires and obscured the North from the hungry view of the Lago-Moon. However the ward went unstable for a moment, its power so great the Mana it emitted would attract the Lago-Moon the next time it would wake up.

Esulom Mana Renaissance
Decades of peace and blessings culminated in an age of intellectualism, innovation, and technological rediscovery. Studying the ancient texts their ancestors brought along in the great migration, the Esulomites rediscovered forgotten mana principles and became fascinated by this old power the ancient Kingdom of Mana was said to have wielded. Some coveted it for its potential for war, others for its ability to improve the lives of the people, and others simply out of pure curiosity.

Whichever were their reasons, those who delved into the secrets of Mana brought forth the creation of wonderous items and machines. One of the foremost discoveries were the Mana Hearts, energy devices used to fuel all creations of the era. Further development in the efficiency of Mana led to the next stage of Northcrafts, called now Mana Vessels. The biggest ones were the size of a massive galleon soaring through the skies by creating its own currents of Mana.

Now all those who live in Esulom benefit from dreamlike comfort as all their needs are catered for by the countless inventions of the era.

Sarbreris: Peaceful life
The people of Sarbreris sought a more simple life, rejecting the technological innovations and comfort of Esulom. They lived close to nature, in what would be described as austere and humble existences. They were satisfied however, and were happy for being left undisturbed. With time many of the revolutionary thoughts some dissidents had against Esulom disappeared, and Sarbreris is a famed vacation location for those who tire of the hustle and bustle of Esulom.

Raktor: the Shadowfolks War of Conquest
But further North was very different. There were reports of several days of a rain of black, and for a time all communications were lost with the country of Raktor. Very soon the Raktorians made themselves known and gone was the Country of Warriors and their Council of Generals: they were reborn as the Shadowfolks of the Empire of Conquest led by the immortal Champion Council and their elected Supreme Overlord.

Like a wave the new armies of Raktor expanded aggressively where Esulom could not reach, seizing the entirety of the known landmass of the Ocean of Mana. They subjugated Sarbreris and Oceanus, and further researched ways to exploit Mana and turn it into weapons of war, discovering a way to corrupt Mana with the power of shadows - this would be the birth of Shadow Mana. Using this new form of Mana, Raktor developed weapons that surpassed those of ancient and current Esulom. Among their lethal inventions were the Mana Gun, a simple yet effective mass produced weapon, as well as their mighty military Mana Vessels known as Battlecrafts, massive armored Mana Vessels equipped with the latest weapons of Raktor.

Now with the near entirety of the Ocean of Mana under their control, Raktor declared total war on Esulom.

The full might of the Raktor Military clashed with the Esulom Royal Navy in what would be known as the Battle of Sadarim, named after the eponymous island that was bombed into oblivion by the Raktor Bombers. The scale of the conflict keeps increasing, with both sides seemingly inexhaustibles. Esulom although initially weaker managed to hold on against the first assaults, mounting a strong defence that Raktor doesn't seem able to break. Each country is developing a superweapon they hope will turn the tide of the war.

Esulom has focused its attention on the Sacred Mana Ward, hoping to replicate it and create an unbreakable shielding technology.
Raktor delved into the nature of the Black Hole, and are looking into a way to generate what they would call a Black Bomb.

Oceanus: Explored Too Far
Shortly before Raktor invaded, those of Oceanus made a breakthrough in the obsolete Northcrafts that could allow them to cross the Sky-Veil and the Vast Fault. The new vessels were so different from those of Esulom and Raktor they were named Voyagers after the ambitions of their makers. Using the Voyagers, the explorers of Oceanus abandoned the North and set out to become a nomadic people living to explore the unexplored reaches, discovering many wonders that inspired many best selling books in Esulom: the mysterious tree of the North and it's magic bird, the mana sirens of the unknown sea, the monster hunters of the Sky-Veil, and the secret of the Why Signal.

But the Explorers wandered too far, too recklessly... And they eventually came across the Moon.

Sky-Veil: New Life

Lago-Moon: Sated for now
After having devoured every last one Star-Snakes, and failing to catch the tastier THETHIRDSUN, the Lago-Moon fell into a long slumber. Its bloody fur became white once more, reflecting the light into one of madness and hunger.

Savage Ecosystem
Exposed to the light of the Lago-Moon, the creatures of the Sky-Veil changed. They became incessantly hungry, developing levels of aggression that turned them into vicious and dangerous monsters.
- The savage Sky Dragons for all their might became the lowest on the celestial food chain.
- The Gas Giant Snakes developed terrible poisons, breathing clouds of poisonous gas dangerous to all creatures.
- The Star Reed Spiders wove invisible threads of star-cotton to trap all manners of creatures in.
- The Comet Mana Cores became faster and deadlier, wielding flame along with their innate mana. However they hunted their own kind to near extinction, having found a way to steal the mana of other Mana-Cores. The few that remain are extremely powerful, Raven being the deadliest.

THETHIRDSUN: Clean-up complete!
Blessed and helped by THESUN, THETHIRDSUN cleared the last patches of North-Sky from the Sky-Veil. And with all the death on the surface, it birthed many Star-Snakes although they would later all be devoured by the Lago-Moon. Regardless, the wonderous Sun Snake continued bringing light to the world even as it was pursued by the Lago-Moon.

Premature Awakening of the Moon
A legendary and maybe too talented Explorer managed to reach the famed white moon which all creatures seemed to fear. Following his achievement, the main body of Oceanus settled on the Moon. Then a few days after they had landed on its white surface, the land trembled and turned red, causing it to wake once more. It has detected something new it hasn't tasted... the Ocean of Mana.

Minor Events

The Fireproof Trees have gone extinct. They weren't proof enough to the divine fire.
The Snakes have gone extinct, consumed by flames.
The Unknown People were wiped out by a plague brought by Explorers. They live on in books now.
The Gratis-Tree has grown so well it was chopped off to become the throne of the Raktor Supreme Overlord. It's a masterwork throne.


Two Interlopers manifest themselves this turn.

The first one is a titanic Eye made of Eyes within Eyes. It is an enemy of THESUN, who has come to make its existence miserable.
!!!EYE HAD ENOUGH OF THESUN!!! it screams, and all can feel destruction looming over THETHIRDSUN and the Mirrored Glories. Fortunately the blessings of THESUN shield them from the malevolence.

Angered, the EYE promises a Major Intervention to any God-King who will: slay THETHIRDSUN, or slay any creation of THESUN that produces light. It promises a special bonus to anyone who would also slay THESUN's current vessel.

The second one is a winged leathery humanoid in a black suit, wearing a straightened red tie and a top hat. It is an enemy of Ferina, who has come to collect some debts.
"Well well, never forget dear Ferina. You can never hide from His Lordship's Revenue and Customs. It is time to pay your dues. Let's see... ah dear, why do you have to be so poor. Not making my job easier are you? Ah... really. There are two types of people I hate: frauders, and the poor. You happen to fulfill both criteria. What am I to do with you? Oh well, I will take what I can. Direct creations... check. Worshippers... check."

The Giant Snakes are suddenly converted into assets!
All of Ferina's worship is drained this turn.


Regions and World
Gempria generates 1 Worship.
Gempria worships THESUN and Tim equally due to their cordial relationship.
THESUN gains 0.5 Worship.
TIM gains 0.5 Worship.

The Ocean of Mana generates 4 Worship.
The Ocean worships Esugomot (Awe 2) and Monarch (Awe 2).
The Ocean is starting to fear Tim.
Esugomot gains 1.5 Worship.
Monarch gains 1.5 Worship.

The Sky-Veil generates 3 Worship.
The Sky-Veil worships THESUN (Awe 1).
The Sky-Veil is starting to fear Tim...
THESUN gains 3 Worship.

The Vast Fault generates 2 Worship.
The Vast Fault worships Omnipotence (Awe 0).
The Vast Fault fears Tim (Awe 4).
Due to Tim's vastly superior Awe, all the Worship goes to Tim.
Tim gains 2 Worship.

Creatures and Entities
THETHIRDSUN generates 3 Worship.
THETHIRDSUN worships THESUN (Awe 1).
THETHIRDSUN no longer fears Esugomot (Awe 2) and Monarch (Awe 2).
THETHIRDSUN is starting to fear Tim...
THESUN gains 3 Worship.

The Sky Dragons generate 1 Worship.
The savage Dragons worship Ferina (Awe 1) and Tim (Awe 4).
Due to Tim's superior Awe, most of the Worship goes to Tim.
Tim gains 1 Worship.

The Mana Cores generate 1 Worship.
The Mana Cores worship Esugomot (Awe 2).
The Mana Cores are starting to fear Tim...
Esugomot gains 1 Worship.

The Giant Snakes are no more!

The sentient homes generate 1 Worship.
The sentient homes worship Neetocris.
The sentient homes are starting to fear Tim...
Neetocris gains 1 Worship.

The Mirrored Glories generate 1 Worship.
The Mirrored Glories worship THESUN.
The Mirrored Glories are starting to fear Tim...
THESUN gains 1 Worship.

The Star Reed Spiders generate 2 Worship.
The Star Reed Spiders worship Tim.
Tim gains 2 Worship.

The Great Sentry generate 1 Worship.
The Great Sentry worship Omnipotence (Awe 0) and fear Tim (Awe 4)
Due to Tim's vastly superior Awe, all the Worship goes to Tim.
Tim gains 1 Worship.

Esulom, the Kingdom of Mana generates 4 Worship.
The Kingdom of Mana worship Esugomot (2 Awe) and Monarch (2 Awe) to a lesser extent.
The Kingdom of Mana is starting to fear Tim...
Esugomot gains 3 Worship.
Monarch gains 1 Worship.

The Draconic Empire of the Fork generates 2 Worship.
The Dragons worship Keseem (Awe 2), Neetocris (Awe 1) and Tim (Awe 4).
The Dragons no longer worship Ferina, save for the few blessed followers.
Due to Tim's superior Awe, most of the Worship goes to Tim.
Neetocris gains 0 Worship.
Keseem gains 0.5 Worship
Tim gains 1.5 Worship.

Sarbreris generates 1 Worship.
Sarbreris worship Esugomot (2 Awe) and Monarch (2 Awe) to a lesser extent.
Sarbreris is starting to fear Tim...
Esugomot gains 1 Worship.

Oceanus generates 1 Worship.
Oceanus worship Esugomot (2 Awe) and Taki (2 Awe).
Oceanus is starting to fear Tim...
Esugomot gains 0.5 Worship.
Taki gains 0.5 Worship.

Raktor generates 2 Worship.
Raktor worship Monarch (2 Awe).
Raktor is starting to fear Tim...
Monarch gains 2 Worship.

Coalescing Worship:
Previous worship levels have been reset by the Warden

THESUN: 3 (+7.5) => 10.5
Ferina: 0 => 0 (drained!)
Tim: 1.5 (+8) => 9.5
Neetocris: 1 (+1) => 2
Omnipotence: 0.5 (+0) => 0.5
Esugomot: 2 (+7) => 9
Monarch: 0.5 (+4.5) => 5
Keseem: 2 (+0.5) => 2.5
Taki: 1.5 (+0.5) => 2

4 Units of Worship will coalesce into a Unit of Major Intervention
Have gained a Major Intervention:
THESUN: 10.5 => 2.5 (x2)
Tim: 9.5 => 1.5 (x2)
Esugomot: 9 => 1 (x2)
Monarch: 5 => 1

Tim can feel DIVINE fire in its belly... and can feel something BURNING!...
Esugomot is coursing with DIVINE mana...
« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 06:18:28 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #362 on: September 11, 2024, 05:04:39 pm »


Spoiler: Taki (Egan_BW) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tim (TricMagic) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Neetocris (Stirk) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: THESUN (Demonic Spoon) (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 10:12:00 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #363 on: September 11, 2024, 05:05:48 pm »


Bolded for importance
Italics for insignificance

Spoiler: People (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notable Things (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 05:24:13 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #364 on: September 11, 2024, 06:18:48 pm »

Esugomot gently laid his crown, the Astral Kingmaker, on his throne, knowing that whether he would one day reclaim it personally or if his former vessel was worn by one of his mortal descendants, his children would do him proud.

With that The King of Mana speaks out for all of Esulom, the North, nay all those in the world who would listen to the Aged King's farewell.

For over an age I have lead and guided you my Children. Protected and nurtured you so that you might grow strong and wise. In that regard, you and my beloved offspring Raven are my crowning achievement in this world. Know now, that no matter what hardship awaits, no matter what adversity you must struggle against, our ancient line shall not end, our glorious history shall not fade from all memory! Out of my Great Domain awaits a great abomination, birthed into this world by the arrogance of THESUN. It has already ravaged fair Gempria, and even now turns it's filthy gaze upon my Ocean of Mana and all that I have birth into this world. I go to my body's death to maim and slay this heresy against the Order of Mana, but I shall always be with you, I shall always return to you. Witness your father's majesty with pride!... as for all others, I give you this one warning to flee from that horrid Moon, for it SHALL SUFFER THE WRATH OF AEONS!

Major Intervention:
As he taught his beloved child Raven so long ago, Esugomot assumes a Manaform and blasts off towards the Lago-Moon with the fury of a dying star, a streaking brilliant comet shooting across the sky. He would evade all that tried to hold him back, deflect all that would strike him from his goal, he would pierce into that abomination and would blow it away with all the power stored in his vessel, until not even dust remained!

.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #365 on: September 11, 2024, 06:32:54 pm »

"You have done well to survive. Your life shall not end here Gempria."
Major Intervention: Restoration of Gempria.
The second one is a winged leathery humanoid in a black suit, wearing a straightened red tie and a top hat. It is an enemy of Ferina, who has come to collect some debts.
"Well well, never forget dear Ferina. You can never hide from His Lordship's Revenue and Customs. It is time to pay your dues. Let's see... ah dear, why do you have to be so poor. Not making my job easier are you? Ah... really. There are two types of people I hate: frauders, and the poor. You happen to fulfill both criteria. What am I to do with you? Oh well, I will take what I can. Direct creations... check. Worshippers... check."
"No clue if you like this, but I know taxes last beyond death, and are the one true fear. Take these in Ferina's name."
3 Major Interventions "gifted" to help pay off Farina's debt.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 06:38:41 pm by TricMagic »

The Canadian kitten

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #366 on: September 11, 2024, 06:53:56 pm »

angry chirping noises
Minor: Make Gratis-tree throne keep growing and consume the Raktor Supreme Overlord
Drop all blessings


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #367 on: September 11, 2024, 07:00:22 pm »

"You have done well to survive. Your life shall not end here Gempria."
Major Intervention: Restoration of Gempria.
The second one is a winged leathery humanoid in a black suit, wearing a straightened red tie and a top hat. It is an enemy of Ferina, who has come to collect some debts.
"Well well, never forget dear Ferina. You can never hide from His Lordship's Revenue and Customs. It is time to pay your dues. Let's see... ah dear, why do you have to be so poor. Not making my job easier are you? Ah... really. There are two types of people I hate: frauders, and the poor. You happen to fulfill both criteria. What am I to do with you? Oh well, I will take what I can. Direct creations... check. Worshippers... check."
"No clue if you like this, but I know taxes last beyond death, and are the one true fear. Take these in Ferina's name."
3 Major Interventions "gifted" to help pay off Farina's debt.

"Hmm and who might you be? Oh you offer to help pay off Ferina's debt? Huh huh huh... How amusing but that won't do. We are not interested in your assets. Nice things you have here by the way, I hope the Warden doesn't take notice of you. Heh."

The Interloper refuses the "gift".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #368 on: September 11, 2024, 08:02:03 pm »

"Oh hey, you look pretty physical to me. Not that it matters, really."
Stab the devilish interloper to death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #369 on: September 11, 2024, 08:18:44 pm »

"Was worth a shot."

In this particular order Tim Majorly Blesses and grants purpose The Draconic Empire of the Fork with Restoration of the Houses, Sarbreris- Archipelago of the Free with Divine Insight and revolution for peace, and The Great Sentry with Divine Endurance to take on and defeat the Black Hole for themselves. Followed by a renewal of the Major Blessing on Gempria near the end of the age.

Hold this for a moment.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #370 on: September 11, 2024, 08:20:57 pm »

"Oh hey, you look pretty physical to me. Not that it matters, really."
Stab the devilish interloper to death.

The devilish interloper recoils in terror.
"W-What are you- Oh. Nonono! It's stabbing me! No! AAAAH! Have mercy! Have... hah. Sorry for that."

Taki frowns in disappointment as the God-King realizes the stabbing isn't having any effect. This is not fun.
"Please. I am unlike you captives bereft of your divinity. You would need something more... substantial than this toy to harm me."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Normalcy is constructed, not absolute.
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #371 on: September 11, 2024, 08:34:45 pm »

Believe that I can stab the interloper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #372 on: September 11, 2024, 08:43:27 pm »

Frustrated, Ferina removes her bless on her most faithful worshipper and creates a race of intelligent feather winged serpents and bless them


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #373 on: September 11, 2024, 08:59:20 pm »

Believe that I can stab the interloper.

The Interloper rolls a die. It lands on a 5.
"A great success, you are pretty lucky. I am indeed being stabbed."

Demonic Spoon

  • Bay Watcher
  • Peering from beyond the veil of reality
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Re: God-Kings! -Turn 11-
« Reply #374 on: September 11, 2024, 09:03:48 pm »

The first one is a titanic Eye made of Eyes within Eyes. It is an enemy of THESUN, who has come to make its existence miserable.
!!!EYE HAD ENOUGH OF THESUN!!! it screams, and all can feel destruction looming over THETHIRDSUN and the Mirrored Glories. Fortunately the blessings of THESUN shield them from the malevolence.

Seeming completely spontaneously, a change occurs within THETHIRDSUN.

Major Intervention: THETHIRDSUN begins to grow brighter and larger! Let THETHIRDSUN overwhelm all who see, and may its luminous glory forevermore dominate the skies! Glory! Glory!

Major Blessing: The Blessing of Fire-Eating on the Lago-Moon is upgraded into a Major Blessing, focusing on improving the pacifying properties of fire on the Lago-Moon.

(incidentally it can also now contest major interventions)
« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 09:43:48 pm by Demonic Spoon »
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