That sums up my feelings too. I get that people were used to the old UI and controls, but I think this is a much better direction for the game's UI. It's much more consistent compared to different commands using different keys to change stockpile / zone / designation dimensions, and being able to just click on things instead of having to use different key commands to enter look vs. unit mode is much better to me. I can understand people who want to be able to play with just a keyboard and I support efforts to restore that ability to the game, but I really like being able to play with a mouse.
This is a really bad take. Keyboard shortcuts were vastly superior for many use-cases (especially menu navigation) compared to mouse control. Note, also, that pre-Steam we
had both the normal UI and mouse control for the content where it was most relevant (moving the cursor around when viewing/selecting/designating) for years. There's absolutely no reason to not have both, and in the grand scheme of things the control lost by getting rid of hotkeys vastly outweighs the control gained from clickable UI buttons. The only thing the latter are better for is a smoother new player experience (which is important too, don't get me wrong).
Being able to hammer out a three or four-layer menu selection in a second or two is just plain faster than clicking through buttons and popup windows to do the same thing, and that adds up over the course of thousands of actions.
This is going to be even more evident when adventure mode hits Steam and you have to manually click through every... single... attack target. Though I expect most people who don't like hotkeys aren't going to be using advanced attack anyways, just walking into enemies and letting the game pick attacks.