Spotlight?! They’re looking for me?! Hide!
(4) You crawl out from under the fence wreckage and crawl under a nearby Jeep. The spotlight swivels around for a couple minutes then goes dark. The loudspeakers remain silent. A leaf blows by. You shiver a little from the mild cold weather.
Also start chugging the coffee bag
(6) You quickly dart around a corner and down a short hallway. You can still see the entrance doors from here, so the manage might see you if he steps in, so you ease backward into a nearby room and close the door. You open your bag of coffee and stuff a fistful in your mouth which goes as well as you might expect. sputtering a bit you turn to look for a chari and are met by the lifeless gazes of three BiggO employees. They look at you wearily, until they notice the bag ...
You want me to roll for waking up? After you called in sick already? Okay~~~
(6)You gaze at your dull grey ceiling for a minute before turning on your beige shaded lamp and throwing off your light tan blanket and swing your iron blue pajama'd legs over the side to put your feet into your regulation standard slippers.
And suddenly, it comes to you.
The true purpose of Manager Co.
It is not money. No, Stock Holdings ltd is about money, but Manager CO is not.
It is not about power. No, that is the domain of Media Messaging Consultancy and Aqcuisitions, Inc.
Manager Co is far more insidious far more soul-draining.
Manager Co is the front for an organization dedicated to the advancement of one of hte Great Old Ones: the Demon Enn- u'i. featurelessness, neutrality. Neither emotion nor passion nor reason nor energy. The Rote, the Routine, the Uniteresting. Manager Co. does not train quality business leadership it breeds living zombies - men and women devoid of initiative, power or desire. Husks and automatons in a world without color without hope, without direction. Because "here, now" is all there is and in the heare and now all there is is the routine. The ordinary. The bland. The Job.
You want to scream but you feel .... nothing, and you wonder if screaming would disturb the ... not the Tranquility for the re is no peace in the Dull. You wonder if screaming would disturb the Process.
While continuing to scream incoherently I shall steal all the neighbors garden gnomes.
(3) completely undisturbed by Eldritch thoughts about boredom and busy-ness, you run screaming into a yard and grab hold of the nearest lawn ornament. An Old man with a rake comes to chase you off, but, as you begin to lift the surprisingly heavy "Dog Looking Like It Is About TO Dig A Hole," He drops his rake and grabs the ornament as well. Now there are two men on the lawn yelling incoherently, and not a cloud in sight.