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Author Topic: The Matchless KungFu  (Read 17679 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2023, 05:00:49 pm »

Picked this up in a splurge, have since put a few hours in... I originally started off trying to make use of Toxin style and the loveworms to make people like me, but having to cycle through each worm type through multiple sparring sessions ended up being a bit much... Then when I got all my stuff stolen as I was passed out drunk (having forgotten to make the door to my house private), I figured it was time for a change.

Went full drunken boxer, and catapulted myself into an amazingly successful career of punching everything with wine-fuelled strikes and a skill bar made up almost entirely of punch-activated goodies, meaning after the first round I generally had 4-6 of them ready to go. Cue pummeling several toads, a dragon, and every Yuan, Dick and Hardy who showed up trying to make trouble. I was pretty much unstoppable (the dragon did do a pretty good number on me though, not gonna lie... brought me down to 10% of my vigor before I called upon the power of booze and anime to yeet his consciousness into the next continuity). Figured I'd try my hand at the tournament.

Tourney started, and everyone was looking pretty uninteresting in the 3-4000 vigor range, with a couple beggars showing up to try their best as well... But then there was one guy. One dark silhouette cutting a different figure aboe the rest. All the sect heads were attending, of course, with their high-4000s vigor ratings and their fancy skills and whatnot, but then the Shadow sect head rolled up with unremarkable gear and over 24k hitpoints.

When it came time to go up against the absolute unit of a lad, I did my best with some wonky rolls and managed to chip away about a third of his bar, but ultimately I couldn't stick it out against that level of pure beef.

So now the plan is to find him at his sect, get close and chummy, booze the bastard up and see if I can take his head off while he's passed out. Improvise, adapt, decapitate.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2023, 06:38:28 pm »

But sir, killing people is bad...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2023, 02:38:06 am »

Never speak to me or my [Just] again

Hell, next you're gonna try and tell me that stealing tens of thousands of gold from businesses and destabilizing the local economy is somehow "bad" too... I need my emergency backup Hurl the World fund!

EDIT: Ha! It worked! Managed to find him loitering around the tournament arena (silly me thought he would be, y'know, somewhere close to the sect that he leads), chatted a bit, checked out his kungfu and determined that yep, there's nothing here that I don't have, so there's no legitimate reason for him to be that colossally stacked.

I happened to have a bar table in my pocket, so I plonked it down onto the grass and in true Wuxia character fashion he could not resist the temptation of sitting down for a drink. I quickly joined him and proceeded to order several rounds for the table.

Unable to keep up with my unlimited alcohol tolerance, he soon collapsed into a jolly heap of booze and snores... At which polnt I simply removed his head from his shoulders. As far as deaths are concerned, there are probably worse ways to go.

And with him out of the way, there was no one left to withstand my kung-fu in the tournament, and I handily climbed the ranks to the top to take the champion's seat. Fair and square! :D


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2023, 05:39:36 pm »

Actually, the game imposes a punishment hex on your next character after you kill someone. It's literally the only thing that the game will seriously punish you over.
But you can make it go away by donating to censers.
You should also properly bury the body and visit it periodically.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2023, 08:17:31 am »

I know, the notification popped up right after. Just didn't want to ruin the surprise for anyone else going down that path :P

Also I don't believe there's a body left behind after a beheading (either that or I just skedaddled too quickly to pay attention), so there's nothing to bury. I've buried a few other poor souls, generally peeps who got themselves killed through random status effects and whatnot.

Also, word to the wise! If you go to spar with someone and it shows that they have Hurl the World as one of their skills, just back out! Went up against a sect head and he one-shot me from full health since I couldn't neutralize the skill in time, and it turns out that they don't hold back in a friendly sparring match if they have overkill available!

I ended up actually reloading a save, since I want to at least get to the point where it'll make some progress towards Three Corpses. But he did show up in the next tournament and snagged the title away from me (not sure if it was the tournament or the Steadfast food I gulped down mid-fight that spared me from death, but it worked).

But this is at least an enemy where I understand what's destroying me... Some random dude showing up with six times the vigor of a dragon and no inner kung-fu skills to show why?  That's something I consider to just be some BS, to be met with similar BS.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2023, 02:58:53 am »

Lost my first dude to some random bodyguard.  He popped two skills and slapped me 100 to straight up 0 in a sparring match and I just died.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2023, 04:39:13 am »

Quick note about the Star-sect moves... The finishers seem to be a bit odd in that Stars and Moon will "unleash" all the captured moves and skills as expected, while Illumination... Also does that. And then applies a damage bonus to itself after having been activated. Haven't gotten to try Moon Embrace yet, but I'm curious if it's similarly wonky.

Additionally, your own chi ranks apply to the skills you unleash from the buffs, potentially dealing several times more damage than the enemy would've done if they'd used them on you. And if these skills end up dealing enough damage to cause overkill, you will not receive a prompt to stay with nonlethal damage. I accidentally killed a dude this way, ended up magnifying a stack of stolen skills to the point that it obliterated him.

In other news, I've been making friends! beating the snot out of them. Initiating a battle with someone takes -40 relationship points, but if you reach overkill you can opt for nonlethal, then "show mercy" by helping them heal. This gives +150 relationship points.

Repeatedly fighting the same person will let you stack up around +110 points per combat, for free. And since I'm currently walking around with a Wave Palm that does somewhere around 2.5k damage and can be activated twice, I can close the loop pretty quickly.

So far have only tried it out on bandits though, there are probably extra penalties applied if you do this to upstanding members of society :P

Lost my first dude to some random bodyguard.  He popped two skills and slapped me 100 to straight up 0 in a sparring match and I just died.

Yuuuup, gotta be careful with some of those pocket nukes out there... I've certainly developed a newfound respect for the nutty little NPCs running around with Hurl the World and a sack full of cash.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2023, 07:47:51 am »

Wave Palm plus chi boosting pills is my jam!

You can increase your Friendship Thru Fighting by looting the unconscious bodies of all their stuff, then "Gifting" them their own stuff back.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2023, 11:40:45 am »

Wave Palm plus chi boosting pills is my jam!
I haven't even been popping that many pills this run! Took a few +chi levelups to start with because I didn't know any better, and the odd ganoderma here and there to get a new inner technique to thread together, but mostly I've just been stockpiling them... It's just that I've recently managed to get my hands on a new technique which straight up doubles my chi, so I've got around 240. Plus another technique that just adds +50% to Sun skills, but I'm not sure it's working correctly...

Also yeah, Moon Embracer is a bit messed up too. Like the others, it lets you unleash the skills and moves that have been trapped by the appropriate buffs, and then it heals you up afterwards... And I'm pretty sure the healing calculation is borked too, because something that presumably should have healed for about 170 vigor ended up restoring over 1000.

The Star moves really are just the ultimate defensive school. In addition to being uniquely suited to shutting down big monsters like dragons, since you can just steal the one move that makes them deadly.

In other news, I've managed to max out my forging, and as such have now made a Bullshit Sword for myself and paved the way for a combo that's even more nonsensical than Wave Palm stacking. And, somewhat by accident, picked up a cursed sword technique at an auction which is also pretty spicy.

EDIT: Oh wow, that was a lot more cursed than I'd expected (I.E., more cursed than the game told me)... Yeah, I can't even use that on this character.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2023, 03:52:07 pm »

Lost my first dude to some random bodyguard.  He popped two skills and slapped me 100 to straight up 0 in a sparring match and I just died.

Note that your health bar will project how much damage you are expected to take in the coming round, and it will update as you plan out your moves. If you are about to be knocked out or killed then it's probably better to concede and hope for mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2023, 06:25:23 pm »

Technically, it's a Vigor bar.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2023, 05:20:48 am »

Vigor Bar™, the leading meal supplement for professional cultivators! Now with added Chi'a seeds!

So, some of the Sage-level weapons have effects like "Palm can be seen as Weapon" or "Fist can be seen as Concealed Weapon"... For anyone who's curious as to what that actually means, I just tested out a couple of them and can report.

Unlike what one might presume (and what I'd hoped for/originally made the weapons to do), this does not allow those move types to gain beneficial counter relationships (as in, a "Palm seen as Weapon" move would not be able to counter other palms and fists, nor would it be neutral against weapon). At first I was a bit disappointed, but then I discovered that...

They do count towards activating skills using the given move type, and they can combo into each other as though they were the same type. What this means is that if you have a skill that requires 5 concealed weapon (CW) moves to activate, and you have 3 palm and 2 CW moves on the board, you can string all of those moves together in any combination without using omni or shift moves and it will count as being "5 CW" for the purposes of activating that skill.

Mind, this doesn't entirely go both ways... While palm skills will count as CW for activating CW skills, the reverse is not true. CW moves will not count towards activating palm skills.

However, if you have a skill that requires 2 palm, 2 CW to activate, queueing up only 2 palm moves will be sufficient to activate the skill since palm now counts as both.

If you dedicate both your weapon and concealed weapon slots to the purpose, it's possible to make palms or fists count as three different move types simultaneously, which is pretty funny. ...however, this would mean picking something other than Snow Slayer as your weapon, which is unfortunately a bit unattractive given how hilariously busted that thing is.

And further in the realm of misleading/incomplete descriptions... There's an inner kung-fu that says it "when battle starts, grants one stack of Star Shifting or Flower Transposition", which is kinda lame, honestly... Thankfully, that's not what it does at all! It doesn't actually provide a stack of the buff itself, it grants an activation of the skill if you have it equipped. This is actually better in a lot of ways, since it lets you use the skill when it's most needed to neutralize an enemy's skill or move lineup.

...and it'll let you do it a lot, because it actually activates once every turn, not just at the start of a battle. And it will only give you an activation of a skill you have equipped, so if you've only got Star Shifter, you'll be building up a free charge of "remove the enemy's readied skill, please" every turn. If you also happen to play the moves required to activate it normally, you get another activation as per usual. And it'll just keep stacking every turn.

Il Palazzo

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2023, 09:31:49 am »

So, how much of a complete-ish game is there in this? Is there something you can work towards, some sort of a campaign or ambition? Or is it just a bunch of fun mechanics thrown together in pure sandbox form?
Like, people compare this to Kenshi, and that game was sort of wonky in this regard. You could get stronger, build bases, and gradually explore more of the land. But you weren't doing it for any particular purpose.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2023, 11:21:44 am »

It's... Yes and no. Honestly I feel like the Kenshi description is a bit wibbly on several fronts, but that's another matter.

There is technically something to work towards, beyond just going around trying to collect all the arts that are in the world (which is what I've been doing), but that's definitely taken a back seat to "do stuff in kung-fu land".

Like, there's a barebones story of sorts. First you work towards the basics and establishing enough of a world that you can find a particular person in it, then from there you work towards trying to win the big tournament, and after that there's something else that crops up which sends you on a long journey to quite possibly meet your doom (which I haven't done yet on account of, y'know, the doom. Also been busy grinding skills to explore the top tiers of stuff and money for the sake of a special reincarnation down the line).

What comes after that, if anything, I don't know.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: The Matchless KungFu
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2023, 11:24:35 am »

Well, it's still Early Access, but there is a small plot and an actual goal to which you can aspire.
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Plot, story, and development are very much "to be seen".
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