Alina moves to Zone 4.
Both Hellhounds attack, dealing a total of 8 damage to Solemn, Tethra, and Nanonai!
Nanonai attacks Hellhound A. This results in a swift chain of attacks that grants all her foes the release of death.
While the crowd cheers, Solemn heals her teammates for 5 HP, then grants Alina her own heal for 8 HP.
Alina: 62/70 HP
Solemn Ocean: 17/24 HP
Tethra: 34/37 HP
Nanonai: 26/30 HP
The crowd roars, and Alina looks out into the sea of faces. Theoretically, she was trying to look triumphant, but the main expression she could muster was grim determination. It takes a few moments for the handlers to appear and start herding you all back downstairs. "Well, that was unexpected, but it worked out. You all did a good job out there, made for a good show even if some people were a little confused by the end there." The speaker is a third person who seems a touch friendlier, though he's still a slave handler. He's less obviously inhuman than many of the others down here, but his pupils are slitted vertically, and a sharp-looking tail protrudes from his greasy-looking clothing.
(relaxation?)You're all escorted back to a larger cell, meant to - very slightly - more comfortably accommodate your numbers. Perhaps surprisingly, you're left to your own devices after that; the door isn't even locked. A few junk weapons make it in shortly after you, alongside the scraps of your clothing (which seem smaller than the last time you saw them...)
"We need to win
three more fights to reach the champion of the
slave arena. After that, we kill our way through
three matches in the underground arena, and then
two matches in the royal arena. We're on their schedule, not ours, so don't just sit around until you feel up to another match."
Currently, you have
one activity available until your next match as a group. You can
rest. regaining 50% of your maximum HP, or train, gaining progress toward your next level. There's also a
shop where you could get Alina some gear, although you don't have that much money yet. You can also try to keep a place quiet for Alina to
meditate, letting her learn a new action.
You can also
talk to Alina (which doesn't take up an activity slot) while you do this, of course, though she also doesn't actually seem very friendly. . .