"So I was meaning to ask, you know each other, that is a given, but whereas did you-"
"Roberto here was the first purser of Santa Julia, on the first two voyages. Then he got a promotion well worth his skills at management!"
"Ah, Xavier, you flatter me."
"Nonsense, Captain Lapeira personally vouched for you, and look, you did get the job!"
"That, and I bet, my uneasiness whenever we took to violent seas."
"Well, and that." The two share a laugh, and soon the door opens.
"Whereas this good mood coming from?" Says the First Mate, entering with the Navigator right behind him.
"Reminiscence, nostalgia for older times, my friend!"
"Always a good thing. Captain Finley! Here, our navigator." The Navigator nods.
"Captain, I have brought the map from your quarters."
"Ah, let me..." Roberto quickly pushes away some clutter at his desk, allowing Alberto to sprawl the map on it.
"The route the First Mate told me was, from here to Sebastias, then Copana, Guidea, Las Argentas, Pointas, Nuova Lusia, Aridias, and to Santa Maria, correct?"
"Well then-" The Navigator draws his finger across the map. "Assuming winds and sea on our side, to Sebastias five days, to Copana, at sidewinds, another five or six. Then alongside winds to Guidea, I wager we could be within two days, then to Las Argentas at least three, same to Pointas, then Nuova Lusia, and Aridias. We cut through Columbian Bay and with the winds, for six or seven days voyage."
"A whole month of thirty days." The Purser quips, having done the math.
"On ideal winds and calm waves, and given no pirates, accidents, storms, vile beasts or whatever other surprises the cranky old Ouronos might have in his underwater stores for us."
"Don't forget the return journey from there to Lusia - that's at the very least twenty days alone. But probably more."
"Just a scant some days to spare before the Charter expires its most beneficial of terms for the Company." You and others agree.
A) "We must waste no more time, then! To the markets!"
B) "Wait, I have a question about... (insert topic here)"