install DFhack... the addition of auto material selection is worth it alone. also, keyboard cursor has made a return in a slightly hampered form, try it out in the settings menu.
beyond that? I've gotten back to perhaps %80 of my previous speed in terms of designating and fortress management. There are many unintuitive tricks to the interface, so as much as premium claims to have improved things, it has merely created a new game of 'memorize the various caveats of a finicky interface in order to become adept and efficient'.
is that game worth playing? read on to see my findings.
here is the new meta, and if you want some gameplay footage check out my vods from Reigngate since I do a fair amount of designation there.
1. the single biggest waste of time is the scrollbar to the right side of menu lists. this is due to the precision of clicking and dragging, the fact that the scrolling takes place on the right side of the screen when most of the buttons you intend to click are on the left, leading to a constant left-to-right-to-left-to-right hand motion, and the fact these lists DO NOT SAVE YOUR PREVIOUS POSITION IN THE LIST WHEN YOU RETURN. thus, every new reference to a menu list requires a re-application of your mouse to the scrollbar... gahhhh
avoid using this part of the interface at all costs!
a. in this sense, it means that all lists of items, units, buildings should be referenced much less than in previous versions. if you can keep outside lists of these things it will save you a lot of pain.
b. just give up on micromanaging your dwarven labor, or pre-plan your dwarven bureaucracy to the extent you only need to reference your labor lists maybe once a season. this one hurts, I know, but the game really does not want you to interact with specific dwarves in specific ways. creating a new labor category for each dwarf you want to play a specific role, is simply too ridiculous a workaround to be feasible
2. using the search function is absolutely required. in every instance it appears. this may take some getting used to but it will save a loootttt of time overall.
3. clicking on the header portion of any list category will collapse that category, allowing you to quickly un-expand lists. no I do not know why the lists default to expanded.
4. when designating large places, do not click-drag the mouse. click the mouse, then use WASD to move the view around, thus moving the cursor. you could also turn on the old style cursor in settings. this will save you mouse labor overall.
5. some of the biggest timesinks are fixed thanks to DFhack's suspendmanager.
I fear for the sanity of vanilla players who have to manually un-suspend hundreds of designated constructions. 6. one significant timesave exclusive to premium is that you can mass-delete
unbuilt constructions with the new "remove stairs / constructions" tool. this is not mentioned in the tooltip. so if you suddenly change your mind about that giant tower to the gods, it wont take long minutes of q-x spamming like in 47.05
7. instead of deleting stockpiles with the interface, abuse the fact that newly designated stockpiles will overwrite old ones - so designate a new stockpile, but avoid picking an item to store, and instead cancel with rightclick.. this will act as a stockpile eraser tool and is much, much faster than the intended U.I.
8. in order to efficiently browse the new military interface, which calls upon the player to tirelessly and repeatedly scroll through the entire list of fortress units, you need to give your intended squads their own specific titles. This can same time since you look for their title instead of the specific name of the dwarf. In Reigngate, all cultists are members of the military, have the job title 'Cultist' or 'Cult Priest', and so this makes things really really easy..
9. i have finally found a use for work orders in the new version, but I would still suggest taking it easy on them. there is a limit to efficiency, and I found that the time spend managing these work orders definitely takes away from the pleasure of the game. like... the old version sometimes felt like a poorly designed spreadsheet, but that was nothing compared to a spreadsheet where the only acceptable interactions are a few number keys and the mouse.
10. finally, the current most annoying thing about premium, the thing that i dread the most, nightmare level U.I. interaction, is the fact that when you want to re-arrange the furniture in a room you must manually click every item and then move the mouse to the 'remove this building' button, repeat ad nasueum.. for this specific operation I can only recommend that you manually zoom the game in as close as possible, so as to decrease the specific distance between the furniture and the interface button, allowing you to mass-remove furniture without destroying your tendons.
the fact I could type the previous sentence with a straight face really speaks to how broken this interaction is.finally, go ahead and install the "Interface Tweaks" mod from workshop. The addition of labeled hotkeys is brilliant, and kind of shows (again) that the premium update should have been way more considerate to the returning player.
Secondarily, take the time to re-bind the interface keys to your liking, and take good notes on your setup since future updates may remove these binds. I have re-bound things like the mining key from 'm' to 'e', the zoom function to '1' and '3' allowing for very fast changes in perspective. I also rebound most of the workshops to their 47.05 counterparts.
Thirdly, and this one is a bit weird, just recall how fun the game is. It's still there. all the insanity and epic storytelling, it's still there... imo the pain of the premium update is worth overcoming.
and yet, I can't help but think that if the above problems are ignored for another year or two, I'm not sure I'll be playing still due to literal health issues from force mouse usage. which sounds like a threat but no, it's just a literal acknowledgement that the U.I. has suddenly demanded an entirely different physical interaction from the playerbase, and demanded that interaction be repetitive and counterproductive, for genuinely mysterious reasons.
here is an example of my most recent designation spree, to see how I interact with the game and what can be done quickly in premium vs. 47.05: