The station order seems to make them stand in a random-looking way within like 5 squars of where you place the station order.
IMO it needs to be changed.
I walled of the caverns with a nice long wall with fortifications. Then 100 serpent men attack from this place and end up crowded together behind the fortifications.
So seems like a PERFECT job for marksdwarves with like 100 defenseless serpent being sitting ducks in a crowd.
But NO - they only shoot if they're standing right next to the wall. And the station order doesn't get more than 1 or (if lucky!) 2 dwarves standing next to the wall, the rest of them are standing a few squares away just looking at the proceedings. You can shuffle them around, but all it does is switch who's the 1 or 2 guys shooting and who's doing nothing.
It was going to take simply forever killing 100 serpent men that way - so even though conditions seem 100% ideal for markdwarves with a humoungous crowd of helpess enemies behind fortifications, they utterly failed and I had to try cave-ins instead to deal with them.
Solution: Make it possible to station the dwarves IN A LINE.
You can choose between a right-left angle or an up-down angled line. So when you click you either get 10 dwarves in a line filling 9 squares east of where you clicked OR you get 10 dwarves in a line filling 9 squared to the south of where you click.
Even cooler would be if you could simply paint the shape you want them to stand it, that way you can place them as you want. Like maybe if your fortifications aren't just a simple line, only being able to paint the formation would make it possible to get them to shoot.
This makes it possible to build fortificationed walls and get the dwarves to shoot through them.
Tbh fortifications are kinda useless if you can't get the dwarves to shoot through them.
(Yes I know at a certain skill level, they can shoot through also if standing away. It doesn't help, fortifications should be usefull also if you just draft a bunch of random dwarves.)