A new Gatherers Hut goes up, much to the celebration of the clearing's inhabitants. As the day progresses, however, it is clear the Gnomes have been squabbling among themselves!
First the new Gathering Hut is selected for bricks. Satisfied, the Gnome goes about their business, only for another Gnome to swagger in after they left and assign it to Mud!
The real shock came after everyone went to sleep in their Gnome pile, betwixt the Mud and Brick piles...Come morning, both piles were gone! The Gnomes were practically left naked to the elements without their piles! Not only that, but the food storage was filled with Bricks?! Someone had snuck in under the cover of darkness and been very busy indeed.
Note: An active Gatherer's Hut can only be reassigned if the current supply total of the resource at time of submitting the action (13 food in this case) is less then the previous total storage space (15 space in this case).
The foraged goods lay rotting around the back of the Gatherer's Hut. But the Mud and Brick storage did look very neatly stacked.
13 / 15 Food [+4, lost 2 to rot]
9 / 25 Mud [+1]
5 / 20 Bricks [-3]
2 / 2 Workers
0x Layabout Laborer
0x Gatherer - Mud
2x Forager - Food
0x Crafter - Bricks
2x Mud Hut
1x Gatherer's Hut - Brick Storage
1x Gatherer's Hut - Mud Storage
Do one thing:
>[] Forage for Food
>[] Gather Mud
>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)
>[] Build Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Wise Man's Hut - unlocks research (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)
>[] Assign Gatherer's Hut (Food / Mud / Bricks)
>[]Assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
>[]Re-assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick