EVENT: Towards UnityKonstatin Kurze (cog_nito)
Nostramo, 750M30Meeting various gangs in the city of Nostramo Quintus, Konstatin Kurze try to play as a go-between, convincing, cajoling, negociating with the leaders of the groups and families who ruthlessly dominate the hive.
Konstatin: (10 (Charisma) + 8 (Intelligence) ) * 5 + 20D6 (Diplomacy) + 20D6 (Persuasion) = 90 + 72 + 74 = 236
Nostramo Quintus Politics: 30D6 (Gangs Anarchy) = 103
An incredibly charismatic man, Konstatin manages to sway most of the gang leaders of the hive, using his newfound power to force alignment on those still reluctant. His gang coalition easily convinces the corrupt officials to line up with the rest. In a few decisve months, Konstatin Kurze's name is on every lips of the hive, putting him in the center of the slightly less chaotic politic life of the city. With the gentlemen agreement in effect within the city, gangs' attention turns to the outside, using the new peace to gather strengh and conquer new shares and territories in other cities of the cramped and bleak planet of Nostramo.
End of the eventKonstatin can now go up to 30 level for the following skills: Persuasion, Rapport and Diplomacy
Konstatin gains +50 Influence inside Nostramo Quintus Gangs, Important Organization
Konstatin gains +100 Influence on Personal Retinue, Small Organization. Composed of 50 gangers / mercenaries / law enforcers tasked with Konstatin's security
EVENT: Fire and SteelVerus Significatio (Chevaleresse)
Fringe world, 750M30The old representative nods to Verus' words. "We agree to your conditions. And you know our owns. Let’s begin the contest, forging the most efficient, solid and beautiful… Scythe."
Verus: (5 (Strength) + 12 (Intelligence) ) * 5 + 20D6 (Blacksmithing) + 13D6 (Toolmaking) + 50 (Forge Master) = 85 + 62 + 39 + 50 = 236
Guild crafter: (7 (Strength) + 8 (Intelligence) ) * 5 + 15D6 (Blacksmithing) + 15D6 (Toolmaking) = 75 + 49 + 64 = 188
After several hours of evaluation, and sometimes heated debates over the two scythes, the jury gives its decision. Verus’ scythe has won.
Albeit the luddites amongst the guilders grumble, everyone agree that even without your bionics, you outmatched by far their greatest craftsman. In accordance to the agreement, dozens of thousands of crafters from the guild federation join the Verus guild, now an industrial superpower on its planet.
End of the eventVerus can now go up to 30 level for the following skills: Blacksmithing.
Verus Craftsman’s Guild evolves into Planetary Craft Federation (still a Large Organization)
Verus gains an Elegant Scythe (Scarce, large object, +10 in combat)
Verus gains a bonus if starting a megaproject to raise the planet’s tech level.
EVENT: The Great TourRauny (Devastator)
Tao Tie System, 750M30Taking advantage of the newfound fame of the instrument she invented, Raunys starts an ambitious system-wide tour to make a cultural impact on its inhabitants.
Rauny: (6 (Intelligence) + 10 (Charisma) ) * 5 + 12D6 (Music) + 5D6 (Publishing) + 10 (Axe instrument) = 80 + 31 + 22 + 10 = 143
Tao Tie’s conservative forces: 30D6 (Cultural Counterstrike) = 119
Being the creator of the Axe, Rauny is able to use it at its full potential, quickly gathering praises and attention on her. Unlike most of the stars, she does not use her new fame for herself, but to help launching other artists, creating an artistic momentum nicknamed the "Axe Time". Her creation and commercialization of the Control Glove, allowing the disabled to use the Axe throws her popularity to new heights.
Making no secrets about her political commitment through her works, she met popular echoes, but also an equally ferocious opposition for the current status quo. With her opinions now pouring into the political scene of the system, the Axe Time club takes an active part on the cultural war of attrition to change mentality.
End of the eventRauny gains +50 Influence on Rauny’s Fans, Important Organization
Rauny gains +100 Influence on Axe Time club, Small Organization. Loose coalition of Axe artists, mostly sharing the same political views as Rauny
The Tao Tie system’s culture starts to drift towards a more egalitarian, cooperative and moderate mindset.
EVENT: A most precious knowledgeArril Votekka (Glass)
Prospero, 750M30On this fateful day, Arril does its best to describe to the Prosperan scholars the true extent of their psychic powers, and what is behind the veil.
Arril: (9 (Intelligence) + 8 (Charisma) ) * 5 + 20D6 (Teaching) + 13D6 (Warp Lore) + 50 (Prosperan Scholars’ respect) = 85 + 79 + 56 + 50 = 270
Prosperan Scholars: 30D6 (Fear of the unknow) = 103
With an ease acquired from decades of teaching, Arril exposes his explanation of the Plane to fascinated scholars. Thanks to Arril being an institution by himself with the scholars, the presentation goes smoothly, with his audience captivated.
The following days and weeks create much debates and discussions, leading to the creation of the Psionic Plane Research Institute, dedicated to the understanding of the Immaterial plane… With Arril as a most honorable and influential member.
The Cabal sends a very discreet compliment to Arril’s intervention.
End of the eventArril can now go up to 30 level for the following skills: Teaching.
Arril gains +10 Influence on Prospero’s Cabal Cell, Medium Organization
Arril gains +100 Influence on Prospero’s Psionic Plane Research Institute, Small Organization
Arril gains Psionoscope (Rare, medium object). Able to detect Warp stains on the material plain with a very low precision.
Prospero’s scholars and psykers now see the Warp as akin to an untamed sea of psychic power.
EVENT: The Forges of MancoraAurelius Artifex (The Canadian Kitten)
Mancora, 750M30The High Knights from Pytherium are happy to hear Aurelius’ response, and promise to come back with their king once the armor is done.
Aurelius: (7 (Strentgh) + 5 (Intelligence) ) * 5 + 20D6 (Armourer) + 12D6 (Low-tech crafting) + 50 (Forge Master) = 60 + 63 + 50 + 50 = 223
Pytherium King: 30D6 (Kingly expectations) = 113
After receiving news that you ended the armor, the king and his retinue pay a visit to the Kingdom of the Forge. After many political manners between kings, you present him the armor, that he quickly try on.
His smile grows even larger when he notices the space dedicated to the engraving.
"This is an armor fit for a king if I ever saw one!"
The following days are dedicated to the celebration of your alliance, an hopefully long one between the kingdoms of the Forge and Pytherium.
End of the eventAurelius can now go up to 30 level for the following skills: Armour.
Aurelius gains +30 Influence on Kingdom of Pytherium, Important Organization
Aurelius gains +50 Influence on the King of Pytherium (important individual)
The Kingdom of the Forge is now allied to the Kingdom of Pytherium. Pytherium will militarily help the Forge if needed. In exchange, the Forge must regularly deliver equipment for Pytherium’s army.
EVENT: Shrouded whispers and cloaked daggersSophie (Egan_BW)
Atlantis, Tao Tie System, 750M30Not wanting to draw attention on herself, Sophie tries to discreetly muster and motivate the members of her club into a coordinate response against the old guard nobles of Atlantis. She also get the psychic Lunar Coven involved, hoping to maximize the club response.
Sophie: (10 (Intelligence) + 5 (Charisma) ) * 5 + 20D6 (Social Stealth) + 10D6 (Friendship) + 50 (Lunar Coven involvement) = 75 + 70 + 34 + 50 = 229
Atlantis Old Guard Nobility: 30D6 (Political Shrewdness) = 107
Psyker roll: 11
As it turns out, members of the club are young and inexperienced, but eager. With a little moral support, coordination and underhanded psyker help (whose described as a suspicious strike of luck), the club makes short work of its political opponents, who take the shameful road of exile, if not worst.
For Sophie, the best part is that she is still considered as a mundane member of the club.
End of the eventSophie can now go up to 30 level for the following skills: Social Stealth.
Both the Chess Club and the Lunar Coven are firmly rooted within the Atlantis nobility, meaning Sophie can indirectly give orders to the planet’s nobility.