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Author Topic: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story  (Read 7993 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2023, 12:42:05 pm »

Now if I could pick the memorial slabs from the normal slabs.

%100 agreed. nice update

 the werebison... they look fairly silly as werecreatures.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2023, 12:15:53 pm »

%100 agreed. nice update

 the werebison... they look fairly silly as werecreatures.

I am smoothing out the walls and putting in arrow slots.  So the other Dwarfs can come and see the trapped Dwarfs.  Or kill the werebisons if we need too. 
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #47 on: September 24, 2023, 07:06:37 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Twenty

To : Shareholders
From : Amost Craftdied

This report that covers the Summer of 253.

We have started to pull down and rebuild the windmill.  It isn't working for some reason.  For the life of me I can't figure out why.  Maybe the equipment was linked in the wrong order?

Also a billion chicks were just hatched.  So to make room I ordered the pen unlocked and many of the adult chickens butchered.

And Monom Bomrekkastar's corpse has been found in the river.  No doubt after trying to get out the girl's corpse.  From now on idiots who drown stay in the river.  Unless we can get some citizens who have gills....

I have approved two petitions and now we have 79 citizens.  No, 80.  Just stamped approval on another one.

It is the 14th of Hematite and the human caravan has arrived.  As has a Human Monster Slayer?  Weird.

We don't have much to trade.  But we will find something.

The humans want powder and meat for export for their next visit.   Likely we can trade them meat next year.  Dinosaurs give a lot of it.

Bad news.  One of the raptors has been missing for a week.  On the other hand we were able to trade some odds and ends to the humans for plants and meat.  So, more stuff to grow, brew, and cook. 

On the other hand another Cave Fish Man is visiting.  How do they find us when they are blind?

Okay.  A few things are happening all at once.  The two weres have become werebison.  The Ferocious Coal have been sent to kill a Parasaurolophus.  AND a weregecko tried to sneak in, transformed BACK into a human, and seems to be in one of the ponds.  Drowning?

The damn dino runs too quickly.  I have ordered the Figures of Twisting and the Distinct Hanles to join in the hunt.

They finally killed it.  Now to find this...human...who is also a were.  And we found the corpse of the raptor.  Poor thing.   Hard to tell what killed him.  The raptors, when they are not in the pen, have a habit of running about and getting into fights.

Oh..the human seemed to have drowned.  Oh well.  One less were to worry about.

It is mid-summer and I have received a report about Ingish, a Dwarven child, who is stumbling about.  It is said he looks haggard and is rethinking his life.  Seems he has seen too much death.  I don't really care.  He will live to become a tough adult or die.  If he dies we'll have plenty of imgrants or visitors to replace him.

The windmill needs to be pulled down without destroying the building below it.  Also the re-elected Mayor wants more quivers made.  We really don't need them but I have ordered it so.

On the 6th of Malachite I receive a horrible report.  Neshastedol is missing!  One of our greatest artifacts!  I demand the Captain of the Guard do something.  He decided to have a little chat with Gencesh Lengeperad.  The Human Criminal. 

Also he will chat with Dumat Sectclasped who first noticed it was missing.

We also have a zombie visiting.  A poet.  I wonder if zombies can swim?  Just a thought.

Oh my.  Seems Gencesh has confessed!  Or at least he pointed a finger at Atek Letterluster.  Whoever that is.  Atek isn't a visitor.  At least not under that name. 

And none of that information helps find the lost artifact! 

And the Deinonychus was found dead.  Poor thing.  Pets and kids don't do well here.

Another damn dinosaur got too close to the town and had to be put down.

Late Summer.  The windmill is STILL not working and imgrants have arrived.  I am so tired.

I am not even brother to count the imgrants.  I'll just look for some more beds to put out.  And I am ordering that the dwarves make a windmill on the ground.  Just to see if it functions.

It seems to not function at all.  Do we have no wind?  Surely we have wind.  We're near the damn ocean.  Maybe the trees block it?

Maybe a watermill?

So, we have a working watermill.  I may have made it too big.  We just have to put up walls and a roof.   And the old windmill is now my bedroom!   Once they clear out all the junk.  I'll keep the old office.  My new bedroom even has a floorgrate in the center of the roof to let in sun, air, and sometimes rain.

Oh, the Dungeon Master and the Captain of the Guard both have an office and a dining room and, in the mines, there is a bunch of iron chains.  Our jail.

We also have about 90 plus citizens now.  Still growing after all the deaths!  Growth is important to the shareholders.  Right?

And autumn has come.  So this report will come to an end.

Ever Loyal to the major shareholder King erith Gikutzulban,

Amost Craftdied

Ex-Expedition Leader, Militia Commander, and Manager.


OOC NOTE : Stupid windmill.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2023, 07:19:54 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2023, 08:33:09 pm »

OOC NOTE : Huh...the library has become somewhat popular as we now have a few books looted from dead bodies.  I think somebody even wrote a book.  Can we get notified about that?

« Last Edit: September 26, 2023, 08:39:38 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2023, 07:51:14 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Twenty-One

To : Shareholders
From : Etur Momuzilid

Oh Great King erith Gikutzulban it has come to my attention that you sent a series of questions to the Manager to be answered.

As the Mayor, elected twice, I decided it was my duty to answer these questions in detail.

So, first, you requested information on our library.  We DO have a a few books in our library.  One of which is being binded as I write this by the Bone Carver.  I believe the book is called Captivated By The Rising Of The Moon.

Much of the writing is, to my knowledge, okay.  Now, on our graveyard.

You asked if we respect our dead.  Well, most of our dead are buried and have a memorial stone.  Though, to be honest, that can be an issue when people keep falling into the water and drowning.  Though, many of our people can now swim.  Purly by accident.  But they can swim.  Somewhat.

And you asked about our herds.  We have a nice mixture of creatures.  Utahraptors, goats, Woolly Mammoths, lots of pigs and chickens, a cow here, a Velociraptoir there.  Even a Yak calf or two.  Oh, and a Megaloceros fawn.  Should be very large once it becomes an adult.

Our Taverns, both public, have a wide selection fo drinks.  Yes, the second one was meant to be just for our citizens.  But there seemed to be a mistake in the paperwork.  I blame somebody else as I wasn't even the Mayor at the time.

Visitors to our taverns are also interesting.

Commander Strospi Satinforests is in one of our taverns.  He is a humanoid blind cave fish.  Seems to like the performances also.  I have been told one of his race visited before.  A Merchant.  Maybe word of mouth is spreading about our taverns and our special drinks?  Such as our teas and coffees?

Then there is Upir Swampcunning.  A human dancer who is also a sallow zombie.  She is thin, white, and, I have been told, very VERY strong.

And it seems she isn't the only...creature among us.  There is also Hode Soldcrow.  A human dancer fallen slayer. 

And yes, there is also Mori Anguishsprays.  A female human dancer who is, yes, a sallow zombie.

At least they are friendly.  For now.  They seem to fell nothing but are making friends with both visitors and citizens.

But most of our visitors are humans, dwarfs, and there is even one goblin.  Funny, we don't seem to have a lot of elves visiting as much as we use to. 

Some of the humans are...interesting.  The human Merchant Bisan Hoodgrasps seems to come from a culture that are nudists.  Because he is nude.  All the time.  And has no weapons, coins, or trade goods.

At least they all are enjoying themselves.  And do seem to enjoy sampling the brews we have available.  Newest addition to our menu is potato wine, parsnip wine, and swamp whiskey.

You asked about the court system.  We do have a jail now.  Kind of.  Bunch of chains in the mines.  Simple, strong, some of them well made.  Good Dwarfmenship.

Oh, and they are building a Statue Garden, with tables and chairs, in front of the Werebison containment unit.  So citizens can peek through the arrow slots and even talk to the captives.

Of course when the dwarfs change the visitors will flee in terror.  The Manager figures this kind of thing will build character.  OR deaden their sense of fear until nothing scares them. 

I think this will just get me yelled at a lot more by upset citizens.  Also maybe the jail should be placed there instead?  What?  Prisoners should be punished.  Scaring them out of their minds is one way to punish them.

The Guildhall was also finished and the 13 members of the Inky Guild seem to like it.  Or at least they enjoy socializing there.  As do others who are not members of the Guild.

And the were who died in the pond left behind a couple of cool shields.  We plan to drain the pond.  Not to recover the bones but to recover the shields.  They may prove useful.  Don't worry ponds are easy to drain.  It is the damn river that is frigging dangerous.

So, yeah, that all I have to report oh Great King!  I am so happy to be the Mayor and I am enjoying my new office and dining room.  As are the Captain of the Guard and the Dungeon Master who have their offices and dining rooms above mine.

Ever Loyal to the major shareholder King erith Gikutzulban,

Etur Momuzilid

Mayor (Twice Elected),  Hammerer, and Militia Captain.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 07:57:29 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2023, 10:21:17 am »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Twenty-Two

To : Shareholders
From : Amost Craftdied

This report that covers the Autumn of 253.

I hope the Mayor's letter didn't bore you.  And I hope he behaved himself.  He seems a tad too happy about being elected twice.  At least he only demands we produce quivers.  We don't really need as many as he demands be made but they are still useful.

We finally have a working Ashery.  So we should have soap soon.  And a Vermin Catcher's Shop.  So if we are lucky we may have small tamed pets for the people to cheer them up.  I hope.

I also approved a petition from a troupe of entertaining elves.    Three elves and one dwarf in fact.

Oh the 14th of Linestone the caravan from Olin Nonub.  What did we promise to trade to them?  Let me look at my notes.  And when I mean notes I mean the stuff I write on the walls next to my desk.  Oh, and with them is the liaison Rimtar Bisekurist.

Hey, we don't have any agreement with them.  Good.  We can trade them whatever we want!  All the crap in other words!

Oh, and some new arrivals have shown up.  Yeah.  More hands to get to work.  Also may as well dig up some new graves.

Interestingly enough the traders came with lots of food, we traded some junk for some plump hemlets, but they also brought along a hairless mammoth.

As the trading was going I was approached by the Sect of Granite.  A religious group who request a temple and a priest.  I approved the request of course.

I noticed the migrants seemed to be drawn towards the Guildhall and the Temple.  Maybe those areas, being built within the living rock, feels more comfortable, almost homelike, to them?

On the 21st of Limestone I have been told that one of the kids, name of Ingish Thikutlist, is throwing a tantrum.  I thought that kid was already dead.  They all look a lot.  Now that I think about it most of us look alike.

He is in the Mayor's officer tossing around food and rocks.  I locked him in till he stops.  Or somebody reports him and I can let justice handle it.

Also it seems the adult chickens are attacking the chicks.  I guess it is a little crowded in their pen.  So I ordered all the hens and roosters butchered.

Oh, and it seems somebody made a statue of me.  Without me even ordering it.  How wonderful.  I put it outside the Mayor's office. 

The kid was reported on but is too young to be arrested.  And now he is attacking and hurting the pigs.  Next time this twit enters a room I am locking him in. 

Now he got into a fist fight.   Oh boy.  I am getting reports from everybody.  He is damaging barrels and hitting people.  Once he is old enough he is likely going to spend years in chains if not being hammered to death.

Oh...I am going to kill this kid.  He just destroyed our first carpenter's workshop.  The first workshop of the settlement. 

Oh no!  One of the human soldiers visiting the settelment has turned into a Wereweasel!  All military have been called out to kill it!  He happens to be in the upstairs tavern.  Oh no, the public!  Somebody think about all the lawsuits!

It is dead.  In fact many of the visitors, including some of the undead ones, were attacking it before our troops arrived.  It was already being wounded and slammed around before the dwarves started stabbing and hacking it.  Seems the undead were also using magic on it.  They were just gesturing and tossing it about.  Or just hurting it.  Kind of scary.

I hope they ask to become residents!

The visitors also acted as meatshields.  In other words the were was so focused on the first people to attack it that it could not counter or deflect the attacks by our own armed, and trained, citizen soldiers.

BUT some of the our soldiers may have been, well, bite.  At least one Captain was.  Maybe more than one.  We will have to see who ends up in the hospital.

There are two wounded people already in the hospital.  But they are there due to the kid beating them up.  At least we now have soap.

Boy, blood all over.  And body parts.  The Butters of Paging is a mess.  But it gets cleaned up.  But for somebody's nose in the food and drink stockpile.

I figured out it is Onget Blotsack, Captain of the Noble Cudgels, who was the wounded officer.  As you can guess, once he has been worked on in the hospital we'll have to wall him up.  Oh, and it is his nose in the tavern.  Will it also turn into a were...whatever?

It also looks like the human axeman, Bekdil Dentfastened, has also been wounded.  We may have to exile him.  I am not sure I have the right to wall up a hired sword.  So many legal issues and forms to fill out. 

And now the Silken Company requires a Guildhall.  In other words a woodworker Guild.  It has been approved.  I guess I will smooth a room, engrave everything, toss in a few displays, and a carpenter shop.

And after all that the traders are finally leaving.  Also a small Shrine to Kosh has been finished.  A very small one.  A Woodcutter, named onul Kikrostdeg is now the Performer for the Shrine.  Kosh is linked to Fortresses among other things.  So we really should  have built this earlier.

Oh, and a Rodent Man is visiting the tavern. 

The wounded human soldier has been exiled while the Captain is being walled up.   If he does not change, well, we'll let him out.

Oh, and we were able to get the shields out of the pond without anybody drowning.

And the Mayor is FINALLY talking to the liaison.  I wonder what you have requested from him.  Sometimes I forget this reports are going to you.  Hahahaha...ha...ahem.

Seems you want crowns and crutches.  We'll see what we can do.

 He has told me that the liaison offered to allow us to join the Kingdom.  And the Mayor suggested my name...what does that mean?  Oh, wait, the liaison has also come to talk to me...with paperwork to sign?

WE HAVE BEEN MADE A BARONY?  And I am now a Baroness?  Oh thank you Great King. 

The Temple for the Sect of Granite has been named the Hot Chapel though it is not finished yet.  And have to find a Priest for it.  Also working on the Guildhall for the Silken Company, the Woodworker's Guild, Guildhall.  Already named The Rough Hammer. 

And we have a Carnotaurus in the area pestering people.  So I ordered two sqauds out to kill it.  They killed it but one soldier is heavily wounded.

Turns out the Militia Captain is a were alright.

Oh, and I decided the export of beds was a no-no.  We need all of them.

And I wish, whoever is doing it, would stop dropping their pants all over the place!

Damn it.  Another Carnotaurus showed up and attacked one of the kids.  I sent two units after it but it killed the kid.

Well, winter has come and we number 103.  So even with all the deaths we are doing well.  I also have a nice office and the citizens are working on my tomb. 

Ever Loyal to the major shareholder King erith Gikutzulban,

Amost Craftdied

Ex-Expedition Leader, Militia Commander, Manager, and Baroness of the Abbey of Blossoming!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2023, 05:47:19 pm »

And we have a Carnotaurus in the area pestering people.  So I ordered two sqauds out to kill it.  They killed it but one soldier is heavily wounded.

yet another day in dinotopia lol

loving these updates. do you have any wider screenshots of the fortress layout? or like the minimap? I'm curious how it all comes together.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #52 on: October 12, 2023, 12:09:54 pm »

The Village from the first floor upwards - not to confused with the Village from The Prisoner.  Not including the watermill, the underground chambers which are mostly storage and pens.  Nor the mines.

Now excuse me, I have a Winter Holiday to set up in game. 
« Last Edit: October 13, 2023, 12:39:16 pm by callisto8413 »
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #53 on: October 12, 2023, 07:12:05 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Twenty-Three

To : Shareholders
From : Amost Craftdied

This report covers the Winter of 253.

I have decided on declaring a Winter Holiday.  Straggered military training will continue and the construction projects will be allowed to finish.  And some crafting will be allowed. 

But most of the Work Orders will be cancelled so that the populace can rest, pray, drink, and socialize.  In other words three months of free time.  Outside of the above duties.  And of course farming. 

Also made some new Squads called the Cobalt Armors, the Creative Lovers, the Late Seals, and the Defensive Citandels.

The Sect of Granite is pleased with the new temple, even if it is not finished, and have requested I pick a Priest.  Which would fulfill the agreement.  I have selected the Axedwarf Ast Honorrooms.  He is not wasteful and values self-control.  High stamina and resists sickness.  Seems like a good pick.  And picked Lor Squidceiling as the Performer.  Both are members of the Reeligion and therefore are perfect for the job.  At least on paper.

I cancelled the military training but for the werebeasts.  Too many citizens were in the barracks and I want them to have FREE time.  Some still pick to drill but many have gone to work on the building projects while others go to drink and sleep.  Or fish and do other labors.  But only because they decided to.

Had to kill another Carnotaurus.  Damn things keep getting in the way.

And the Mayor has demanded the making of a single bracelet.  I am sure we ARE already making some.

And now the Mayor has demanded Avils.  So I am starting to wonder if maybe he needs a accident.

It is the 9th of Opal and there is finally a Carpentry Demonstration happening in the Rough Hammer.  The Woodworker GuildHall.  Only two members attending it but that's a start.

Damn it.  Found Aban Othosvucar, a Marksdwarf, dead.  Not even sure how!  We think it was linked to one of the red dinos running about.  I have to send out the units again!  Kill them ALL!

Seems the Human Bard, named Kes Asmurnongos, was killed by the damn things before we could kill them.  At least we have lots of open graves.

Also, now we have a Zombie Dwarf Dancer who is armed with a copper scimitar.

A wild Parasaurolophus somehow got into the walls of our settlement.  How?!?!  Oh well, have to call out the units.

Also not sure what kind of party is happening in the Craftsdwarf Guidhall but I wish they kept their pants ON!

A Frog like creature has been sighted.  But it seems to be hanging around one of the ponds and has yet to approach our town.  Maybe just cooling off?  We do live in a jungle.  Live and let live.

I have been notified we have over ten books in our library.  Though many may be copies.

Our population numbered 101 by the end of 253.  Not sure the three month Holiday did much to help the mood of the citizens.  That one kid, Ingish, had become depressed and haggard.  For a 9 year old he is a real annoying kid.  Overall the unhappy were still unhappy while the happy, or somewhat happy, people became slightly more happy.

Spring has come.  And the first piece of news is one of the Bards are dead.  So we are down to 100.  His body was found in the Natures of Weakening.  Our Temple for no particular deity.  Why?  How?Should I be shocked that a citizen died in a temple and nobody noticed til it was too late?

Ever Loyal to the major shareholder King erith Gikutzulban,

Amost Craftdied

Ex-Expedition Leader, Militia Commander, Manager, and Baroness of the Abbey of Blossoming!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2023, 06:03:16 pm »

Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Twenty-Four

To : Shareholders
From : Amost Craftdied

This report that covers the Spring of 254.

First thing to happen in spring is I met the Elf Diplomat Pari Romimicayi.  You can guess what he was crying about.  He just called us names.  He didn't ask us to stop cutting the trees.   

And a whole bunch of baby raptors were hatched.  Also ordered another underground farming plot and another storage room dug out.

The elves have come.  I wonder if they will have what we will want?  Well, we can find some stone crafts to give them maybe.  We do have clay pots of booze?  I wonder if they would take those?  We also have a few earthware pots.

We'll just hide the wooden pots, of course.

Sadly, it seems the pots offended them.  Not that they had much besides nuts, fruits, and plants.  Not even worth seizing.  We just won't trade with them.  Likely get better products, and deals, from the humans.

And the elves are already leaving.  I don't think they like us.

The kid, Ingish, is getting into more fist fights.  On the other hand he has beat up the Hammerer...the Mayor.  So...I have mixed feelings about that.  And the Mayor can't do anything about it.  Not until the kid becomes an adult.

Also we are making glass.  Green glass but now I have a window in my bedroom and some windows are now in the upper floors of the settlement.  Facing inwards, towards the Trade Depot, of course.

Testing out building a green house on the second floor.  There is a theory that putting it above the surface will allow use to grow different plants.

Also sent two units after a Parasaurolophus who is causing us trouble again.

Added a third unit and they finally killed it.

And more migrants.  Which pushes us up to 121 or something like that.  I would care more but I have just been notified that the farmers now have a Guild called the Ripe Guild.  Who makes up these names? 

Anyway more beds need to be made and....placed whereever I can find space.

And we have a Honey Badger attack.  Before I could do anything the citizens mobbed it and killed it.  Good for them.  Let's them get out their rage.

And the farmers want a Guildhall.  Already had one being dug out.  So I approved of course.  Must keep the Guilds happy.

For the heck of it I picked Deduk Zugobmorul, a Hammerdwarf, as the Champion.  What DOES a Champion do?  Also, why isn't the Dungeon Master doing anything?

And we now have a Bavarisaurus available as a pet.  Not even sure what that is.

Oh my ...the kid destroyed our Trade Depot.  We need to repair it.  When that kid becomes an adult if he ISN'T punished I will make him his own unit and wall him up myself!

And a Bard died in the hospital.  The staff tried their best but I think he was beat up by the kid.  I swear we are losing more people to Ingish then the dinos!  Well, maybe not.  But the dinos are animals.  Dwarves should KNOW better.

I understand he lost his mother and, later, his sister.  But that years ago and he does have two Uncles in the city.  And a few Cousins.  I would have thought he would find some comfort with them.  I just wish he would stop carrying all those scepters around.  He hits people with them when he gets mad.  When not tossing meals and stones at people.

Oh.  Checking on the migrants, as I assigned them some beds, I noticed we have a proper Surgeon.  Now they are on the medical staff.

Summer has arrived.  I just need to wait for the wet floor of our new second floor greenhouse to dry up and be muddy.  And for the guys to find bags so they can make green glass blocks.  Still, we can make glass flasks and all kinds of stuff.  I doubt the ELVES will like it but whatever.

It is underground to be closer to the sand.  And now we have three underground farming plots.  As you know we use the bag system to store the seeds.  As seeds sometimes get trapped in barrels.  So if you don't use barrels the seeds don't get lost.

And, of course, the original above ground ones are still in use.  Right next to the first Still and first Kitchen.  For ease of harvesting and processing. 

The taverns, and our library, are proving to be very busy.  I just wish they would put the books BACK in the bookcase.  They treat our books like pants.  Just dropping them all over the place.

Many of our citizens have come to enjoy drinking coffee and tea.  Along with all the other drinks in our selection.  Such as rye beer, prickle berry wine, and sewer brew.  Just to name a few.  They also enjoy watching performances and chatting with the outsiders.

Our visiters are dwarves, elves, goblins, and sometimes animal folk.  Interesting to chat with and they do bring news.  Not that outside news is really my concern.  But I have chatted with a few outsiders.  A Goblin Miner named usbu, a Elf Bowyer named Rathe, and even a undead Human Scholar named Elku.  The latter came to visit our library and read some of the books.   In fact I think she has been reading all the books.

Many of our books seem to be manuals or histories or about science.  One book is even titled Generalization : Further Musing.  Seems to deal with inductive reasoning.

I, myself, now have a gold flask full of carambola wine.  I refill when visiing the taverns and I carry it around when on duty.  Yes, we found gold in the mines among other things.  Make the other stockholders know the mines are giving us gems, fuel, and ores.  And stone.

Also none of our food is rotten.  We have lots of pot, barrels, and so on.  So our rolls and salads and roasts are well protected and ready to eat!

We may be having issues with dinos and a certain kid.  But we have food, drinks, most of us have beds.  Some of us even have bedrooms.  And even pets.  Somebody even has...what it called?  A small sabertooth cat?  Really small.  No big fangs.  I think they call is a domesticated cat?

Ever Loyal to the major shareholder King erith Gikutzulban,

Amost Craftdied

Ex-Expedition Leader, Militia Commander, Manager, and Baroness of the Abbey of Blossoming!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #55 on: October 15, 2023, 02:42:54 am »

Seems like every fort has at least one really angry and violent kid these days.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #56 on: October 15, 2023, 04:35:33 pm »

Seems like every fort has at least one really angry and violent kid these days.

To be fair kids don't really have the experience to handle such events like the death of family members, dinosaur attacks, honey badger attacks, and dead bodies and blood all over the place.  Of course I won't feel sad once he is old enough to punish.    >:(
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2023, 03:34:40 am »

Why wait until he's old enough to punish when you could wall him up right now and no longer need to worry about him.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #58 on: October 16, 2023, 06:54:15 am »

Why wait until he's old enough to punish when you could wall him up right now and no longer need to worry about him.

I guess I could make him a bedroom somewhere and lock him in.  But would the victims of all his crimes feel justice had been done if he just dies outside the justice system?
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Abbey of Blossoming - Lightly Modded Story
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2023, 04:07:30 am »

Guess it'd depend on how the dwarves in question felt about justice as to weather or not they'd like that ending for the kid.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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