Dwarf Fortress - Abbey of Blossoming - Chapter Seven
Dear Diary,
I have decided to write a little about the citizens of the outpost. How they are handling their new life, their relationships, and so on.
First the Founders. The first seven. Well, now six with the death of Ral by the horned dinosaur.
The Expedition Leader, Amost Craftsdied, is wearing many hats. She is the Manager, Broker, and Bookkeeper. And seems to be handling pretty well.
Though she is worried about her clothing. Seems she prefers fancy, rich, clothing. Well, not really something available in the outpost as of yet.
Yet her circle of friends, or even psdding acquaintances, are pretty small. I don't think she talks to the new imgrants unless it is business related.
Then there is my roommate, Sigun Ropeglad, who is also one of my fellow soldiers.
She is neither happy or sad. She is fighting the stress but isn't winning against. Nor is it winning against her. She is becoming bored and lonely.
Like the Leader her circle of friends is small.
Then there is Meng Kanzudastesh, the Mason, who isn't very happy. She is uneasy, lonely, and seems to be unhappy with the lastest Bards and their performances. Like the other Founders her circle of friends is small.
Then there is Oddom Urvadrigoth, the Planters, who also seems to enjoy fishing. Which seems to be helping her as she seems...happy.
But even she is lonely and, once again, her circle of friends seem to be limited to the Founders.
Then there is Deler Dodoksherbeth, who is now the Milita Commander, who seems to have embraced the frontier life.
But like everybody else she misses family and feels uneasy. She wants to pray also. She is handling the stress. But she could go either way. Happy or unset depending if it rains or is sunny tomorrow.
Then there is me. To be honest I'm not very happy. Being wounded by the damn horned dinosaur didn't help.
My friends are limited to the Founders. Minus Ral. I really NEED to make a Temple for general prayer and religious outlet.
Then there was the First Wave of Migrants.
Sadly, of course, one of them was killed by a honey badger. And she left two children behind.
One was her daughter Nish Inkysinks. Who is not doing well. She is upset and has nightmares of her mother's death.
She tries to stay busy but I don't think it is working. On the other hand she has her brother, one of the migrants was her half-brother, and one of the visiting Bards turned out to be her AUNT!
Still, for a two year old she is doing okay.
Her brother, Ingish Bookgazes, is not doing well at all. He yells, he cries, and he tries to lose himself in work and food. But is at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to happiness. In other words he isn't happy at all.
I hope he can recover. He has a slightly larger circle of friends and acquaintances so that MIGHT help him in the long run?
Then there is Catten Caughtclasp. The Miner. Somewhat young, at only 26 years old. He is neither happy nor angry. Kind of just trying to survive.
So far he has only made one friend after arriving so I am kind of worried about that. Also he seems to have a LONG list of Deities he worships. Another reason to get a Non-Deity Temple up.
Then there is Ducim Helmedknowing, another Miner, who seems to be chilling. Maybe because if the two lovers? Seems to be stable guy and enjoys cooking and brewering and everything.
He is one of the citizens I am not worried about.
Then there is Etur Cryptrules, the Engraver, who is doing everything but engraving. He is, like many others, neither very happy nor very sad.
Funny enough he didn't seem impressed with the Bards either. Maybe we are getting badly trained Bards?
The Second Wave, while smaller, at least hasn't had anybody die yet.
First off is Mistem Tradedbeards, a Woodcutter, who is married to Meng. Meng, is the older half-brother to the two children.
Funny enough she does not talk to the kids and mostly seems upset at the lack of a Temple. On the other hand she seems to visit the Tavern a lot.
Her husband is a Recuit but dabbles in a few other things. Such as cooking and planting. But like his wife really needs to pray to Cor.
He does talk to the kids and seems to be stable. Neither sad or happy. Just doing his best to keep himself, his family, and the Outpost in one piece.
Then there is ushrir Amazecudgel, who was a Doctor before becoming Chief Medical Dwarf. And like a few of the citizens, he is neither happy nor sad. He just is.
He has a Spouse, two lovers, and a pet woolly mammoth calf. The wife showed up in the Second Wave with him, the Beekeeper who became the Tavern Keeper. I assume she is one of the lovers. The other one isn't here.
Then there was Deduk Grandpages, the Tavern Keeper, who like the others wishes to pray to her many Dieties.
Sadly, like many of the Second Wave, she has only a few citizens among her circle of friends. But at least her Spouse was there.
So those are the people I have to deal with. I guess a Temple is next once I finish the hospital and barracks.
Wish me well,