I meant that as in there hasn't been any follow up on it so far. Also what do you mean you're out of vote changes?
I don't like changing my vote a lot. If I don't have someone in mind to change it
to, I tend to leave it in one place. So I was just kind of making a joke referencing that.
I didn't really think I needed to follow up. I still think Fallacy's suspicious - Jim actually
just did a great job explaining why - but so do several other people, there's a lot of game left, I didn't think I needed to press the issue? This might be part of what ToonyMan means by saying I play selfishly. I just sort of think it is not my job to get this guy in particular voted out. You can even see the clear difference, if you look up
webadict's Supernatural, when it was in fact literally my job to get one guy in particular voted out.
Maximum Spin - no complaints, much like notquitethere; His statement about trying to be more helpful did make me raise my eyebrow a little because I remember EuchreJack's comment from AutoMafia where he said if Max is trying to be helpful then he's scum and if he's trying to be aloof then he's town.
I like most everything in this readslist, but I just want to reassure you that EuchreJack isn't the god of my meta.
The eight posts starting from here:I don't like this disengaged Knightwing, I don't feel good about this fake-looking Jack Panic, and I'm not a fan of this interaction, especially from two people I would most expect to interact like this as scum.
Wow, I guess that's everything. I thought there was going to be more. Maybe in my first readthrough I had more to say that I cared about less this time around.
My first instinct is to vote
Knightwing. This isn't related to Lenglon doing so, I've been thinking about it since last night; but the reasoning is the same. This Knightwing seems, once again, to be faking playing the game. I also 100% believe he would submit mafia as his role preference, for what that's worth.