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Author Topic: Archtame: a rookie player in the Arctic  (Read 789 times)

Boerenkool met worst

  • Escaped Lunatic
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Archtame: a rookie player in the Arctic
« on: March 31, 2023, 08:10:08 am »

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum and fairly new to the game. Have played a few short fortresses before I started this one. The previous ones where all in relatively safe areas, but because of my personal fascination with the Arctic I decided to throw myself in the deep and play an Arctic embark. Any advice is helpfull. This fortress will probably fail miserably, but it's al part of the learning experience of my dwarven arctic lifestyle.

Hope you enjoy my little rambling and don't stay silent! I need all the advice I can get.
Without futher introduction. Here's my story of the Arctic settlement of Archtame:


In the early spring of the year 100, seven stout dwarves heeded the call of their king, Minkot Basenmistem of the Merchants of Warding. Their mission was perilous, but paramount: to forge a new city in the northern reaches of the known world. Their settlement must serve as an outpost, a bastion of power for their society, safeguarding their trade interests and extending their influence to realms hitherto unknown.

Guided by the venerable Rovod Muthkatkikros, a master of expeditionary lore, the band of dwarves set forth to discover a site for their new stronghold. They were a diverse company, united in purpose, yet each with their unique talents and skills. Among them were Rovod's trusted friends: Doren Ostathcilob, a mason of great renown, Kulet Avuzuvar, a woodworker without peer, the knowledgeable planter Lór Othildumat and the stalwart miner Lokum Sebsúrmistem. Monom Avuznďr, a master fisherdwarf, brought his specialized knowledge to the task, while Kivish Uristthob, a skilled metalcrafter, added his art to the group's repertoire.

Their journey was long and arduous, taking them through ancient woodlands, over scorching deserts, and across frigid tundras. At last, they arrived at the very edge of the known world. Here, Rovod Muthkatkikros took up his trusty pickaxe and struck the earth, marking the spot where the dwarves' new home would rise.

you can see the fortress in the upper right corner

With grim determination, the dwarves began their work. They built a ramp into the earth and set to excavating the first layout of their subterranean dwelling. Time was of the essence, for the chill of the northland was unrelenting. They dug out a stockpile and a common area, followed by chambers for their sleeping quarters and workshops. And thus, in the frozen wastes of the north, the dwarven settlement of Archtame was born.

The stout-hearted dwarves toiled tirelessly to establish their new dwelling in the heart of the rugged mountains. Kuley Avuzuvar, a skilled woodworker, ventured beyond his customary domain and began plowing the sandy cavern floor, transforming it into a fertile farmstead. With no timber to be found in the vicinity, he sought to contribute in other ways, and his labor was surely not in vain!
The venerable Rovod gathered the dwarves in their newly fashioned meeting hall, and he commanded Lór Othildumat to cultivate the fields using only the plump helmet seeds that the company had brought for this very purpose. Though the soil was poor, it must suffice to yield enough booze to slake the thirst of the seven stout-hearted dwarves.

To signify the point of no return, Rovod issued a decree to his followers to destroy the caravan wagon that had conveyed them to this harsh realm. In obliterating the vehicle, they salvaged much-needed wood and reinforced the gravity of their undertaking. For failure was not an option, but a matter of life or death. The establishment of Archtame would either flourish or perish, and the fate of its inhabitants hinged upon its triumph or ruin.

Amidst the toil of Lokum Sebsúrmistem and Monom Avuznďr, two diligent miners, the sandy layer proved a vexation to their eager excavation. They yearned to unearth solid rock to ply their craft upon, but alas, a light aquifer thwarted their efforts. Twice they attempted to delve deeper, only to be hindered by the increasingly sodden soil. At one point, the intrepid dwarves found themselves standing nearly knee-deep in water, until Rovod, quick of wit and sharp of eye, perceived the peril and commanded them to desist. He ordered Lokum and Monom to seek another passage through the aquifer stratum, and after much laborious toil, they discovered a dry passage. Joyous and exultant, the two miners leapt and sang after successfully excavating a sizeable hole without a drop of water to dampen their spirits.

Meanwhile, Rovod, the stout and wise leader, rallied the other dwarves for an urgent conclave. The success of their endeavor relied not only upon their indefatigable physical exertions but also upon the employment of their intellectual capacities. To establish a thriving and sustainable colony, they must heed the counsel of those among them gifted with insight and sagacity. Rovod proffered the notion of appointing a manager to oversee the stock of raw materials, finished goods, and provisions. He contended that in the harsh climes of the Arctic, they could not rely upon mere estimations, but required cold, hard facts and an intricate knowledge of their supply situation. The other dwarves saw the sagacity in Rovod's proposal, and after a brief deliberation, they elected Rovod to the position of manager of Archtame. His adeptness at organization and leadership marked him as the ideal candidate for the role.

Amidst the seven dwarves on their arduous journey, there were also a number of creatures that valiantly braved the perils and now dwell in the halls of Archtame.
Two alpacas, accustomed to pulling the expedition's wagon across the frigid tundra, were amongst the first of these brave beasts. In addition, the dwarves brought a horse, though its fate may be grim, as a lone equine amongst a party of hungry dwarves bodes poorly for its future.
A peculiar collection of animals also joined the expedition, including a young yak calf, an elephant, and a water buffalo, all of whom are unaccustomed to the bitter arctic climate. Thus, they may soon become a source of sustenance for the party should other options run dry.
In addition to these larger beasts, two faithful dogs, two feline companions, and a plucky bunny also made the journey, their small but steadfast presence a comfort to the weary travelers.

In the barren landscape of Archtame, where no tree could be found for miles, the dwarves swiftly set to work and built a carpenter's workshop. It was a modest building, yet it held the promise of great things to come. For the dwarves knew that they would need beds, and beds required wood. So, they patiently waited for the day when they could procure enough timber to fashion their sleeping quarters.
Despite the fact that the carpenter's workshop would remain mostly idle in the initial months, the dwarves wasted no time in constructing a second workshop. This one was devoted to stoneworking, a craft that the dwarves had perfected over the centuries. Doren Ostathcilob, a skilled mason, was tasked with the first assignment: to shape sturdy blocks of stone for the construction of their fortress.

In addition to their workshops, the dwarves knew that they would need machines to defend their new home from potential threats. So, they established a mechanist's workshop to produce the necessary devices. Rovod, the mastermind behind the plan, envisioned a drawbridge that would seal off the entrance to the village, keeping enemies at bay. Yet, the bridge could also serve as a welcoming gesture to friendly visitors, allowing them safe passage into the village.
The final workshop that the dwarves erected in those first few weeks was a craftsman's workshop. Despite the unforgiving landscape of Archtame, the dwarves anticipated the arrival of traders, particularly those from their homeland. The Merchants of Warding were renowned for their quality goods, and the dwarves hoped to strike a lucrative deal with them. For this purpose, they established a workshop where they could craft items of exceptional beauty and value, hoping to impress their future business partners.

New arrivals

In the summer of the year 100, a small company of immigrant dwarves arrive at the remote and impoverished settlement known as Archtame. Though few in number, these brave settlers carried with them the hope of a brighter future and the promise of their exceptional skills.

Amongst the five who had journeyed to Archtame, the legendary weaponsmith and soaper, Likot Zursúllorbam, stood out. At forty-seven years old, she had left behind her former life as a member of the esteemed Cloister of Passing to seek her fortune in the Arctic. Her fame as a weaponsmith had preceded her, and her skill would surely prove invaluable to the community of Archtame.

With Likot was another former member of the Cloister of Passing, Kivish Dosimcatten. Adept in the ways of weaponsmithing and soaping, Kivish had also honed his craft in the Hall of Shanks and the Primitive Guild. Accompanied by his wife, Asmel Zaralath, an excellent cook, Kivish had come to Archtame seeking a new start and the chance to make a better life for himself and his family.

Ushat Sodelmubun, a former member of the Bowyers guild and the Puzzling guild, had also made the treacherous journey to Archtame. At fifty-three years old and with three children in tow, Ushat's decision to brave the harsh conditions of the Arctic outpost had raised some eyebrows amongst the other settlers. Nevertheless, his skill as an adequate bowyer would no doubt prove invaluable to the burgeoning community.

And finally, Ushat's children had also come to Archtame. The eldest, sixteen-year-old Cog Desismeng, was joined by her younger siblings, eight-year-old Vucar Stizashérith and one-year-old Meng Rakustrithlut. Though their youth and inexperience were cause for concern, the dwarves of the first expedition welcomed them with open arms and hoped for the best.

These seven settlers would have to work tirelessly to ensure the survival of Archtame. But with their combined skills and determination, they hoped to make a new home in the icy wastes of the Arctic and build a future full of hope and promise.

to be continued....



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtame: a rookie player in the Arctic
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 07:06:08 pm »

Good luck and check out the kitchen menu.  Don't let them cook your seeds or spawn!

The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtame: a rookie player in the Arctic
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2023, 09:32:25 pm »

To signify the point of no return, Rovod issued a decree to his followers to destroy the caravan wagon that had conveyed them to this harsh realm. In obliterating the vehicle, they salvaged much-needed wood and reinforced the gravity of their undertaking. For failure was not an option, but a matter of life or death. The establishment of Archtame would either flourish or perish, and the fate of its inhabitants hinged upon its triumph or ruin.

I'm sorry I really liked your journal, but this passage was hilariously melodramatic to me. the rather standard act of wagon salvage, re-imagined as a Wagnerian epic... nice

Two alpacas,

good choice . the council approves

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtame: a rookie player in the Arctic
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2023, 02:27:31 am »

I haven't seen an arctic embark in quite a while so I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archtame: a rookie player in the Arctic
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2023, 01:12:12 am »

Fond of artic embarks too, watching.