Otherwise, I would argue that the overwhelming majority of people in the world have negative view of Putin, however, they majority also have negative view of USA and or do not share its interests, and thus its not that they support Putin they oppose USA more.. in other words the enemy of my enemy.
There's three thought processes that can lead people there. The most common is not far off from what you're saying.
America Bad. America Says Russia Bad. Therefore Russia Good.
This is common among the American tankie, who thinks the US is universally bad but still believes that the US is the only nation in the world that has any agency whatsoever. Therefore anybody who opposes the US must be a hero, and anybody who is on good terms with the US must be being puppetmastered by the EVIL CIA (the CIA, meanwhile, wishes it had a hundredth part the capability ascribed to it).
This is also common among the European nationalist, who often finds the US to be a convenient distraction from things their own country is doing, and is confident that they're in no direct threat.
Note that this does not include everybody who criticizes US actions.
The second motive is largely confined to the global right-wing, who see Putin as an icon against the Evil Woke Brigade and fully expected him to continue to dominate the Weak and Effete Liberals.
The third motive is widespread in Africa and adjacent regions, where Russia has poured massive propaganda and proximity has given them more access to do so. This is not an "enemy of my enemy situation", as most people in the region don't have a strong opinion on the US (though many do have such opinions toward Europe). Russia's version of events is simply the loudest.