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Author Topic: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted  (Read 15012 times)

brewer bob

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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #150 on: April 10, 2023, 07:38:55 pm »

Excellent additions and the volcano is a nice detail.

King Zultan

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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #151 on: April 11, 2023, 03:16:26 am »

Every addition to the image increases the dwarfyness!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #152 on: April 11, 2023, 11:30:58 am »

You guys are amazing. Unfortunately the assignment is already submitted, but I might share this portion of the thread with my professor.


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #153 on: April 11, 2023, 12:10:18 pm »

Show them the luxury fortress fit for a dwarven king
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #154 on: April 15, 2023, 06:48:41 am »

hey guys, it's nearing the end of fasting month here at my place ( should be on the next weekend ). and it's some sort of tradition for a big family gathering by that time, it may and may not take a whole week.

my turn will probably come at the right time though, but just in case, can i be swapped with the one after me?  :-[

it's @Baprr's turn right now, yeah?


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #155 on: April 15, 2023, 10:16:12 am »

It's my turn now, yes. I will be done in a day.


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #156 on: April 16, 2023, 07:49:28 am »

hey guys, it's nearing the end of fasting month here at my place ( should be on the next weekend ). and it's some sort of tradition for a big family gathering by that time, it may and may not take a whole week.

my turn will probably come at the right time though, but just in case, can i be swapped with the one after me?  :-[

it's @Baprr's turn right now, yeah?
Don't sweat it. If it lines up that your turn coincides with when you don't have time then we can shuffle players around a bit.


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #157 on: April 16, 2023, 01:26:10 pm »

From the journals of Kib Bappr Rockflier

Noblerivers™! Come for the waterfalls, stay for the drink!
Sorry, the new idea from the management is that we should strive to promote Noblerivers™! Savage wildlife and sewer brew wild parties! whenever we are writing anything. Makes work orders a bit inefficient, but at least we can reuse our drafts as flyers.
I came to this place to fulfill my lifelong dream of creating a monumental work of art - something epic that will earn me my rightful place among the greatest architects of this world. I decided to design and carve out Great Guildhalls - a series of meeting halls built to accommodate all sorts of professions.

Today I begin my year of managing Rîtholigër, and also my great project.
Noblerivers™! It's even bigger on the inside!

1st Granite, Spring of 253.
I formally received the keys to the fortress (Noblerivers™! A key, to your pleasure!) and officially started my work. It didn't take long to receive my first complaint - in fact, Avolition, our new baron and the previous overseer, complained about their lack of proper apartments before even giving away the keys. I had to promise to start on that right away.

We also didn't have any tombs for the few of our citizens that ended up dead recently (I'm not at a liberty to say why). Let's just say that In Noblerivers™! L is for Luxury! and not Lizardpeople.
Hmmm, despite initially planning to hire only 50 workers, we seem to have more than 90. I guess I will have to build 40 extra rooms for them too. I will use some of that empty space near our main living quarters.

Our new aboveground tavern, The Perfect Diamond, is pretty good as taverns go - but it's terribly unsafe! I quickly ordered some bridges built and connected to a lever in the fortress. While at it, I also had most bridges outside connected to another lever in case of a siege. I will also add some rooms on the roof so it could act as an inn.

So, the apartments of some of our residents - including Avolition's by the way - were flooded at some point, I think (Noblerivers™! Flood, of entertainment!), and the walkway between them and the main fortress is still full of water. No wonder Avolition was so pissed, they had to walk all the way around the entire fortress every day.

It's an easy fix. Judging by the amount of mud in the fortress, flooding is fairly common in Noblerivers (™! Get drrrrrenched!) but I don't see why you can't just avoid that. Just, don't break the wall if you see a river behind it on the plans. The clean up is going to take so much work.

I also started making the first of the Great Guildhalls - The Farmer's Guild. It's going to be a beauty. A shame it will take me most of Spring to deal with the more mundane problems even though Noblerivers™! are supposed to be Anything but mundane!

We didn't have any militia squads designated, I think some paperwork was lost at some point. I reinstated the sord n bord squad or whatever it was... aaaaand the equipment didn't include any armor. We don't even have any armor made, and I despite having plenty of coal we don't have any coke - whatever, this is also low priority, (Noblerivers™! Your needs are our priority!). I will see if I can get to magma by autumn and hopefully make some steel.

And apparently, one of our miscellaneous workers is posessed with some kind of idea right now. He's asking for a lot of things, and I don't know which specific one we lack, but I noticed that we don't have any bones. I sent some puppies and calves to the butcher - hopefully that would be enough.

And it was! He got to work right away and soon emerged with a terrifying-looking bone mask - all spikes and boogeymen. He didn't remember a thing from the experience and offered it to Noblerivers™! All our craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality!.

I ordered the militia to train for a bit lest their skills get rusty - I don't remember when they were disbanded.

A visitor! An elven diplomat came to Avolition and demanded we stop felling trees. We agreed that in order to provide the best experience to our elven visitors we indeed should try to limit our "abuse of nature".

An elven caravan came right after the diplomat, they sold us some berries and nuts in return for our lead crafts.

The management is almost satisfied - all that's left is to dig out some tombs. I also put in an order for a king-sized tomb to be prepared in case we need it, and maybe as an attraction of sorts? There is no guild of morticians, but it could serve as a meeting hall in the mean time. Noblerivers™! A multitude of fun!

So, lesson learned. I will check every blueprint for slogans, and in case they look like a part of the actual plans. Thankfully a there were a lot of engravers nearby, and we managed to plug the leaking part before we drowned the entire section.

The luck is on our side! Magma wasn't even that deep!

I ordered an inn built down there right away - this is the perfect spot for the Guildhall of Metal. It's not that deep (only 29 levels below surface), so the visitors will be just the right amount of tired and thirsty coming all the way down here. Noblerivers™! You will be thirsty, for knowledge!

It might be late spring already, but I finally started working on the Guildhall of Farms - the star attraction is going to be the tree farm, and once I get enough glass blocks - a greenhouse with some aboveground plants.


Summer started with some more visitors, only this time they weren't invited. A warband of bowgoblins came from north-west and started advancing towards us.

They didn't look like much, honestly - just a small squad with some subpar weapons and not even one full metal armor set between all of them. If only we had even just some iron armor!

Still, right now we would lose too many soldiers.

Closed bridges trapped two thieves that were travelling with the warband. Our military dealt with them easily.

Look how our citizens laugh and play even as goblins shout their powerless insults from across the river! Noblerivers™! Safety is our top Your safety Your life is in good hands! I just hope they don't stay for long - I don't want to lose any business.

A weaponsmith in a strange mood? Maybe we will have an artefact to arm our renewed militia! It seems that she's posessed by some spirit rather than inspired, but we still can get a good weapon out of that.

She only grabbed only a bar of iron and some leftover puppy, so the item won't be the most decorated, but at least she won't go insane looking for raw clear glass or something. Huh. A pick. Not exactly what I was expecting, but still. It's a good pick. Just like Noblerivers™! Is a good pick for your vacation!

Turns out a goblin siege didn't turn away all visitors - an elf dancer came by from the north. Well, north and east are safe directions - the squad of goblins can only menace their side of the river. Anyway, the elf looked better equipped than all the goblins put together so I doubt she'd have much trouble with them. She visited The Eye of Truths and was on her way shortly.

As I was dealing with another water leak in our magma workshop, I heard a terrible noise from the upper cavern. Galka the Spider Dinosaur.

The beast isn't known for its rampages, but I still wouldn't want to fight it.

It went around the cavern killing crundles and other cave animals, while I ordered the military to meet it if the flying beast finds a way in we somehow missed. It was a false alarm, thankfully.

Back to the magma. The water still leaks - I suspect an aquifer, though we smoothed every wall we could. Bloody water.

Hey, another visitor! A goblin this time. I have nothing against goblins that don't try to lay siege on us, and this one seems mostly interested in our selection of wines.

End of summer.


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #158 on: April 16, 2023, 01:47:17 pm »

As Baron/CEO of Noblerivers inc. I am glad to approve this update.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #159 on: April 17, 2023, 05:43:37 pm »


We finally made, engraved, and installed the slabs for a couple of citizens who unfortunately met their ends in Noblerivers™! If it's gonna be your last moment, make sure to spend it in Noblerivers™!

Also the goblin visitor is still around, and he's apparently a baron consort of his civilization.

He told the bartender that we weren't the only dwarven town attacked by the goblins - they attaked hillocks of Inkycarnage and Bronzesilver, both slightly more than a day's travel to the north-east of us.

Crazy times we live in. Tol soon tasted every wine in the tavern, slept for a while upstairs, and went on his way. Another satisfied customer!

I noticed that we run out of meat and ordered our captive badger population tamed just enough so they would listen to the butcher. Noblerivers™! Tastes like nature!

I was afraid the siege, such as it is, would scare away the trade caravans, but the goblins apparently left without anyone noticing. They've seen our bridges raised though, and arrived without the wagons though.

So, the previous overseer ordered A LOT of cut gemstones. I don't have the crafts or the need for any of them, honestly. And selling our cut gems just seems like a waste now! You know you're in Noblerivers™ when you have too many gemstones! Oh, and also I bought some food. They brought nothing but food and gems...

My meeting with the outpost liason was much more productive.
Firstly, Avolition was promoted to count

Second, I ordered every musical instrument I could think of (as well as some leather), and promised to make some high-quality anvils in return.

Shit shit shit shit shit! How and why is that did that of huck

Ok, so - 1) turns out that while natural magma is too thick to follow the laws of pressure like water does, you can it seems force it if you use a pump. And I was using a pump to filter out any magma pests such as crabs and imps.

2) the water proved somewhat useful, actually! Some of the magma managed to reach the stairs, but they were wet which cooled down the magma enough to stop it's advancement.

And our workers are smart enough to avoid the puddles of death, and soon enough the danger is gone. Still, that was quite a shock. No strength to make a slogan. Noblerivers, don't drink magma! here, done.

Another settlement incorporated into our holdings. It seems the benefits from that are barely existent, so I'll just leave it for the next overseer.

Galka is killing random wild life in it's cavern - which is not entirely unhelpful. Still, the cries of pain make that region much less appealing to most tourists.

Another forgotten beast! One of my totally intentional waterfalls drains into that cavern, but the set up should be fool proof - or at least the beast didn't notice any weak points right away. I leave it be.

The rest of autumn is spent crafting armor and furniture for my many projects. Winter will be a busy season.

End of autumn.


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #160 on: April 17, 2023, 09:08:12 pm »

I noticed that we run out of meat and ordered our captive badger population tamed just enough so they would listen to the butcher. Noblerivers™! Tastes like nature!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


King Zultan

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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #161 on: April 18, 2023, 04:29:54 am »

Badger burgers for everyone!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #162 on: April 18, 2023, 05:50:18 pm »

Winter, finally

Winter begun with a goblin invasion. I raised the bridges and started preparing the security - this time I would meet them properly, but I needed some time for everyone to suit up - wouldn't want to leave all that armor behind. I just broke up one full squad into three smaller ones and ordered them to train four months a year each so that we would have a small squad suited up at all times. But the full ten dwarf force will be much more impressive.

What I didn't expect was for the goblins to just somehow get across the river and start shooting at our citizens playing with the livestock overground! I had to send security before they were fully prepared.

And apparently even one dwarf would be enough - Zulban killed four out of six goblins right away without so much as a scratch.

One of the children injured during the attack bled out soon after. They were a loyal employee and received the appropriate burial.

I only I was faster with the orders. Noblerivers™! Wash away your regrets!

Throughout the attack we've had only one guest - a heavily armed human bard - who enjoyed a view of the river on the lower level of The Perfect Diamond. He mostly sang to dogs and relaxed.

Which was kind of the opposite of the visitor who arrived soon after the siege - an undead human who stood in the forest terrifying giant cougars. She was there for several days.

Still, once she got used to the place (hard to tell with the undead folk) she accompanied the bard in his viewing. They were talking and after making sure they had their drinks I left them alone.

(I also sent the security after that giant cougar, no telling when it would attack).

I woke up one morning to a small mob of dwarves demanding something. It seems that with the amount of decorating in Noblerivers™! It's dwarven work, so you know it's solid! a lot of workers got pretty good at masonry and various stonework. They told me that metalcrafters got a hall, and there are barely any of them, and if I want anything done etc etc, if I know what's good for me and such, someone kept yelling abot rocks and stones, anyway! A stoneworker's guild is asking me for a guildhall!

I've had plans for this one for awhile, and I think it turned out okay. The general design is supposed to invoke an image of a freshly mined boulder with a vein of silver. There is a dormitory for the masons who are too absorbed in their work, and a diner for everyone interested in our special rock-branded beer. The workshops are fully functional and there is even a museum of rare rocks. It's not exactly finished, but there is plenty of space for growth if you dig down, and also I ordered some statues from the guild, which takes a while.

I think a lot of the workers were just happy to have their demands met, but after all, this is Noblerivers™! We're special because you're special!

The miners reported yet another horror from the deep. It's a monstrous blob of water that smells of poison. I believe there's already a poisonous monster made of mud in that cavern, I think it was hiding somewhere we can't see or hear. Will they fight? Or fall in love💕? We will never know, because the new monster also went somewhere we can't see.

Our visitors really hit it off! A lifelong friendship is formed! I hope. The undead soon left us, while the bard decided to stay and wait the winter out. Noblerivers™! I hope we meet again!

Another ghost is haunting the royal (hopefully, some day) mausoleum. Some day we will clean up this place. Slab engraved, rest in peace.

The upper caverns are full of bird-like cries - some cavern people decided to invade. More fodder for the fearsome Galka.

The end of my term as an overseer draws near, and it's time to recount my achievements. I started with the Guild of Farms, just a hall in the shape of an acorn dug into the fertile soil. The tree farm has yet to produce any actual trees - the mud at the bottom isn't even overgrown with lichen. The piles of mud elsewhere in the resort aren't growing much of anything either. How do you grow trees?

The underground aboveground farm is doing well. This is the place to show off our mastery of the aboveground plants. The sunroof is made of stone instead of glass, because I couldn't get enough blocks in time. It works anyway, and I'd rather finish the hall, than, not.

Miner's guildhall! It's close to the nether parts of the resort, it's close to the magma works to warm any bones that might need warmed, and there's also some furniture I didn't capture in this sketch. Will need more statues, I ordered some. I left plenty of space for any possible future projects, maybe some engraving.
Also, I designated a few small temples on the lower levels - these are two of them.

Metalcrafter's guildhall was established long enough to be fully furnished and decorated. There is plenty of space for lectures, there is a separate study room, there is even a branch of The Eye of Truths, our library, for any sudden inspirations and such. The inn nearby was built specifically for the needs of magma workshops, and is fully stocked for any occasions.

The practical areas, so to speak, is a marvel of dwarven engineering, with platinum workshops and a totally intended waterfall.

And for even more engineering you can visit the Engineer's guildhall, which provides workout machines for anyone who wants to use them, and will be full of texts on the mechanical laws of this world, just as soon as we write them down!

There are three guildhalls in the passages right below the living block. These... Didn't get quite as much attention as the rest.
Ranger's needs some animals for the exhibition. We do have some experience training badgers, but the Badger Burger was such a favourite that we don't have those anymore.
Jeweler's I think would be best decorated with gem studded statues and furniture, and we do have at least one legendary jeweller. It just. Time, you know.
And Craftsdwarf's is just a big pile of stuff right now. It's certainly handy. It's close by to basically every other industry that might need crafts, or might be needed for crafts. Still, not the priceless work of art I hoped to create.
Eh, Noblerivers ™! You win some, you lose some!

To the next overseer.
We have plenty of food, I made sure to make extra armor and weapons in case we need them, and there is some basic furniture and materials - doors, coffers, blocks, etc. But I run out of silver and platinum, and never mined for gold (you'd have to go deeper). Everyone should have their own room now, and the general mood is positive. Might need a better waterfall?
Don't cut too many trees - I had to to pave the road, and we already get some agitated fauna from time to time, wouldn't want to also anger the elves.
I left a lot of orders, do with them what you will. If you know how to start a tree farm, I would appreciate it if you would do that. Noblerivers™! I'm about to make like a tree and leave!

End of winter.

Just as I was finishing my last report, with less than a week left of my overseership, I heard the news that one of the stonecutters was inspired to make an artefact.

It was finished in the last hours of my service, and it is certainly a sight to behold, richly decorated with gems and engravings of dwarven accomplishments. It's up to the next overseer to deal with it though. Maybe display it in the Stoneworker's? Well, not my problem.

Noblerivers™! That's it, folks!

P.S. I completely forgot about carpenters. Damn those trees again.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 07:08:32 am by Baprr »


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #163 on: April 19, 2023, 06:06:34 am »

Next is TheDorfist I believe?


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Re: Noblerivers: A Dwarf Resort - Overseers Wanted
« Reply #164 on: April 21, 2023, 06:33:37 am »

Sorry it took me a while to reply. The last few days have been hectic for me.

TheDorfist had to bow out due to life stuff, so YoloMesh is up next. Take some extra time if necessary since you probably weren't planning on taking your turn this soon.
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