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Author Topic: A Kobold's Quest  (Read 57598 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2007, 05:05:00 am »

Best. Story. Ever.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2007, 03:06:00 pm »

I'm really glad people are enjoying this.   :)
Fale walked northeast, reaching the river, and followed the glistening waters downstream. Hours passed, and the sun set, for several minutes casting its red rays down at a shallow angle, bouncing off of the river. For a second, it appeared as if there were 2 suns. Fale was eager to reach the human town and trade the relics in, so she hardly slept at all that day. Strangely, she felt rested anyway as the moon rose. Looking forward to the fruits of this night, she entered the town. She walked towards the store, and noticed that the town seemed to be entirely devoid of life. Where was everyone? She noticed a child, holding painting supplies, sneaking by. The child had painted strange, provocative markings onto the side of a residential building under the cover of night.

What a talented young artist!

Fale entered the shop.


Where is everyone, on break?

Then, Fale realized the full implications of a detail she had overlooked. Humans are diurnal. Fale is nocturnal. Oops.

Fale left, and spotted a human merchant, tired, walking toward a residential building. Fale spoke, "Hey, hey trady guy! See me pricy tings?"

The merchant, tired to the point of headaches and blurred vision, replied, "Gah, can't you see its the middle of the goddamn night! Wait 'till I open my shop tomorrow." Fale replied, "Okie bye!" Fale walked away, thinking, humans are never going to be nocturnal, so she would have to be diurnal, for the time being. Fale walked into the bar, and saw various humans sleeping in the bed, but someone, in the dead of night, was counting change and assessing the monies-value of items. Finally, someone to talk to! All of these items were beginning to feel quite heavy to Fale.


Fale walked up to the princess, and spoke, "Hey trady lady! See my pretty tings?" The merchant princess raised her head up and looked down on Fale, replying, "Puh, a filthy kobold with a bunch of stone junk and rusted up copper crap? Try one of the merchant peons around town, and remind them to pay me their taxes! I have spending to do." Fale was beginning to become annoyed with this. She simply walked away from the Snob Princess, and went over to a bed. The bed was nice, kind of squishy, since it was made of Saguaro. Fale layed down on it and looked at her sword. It may be copper, it may be worn, rusted, and deteriorated over the years, but it was of superior quality craftsmanship, and encircled with bands of superior quality chimpanzee bone.

Junk my arse!

Knowing that some human drunk would probably try to take things, she tucked her belongings between her and the wall. If someone were to try to steal any of her belongings, she would be awakened, and they would be in for a 'healthy' dose of pain. Fale drifted off to sleep. Humans came in, and humans left Fale alone, the sight of a kobold with a sword intimidating them away from the valuables. Fale drempt, a sort of friendly sparring match between her conscious and her subconscious at times. She had one of the oddest dreams that night. Fale stood in a field in this dream, the animals around making conversation in perfectly audible language. In this dream, Fale saw a male kobold, wearing the oddest things of crystal and metal, passing underground, down to the heart of the world and through to the sky, above the sky. This kobold seemed to leap through reality itself, time and space irrelevant. This kobold landed right in front of Fale, and looked straight at her, and, somehow seemed strangely familiar to Fale. The human town she was familiar with stood behind him, the walls of the buildings turned to dust and blew away with the wind, leaving shallow ruins behind. The two kobolds smiled at one another, then, Fale woke up. She stood up, and yawned big, stretching. The sun was up. She gathered her belongings, and left the bar. What was that dream about? Who WAS that? She walked around, noting all of the shop-sized buildings. It would be stupid to try to carry coinage around for miles in her bare hands! She needed a backpack, so she looked around for a shop that sold one.


Someone left their breakfast. It was half-eaten scraps, trash that someone left for someone else to clean up, but to Fale...

Free lunch!

Fale snatched the warthog meat, and devoured it, licking her lips and smiling afterwards. Finally, real food. Seeing as this shop just sold accesories, she left, looking for any shop that had a backpack. There were turtle bones scattered outside of a residential building. What is it with these humans and their litter?

Finally, she entered a shop selling backpacks. She walked up to the merchant, and spoke, "Hey trady guy!" He looked down, and found the impulse to kick the kobold out overridden by the sight of such valuables. He grinned, and got that glint in his eye, classic and exclusive to human merchants, a glint that almost made gold coins appear in his eyes.

The merchant replied, "Welcome, kobold! I am Tor Growthglimmers."
Fale responded, "I's Fale Siegedriven. Les trade, I see big baggy ting der." She pointed to the $<<cow>>$. She held up her salvaged x*large copper chain leggings*x as a trade item. The human said, "Perhaps if you throw in some more goods I can make an offer." Deep down he was thinking, A little polish and wax and that rusted copper will look like gold. I wonder what fool I can get to mistake it as such? I'll be rich! Fale took off 3 bracelets, and offered them in addition to the leggings. The human merchant snatched the goods, grinning widely. He spoke, "Wonderful! Thank you for your business!" He then thought, And since no coins are involved, hehe, I don't have to pay taxes!

Fale spoke, "Thanksey, bye!"
The merchant replied, "Goodbye...", and continued in his head, ...lil' fuzzy sucker, heheh!

Fale slung the backpack on, and left, entering the meat shop again.

The merchant saw Fale again, and yelled, "YOU AGAI--", he then saw what Fale was wearing, grinned, and got that specific glint in his eye, like the last merchant. He cleared his throat, and continued, "I mean... Greetings, kobold!" He stopped to clear his throat, and cussed quietly under his breath. "I am Kost Roughnessvoice." Fale replied, "Hi der! Coins f'r old pretty tings?" She took off what she was wearing and displayed them. Kost spoke, "How much do you want for them?" Fale shrugged, unfamiliar with the human currency system, and replied, "Un-ze million 'n one moneyz!" Kost was not amused, but he forced himself to maintain a grin. Kost replied, "I can't possibly accept, but how about this? A true bargain. 90 Monies."

That's it? All this stuff and only 90? Theres no way, it sounds far too low. I'm being played the sucker here!

The merchant seemed to especially eyeball the <<elephant>>. Fale noticed this, and smiled, watching his eyes follow it as she moved it. She spoke , "Ye'z likes't eh?" Fale suspended the earring off of a string coming out of her backpack, and dangled it before the merchant, letting it swing left and right. Kost eagerly followed the overly-valuable, ancient earring with his eyes.  Fale asked, "90 whyz't unly 90 eh?" Kost answered, "Ta-taxes... you pay taxes..." he seemed almost in a trance, but he snapped out of it, "gimme! It's 90! It's a bargain!" Kost seemed to be sinking back into a trance over the earring. Fale spoke, slowly, and calmly, "You'za do what I say!" Kost spoke, in a trance-like state, "Mon... mon... I'll do what you say... money..." Fale asked, "Now, how much'zt reeely wort?" Kost answered, "290 monies..."

I knew it! He wasn't even offering a third of its true value!

Fale said, "When I'z snap mai fingers, you'z a put 290 monies on dat table, k? I give the tings and take dat moneys. Issa bargain!"
Kost replied, "It's a bargain..."

Fale stopped, and snapped her fingers, snapping Kost out of the trance.

Fale gave Kost the ancient relics, and Kost placed a full 290 monies worth of coins on the table. 19 gold coins and a silver. Fale took the coins and put them in her backpack.

Kost spoke, "Thank you for your business!"
Fale replies, "Na, thank-se!"

As Fale left, Kost spoke again, "Please come again!" Fale replied, "I'z tink I will!" Fale snickered as she left. She walked back to the bar. The mayor was standing there. He spoke, "You! You're still alive?" He heard the money jingling around in Fale's backpack. The mayor frowned and continued, "The day a kobold gets rich is the day I'll eat my cow leather cap!" Fale grinned and replied, "I'za hold ya ta dat! I got'n rid dat skel'ton queen baddie fer ya!" The mayor hesitated, "That was YOU?" The mayor smiled. Maybe kobolds weren't such filth after all. He laughed, and walked outside. He yelled, "Hey everyone, Fale Siegedriven is the one who broke the first curse!" Fale walked out, those in earshot were in disbelief. Fale pulled out 4 gold coins and held them between her fingers. She spoke, "Thes'r didn' come from outta da sky!" Still in disbelief, they looked at Fale, but eventually, started clapping, laughing at the ridiculous thought of this creature, half as tall as them, ridding them of the nearby skeletons, but unable to deny it, as nobody else had claimed to have done it, and this kobold was the only kobold they'd ever seen that had gold coins.

She had been rewarded for her deeds with something far, far more valuable to her than gold, she had been rewarded with respect. They continued to clap, and Fale stood proudly, smiling.

[ October 10, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2007, 04:11:00 pm »

This is good keep it up!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2007, 07:33:00 pm »

I feel I'm usually fairly methodical when I read; I allow mental imagery to dedicate what I read while showing no outward expression, but that last section of this story genuinely made me smile. This is a great little story you've pieced together. Or Dwarven terms, it's a ΞStoryΞ. One many are enjoying. Continue along and extend our rapture further!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2007, 11:36:00 pm »

Originally posted by Anti-Paragon:
<STRONG>Or Dwarven terms, it's a ΞStoryΞ.</STRONG>

I'm honored.  :)  Thanks for all of your replies, I'm really glad you enjoy this  :D
The clapping died down, and the humans discussed amongst themselves.  Back in the bar, someone shouted, "Fale! Heheheh! This one's on us." Fale turned around, and walked back in. The bartender had placed a big glass of beer on the counter. Fale walked up, and the bartender commented, "We changed the recipe a bit, you'll be the first to try the new batch with our, heheh, special ingredient." Fale responded, "Soundsy good t'me! Thanksey!" Fale took the glass, and took a sip, hesitated for a moment, then started chugging it. The brewer conversed with the tender, "Are you sure thats safe?" "Why not?" "There's enough booze there to get a 250 pound guard drunk, she's half my height." Fale finished the glass, and set it down, grinning. "She looks fine to me." Fale grinned, laying her ears down, her vision becoming blurred, and stumbled towards the door, bumped into the door, and opened it, stumbling through.

Fale spoke, slurring a bit, "Hello.. der, kittie, hehehe!" She kept grinning. The cat stopped licking its paw, and looked at Fale, tilting its head a bit. Then it meowed, "Mrrr. Greetings, mortal." The cat then stood up, raised its tail up and walked away. Fale scritched her head, pondering the cat, then walked on, bumping into a horse, and promptly puking at the horses feet. The horse neighed annoyedly, and neighed again, "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today!" The horse kicked some dirt up, and walked away.

Hehehehe, talking animals, this is good! Is it? Hehe!

Fale walked behind the buildings, and stood, looking at the horizon. She found this view familiar, this is where she was standing in her dream!

A few moments passed, and Fale felt a rush of warm air, an arc of energy struck behind her. She turned around, there seemed to be a blue vortex of some kind opening.The vortex expanded, sending arcs of energy to and fro, but the energy seemed to be harmless. Out of the vortex came a rush of hot air as it became a ring, in the middle, a window into another place it seemed. The place this vortex led to glew red, magma sputering to and from, machines making a racket in the background, a jet of steam shooting up into the air, then cutting off. A kobold emerged through this vortex. This kobold was male, yet in several ways resembled Fale.  He was wearing strange goggles and various other metal and crystal gear. He ran up to fale, and gave her a big hug. He spoke, eyes closed, tears on his face, "Mother! It's really you! It's a miracle!" He kept hugging her, then spoke again, "You have no idea how happy I am to see you again!" Fale replied, "I dun tink I... I ever got pregnant.... Say, youz'n older dan me." The other kobold replied, "It's been a long, long time since we've met..." Then, he realized, "for me, anyhow." Fale replied, "I d'no wasu meaning...?" The other kobold hesitated, and then replied, "It's... it's complicated. When you meet an axeman named Atek, ask him about a map. Trust me, you'll find it useful." A burst of warm air blew out of the portal again, and a poof of steam rose, a bell seemed to go off. The kobold told Fale, "I must leave... I love you, mom." Fale hugged him, and replied, "I wuv you too!" The kobold smiled, a tear running down his cheeks, and stood there. The bell became much louder, and a burst of steam flew through the portal. The kobold jumped, leapt into the vortex, and the vortex vanished in a burst of energy.

Immediately after, there was a burst of blue light, and an immaculately dressed human seemed to drift down from the sky. He spoke, "Seen a kobold, looks kind of like you come through here, acting like he was on a mission or doing anything suspicious?" Fale burped and replied, "He'z a gone back thru dat magicy portal tingy!" The human cursed under his breath, clenching his fist, "Damn!" The human looked straight into Fales eyes, and spoke forcefully, "You saw nothing!" Fale then smiled, felt a little sleepy, and then was out like a rock.

A while later...

Fale woke up, and stood up, feeling the aftermath of the drink pounding in her head and churning in her gut.

Wow, when I retire after all this is over, I should get drunk more often and write one of those science fiction thingys that one of those humans was talking about! Hey, my dream was about what I'd see when I'm drunk! Clever!

She began walking back to the bar, the feeling in her gut making her sicker and sicker. She put her hand over her gut and walked slowly.

Ugh, I think my liver is throwing a tantrum...

Slowly, she made her way back to the bar, but noticed an axeman before entering. She remembered something, axeman, something with an A... Oh yeah, Atek! She ran up to the guard, and met him as he walked around the corner of a shop. "Hello der! I'z Fale Siegedriven." The guard replied, "Pleased to meet you! I am Atek Rulestick." Fale tried to think... what was it she was going to ask for... why was she asking something based off a drunken dream anyway? Ah hell. Fale asked, "Um... map?" Atek replied, "Yeah, I used to be a High Master Cartographer before I joined the guards, in fact, I got a map I won't be needing anymore! Here, it's a gift!" He handed her a scroll, and she opened it. The map detailed the lands of nearly all of the known world. Handy that! Fale replied, "Wow, thanksie! Bye!" Atek proceeded, "Goodbye."

Fale returned to the bar, and asked the bartender, "Das good stuf! Wassu spec'l ting ya put in?" The bartender told her, under his breath, "We put rat weed in it." Fale replied, "Ahh, oki! Bye!" Fale left, and noticed something amiss. Very amiss. A shop was surrounded by flames, the flames creeping up the side. It was the same shop as the one she hypnotized the shopkeeper of!

Well, uh, there goes someones whole living up in flames, how nice.

The swordsman boomed, "THIS is what HAPPENS when you DON'T PAY TAXES!"
The mayor added, "Let this serve as an example to the rest of you, never miss tax payments!"

Organized government? This is more like organized crime!

Fale had dedicated herself to punishing the Dwarves for their crimes, but it looks like it was time for a detour. Fale walked up to the mayor, and asked, "Where'z da tax moniez go?" The mayor replied, "The capital, the king receives it and spends as the king wishes." Fale asked, specifically, "Wher'z da Capital?" The mayor replied, paying more attention to the burning building and those around it than Fale, "Applehead is far to the southwest. King and Mace Lord Gustem Dinedraked is there." Fale grinned. Now she knew who to pay a visit. She snickered and said, "Bye na!" The mayor ended the conversation, "Goodbye."

She passed the merchant princess on the way out. She also spotted a caravan on the move. One wagon was behind the other, the one in back shouting "SPEED THE F*CK UP!" at the one in front, and tossing the occasional handful of gravel to get the front wagons attention. Eventually, the back wagon moved into the lane designated for opposing traffic, and passed the other wagon, causing a horseman travelling the other way in that lane to leave the road and stop in the grass. The horseman yelled back at the speeding wagon, "YOU STUPID F*CKING A*SHOLE!"

If humans don't start respecting each other, I bet they'll still be doing that a thousand years down the road.

Fale began to feel a contempt towards the human merchants and nobles, nowhere near as strong as her contempt for dwarves, but they seemed like jerks, the whole lot, completely bent on enriching their own power, caring of nothing else. Fale knew she wasn't properly prepared to face the dwarves yet, but at least she could pay a visit to the most arrogant human of them all and make her complaints heard. She thought, it was an O.K. start to standing up to the sources of evil, and plus, by showing she had the guts to tell the king off, she might earn more respect among the serfs, and help prove that kobolds take a firm stand against corruption and evil. Speaking of guts... Fale still felt sick from that drink. At least it provided for one of the strangest experiences she had ever had. The sickness would lessen soon enough, and there was a long walk ahead. Fale sighed, and started walking into the wilderness, headed southwest to that imaginary point beyond the horizon.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2007, 01:21:00 am »

Haha. Nice.
Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2007, 04:56:00 am »

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2007, 10:05:00 am »

That story is definitely up there with Eiba's!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2007, 02:38:00 pm »

Your comments made me smile, and I need to do that more   :) Thank you very much!   :D
Fale crossed the river, hopping from rock to rock, and left the river behind. She walked into the deserts, and down into the swamps. Night fell as she passed the now-curse-free ruins. Fale slept lightly, aware that a predator could pay her an unwelcome visit in her sleep. She continued on, through unfamiliar territory, territory clearly defined on the map she had. The capital was pinpointed on it, and Fale knew exactly where she was. How did her subconscious know to ask that axeman for a map? Lucky guess? Maybe. Fale crossed through a small region of desert, and day broke again. Night fell again, these swamps are truly vast, it seemed. There were 2 more human towns in view, near to the capital, potentially suburbs? Day broke once again, the capital was in the middle of a large desert, on the top of some hills. Night fell again, as Fale walked across the deserts, up a spiraling incline to the top of a large hill where the capital rested. Visible from this point was a land that seemed corrupt, rotten, something amiss about it.


[ October 11, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2007, 02:52:00 pm »

If you gave dwarves the [BABYSNATCHER] tag, then yes, the first is possible.

Though if goblins are still possess the tag, I think the world gen will pick one of the two available.



  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2007, 03:03:00 pm »

...and so the pig eats pork.

Great story, keep it up!

Edit: I think, if my memory tells true, that there are several individually piked civs of all types, so although there are kobolts instead of dwarfs on your part of the world it MIGHT be dwarfs far far away.

[ October 11, 2007: Message edited by: Armok ]

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2007, 03:16:00 pm »

I didn't give dwarves the babysnatcher tag, but I'm thinking that the goblin tile may actually be the default and that it takes the civ controllable tag to make it have the dwarf fortress tile, meaning some of those goblin tiles are actually dwarf fortresses. Maybe not, if it's not then the story can still continue unhindered, just some things are changed around a bit. I'm glad you enjoyed the humor though.... IRL, I hear that human tastes like pork, and that cannibals refer to human as 'long pig'.  :p

[ October 11, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2007, 06:02:00 pm »

Once again good story keep it up, how did you make it so that you could play as a kobold? can it be done with other species?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2007, 06:06:00 pm »

It can be done with any species in a variety of ways. The first way to make it playable in adventure, which is what i used, is to plop an [INDIV_CONTROLLABLE] flag down in the entity entry. This'll get you the Play Now option. If you want the Play As option, you'll need to shift the civ around to make them a major civ, and that means shifting other civs around to make room and/or hoping that the world gen gives you the right civs. Although, if the species you're looking at doesn't have any entity entry, you'll have to make one first. In the default game, Kobolds, Goblins, Dwarves, Humans, and Elves have entity entries, the rest don't.

[ October 11, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Kobold's Quest
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2007, 06:11:00 pm »

Ok so this story is really good so far! From my knowledge it is possible to have several entities with the Babysnatcher tag, but the game NEEDS at least one. If you took away the civ_controallable tag from the dwarves then there is a possbility that therer will be NO dwarves at all. The easiest way to check this would be to retire and check the civs in the adventure mode screen. If you see dwarves of whatever the nyou know at least there are some dwares out there. If not then the game didn't generate any dwarves at all. In my experience if you do not have an additional tag of some sort, like civ_controllable, babysnatcher, or nuisance then the game will not likely generate your civilization.

To make any species playable just add an entity for that species in the entity_default text file. Then put "[INDIV_CONTROLLABLE]" to the entity. I believe that you need to start a new world for this to take effect although I am not sure.

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