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Author Topic: The Chronicles of Ilidmon  (Read 982 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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The Chronicles of Ilidmon
« on: September 29, 2007, 06:35:00 am »

I'm officially addicted to Dwarf Fortress' Adventure mode, and I was inspired to write a tale about my character's exploits in the current gameworld i'm playing on.
This is my first attempt at writing a story like this, so constructive crits are welcome on how to improve it.

All of this is based off ingame info, my gamelog and the DFwiki, so blame it for any wierdness you may see in the story. :P

I'm trying to play this char carefully so I don't die before I can get a full story out, but even so i've had to save-scumm twice. :\



Herein chronicles the adventures of Lynx Ilidmon Ostriung Golo ("Lynx Clearedholy the Wealthy-Voids of Wrath"), human Adventurer of Mirrortold.

Ilidmon grew up in the human town of Mirrortold, a small but busy place as it lay roughly in the middle of six other human towns, and naturally attracts many merchants and travellers.

Like many of the world of Nitom Kodor (or "The Planet of Dawns" according to the ancient legends), he chose to take up a life of adventuring at a young age after listening to the exploits of other adventurers who come and go from the local tavern in between their travels.

Even though adventuring was an extremely dangerous profession at best as the world of Nitom Kodor was home to all manner of wild beasts, terrifying monsters and ancient demonic horrors; the few who do manage to survive, retire with enough wealth to rival that of kings.

The only other viable path in his life was to remain a peasant as his parents did, tilling the fields all day or minding the farm animals. While relatively safe, it was a difficult, boring and tedious life.

Thieving was out of the question, as theft carries the death sentence. Even if it was a small, worthless bracelet, you can be sure that all the town guards will be after your blood. The Kings of the Kodorean realms maintain a full complement of well armed and trained guards at every town, who collect royal tithes and taxes as well as defending them from attacks and keeping order, which includes executing thieves.

Lacking enough money or goods to trade for weapons and armor, Ilidmon trained in unarmed combat, as well as the art of sneaking and ambushing unsuspecting enemies. By the age of 18, he was already an Accomplished wrestler, and had even single-handedly grappled and taken down a Lion before strangling it to death.

After the wilderness around his town gave little challenge to improve his skills, Ilidmon sought employment from Mirrortold's mayor, and thus truly began his adventuring career in earnest.

He was sent to dispatch various evil creatures that threatened the lives of travellers and townsfolk alike, often in caves and ancient, abandoned ruins. Many a zombie were struck down by his hand, and he narrowly escaped death several times after encounters with vicious Minotaurs and Cyclopes.
By the 24th of Granite, 1053, Ilidmon was already a veteran of countless adventuring sorties, and had travelled far from his home town to the distant capital of Sutadrin, to the Northeast, nestled among the hills of Gasisinen, "The Satiny Hills", to battle more terrifying creatures and make a name for himself.

And so our tale begins here.


The waxing gibbous moon was visible in the eastern sky, surrounded by glittering stars as Ilidmon arrived at Gasisinen after a long, hard trek through the jungles of Gomathegath.  
Many of the city's guards were asleep, with only a handful of them patrolling vigilantly. "Lazy fools,” he muttered under his breath, and threw them a disgusted look. He swiftly and silently made his way to the king's halls in the middle of the city.

The halls were impressive, with smooth, intricately detailed walls of gneiss and other types of stone. The floor shone brightly, reflecting the alabaster torches hanging on the wall braziers. He nodded at the king's elite guard, at least these two know their duties, he thought.

He had heard of Hode Memimammen, a warrior king as was the custom in the realms of Nitom Kodor. Hode had been part of and eventually led many campaigns against the enemies of man, and was an elite bowman in his own right. Tales of his skill with his simple copper bow were legendary. A man Ilidmon could and did respect.

Even at this ungodly hour, the king was awake, administering to the various concerns of state. He was poring over some maps as he noticed Ilidmon approaching and glanced up.

"Ah, so we meet at last, Ilidmon of Mirrortold. Your reputation precedes you," he said.

I heard you are seeking employment from me? Good, I have my hands full, and i'll take any help I can get. Our dwarven allies of the Idensavot mountain halls to the North have suffered numerous attacks from a bronze colossus recently, who calls itself, “Kast Besmardodok”.

“How did you know its name?” Ilidmon asked. “It carved that name on the flesh of every human and dwarf it killed,” Hode replied grimly.

"Wish I could return to adventuring and deal with this myself, but my responsibilities do not permit it," he sighs and an expression of nostalgia crosses his face for an instant, before the careworn lines of worry creases his face again.

"I would consider myself to be in your debt if you would rid our dwarven allies of this creature plaguing them. The speed of Armok be with you, Ilidmon," he said.

"And with you," Ilidmon replied, before departing.

Chapter One: Apashoneth

Ilidmon arrived at the cave after an uneventful four-day journey. The sky was clear and the sun low in the eastern sky.  
An expanse of dried, yellowing grassland terminated at the sheer cliff face ahead, with the odd Acacia tree dotting the plains. The black, sinister fissure of the cave mouth loomed ahead.

Tightening the boiled-leather straps on his armor and pulling his lion leather cloak's hood over his head, Ilidmon soundlessly sneaked into the cave.

The cave was riddled with small and narrow passageways leading off to larger areas, which seemed to be artificial, and upon closer inspection it was evident that mining tools were used here as the walls were roughly-hewn.
Here and there, exposed clusters of various precious stones peeked out from the walls, Rose quartz, rock crystals and even adventurine glittered, reflecting the light streaming in from the cave mouth.

As Ilidmon approached a corner, the acrid stench of sulfur assaulted his nostrils and nearly choked, but he managed to cover his mouth with his cloak and readied his finely-crafted iron maul.

A malevolent, reddish glow appeared ahead, and a figure wreathed in fire stepped around the corner. A fire man! Ilidmon rushed at the monster and let fly with the maul. It smashed into the monster's right leg, causing it to stagger, but with surprising agility it recovered and spat flames from its mouth, which caught Ilidmon in a cloud of flames.
The flames hit his exceptional-quality iron plate mail full on the chest, but dissipated before catching anything else on fire, and Ilidmon gave a silent prayer of thanks to Armok.

Throwing off his cloak, he charged at the fire man, but it threw a punch that connected with his head, singing his iron helmet. The fire man tackled him to the ground, and clouds of flame washed over Ilidmon as he tangled with the fire man.

Ilidmon had prepared for dragons, however, so the flames only scorched his armor. Ears ringing, he quickly jumped up and bashed the creature's head with his maul once more with such force that its head flew off in an arc, and in one more blow he struck down its still-standing corpse.

He spat into the rapidly-cooling corpse, which made a sizzling sound. Dusting himself off, Ilidmon recovered his cloak and continued his search.

After scouting the rest of the cave without encountering any other foe, he found a stairway going deeper down at the southeast-most corner of the cave, and proceeded to descend.
The temperature rose sharply as he descended, and a muted bubbling sound filled the lower cave. As he ventured further into the cave, he saw the source of the heat. A river of magma cut across the whole width of the cave, bubbling and hissing. Further scouting showed that this level was empty, and there was yet another level down, so he made his way deeper underground.

The heat here was more intense, and Ilidmon began sweating profusely. He stowed his cloak into his rope reed backpack, sneaking in these conditions would only distract his concentration. Suddenly, he heard a hollow, metallic thumping nearby, growing louder by the second.

As Ilidmon turned around, he saw the bronze colossus silently and inexorably bearing down on him, its eyes faintly glowing amber. A stab of fear gripped his heart, but then his instincts born from years of facing monsters kicked in, and he lifted his maul and charged towards the colossus.

Despite its face being an impassive, solid piece of bronze, the colossus seemed surprised at Ilidmon’s charge, and hesitated for a moment, which was all Ilidmon needed. He struck at the enchanted metal creature and hit its upper left leg, leaving a long crack along its hip. Propelled by the momentum of his charge, his body slammed into the colossus and they fell to the ground.

Ilidmon quickly recovered, sprang up, and swung the maul in one smooth motion. It hit the colossus’s upper left leg again, with such force that the damaged leg flew off in a shriek of metal.

He swung the maul at the prone colossus again, smashing the colossus’s right wrist into a twisted ruin. This did not faze it in the least, however, and it swung the damaged fist at him.

He dodged the blow and followed up with an attack on its lower right arm, but the angle was bad, and it glanced away. However, this unbalanced the colossus so it couldn’t make another attack.

With a battle cry, Ilidmon swung the maul with all his might at the colossus. The rent in its hip cracked open, and the colossus’s lower body flew off in an impressive arc. The glow in its eyes faded, and it ceased its belabored movements. Kast Besmardodok, the bronze colossus was dead at last.

As Ilidmon sat on the rocky cave floor to catch his breath, he noticed an object had fallen out of the jagged hole in its upper torso.

He reached over and picked it up. It was a bronze statue dedicated to Armok, so intricately detailed that it could only be the work of a master artisan. After admiring it for awhile, he placed the prize in his backpack and stood up to make the journey back to report his success.

A bright burst of flame suddenly flared in front of him at a crossroads in the cave corridors as he was walking to the stairway up. Another fire man! Ilidmon dived and rolled to the passageway to his right and pulled out his maul, cursing his lapse of attention. A cloud of acrid smoke followed the fire, but quickly dissipated.

He jumped out into the corridor again, and now the fire man was within reach of his weapon. Without hesitation, he bashed the creature’s skull, which detached and flew back, leaving a trail of glowing ash in its wake before dropping to the ground near the river of magma. Ilidmon walked over and kicked the smouldering head into the magma.

[ October 01, 2007: Message edited by: Lynx ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chronicles of Ilidmon
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 04:07:00 pm »

Nice story so far, and good writing! I this is indeed an ongoing story, I'll be reading the next installment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chronicles of Ilidmon
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2007, 04:30:00 pm »

Eagerly awaiting the next installment here!  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chronicles of Ilidmon
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2007, 05:46:00 pm »

Welcome to the forums and the game!  Interesting story so far.  Since you asked for critique, I will offer a few thoughts (my degree is in literature so I'm used to looking for such things), but overall I am liking this so far.

1. If you are able to include screen shots, I know we'd all love to see them.  Visuals are always a boost to stories.

2. You changed tenses now and then, which can be confusing.  Most of this is in the past tense, which I think was fitting, but now and then you'd slip into the present.  Along similar lines, you occasionally change point of view - instead of saying "he" you'll say "I," which can also be confusing.  Usually a quick read-over of your writing after it's done is enough to catch these things, and even the greatest writers find themselves doing it sometimes.  If you have a hard time picking it out, it's always good to have someone on hand to give things a quick skim once you're done.  Obviously this board is informal, you aren't being graded and all that, but if you ever do need to write something that will be scrutinized, those are things to watch out for.

3. You have "cyclopi" as the plural of cyclops, but I believe the actual plural of that word is "cyclopes."

Good story so far, looking forward to more.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: The Chronicles of Ilidmon
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2007, 04:47:00 pm »

Sylverone: yep, it is. Thanks!  :)

Gaulgath: Here it is.  :o You're a lifesaver.  :D I'm still unsure about the past/present tense part, is it the fighting part? Thanks again!

Chapter Two:  Strayburn

Ilidmon returned at Gasisinen after five days’ journey, and although he was attacked by a pride of lions in some plains he passed on the way, he dispatched them with ease.

“So, you succeeded! I see that your status as a champion is well deserved,” Hode said with a smile.

You have done a great service for Gasisinen, Ilidmon, both in strengthening our ties with the dwarves, and protecting the lives of innocents.

“There haven’t been any reports of any trouble in the time you have been away, so I suggest you take up lodgings at the tavern to rest, have a look around the city. I’m sure something will turn up soon, they always do,” Hode said wryly.

“As long as you are in my employ, you may stay at the tavern at my expense. It’s the least I can do,” Hode added.

With a word of thanks, Ilidmon took his leave.

Ilidmon decided to check out the city’s shops and rest at the tavern until the king had need of his services. There were the usual armory and weaponsmith shops in the city, but they only worked with bronze, which annoyed him a little.
He had expected that they would have better-quality wares here at the capital. Throughout his travels so far, no town had any steel armor or weapons, to say nothing of adamantite.

He paid a visit to the outfitter’s shop instead, and bartered for a new waterskin and a warthog leather backpack. After making the trade, he took up

Two days later, the king summoned him once more. “We have a problem closer to home this time,” said Hode after receiving Ilidon’s arrival.

“The Strayburn ruin to the northwest in Lema Ano was the site of an ancient battle. Terrible magics were unleashed there, shattering the land and the very souls of the warriors who fought on the soil.

“As far as we know today from the scant records available of the time, their souls were severed from their bodies and bound to the land itself. So powerful were the binding spells that to this day, the souls of the dead still walk among the living there, in limbo between this world and the next.

“This is why we call it that area the Hills of Spirit. Now, while the undead have long been a problem in the area, I’ve received word that a merchant caravan has been attacked by undead creatures near the town of Mimapinu.”

“Horsesteeds? A strange name for a town,” Ilidon mused.

“They pay their tithes in warhorses. They are one of the empire’s best horse-breeders, so they have been honoured with that name,” Hode replied.

Hode continued, “Now, there have been such incidences of undead venturing outside the site before in the past, which brings me to believe that the residual dark magic in the ruins have reanimated a champion. The sole survivor of the attack described several zombies and a skeleton who wielded weapons with unnatural skill.”

“I will put their souls to rest,” Ilidmon said, and left.

He arrived at the site after an uneventful journey of two days. Too uneventful, he thought. The wilderness surrounding the ruins was silent, not even insects stirred among the sparse, stunted undergrowth.
Despite standing in broad daylight, the sun shining brightly in the sky, he felt an unnatural chill about the place, and a feeling that something was aware of his presence.

It was an unsettling feeling, and Ilidmon’s nerves felt more on edge as he drew closer to the nearest ruin. A motion caught his attention, and ahead, he spotted a zombie as it shuffled about aimlessly. A foe he had dispatched countless times before, an easy kill.

He sneaked up behind the undead creature, and as he approached the putrid stench of rotting flesh hit his nose. Ropy intestines hung out of its ripped belly to its knees, waving with each step it took, moaning incoherently.

As he came a few paces away, it turned around. So much for the element of surprise, Ilidmon thought and charged at the zombie. He struck its lower left leg with his maul, mangling it and making the zombie fall over.
He swung the maul a second time at the prone form of the zombie and hit its upper body, and it was propelled away from the force of the blow. It hit the side of the ruin wall and exploded, sending rotting gore flying in all directions.

Ilidmon encountered two more zombies and a skeleton further ahead, which he dispatched in short order, before coming close to the ruins. Bones and miscellaneous refuse littering the devastated site, and more skeletons and zombies swarmed out to face him. He struck them down as they came, in his search for his quarry.

As he was fending off two zombies and three skeletons at the ruins of a large building to the northeast of the site, his quarry came into view. A zombie Axe Lord flanked by a Skeletal Swordsmaster, a zombie Elite Bowman and another skeletal Axe Lord. Unlike the undead he had dispatched so far, these four had a mummified look to them, and they moved with a dexterity that belied their wasted bodies.

They stopped a few metres away from Ilidmon and the zombie Axe Lord declared in a raspy voice, “I am Cek Thratpinsina! Once, I was a favoured champion, leader of a squad of elite warriors. We came here to defeat the demon… so long ago… but in the final hour, we were betrayed… betrayed… by the living!”

A look of hatred passed its leathery face, a glimmer of insanity in its eyes. An age of being bound to the earth has driven it to madness.

“You dare come here to seek our end. You shall only meet yours! You shall all join us! Prepare to die!” it rasped, and the four elite undead warriors charged.

Ilidmon was prepared for it, and dodged as the skeletal Axe Lord attacked. He countered with a blow to the undead champion’s lower right arm, which mangled it and hampered its ability to use its axe. The skeletal Swordsmaster thrust its sword at him, but it glanced off his left shoulder pauldron. He swung the maul in a wide arc and hit both of them, sending the Swordmaster flying and the skeletal Axe Lord tumbling backwards.

Between the pillars and rubble that was scattered around the ruins, Ilidmon saw a horde of skeletons and zombies walking and shambling toward him, no doubt called by their leaders.
He clenched his jaw. “This will be a… hard fight. I must defeat these four quickly, lest I be swamped with these foul undead.”

As the two undead champions recovered, Ilidmon fended off the attacks of the zombie Axe Lord, he kept a pillar between himself and the zombie Elite Bowman, circling the pillar so the bowman couldn’t get a shot. The zombie Axe Lord struck at him with its bronze battle axe repeatedly, all of which glanced off but the last hit him so hard it left him stunned.
From behind, two skeletons stalked out of the gloom and proceeded to try ripping off Ilidmon’s armour. The zombie Axe Lord tried disarming him, and struck at his wrist, spraining it but was spared more serious damage thanks to his armor.

The close proximity of the zombie Axe Lord’s foetid stink and the pain of his wrenched wrist jolted Ilidmon out of his unconsciousness, and he struck out with his maul. The two skeletons were sent flying by the blow, one slamming to the ground and the other exploded on a pillar, while the zombie Axe Lord was reduced to a pile of gore at his feet, having taken the full force of Ilidmon’s maul on his down-swing. Cek Thratpinsina would not rise again, at least not for a very long time.

However, as he was distracted by the fight, the skeletal Swordsmaster took the opportunity and charged from his right. This time, its thrust struck home, and stabbed through a gap in the plate armor, lodging itself between two ribs but stopping short of puncturing his lungs. He cried out and struggled against giving in to the pain. Grasping the blade of the sword, he jumped back a step, gritting his teeth against the pain, but he succeeded in wrenching the sword from the skeletal Swordsmaster’s grasp.

With a roar, he pulled out the sword from his body and threw it back at its former owner. The spun in the air and struck the skeletal Swordmaster dead centre on the forehead, cracking the skull and pinning the undead champion to the pillar behind it.

He turned around just in time to see the skeletal Axe Lord raise its weapon to strike him, and he jabbed its ribcage with the head of his hammer, making it stagger back. Before it could recover, Ilidmon swung his hammer up and pulverized its jaw, and sent the skull flying backwards. The headless skeletal elite dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.

The other undead were fast coming within striking distance of Ilidmon now, and the zombie Elite Bowman had a clear shot. As it as drawing its bow, he ran to the nearest zombie and ducked behind it. The zombie Elite Bowman loosed the arrow straight into its minion and struck it on the right upper arm.

Taking his chance as it reloaded its bow; Ilidmon bashed the zombie from behind, sending it flying into the bowman. He ran over and pummeled them into the stone floor.
By then, he was tired to the point of over-exhaustion, and the wound the skeletal Swordsmaster inflicted weakened him. He looked at the undead approaching him, and he made his decision. He will stand and fight, to the death if that was Armok’s will.
He invoked a battle trance, and he lost himself in a berserker frenzy.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chronicles of Ilidmon
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2007, 05:21:00 pm »

Oooo... cliffhanger! I'm really liking this so far, and you really flesh out the battles and make them seem more alive.