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Author Topic: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947  (Read 11106 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Strategy Phase // Winter 1946
« Reply #165 on: May 14, 2023, 08:11:02 am »

Heil Nuke!
Quote from: Votebox
Resource Development:
Ore in the Desert: (2) NUKE9.13, TricMagic

Harren POIs:
Claim Loz and Sons Law Firm (Advantage): (2) NUKE9.13, TricMagic
Purge Westlan Broadcast Center (Advantage): (2) NUKE9.13, TricMagic

Bryor-Iava Crisis:
D (Iavan Aid Plan): (2) NUKE9.13, TricMagic

Light forger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Strategy Phase // Winter 1946
« Reply #166 on: May 14, 2023, 03:40:10 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Resource Development:
Ore in the Desert: (3) NUKE9.13, TricMagic, Lightforger

Harren POIs:
Claim Loz and Sons Law Firm (Advantage): (3) NUKE9.13, TricMagic, Lightforger
Purge Westlan Broadcast Center (Advantage): (3) NUKE9.13, TricMagic, Lightforger

Bryor-Iava Crisis:
D (Iavan Aid Plan): (3) NUKE9.13, TricMagic, Lightforger

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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CWAR: SFS Thread // Design Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #167 on: May 23, 2023, 11:29:31 pm »

Please head to the Core Thread before reading this post if you want to avoid spoilers.
Strategy Phase

With the additional Ore coming in from the Desert, the following changes have been made to the armory:

"Oruz" Articulated Battle Rover becomes (VERY EXPENSIVE).
Lizing Li-4 Strategic Bomber becomes (EXPENSIVE).


After-Action Report

Aleks had proven to be a little bit of an issue lately. His refusal to go along with the rest of his family at Loz and Sons had begun to bring attention to incidents that SFS intelligence would much rather people forget about entirely. So Kirill Popov found himself dealing with the drunk once more. This was probably his most annoying job by far.

Kirill pulled Aleks' head out of the toilet and let him gasp for air.

"No more bullshit," Kirill spoke flatly.

"But I-" Aleks started before being cut off by dirty water filling his mouth as he was dunked into the toilet once more. Kirill counted to ten in his head before pulling Aleks up once more.

"No more bullshit," Kirill spoke again with the same exact tone as before.

"PLEAS-" Aleks found his words stifled again by toilet water. Ten seconds later and he was pulled back up gasping for air.

"No more bullshit," Kirill repeated once more.

Aleks choked for a moment. Kirill prepared to shove his head in again but, feeling Kirill tense up, Aleks shouted, "NO MORE BULLSHIT! NO MORE BULLSHIT!"

"Good," Kirill said as he released Aleks, "Clean yourself up, don't want an infection," he said, pointing at the split eyebrow Kirill had given him, "And remember: No bullshit, or next time it'll be a bullet to the head."

And, as easy as that, Loz and Sons was Secure, along with their Advantage Credit.


Westlan Broadcast Center had seen an increased security presence since the previous attempt to liberate the workers here from UNSA's influence, but the increased security was notably a little more relaxed - especially if you were a legitimate guest. Nadia Antonova was going to be a temporary cast member on a radio show and, thanks to her status, was afforded a great deal of freedom. She'd brought documents disguised as scripts and managed to find alone time enough to sneak them into a few inboxes. That was easy enough. It was honestly more difficult to meet the demands of the studio executives in charge of the radio show.

As Nadia dropped breadcrumbs for gullible or story-hungry reporters to leap onto, Westlan began airing news segments that were easily verified as false by anyone with some knowledge (mysterious mass poisonings from tainted water, exaggerated average wealth in SFS member states, pro-SFS demonstrations being held in various cities that never took place). It wasn't long before public faith in Westlan dropped precipitously, ripping WBC from UNSA's grip.

Westlan Broadcast Center was successfully Purged.


A very recent and dramatic upheaval in Harren University of the Sciences' curriculum has seen the situation there take a turn for the worse. Professors find themselves pushed to promote UNSA's agenda, whether it be through focusing on studies of animals native to UNSA lands, researching historical developments made by scientists native to nations that are now UNSA member states, or any other number of subtle meant of promoting UNSA subconsciously among the students. While an individual source for the change cannot be identified, a large number of the members of the board of education and key faculty members have found themselves with additional funds and assets. With no efforts in place to defend against the spread of UNSA ideology, the shift has taken root and could endanger the local integrity of the Federation. 

Harren University of the Sciences has been Purged.


Over the winter season, investors of the North Point Observatory found themselves backing down to be replaced by newer, publicly UNSA-affiliated investors.

A notable, and somewhat controversial addition to the board of investors, was the disgraced Hugo Andersson. Having been left stripped of his job and reputation, Andersson seems to have fallen into UNSA propaganda and jumped at the opportunity to get a one-up on his naysayers. With Andersson in position as a vocal supporter of UNSA, and a board dominated by like-minded individuals, UNSA has regained their control over the North Point Observatory.

The North Point Observatory has been Secured by UNSA.


The situation on Iava is constantly evolving. With the immediate end of foreign hostilities, UNSA-backed rebels have taken the initiative and stated their intent to form a UNSA-friendly government on the island. They have control of the capital and it's port, as well as a civilian airfield. While they have the backing of a large number of the population (or their indifference), their position is still tenuous as UNSA supplies were delivered much slower than SFS arms, meaning they currently have more willing bodies than weapons to give them. SFS-aligned military forces maintain control of the military base, both GRADAR Stations, and the majority of the rural portion of Iava including the large eastern port.

During the Strategy Phase you will be deciding whether you continue supporting the SFS military, stop sending support, or modify the current arrangement regarding The Iavan Dispute.

But the Iavan situation isn't the only one unfolding in the world.

As World Tension has risen past the first post, we are now entering the Midgame. Old world nations will slowly come forward with problems that need solving. Providing these solutions can give the SFS additional allies (and more importantly, additional resources). UNSA may try to work in opposition of our goals in the Old World, so caution is advised.

During the Strategy Phase you can take Two Actions in the Old World and One Action in Harren City. This means you can only Purge/Secure one location per turn. If you are already supporting an Old World nation and simply continue support as it is then it does not take up an action. For the purposes of familiarizing with the rules The Iavan Dispute counts as an Old World Action should you wish to modify or cease supporting them. Once issues are settled there is no need to use an action to stop providing support.

Two nations have reached out to Harren City using an abandoned network of radio relays set up by the massive invasion fleet as they sailed to the New World. They are, of all nations, Embral and Inithar, the peoples that led the aforementioned invasion fleet.

The Initharians are requesting aid in a heated civil conflict. The Initharian Archipelago was embroiled in bitter guerilla warfare after the military junta known as The Black Fellowship purged a large number of Initharian dissidents when there was a constitutional revision that dissolved a number of fellowships (somewhat akin to guilds taken to an extreme). The Black Fellowship has been putting down rebellions in a neverending island hopping campaign, not quite big enough to lock down rebel activity, but much larger than anything the rebels could muster for an open battle. Providing either side the means to achieve victory will grant 2 Refocyte - a Special Material, metal in it's base form, with the sphere of mechanical energy.

Embral is in the process of a purge of their own. A shadowy group known as the Sau-Cihare had been uncovered as schemers and plotters responsible for most of the ills that had befallen them throughout their entire history. Identification and removal of these puppeteers would go far to provide stability for Embral once more. The Sau-Cihare claim they are just an intelligence service recycling the name of a secret agency many millennia ago, and are now being used as scapegoats of circumstance. They have always served the nation, but cannot do so unless public opinion changes, violent actions are taken, or some other creative solution is offered. Providing either side the means to achieve victory will grant 2 Wellmaterials - a Special Material, metal in it's base form, with the sphere of sound.

It is now the Design Phase. You have two actions. Due to the amount of equipment we've dropped into the field for UNSA to peek at, a Secret Project Credit has been granted to maintain some future opsec.

You will also note that we have now shifted from four seasonal turns to two turns per year. This is largely to reflect the greater scale of global issues, and is also being done to help boost the rate that years pass so that tech doesn't sprint past a relative year you'd be familiar with (so we don't hit 80's tech with twenty turns in the 60's - it should make things easier to guesstimate difficulty for at a glance).

Spoiler: SFS Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Resources (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Resource Nodes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Harren PoIs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Credits (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: World Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Islands Map (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Design Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #168 on: June 04, 2023, 02:41:29 pm »

Maatschappelijke Dienst
One issue of society is criminals seeking to decieve the common people, stealing from others and lying to save their own skins. You know, capitalist folks who think money is what matters rather than the people. The Maatschappelijke Dienst was put together to train top tier government detectives for internal protection and solving cases abroad. Their power is above that of local police forces, meant to handle a case to case basis for the good of the people. Where the agents are sent, problems are solved by word, evidence, or deed. Each agent has gone to similar schools as the Circus draws from, receiving similar training, and apprentice under another in the service, acting as pairs during their work. Quality is guaranteed, and their trim black suits and sunglasses let you know they mean business, with their trusted "Nebolshoy" Pistol at their sides.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Design Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #169 on: June 05, 2023, 03:16:32 pm »

Mostly cribbed from

Sak-47 "Ruby" Multirole Jet:
Plane go fast. But what if... plane go faster? What if plane had MORE POWER!?

The Sakonet-47 "Ruby" is the answer. It's the answer to a lot of things, actually. Though optimal at intercepting enemy aircraft, Rubies are also able to attack ground targets, and even act as loitering scouts thanks to a very high endurance.
Moreso a plane built around an engine than a plane with an engine attached, the single G-C turbojet (fed by a scoop intake, powered by a GGPRO-HP) provides extreme thrust, up to speeds which propeller aircraft cannot handle. Indeed, the wings are short and swept, optimised for supersonic performance. Ideally, only takeoff and landing should involve subsonic speeds.
For armament, it has four 23mm autocannons (like its predecessor), as well as a hardpoint on each wing (which can each either mount one large-ish bomb, or two medium-ish bombs).
The radar unit in the nosecone is built with GRADAR techniques, giving greatly enhanced detection ability. The radio likewise has been tuned up with Wave Alloy components- nothing spectacular, but enough to let the pilot stay in contact at longer ranges.
A pressurised cockpit allows the Ruby to fly higher (and faster) than older fighters. Pilot comfort/safety at high acceleration is taken into account with the seating, and there's space to store a snack and a flask of coffee, which is important.
The Sak-47 can stay in the air for a long time, as fuel consumption is obviously relatively modest for its prodigious performance. Indeed, pilot stamina is a greater limiting factor than fuel (hence the refreshments).

(The only significant difference is the use of Wave Alloy in the radar and radio.)

Edit: An alternative take on Tric's thing above- primary difference being the inclusion of GRadio, and less emphasis on extreme quality (in turn allowing for slightly higher quantity).
FIC Field Agent Communications & Training:
The Federal Intelligence Center is a big institution. How big? That's classified information, I'm afraid. How classified? Literally nobody is allowed to know. What's that? No, of course not- we totally could figure out how big it is, we definitely haven't lost track of how many subdivisions and sub-subdivisions are involved.

Anyway. FIC Field Agents are the footsoldiers of our internal security apparatus. These aren't the expert secret agents in charge of infiltrating capitalist regimes, they're more closely related to police officers. The differences between a Field Agent and a regular police officer are primarily that a Field Agent reports directly to the FIC, rather than a local police department (although they can cooperate with local forces as needed), and that they are trained and equipped to a higher standard.
A typical Field Agent is armed with a Nebolshoy pistol, wears a distinctive charcoal uniform with red braiding and elbow pockets (for some reason), obviously has sunglasses, and carries a recently-developed portable GRadio:
Rugged, simple, and easy to make in factories, the GRadio uses the Wave Alloy receiver and transmitter to create the next tier of communications on the field and off. From communicating with your squad, to using it at home to catch radio channels with crystal clear sound, they are standardized and reliable to a fault, able to take some hard bumps, muddy wet conditions, and keep working off a pair of batteries for a long time.
Their training covers a variety of skills, both physical (shooting, grappling, general fitness, driving) and intellectual (federal laws, investigating/interrogating, squad tactics, community interaction (ask questions first, shoot later)). They are not required to be experts in any of these areas, but are expected to be at least more competent than the average local police officer. They are obviously also conditioned to be extremely loyal to the Federation, and compensated well enough to not take too many bribes.
An obvious downside to Field Agents versus local police is quantity- but Field Agents are not required to engage in mundane, day-to-day policing. They are primarily deployed in squads to high-value/high-risk locations (or as escorts for high-value/high-risk individuals), with a few attached to local police departments to act as FIC liasons (and keep an eye out for extreme corruption or modest disloyalty).

-Police, but higher quality, lower quantity.
-Portable GRadios to improve coordination.
-Intended to be passive espionage defence.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 10:12:11 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Design Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #170 on: June 18, 2023, 06:32:11 am »

One man, one vote. More proposals would be nice, but maybe folks will be more inspired if we move things along a bit.
Quote from: Dictatorbox
Sak-47 "Ruby" Multirole Jet: (1) NUKE9.13
FIC Field Agent Communications & Training: (1) NUKE9.13
   -Using Advantage Credit: (1) NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Design Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #171 on: June 18, 2023, 07:25:13 am »

One Man, One Vote, as it should be in the SFS.
Quote from: Dictatorbox
Sak-47 "Ruby" Multirole Jet: (1) NUKE9.13, TricMagic
FIC Field Agent Communications & Training: (1) NUKE9.13 TricMagic
   -Using Advantage Credit: (1) NUKE9.13 TricMagic

Light forger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Design Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #172 on: June 19, 2023, 04:52:08 pm »

Quote from: Dictatorbox
Sak-47 "Ruby" Multirole Jet: (3) NUKE9.13, TricMagic, Lightforger
FIC Field Agent Communications & Training: (3) NUKE9.13 TricMagic, Lightforger
   -Using Advantage Credit: (3) NUKE9.13 TricMagic, Lightforger

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #173 on: July 08, 2023, 08:44:12 pm »

Design Phase

Proposal: Sak-47 "Ruby" Multirole Jet
Difficulty: Easy
Result: (6+5)+1=12, Unexpected Boon

The Sak-47 is the result of a number of puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together, and should answer the question of "what the hell has all this time and money been going toward" with ease (the answer is a supersonic warplane).

While a relatively small step for SFS technologies, the Sakonet-47 is a massive leap in terms of military aviation. The foundation of the aircraft is the Gavrilium-Cerium turbojet engine and GGPRO-HP power supply. Every care was taken to ensure the Sak-47 could operate under the stress and duress a G-C Turbojet could provide without hampering it's capabilities as a multirole aircraft. The aircraft resembles an aluminum dart, with a pointed GRADAR nosecone at the front and wings sweeping toward the rear of the plane. The pilot sits in a raised cockpit with excellent visual range and minimal obstruction from the aircraft itself. The cockpit is pressurized and made for comfort, with each pilot able to modify the density of cushion, seat material, and even color of the instrument panel according to personal tastes.

Pilot comfort is a high priority, as it is human endurance that is the limiting factor for operational uptime of the aircraft. With the incredible fuel efficiency afforded to the Ruby by the G-C Turbojet engine, an aircraft can operate under normal (noncombat) conditions for up to eight hours at a time on a full tank. Some water and a snack of the pilot's preference are restocked before every flight and are stowed away in a compartment next to the pilot. The snack cubby also contains a bar of "pilootchocolade", a product of Volksfeld confectioners and SFS chemists that provides pilots with an ability to stay awake, aware, and alert for the length of their flight, or flights as the situation dictates. It also tastes good*!

The Sakonet-47 has an effective combat range of 4000km and a top speed of 2000km/h. This grants the aircraft impressive interception capabilities with it's four 23mm autocannons, especially when the high resolution GRADAR suite is taken into consideration. The Ruby is also able to operate in ground attack and close air support roles, utilizing a hardpoint under each wing to haul up to 2000kg of ordinance (currently consisting of unguided high explosive bombs). Due to the high operational ceiling and loitering capabilities of the Sak-47, high-resolution cameras are installed in the wings for recon and observation. In order to keep the "heavier" spent fuel from impacting aircraft performance, pilots can dump the Depleted Gasified Gavrilium waste tank through vents in the tail of the Ruby.

As it operates at high speeds, the Sak-47 has a reinforced structure that allows it to stay together under the stresses of extreme maneuvers beyond even what the human body can handle. To reduce the differential between aircraft and pilot tolerances, a "g-suit" has been designed that utilizes water bladders in the legs and lower abdomen to somewhat restrict blood traveling from the upper body (and importantly the brain) and pooling in the legs. This allows pilots to (briefly) endure up to 9Gs. The pilot's helmet has an integrated headset for communications and a glare-resistant visor to reduce the impact of the sun in flight.

Although it can be considered cutting-edge technology, the Sak-47 is surprisingly not very mechanically intensive, making upkeep of the Ruby a relatively inexpensive task.

The Sak-47 is positioned to act as an excellent multirole aircraft capable of day and night operations of all sorts for years to come. The Sakonet-47 "Ruby" costs 5 Ore and 4 Gavrilium, making it (EXPENSIVE). If made (CHEAP), the Sak-47 will completely replace the Sakonet Fighter and make it obsolete. Pilootchocolade is distributed solely to Sak-47 pilots at the current time.

*-May actually just be the mildly addictive amphetamines.

Proposal: FIC Field Agent Communications & Training (uses Advantage Credit)
Difficulty: Normal
Result: 3+1 5+2=7, Average

Security in South Harren is very obviously nowhere near as intensive as the security in place in North Harren, but that is likely because UNSA lacks subtlety. Instead of overtly militarizing an entire half of the city, the SFS has begun training and deployment of Federal Intelligence Center agents. These field agents embed themselves in local law enforcement agencies when not operating on their own, and use their weapons and training to detect, deter, and detain foreign agents or operations.

Field agents can be seen at every entrance into South Harren, near important facilities and people, and occasionally patrolling the streets. They are easily identified by they charcoal uniforms, highlighted with red braiding, their near-ubiquitous use of shades, and the Nebolshoy they keep on them at all times. There's also the GRadios clipped to the shoulder, which are probably a larger (figuratively) giveaway.

The Gradio is a fist-sized device with both a speaker and a microphone for receiving and sending communications to other devices on the same frequency. They're compatible with current radio infrastructure and offer clearer communications at longer ranges than a standard radio. The casing for the Gradio is very sturdy, capable of dealing with the wear and tear a field agent is expected to run into (perhaps literally). Gradio batteries are expected to provide power for 8-10 hours of use, with a backup battery pack provided just in case an agent is on duty for an extended period of time.

FIC Field Agents are trained in close-quarters combat, and expected to maintain proficiency with their sidearm as well as a level of physical fitness above that of the standard law enforcement officer. Various communicative skills are also emphasized in training, as well as at least a proficient understanding of federal law. Field Agents are also trained to work solo and as teams as situations dictate, making them fairly flexible when it comes to responding to enemy activity.

FIC Field Agents are considered (EXPENSIVE) but with no associated cost themselves. This represents their ability to only deploy in Harren City. However, they are not considered (NATIONAL EFFORTS). This is to represent the fact that work can be done to increase the number of Field Agents available and give them the ability to deploy to Old World nations if necessary or desired.

Using or adding a Gradio to a design will add a small Ore and Gavrilium cost.


It is now the Revision Phase. You have two actions to work with.

After some consideration, a change has been made to the Midgame Strategy Phase. Instead of one New World and two Old World actions, you will be receiving one New World action, one Old World action, and one "wildcard" that you can apply to either the New or Old World. You will be reminded of this change in the Strategy Phase.

Spoiler: SFS Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Resources (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Resource Nodes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Harren PoIs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Credits (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: World Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Islands Map (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #174 on: July 09, 2023, 02:50:10 pm »

GITGUD is not gud. Make gudder:
The GITGUD project was a little bit rushed. The prototypes caught fire, but even the first production models suffer from rather bulky electronics. Now that we've got the basics down, it's time to refine.
There are two main improvements in the v11. First, most obviously, size. Evaluators can be made smaller without sacrificing performance, and we can even have several evaluators encased in a single waffle, saving even more space. Combined with efforts to rearrange the internals to cut down on empty space, the v11 is noticeably smaller than the original (ordinary briefcase rather than oversized).
Second, encryption. The key insight here is that... a GITGUD is not human. We're using letters, because those make the most sense to humans. But GITGUD's electronics actually fundamentally work using binary states- off/on. Those off/on states combined create a letter, but they can be manipulated individually. We don't need to shift letters up and down the alphabet, we can shift the 'bits' the letters are made of. So, the GITGUD.v11 (11 is 'binary' for 3, you see) treats an entire message as numerical, expressed in binary. It breaks the binary number up into 'blocks' of 16 bits each, which is actually two letters and a fraction of a third (each letter is 6 bits, allowing for the full alphabet, 0-9, some punctuation, and some spare unassigned characters). Fractional letters! Let's see a human cryptologist wrap their head around that. Anyway, the first block is encrypted using a 16-bit key entered by the user (using switches). The second block is encrypted using the first block (prior to its encryption) as the key. The third block uses the second block, and so on. The message is sent block by block in binary form, which appears to be meaningless static to anyone without a GITGUD.v11-R. And even if translated into characters, the message is scrambled in a way that transcends simple substitution ciphers.
Trust me, it's amazing. Way harder to crack than Vigenere- and yet not much harder for an electronic device to encode. It's all down to that change in mindset, from using the GITGUD to replicate a human cryptographer, to using the unique mechanisms to operate in an unintuitive manner.
I dunno if I understood this correctly, but I'm banking on MoP, like me, skimming over that article until his eyes glaze over, and saying to himself "yeah sure that probably works".

E: Made a few corrections and tweaks.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2023, 04:43:39 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #175 on: July 10, 2023, 08:48:38 am »

National Operations, Innovation, and Tactical Academy

NOITA is a school devised to expand upon the abilities and number of FIC Field Agents we have, dedicated to improving the ability to work with and within foreign nations. People are taught innovative* ways of thinking to help improve their ability to solve crimes as well as put through a dedicated training program that encourages the use of terrain and their surroundings during operations. The resulting Agents are able to operate just about anywhere they need to, dress appropriately and gather information, put together profiles of target groups, and quickly adapt to deal with different situations and cultures. Some will go to work within our own nation and Harren City, while others will go on to other nations to help** with their problems.

*Innovation includes training to analyze criminal patterns and social groups.
**Help may include subtly subverting others to support helping people and sharing resources freely among them.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2023, 08:16:35 am by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #176 on: July 12, 2023, 08:40:52 am »

A simpler Field Agent extension. Key difference is that NOITA has a focus on undercover operations, which I feel is outside of Field Agent scope (we have regular spies for that, Field Agents are more defensive).
Federal Assistance in Foreign Affairs Field Agents
FIC Field Agents are well suited to providing internal security in the most vulnerable parts of the Federation. However, what about external security? Allied, potentially allied, and not-yet-enemy nations sometimes have problems that their own internal security forces cannot handle, and would appreciate SFS assistance. Thus, the FAFAFA program.
While similar to regular FIC Field Agents, FAFA Field Agents (also known simply as Foreign Field Agents, by those who think the official name sounds silly) are a separate branch with their own funding (so as not to take away from regular Field Agent numbers). They receive mostly the same training and equipment, except that their Federal Law training is cut in favour of 'adapting to foreign cultures' training (eg, the ability to react as if local delicacies are delicious regardless of actual flavour) and language classes (they must learn at least one foreign language, and demonstrate an ability to quickly learn the basics of more if required).
FAFA Field Agents will generally cooperate with local security services, though they ultimately answer to an SFS ambassador or a more senior FIC agent. They primarily offer well-trained, well-equipped assistance to bolster conventional security efforts, but can also offer fresh perspectives, or intimidate opponents just by their presence (which implies the powerful backing of the SFS). Additionally, they can help our direct efforts, such as by providing security for ambassadors/other representatives/valuable shipments/whatever. And while they are not spies, they can be roped in to provide actual spies with backup.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #177 on: July 12, 2023, 08:44:53 am »

Rubber stamps the NUKE's proposals.
Quote from: Nukebox
GITGUD.v11: (1) TricMagic
NOITA: (1) TricMagic

On second thought, don't think this is what it needs..
« Last Edit: August 02, 2023, 07:40:08 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #178 on: August 04, 2023, 01:06:16 am »

Quote from: Votebox
GITGUD.v11: (2) TricMagic, NUKE9.13
NOITA: (2) TricMagic, NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!

Light forger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAR: SFS Thread // Revision Phase // Warm Seasons 1947
« Reply #179 on: September 22, 2023, 09:34:07 am »

Quote from: Votebox
GITGUD.v11: (3) TricMagic, NUKE9.13, Lightforger
NOITA: (3) TricMagic, NUKE9.13, Lightforger
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